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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the degree of
V.ANxxx- B21CExxx
M.Sxxxxx- B20xxxx
G.SxxxI -B20CExxx
CxxxxxEL -B20Cxxxx

Under the esteemed guidance of





This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “ RIVER INTERLINKING

SYSTEM AND SUITABILITY OF SOIL ” is the work done by V.Axxx-
ANGEL – B2xxxx6 under graduate students of Department of civil engineering ,
Kxxxx institute of technology and science,xxxx in the partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of degree in bachelor of technology under my supervision
and guidance during the academic year 2022-2023

Seminar Guide Seminar Coordinators

Sri.Ch.Sxxxx Dr.MB.Suxxxx Assisstant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, Sri.Rajashekar

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………… 3
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………..
1.1 General
1.2 Keywords
2.1 Proposed River Interlinks in India 02
2.2 Ken-Betwa Interlinking Project 04
2.3 Outcomes of Ken-Betwa Project 07
3.1 Compaction test 09
3.2 permeability test
3.3 California Bearing Ratio test
4.1 Summary 11
4.2 Conclusions 12
India is the multi- diversity country,not only in culture but also in monsoons .In
northern plains of india due to heavy rains in monsoons many cities are experiencing
floods by which many people were displaced to safe places from years.on the other
face many people are affecting with water scarcity for drinking and also for irrigation
process , due to insuffiency of water for irrigation purpose lots are hectares are
turning as desert .improper irrigation means improper yielding of food crops which
leads to scarcity of food available to the people , if this situation continues then india
will have to face famines and droughts by which many people suffer a lot .Hence to
overcome this situation indian government have came up with an idea of River
intetlinkin g System by which the Himalaytan Rivers are interlimkled with Peninsular
Riversa using canal System , This Idea is best way to control the floods in northen
plins by divertibng the water to peininsular rivers . by execution of this project
northen plains will be free from the floods and southern regions weill be free of
water scarcity . this system helps helps in increasing the economy of country i.e., by
the canal system goods can be carried easily with lolw cost to different place4s of the
countey which enhances the inter state relations there by helps in revival of economy
. but all this process includes construction of dams and other regulations works which
intuern increases the initial investment of money but once3 this project opens then
generatin of income will alswo be fast which recoversw t5he initial investment.
Hence government has adopted this idea ands started working on it.


S.NO Figure TITLE Page

No. No.

1 2.1 (a) Floods in Assam 07

2 2.1(b) Droughts in Jharkhand 07

3 2.2(c) Proposed river interlinks in india 08

4 2.2(a) Ken-Betwa Interlink 09

5 3.1(a) Red soil fixed with water 11

6 3.2(a) 14

7 3.3(a) 17

Right to water is right to water , every person has the right to drinking water . yearly
mostb of people from heavy flooded areas arte been shifted to same areas by the
rescur team and many more are died due to the effect of of floods and exactly
opposite to this many people especially bin south bindia are being saffocvating due
to sdacrcity ofd water , they have to walk for miles to get the drinking water and
there is no scope of virrigating the fields due to scarcity of water ,annually many
hectares of lculivable land are conerting into Barren lands. If we do not check this
problem at present then we have to be ready to face droughts in coming years.on thr
other side it is responsilibility of government to provide portable water to the
people, hence to implemenyt this intellectual team came up with an idea of river
linking system throught canals . as the part of this the perennial revers are connected
with non perennial rivers and the water is diverted by south side. Thius water is
utilized by the states by storing them by constructing the dams across the rivers and
storing it for future need . diverting and storage of water involves huge
construyuction works like dams, weirs regualators andec so on which needs huge
investment vof money. Constucting a dam not only includes financial factors but also
envirinmantal factors. It is our respon siblity tp save enviromasnt and biuodiverdsity .
w hen we construct a dam huge amount of water will be stored in upstream side that
means many hectares og land will submerge under the water,in case the dam is built
near the forest area then lakhs of trees have to be submerged under water along
with the trees the animals will also have to face threat . we need to shift aniumals to
the other vplaces which is a big task.tribals considers foredst as their mother so they
will not obey with the government decision to constructuona dam . hence while
execution of any project6 we need to consider all these factors . hence government
has formed many commottees to discuss all thse factors after many meetings they
decided rto proceed with the iodea of in terlinking of rivers .

