RFP_Worldwide Digital_Transformation

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Request for Proposal – Digitalization of Worldwide



1. Background…………………………………………………………………….. 4

2. Need for Digital Transformation……………………………………................ 5

3. Details of Request For Proposal………………………………………… …… 6

4. Contents of Proposal ………………………………………………………….. 10



Worldwide Group is an engineering company providing solutions in the areas of fuel and
environment. We are headquartered in Delhi, India and operate globally reaching clients in 86
countries, supported by 27 international offices. Our challenge is to continually expand and
define new markets by expanding the frontiers of research and engineering and customer
applications in our chosen field of business.

Worldwide’ s systems, products and services help industry achieve better resource productivity,
and improve bottom lines while maintaining a clean environment. Its portfolio includes
products for heating, cooling, and specialty chemicals. Worldwide designs, builds and
commissions large machines for power generation & turnkey plants, it also provide
solutions for water treatment plants, heat recovery systems and pollution control projects.

Worldwide is committed to ‘Conserving Resources For the Future', two areas vital for
the world. We support industry and business establishments to be energy efficient and
environment-friendly. Worldwide secured many green orders, with a continued focus on service
orientation and digitalisation; helping Worldwide customers enhance energy efficiency, ensure
high plant reliability and adopt best practices on cost and resource optimization.

Worldwide believes in nurturing a human organisation which understands the paradox that the
total organisation is more important than the individual but this does not make the individual
less important. We live by high value of integrity and excellence in management. Our
commitment is to create an organization, which nurtures the talent and enterprise of our
people, helping them to grow and find fulfilment, in an open culture.

Worldwide is betting on technology to provide solutions to problems arising from urbanization,

such as air and water pollution. The company sees coal continuing to be used as a fuel in some
countries and is offering solutions to reduce its environmental harm. The maker of electricity-
generation and pollution-control equipment is now focused on options for growth and will
consider mergers and acquisitions, technological arrangements and geographic partnerships that
are small and easy to digest.


While the existing IT infrastructure and systems have served Worldwide adequately,
Worldwide realizes that digital technology and business models are changing the enterprise
landscape. To retain its leadership position, Worldwide intends to build distinctive digital
capabilities to ensure its short and long-term enterprise viability.

In order to achieve and sustain the ambitious growth plans, it is imperative that Worldwide
develops a digital transformation plan across the dimensions of business & operational
processes, people and information technology aimed at clearly defining a scalable,
flexible and efficient operating model while simultaneously managing risks and meeting
security and compliance requirements. The main objective behind this transformation is
to make the business operations easy, paperless and save costs in the long term.


Worldwide believes that digital transformation needs participation of the entire enterprise,
as success hinges on such a digital undertaking being a cross functional, enterprise-wide
undertaking. Hence Worldwide has defined following Focus areas for Digital Transformation :

i) Project Road Map

Design of the Overall digital landscape and plan for the transformation journey over a 3 to
5 year period as is deemed fit post analysis.

ii) Project Management Structure and Governance

The most appropriate structure for setting up the Transformation/Project Management

Office and best possible ways of governing the same until the end of the transformation. Set
up a PMO office for an initial period to kick-start the activities. The duration needs to be
decided by the vendor (not exceeding 3 months from start of roadmap

iii) Managing Interdependencies

Lots of interdependencies prevail within the existing structure. The changes to come
should be such that they don’t intervene the current dependencies (even if they do, what can
be the possible solutions).

iv) Risks involved and mitigating those risks

The bigger the transformation, greater are the risks. Coming up with a solution
which involves minimum risks and ways to handle the unavoidable risks in the process.

v) Drive change

Such transformation will need certain changes in the way things work currently. We need
to ensure that the change is well propagated down the enterprise and effective
communication practices need to be documented and put in place.

vi) Effect of the change on the prevailing culture

Worldwide has fostered an independent nature of running the businesses. Also, the Heavy
Engineering field has till date been more a people and paper-based business model, with
experienced professionals manning the show for multiple decades. We need to come up
with a solution which will be compatible with or at least be balanced between this culture
and change. Adequate mechanisms for training and process changes should be put
in place as part of the road map.

vii) Minimizing Expenditure and Simplified Architecture

To avoid budget overruns and predict/control/manage events that may cause a negative
impact to the enterprise. Keeping the project architecture as simple as possible.

viii) Short listing products based on roadmap

As part of the roadmap exercise, a list of capabilities that needs to be implemented

is bound to emerge. The exercise should also help Worldwide to shortlist the best
suitable products (as per capability, product vision, delivery) for each of the selected

ix) High Level Business case

The exercise should also lay down clearly the areas of benefit that can be envisaged
through implementation of each of the technologies, as well as a high-level calculation of
the benefits that will be achieved by Worldwide on the basis of the current ways
of operations. The vendor will also be expected to help Worldwide in getting the buy-in on
the overall as well as Business Unit specific initiatives which will be proposed in
the roadmap.

