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~a-rfOTcp ~1-fflT / ACADEMIC SECTION

No.IIT/Acad/ (UG)/H-III/2024
Date: April 2, 2024
Sub Switching over of students from 4-Year B. Tech. (Hons) to the Dual Degree Program and
BS/MS in Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Applications.
Ref: Senate Resolution No 350.H.I.C.6 dt. 19.01.2024.
1. In view of Senate resolutions, options are invited from the interested B.Tech (Hons.)
students of 3rd Year (6th Semester) to submit consent for switching over from 4-Year B.
Tech. (Hons) to the Dual Degree program and BS/MS in Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning and Application (one way and not the reverse) effective from the
session 2024-2025.
A student must have secured CGPA of 6.00 or above at the end of the 6th Semester.
ii. There shouldn't be any backlog upto the previous semester, including the results of the
6th semester.
iii. Students must have registered the subject Machine Learning foundations and
applications (AI42001) as breadth course by their 6th semester.
2. The Rules and Regulations for such migration/switching into the Dual Degree
program and BS/MS in Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Applications, Including
the grant of assistantship, etc. will be applicable as per practice and norms observed
for the present Dual Degree students/programme.
Selection Criteria:
As per the Senate Resolution No. 350.H.I.C.6 in respect of 300th meeting of UGPEC,
existing department wise quota is to be retained. If any seat remains vacant after the
stipulated deadline, all those seats are to be filled based on the CGPA of the applicants
irrespective of their department.
Accordingly all interested students are advised to submit their options online through
the ERP system of the Institute at on or before 30th April 2024.
Please note that application though ERP will be considered as final. The link to be
followed: "Academic> UG> Switch over (Inter Disciplinary)".

The allocation of Dual Degree course/programme as decided by the authority will be final
and binding on the students, exercising the option.

Deputy Reglstrar(Acabemic)
All the Heads of the participating departments-with a request to kindly arrange to display on
the Notice board
Copy to:
1. Dean(FoE&A)
2. Dean(Students' Affairs)
3. Dean(FoS) \)0 r~ ~'~" J .

4. Dean(ID&BTBS) ~iJ.Y U ""_.Y )'(_!)\,r ~ ~

5. Chairman, ERP G--6C"r).)~ Q 1-'),$' ~t)g1
,Ji..--ehairm.3I'("HMC ~. rN::----
7. PIC- Institute Information Cell-with a request to publish in APNA ~
8. All Wardens, Hall of Residences
9. Secretary, Deputy Directors' Office

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No.IITIAcadl (UG)/H-111/2024
Date: April 2, 2024

Sub: Option for Switch Over to Dual Degree Programs of Engineering

Entrepreneurship IFinancial Engineering! Petroleum Engineering.

As approved by the Senate the students admitted to the 4-year B. Tech.(H), 5-year Dual
Degree through Joint Entrance Examination(Advanced) -2022 in the session 2022-2023 may
opt for the Dual Degree Programs of Engineering Entrepreneurship I Financial Engineering
from the Session 2024-2025 as per rule

The students also admitted to the 4-year B. Tech.(H), 5-year Dual Degree program in
Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering and 4yr BS. in Applied'
Geology I Exploration Geophysics through Joint Entrance Examination(Advanced) -2022 in the
session 2022-2023 may opt for Petroleum Engineering from the Session 2024-2025 as per

The interested students may submit their options online through the ERP system of the
institute at The link to be followed:
a) Academic ->UG->Switch over (Interdisciplinary) and
b) Academic ·>UG·>Switch over to Petroleum Engineering

The students should submit their options online on or before 30th April, 2024.
Applying through ERP will be considered as final.

Change of specialization to the above Dual Degree Programs shall be declared at

appropriate time and will be notified through ERP. Once a change is granted, it shall
be binding on a student to accept the same.



Copy to:
1. Dean(FoE&A)
2. Dean(Students' Affairs) . I e.-«:
3. Dean(FoS) n ~11,.Y "
4. Dean(ID&BTBS) . ,,\~ fVl ?9 ~ j.
5. Chairman, ERP a"1uf'~ ~~ QW4.t\ ~
X-Chair~MC . )1 q" 1 ~ C :;----
7. PIC- Institute Information Cell-with a request to publish in APNA
8. All Wardens, Hall of Residences
9. Secretary, Deputy Directors' Office
~I~cflq mcmffl<61 ~ '{g,?lg~
~arfUrq;" ~'l-f11T / ACADEMIC SECTION

Date: April 2, 2024
Sub: Switching over of students from 4- Year B. Tech. (Hons)/BS to the Dual Degree/MS
Programme and option of Dual Degree students of 3,dYear for any of the M. Tech/MS.
specializations in the same Department - confirmation and intimation from the students.

1. Applications are invited from the interested students of 3rd Year (6th Semester) to submit
their consent effective from the session 2024 -2025 for the following

a) To switch over from 4-Year B. Tech.(Hons .)/BS to the existing Dual Degree/MS
programme (one way and not the reverse) in the same Departmen.t;

b) To opt for any of the M.Tech/MS specializations in the same Department for the 3rd
Year Dual Degree/MS student.

i. A student must have secured CGPA of 6.00 or above at the end of the 6th
ii. There should not be any backlog up to the previous semester, including the results
of the 6th semester.

2. All the 3rd year Dual Degree students of the Departments of AG, CE, EE, EC and ME
are to opt PG specialization in the same Department.
3. BS students of Mathematics and Computing can switchover to any of the MS
specialization of their department.

4. The Rules and Regulations for such migration/switching into the Dual Degree programme,
including the grant of assistantship, etc. will be applicable as per practice and norms
observed for the present Dual Degree students/programme.

Accordingly all interested students are advised to submit their options online through the
ERP system of the Institute at on or before 30th April 2024. It may be noted
that applying though ERP will be considered as final.
The allocation of Dual Degree course/programme as decided by the authority will be
final and binding on the students, exercising the option.


Copy to:
1. Dean(FoE&A)
2. Dean(Students' Affairs)
3. Dean(FoS)
4. Dean(ID&BTBS)
5. Chairman, ERP
7. PIC- Institute Information Cell-with i3 request to publish in APNA
8. All Wardens, Hall of Residences
9. Secretary, Deputy Directors' Office

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