Dam:- Dam is a solid structure which is used to store on upstream side
Reservoir:- It is the place where all the water is stored
Weir:- A weir is a small barrier built across a stream or river to control and raise the
water level slightly on the upstream side
Barrage :- A barrage is a weir that has adjustable gates installed over top of it , to
allow different water heights at different times
Head Regulator :- Head Regulator is a hydraulic structure constructed at the head of
the canal system where it takes off from a reservoir behind a weir or a dam
Cross regulator:- A hydraulic structure constructed across to regulate the water
supply, it can raise the water to the desired level on upstream side
Distributary Head Regulator :- A hydraulic structure constructed at the head of a
distributary canal to control supply of water
Canal Escape :- A structure constructed in a canal bank with side channel to relieve
the excess discharge
Canal drop :- The masonry structure constructed to achieve the object of lowering
the bed level of a canal suitably
Canal Outlet:- It is small structure which admits water from distributary channel to a
water course or field channel
Aqueduct:- Whenever a drainage i.e., water course and canal are obstructed if canal
is carried over drainage then such structure is called aqueduct
Super-Passage:- Depending upon the bed level of drainage and canal , if drainage is
carried over a irrigation canal it is called Super-Passage

India has been in second place in population across the globe since many years .India
has the 18% of the global population but it has only 4% of worlds water resources,
here we can see the dificiency of water. Hence to provide the proper drinking
facilities to people the government of India came up with an idea of River Interlinking
system headed by National Water Development Agency (NWDA) under the ministry
of jal shakti . for execution of this project it divided the existing rivers peninsular and
the Himalayan components , the water from the non-perrenial rivers will be diverted
to the non perennial rivers by interlinking system . to make the project easier the
river basins are categorized into Himalayan , peninsular and intra stare components .
the Himalayan components has forteen interlinks , the peninsular rivers has sixteen
interlinks and thirty seven intrastate interlinks . overall around sixty seven interlinks
are proposed till now . the government of india has formed several committes to
discuss about the financial,social and environmental factors . atlast it has decided to
proceed with the project . by execution of this project india will be free of floods in
the northen regions and free of water scarcity in the southern regions , along with
this there is a scope to develop the areas which are nearby the banks of the canals
and also these canals can be used for navigation purpose .

Fig 2.1.(a)Floods in Assam , Fig 2.1(b) Droughts in Jharkhand

Source : Times of India Source: Hindustan Times

Fig 2.1(c) Proposed river interlinks in india
Source :

Ken and betwa are the two rivers which are originated in Madhya Pradesh whose
catchment area is there in uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh . these two rivers are
tributaries of river Yamuna . As the part of river interlinking project our honourable
finance minister smt.nirm alasitaraman garu has announced 44 thousand crores of
funds for implementation of river interlink between ken and betwa rivers .
Bundelkhand is the region between these two rivers , due to very less intensity of
rainfall buldelkhand faces very severre water crises ,and the in that region was
turning into nbarrren land hence we turn that lands into cultivable land through
proper irrigation which can be achoieved by river interlinking system By execution of
this project 9 lakh acres of land can be benifited with water for irrigation and on the
other side peole of buldelkhasnd have to walk foe miles to get safe drinking water.
Most of people are migrating to other places for their livihood . hence by this project
62 lakh people will be provided with safe drinkiung water , which decreses the
droughts conditions of buldelkhand . as the part of this project , government has
decided to construct some dams to store the water the proposed danms are
daudhan dam on ken river, makodioa dam on betwa river to store water and
barrages like barari barrage and kesari barrage with the linking canal of 220km long
with the FRL of 257 m . and proposed daudhan dam is an earth fill cum concrete dam
withb the FRL of 288 m. there is also the provision for tunnel for 1.9 km and lower
level tunnel of 1.1 km long . the daudhan dam can be used to produce hydro-power
which creates the employment opportunities to the people nearby the regions .