x) ERP functional Evaluation

This evaluation will be an add-on to the basic road map detailing the 9 points mentioned
above. Keeping in mind the Digital Transformation for the organisation, the current ERP
landscape needs to be re-evaluated from the perspective of

a) Completeness
b) Sufficiency

c) Technological Advancement

The organisation needs an evaluation on the following:

a) Whether the current situation of multiple ERPs is acceptable going into the future.
b) Whether any one of the current ERPs is capable of transforming itself to meet the
three requirements mentioned above.
c) If a new 3rd ERP is needed to cater to the above requirements.

xi) Innovate for Business Growth

Challenge traditional methods of business by implementing the latest technologies to their

maximum extent.

xii) Best practices for sustenance

Analysing the existing best practices at other enterprises (within or outside the industry) and
coming up with best possible practices so as to sustain the change and transformation
Worldwide is going to go through

Worldwide intends to carry out the Digital Transformation in 2 separate phases.

Phase Focus Remarks

Assessment, Gap Analysis, Strategy
Phase 1a This RfP
Setting up Project Management Office to kick start the
Phase 1b This RfP

Implementation - To-Be Operational Model (as per the

Phase 2 Future RfP
findings of Phase1)

This RFP pertains exclusively to Phase1 as listed above.


The following is an indicative schedule for the main milestones associated with this tender:

Milestone Completion Date

RFP Issued 27th October 2022
Introduction to the RFP by Worldwide and Q&A with
4th November 2022
Final Submission of Questions to Worldwide 10th November 2022
Worldwide’s Response to Questions 15th November 2022
RFP Responses Due 9 PM, 16th December 2022
Presentations 17th December 2022
Negotiation and Finalise Contract 1st Jan 2023
Contract Signature / Effective Date 15th Jan 2023

The current application landscape (not exhaustive) is as follows:

1) Oracle and Infor ERPs

Current two ERPs are used in different businesses at Worldwide.

2) PLM
One of the divisions uses PLM for complete, end to end project management. All the related
activities such as drawing generations, requirement settings are carried out through PLM. It
will help in the automation of product areas which includes the product portfolio, parts
catalogue and design structure.

3) MES
One Plant uses Manufacturing Execution System to ensure effective execution of the
manufacturing operations and improve production output. It connects monitors and controls,
complex manufacturing systems and data flows on the shop floor. It helps to track and
document the transformation of raw material to finished goods.
4) Engineering Design
Multiple platforms being used by different departments including AutoCAD and

5) CRM
SalesForce has been implemented for some Business Units for managing the business
activities related to various products and services at Worldwide. Another CRM also exists from
Infor. There is tight integration between CRM and ERP systems.

6) Infrastructure and Datacentre

Worldwide utilizes the in-house datacentre alongside local servers located at all the
major locations of the enterprise. We also have a Disaster Recovery (DR). We also use
standard cloud services like AWS, Microsoft, Google etc. We also have a thin client/Citrix
for remote locations for securely accessing the in-house applications.

7) Point Solutions
The in-house IT team has come up with number of point solutions over the years as and when
needed by the different businesses. Point solutions are mainly on web and mobile apps

8) A comprehensive IoT-based digital platform for customers to fulfil their product and service

Augmented Reality (AR) is recognized as one of the leading technologies of the 21st century
and one of the pillars of the new industrial revolution envisaged by Industry 4.0. Worldwide is
considering to include AR in its portfolio as well.


An Integrated Overarching and Comprehensive Digital Strategy Roadmap for the

Organization to enable it to move to the next level of Digital technology adoption that will
enable it to leapfrog over its competitors in terms of both products, services and new
business models and provide its customers with an all-round compelling and satisfying

This document will provide an integrated roadmap based on the sub-component Strategy
documents developed for each individual area of focus, as below:
 IT Operating Model Strategy,
 Digital Strategy,
 Risk & Compliance Strategy,
 BCP Strategy,
 Competency Strategy,
 Hardware Strategy,
 Network Strategy,
 Outsourcing Strategy,
 Cybersecurity Strategy,
 Data Strategy documents,
 Application Development Strategy,
 Data Analytics Strategy,
 Digital Channels Strategy,
 RPA Strategy documents.

The Digital Strategy Roadmap document is expected to have a separate section on:

i Whether the suggested Strategy has been adopted by other organizations (national or
international) and how it has benefitted them with increased efficiency, cost
optimization and helped them meet short-term as well as long-term goals.
ii Cost Effective alternate solutions as part of the Strategy Document.
iii Detailed structure of the Project Management Team and best ways of governing the
suggested architecture.

iv Shortlist of Organizations with the requisite resources and capabilities to be considered
as implementation partners for the suggested model.
v Industry best practices. Few examples of latest technology / innovations adopted
by other organizations across the globe must be provided .


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