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I would like to give you some knowledge on how to answer HR questions

First and foremost advice, know yourself in terms of knowledge and company’s requirement, this will
give you a picture whether you are suitable to be a select in a company

Prepare well for an interview, this will give you confidence to perform well. Don’t attend interview
without preparation

Most of the students try to copycat others in ideas, answers or behavior this is a big mistake which a
student make

Especially don’t copy strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, goals, answers, projects etc.., of others

Finally I want to say you one thing the information that I’m sharing is to give you knowledge of how
interview questions will be, just understand a question relate to yourself and answer

Keep one thing in mind why interviewer is asking a question and what is the moto behind it

Let us see some interview questions

1. Tell me something about you

2. What are your strengths
3. What are your weaknesses
4. What is your hobby
5. Why should I hire you
6. Tell me something about company
7. Are you a good team member, justify
8. Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years
9. Do you have any questions
10. Are you flexible to any role and work place

1. Tell me something about you

This is an introductory question where employer is looking at your confidence and
communication skills, you can say your name, your place, educational accomplishments,
hobbies, what kind of a person you are and how you are a fit for the job. Or you speak
something you want remember he is Just looking at your confidence and communication skills
but here as you are going for a job Speak some thing related, speak for 30 to 40 seconds.

2. What are your strengths

This is the question that you have to concentrate on, strength is nothing but you are extremely
good in some thing.
To different situations
To people around
Learning new technologies
Place and environment etc.,
Here you should not copy someone you should understand yourself and express something that
you are good at and useful to the company. If you can say your strength as a story with the
experiences you had that would be excellent.

3. What are your weaknesses

Most of the people bogs out to this question, employer is trying to test how much are you
aware of yourself and how keen are you in improving that weakness or how can you actually
handle this question
I have trouble saying no to people
Lagging in some thing
Nervous in front of people etc.,
Please be sincere for this question, but don’t tell something which dents your opportunity.

4. What is your hobby

Can be a general or technical hobby
Hobby is something that you like to do and is very much interested in
Doing some technical projects
Knowing new technologies etc.,
There is a saying that someone can really understand what is your personality by the way you
conduct yourself in your hobby. Employer may ask some questions and go into the details of
your hobby. Please don’t say one line answers please elaborate.

5. Why should I hire you

Try to show your willingness and enthusiasm to work in company, tell you have a good attitude
to learn and do hard work. If necessary you have to tell a benefit that the company gets by
hiring you. Or employer wants to know how much you are interested in job and what is the
knowledge you have about the job. Can expect some questions from the employer like
What do you know about my company
How can you contribute to the company’s success
How good are you in justifying the job responsibilities
What are the different technologies you know etc.,

6. Tell me something about the company

This question is asked to know whether you like the company and what knowledge you have in
company’s work, company’s products, job profile, etc.,
This question is asked to scrutinize are you really interested in working with the company

7. Are you a good team member justify

As you are going to work in a team tomorrow, employer would like to know how you can be in a
team. He may ask some questions where you have involved yourself as a team member, what
are your contributions, any bitter experience how did you handle, what is important in a team,
any suggestions you made, any failures you had how did you come out.
You should know what is a team, what is involved in a team, why team is important, how team
work contributes to the success of a company
Tell me an example where you contributed as a team member
How good are you in a team
What are the events you organized in your college etc.,

8. Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years

This question is to know what are your plans ahead, are you really specific in your approach
towards employment and career, are you aware how it works out in a company and team, what
skills you need to possess, do you have a specific plan to reach your goal.

9. Do you have any questions

You can ask some questions like
How would be the environment for fresher here
Do I have chance to go abroad
I have known things about the company as I told you earlier, anything else that company does
You should not ask some questions like
Is there any pick n drop facility
How many working days in a week

10. Are you flexible to any role and work place

As an employer I want someone who is willing to be flexible to different roles in company which
helps employer as well as candidate, so be ready to be flexible
As a fresher you should be open to any work place

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