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30 ASA Monitor  April 2023

Committee News

4 Things Every General Anesthesiologist Should

Know About Critical Care Medicine
John C. Klick, MD, FCCP, FASE, FCCM Linda W. Young, MD, MS

essons learned from the ICU The ARDSNet trial in 2000 demonstrated results of a recent systematic review do not John C. Klick, MD, FCCP, FASE,
translate directly into anesthetic that use of tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg pre- demonstrate a clear effect of tidal volume,
ASA Committee on Critical Care
care of critically ill patients in dicted body weight and a plateau pressure higher versus lower PEEP, or recruitment Medicine, Associate Professor,
the OR and NORA locations. under 30 cmH20 versus 12 mL/kg resulted maneuvers on postoperative pulmonary Division Chief, Critical Care
Critically ill patients presenting to the complications, mortality, or length of stay Medicine, Department of
Anesthesiology, and Co-Director,
OR are at high risk and present with is- (Anesth Analg 2022;135:971-85). The ben- Surgical ICU, University of Vermont

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sues that require adaptation in how we efits of these strategies seem to be relegated

Medical Center, Larner College of
administer anesthesia. Vigilance and op- Critically ill patients to those patients who clearly meet the cri- Medicine, Burlington, Vermont.

timization of care during the periopera- teria for ARDS.

tive period can prevent further insult to presenting to the OR Linda W. Young, MD, MS
ASA Committee on Critical Care
the physiological processes and result in Sepsis and septic shock
better outcomes.
are at high risk and Treatment of sepsis and septic shock
Medicine, Vice Chair, Department
of Anesthesiology, Director of
Quality, and Medical Residency
present with issues may need to begin in the OR. Surgeries Clerkship Director, Meritus
AKI are often performed for source control Medical Center, Hagerstown,
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined that require adaptation of sepsis, putting the anesthesiologist Maryland.

as a rise in serum creatinine 1.5-1.9 in the position of immediately taking

times the baseline, or greater than .3 in how we administer care of these critically ill patients. The
mg/dl. It is a clinical diagnosis. AKI Surviving Sepsis Campaign provides a
causes can be cardiorenal, nephrotoxic,
anesthesia. Vigilance guideline for dealing with the manage- events at 90 days compared to stan-
sepsis-­associated, hepatorenal, and ob- and optimization of ment of such patients (Crit Care Med dard high-volume fluid resuscitation.
structive. The multinational AKI-EPI 2021;49:e1063-e1143). The guidelines This calls into question the aggressive
study revealed the incidence in the first care during the advocate for giving 30 mL/kg of balanced early fluid resuscitation indicated by the
week post-ICU admission was 52% after crystalloid over the first three hours of Surviving Sepsis Guidelines and places
scheduled surgery and increased to 56% perioperative period resuscitation, prompt initiation of intra- a premium on careful assessment of in-
after emergency surgery. AKI causes may venous norepinephrine, even without a travascular volume status (N Engl J Med
be multifactorial, requiring different
can prevent further central line, and prompt administration 2022;386:2459-70).
types of treatment modalities. For exam- insult to the of antibiotics. Use of I.V. vitamin C is
ple, if nephrotoxic injury has occurred, discouraged, and use of corticosteroids is Type of I.V. fluid
the use of diuretics and I.V. fluids may physiological processes only suggested when there is an ongoing The type of intravenous fluid we administer
be damaging and counterproductive, need for vasopressors. may impact outcomes. In a heterogenous
whereas a patient with decompensated and result in better There is a growing appreciation of sampling of critically ill patients, albumin

heart failure may benefit from the use the dangers of overaggressive fluid re- has been shown to offer no benefit over
of diuretics. Fluid resuscitation in sep-
outcomes. suscitation as well as an appreciation of crystalloids. Hydroxyethyl starch has been
tic shock, when provided in a timely the types of fluids we give. Historically, shown to increase the risk of acute kidney
manner, may be beneficial. Maintaining septic shock has been treated with ag- injury, and possibly death. A 0.9% saline
hemodynamic stability throughout the in significantly lower mortality and fewer gressive fluid resuscitation. Potential can induce hyperchloremic metabolic aci-
perioperative period and identification days on a ventilator in patients with risks include worsening of kidney injury, dosis in large volumes and may increase
of factors that may lead to AKI can re- ARDS (N Engl J Med 2000;342:1301-8). respiratory failure, and tissue edema. the risk of acute kidney injury. Balanced
duce its occurrence (Intensive Care Med There has been much enthusiasm about Meyhoff et al. demonstrated that re- salt solutions, with a chloride concentra-
2015;41:1411-23). translating these results into routine an- striction of I.V. fluids did not result tion closer to that of plasma, have seen
esthetic practice in the OR. However, the in any fewer deaths or serious adverse increased usage as a result. While the data
Lung-protective is not definitive, it
ventilation seems that balanced
The concept of crystalloids may
lung-protective potentially reduce
ventilation has long mortality in the
been a hot issue in critically ill (NEJM
critical care. The Evid 2022;1).
concept is that we Attention to
as physicians have these lessons learned
the potential to ex- from our ICUs can
acerbate injury to clearly help us take
already damaged better care of our
lungs through im- critically ill patients
proper and injurious when they require
ventilator settings. anesthetic care. 

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