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Engineering Standard


Sewage Treatment
(Septic Tanks with Leach Fields)

Schedule Y

Controlled Document No. : Custodian : TED/1

Originated by : Verified by : Approved by : Revision & Date :
TED/1 TED,TES,TEP TEN,TEN/1 Rev 01, 01/98

Reason for Revision : Update to new format

Sewage Treatment Plants (septic tanks with leach fields) Sch-Y
Rev 000


1.0 Scope and Definition

2.0 General
3.0 Design
4.0 Testing

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Sewage Treatment Plants (septic tanks with leach fields) Sch-Y
Rev 000

1.0 Scope and Definitions

1.1 This specification defines the minimum requirements for the design,
manufacture, testing, delivery and installation of septic tanks with
leach fields for sewage disposal for onshore production facilities.

1.2 This specification is only valid for small onshore production facilities
with limited number of personal at location. In case the facilities are
continuously manned with over 10 persons, a more rigorous bio-
treatment system is required.

1.3 Within these specification the following definitions shall apply:

COMPANY : Al Furat Petroleum Company or a designated

Engineering/ Constructor performing works on
behalf of Al Furat Petroleum Company.

CONTRACTOR : The contractor, Vendor, or Manufacturer

selected by COMPANY to perform the work or
provide equipment and services as described in
this specification.

INSPECTOR : The individual(s) designated by COMPANY to

act on Company’s behalf for all matters relating
to Quality Control, Testing, and Acceptances of
the work described in this specification.

2.0 General

2.1 Treatment of sanitary waste will be accomplished by septic tanks

followed by a leaching field.

2.2 No other contaminated stream should leave the plant without

treatment by a waste treatment system.

2.3 The sewage treatment plant shall meet and satisfy all applicable local
codes and/or laws.

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Sewage Treatment Plants (septic tanks with leach fields) Sch-Y
Rev 000

3.0 Design

3.1 Piping

3.1.1 The septic system shall be designed on the basis of a

minimum of 190 liters per person per day.
3.1.2 The sanitary sewer lines shall be designed for a minimum
velocity of 0.9 m/s and a maximum velocity of 2.1 m/s.
3.1.3 The sewer lines shall have a minimum size of 4 inches in
3.1.4 The sewer pipe, inside and outside, shall have a minimum
slope of 2%. ( 0.02 m/m of length)
3.1.5 The sanitary sewer lines should be routed so that they don’t
cross potable water lines.
3.1.6 Cast iron sewer pipe shall be used inside buildings and shall
extend at least 1 meter past outer face of the building wall.
Vitrified clay tile or PVC lines shall be used from the
building to the septic tank and from the septic tank to the
leaching field. Lines into the leaching field shall be open joint
tile or perforated PVC pipe. All vent piping shall be of heavy-
duty PVC pipe and fittings.
3.1.7 Clean-out connections shall be located at intervals of 90
meter of straight run pipe and at locations where the line
changes direction with an angle of 45o or greater.
3.1.8 A brass screw clean-out plug shall be provided at each
change of pipe direction inside the building. The plug shall be
equipped with ‘wye’ fittings and 45o flush fittings to floor and

3.2 Septic Tank

3.2.1 The septic tank shall have a minimum holding capacity

equivalent to 190 liter per person or 1135 liter whichever is
the greater.
3.2.2 The septic tank shall be constructed of concrete and shall
have a length/width ratio of 2. A minimum fluid level of 0.9
meter with a minimum air space of 0.3 meter. The minimum
wall thickness shall be 6” for the walls and floor and 4” for
the top. Each compartment of the septic tank shall have a
minimum manhole of 18” equipped with cover.
3.2.3 Commercial septic tanks are allowed. However,
CONTRACTOR shall guarantee in writing the load capacity
of the tank.

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Sewage Treatment Plants (septic tanks with leach fields) Sch-Y
Rev 000

3.3 Leaching Fields

3.3.1 A test pit should be dug to determine the relative absorption

of the soil in the drain field. The test pit should be
approximately 0.5 meter deep and filled with 0.15 meter
water. The time measured to drain the water shall be
recorded. The relative absorption is considered rapid if the
0.15-meter of water drains within 5 minutes, medium ifs
drained between 5 and 15 minutes, and slow in case the drain
time is over 15 minutes.
3.3.2 The drain lines shall be designed in accordance with this test.
A minimum length of 0.05 meter (5 centimeter) of 4” drain
pipe per liter per day for rapid absorption, while a minimum
length of 0.075 meter (7.5 centimeter) of 4” drain pipe per
liter per day is required for medium and slow absorption.
3.3.3 The drain lines shall be bedded in clean grade crushed stone
ranging in size from ½ till 2 ½ inches as per ASTM
specification D-693-77. The top of the stone shall be covered
with untreated building paper and a 0.05 meter layer of straw
or equivalent material to prevent clogging of the stone due to
earth back fill. The drain pie shall be located with the
perforations to the bottom.
3.3.4 In case the drain lines are installed in parallel. Then a
minimum distance of 3-meter center to center shall be
adhered to.
3.3.5 The pipe shall be laid and fitted together so that the sewer
system has a smooth and uniform gradient. The pipe shall be
kept thoroughly clean to ensure water thigh joints. Jointing
shall be done with standard solvent cement compound.

3.4 Testing

3.4.1 All piping shall be cleaned prior testing.

3.4.2 The sewer lines shall be hydro-statically tested with a test
pressure equivalent to a water head of 1.25 meter for a one-
hour period prior back filling. No leakage is allowed in the
lines upstream the drain field. Sections requiring repair shall
be re-tested

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