Fig 2.2(a) Ken-Betwa Interlink , source :- Journals of

Ken Betwa interlink is considered as the boon to the bundelkhand region . by this
project most of the barren lands of buldelkhand are going to turn as agricultural
lands which increases the food grains supply from that region and there will not be
anmy food crisis in that society. From many years people are migarating from that
region due to water vcrisis and very bpoor employement opportunities hence by this
project areas near t5he link can be developed as port areas and wew can also
converte them as tourisyt places by which employement cab be provided to the
people of that region by which the migration from buldelkhand can be stopped it
some extent . in order to store water daudhan dam is going to be constructed across
the river ken , by the tail water the hydro power will be generated which will be part
of india’s goal to turn into renewable energy generation , in such many ways we can
consider ken betwa interlink as boon to the buldelkhand region , but is also
considered as threat to panna tiger reserve . due to the construction of daudhan
dam most of the forest area of panna tioger reserve ia going to be suybmerged under
the water , hence to study about about the foorest submergence government has
formed steering committee biut till now no clearance has been received, lots of tribal
people who are living in that region have to be displaced from the native place and
we have to shoew them proper livelihood along wirth with the properb
accommodation . The project is gong to endanger the water secutity of the panna
district . panna tiger4 reserve is one one of the largest and most important tiger
reserve in india ifr this project is executed then there will be threayt to the wild life
of panna tiger reseve moreover due to diversion of water there will be chance to
change in rainfall pattern in that region it effects climate of that region.hence it is
necessary to execute this project then government has to take proi[per steps to save
panna tiger reserve and save the biodiversity .

AIM: to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of red
soil and black soil
MATERIALS USED: compaction mould , rammer of weight 2.6 kg , 4.75 mm sieve
passing black soil and red soil , measuring jar
PROCEDURE: Take 2.5 kg of red soil in a tray and add 8% of water content to it then
mix it properly until you get uniform texture , then divide it into 3 parts . now take
compaction mould apply oil to it and place one part of the soil in the mould and
compact it with 2.5 kg rammer and 56 blows for each layer ,do the same for rest of
soil also , now check weight of the mould with compacted soil on the weigh balance .
then take a bowl and place soil in it which is taken from the core of the compacted
soil and place it in oven for 24 hours . repeat the same process by increasing the
percentage of water to be added to the soil for compaction , at some trial the weight
of the compacted soil will be decreasing then stop the procedure . now take the
bowls which are kept in oven foe 24 hours , and check the dry weight of the soil. The
dry weight will be decreasing due to loss of water content from the soil . calculate
the weight of water and dry density then plot the graph between the water content
and dry density to get optimum moisture content .

Fig 3.1(a) Red soil fixed with water Fig 3.1(b) soil placed in compaction mould

Details 1 2 3 4

% of water added 6% 10% 14% 18%

Weight of soil with cylinder(g) 5190 5380 5490 5355

Weight of compacted soil (g) 1890 2080 2125 2055

Wet Weight of soil in container, 200 200 200 200

Dry Weight of soil in 190 185 178 175


Moisture content (%) 6.2% 9.6% 12.4% 17%

Dry density (g/cc) 1.77 1.89 1.86 1.755







4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
X-axis – water content (%) , Y-axis – dry density (g/cc)

details 1 2 3 4
% of water added 6% 10% 14% 18%
Weight of soil with cylinder(g) 4950 5090 5210 5150
Weight of compacted soil (g) 1655 1795 1915 1855
Wet Weight of soil in container, 200 200 200 200
Dry Weight of soil in 185 180 170 165
Moisture content (%) 8% 11.1% 17.6% 21%
Dry density (g/cc) 1.52 1.61 1.63 1.52











6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

X-axis – water content (%) , Y-axis – dry density (g/cc)

RESULT : Hence from this test we got the optimum water content of red soil as 10%
and optimum moisture content of black soil as 17%. By this we can conclude that
water holding capacity of black soil is more compared to red soil , hence black soil
cannot be used for heavy construction without any stabilisation technique because if
water content is more then soil will become loose thereby disturbing the whole
construction. And the dry density of red soil is 1.89 g/cc and that of black soil is 1.63
g/cc , hence we can say that black soil is les denser than red soil i.e., red soil has more
strength comparatively.


AIM: to determine the hydraulic conductivity of sand by constant head method
MATERIALS USED : permeameter mould, constant head tank , graduated glass , a
container to collect water
PROCEDURE : initially take 2.5 kg of sand (4.75 mm sieve passing) , and take the
permeameter mould then place the sample in it by three layers and compact it
properly using rammer by height of fall as 32 cm . now trim the excess sample and
take the dry weight of the sample with mould . then place this mould near the
constant head tank , fit the inlet and outlet pipes properly and allow the water ,
adjust the head of water to constant , then collect the water ina container for 20 sec ,
repeat the same process by changing the head (either increase / decrease).
Details 1 2 3
Length of the specimen l (cm) 12.7 12.7 12.7
Area of the specimen A (cm^2) 78.54 78.54 78.54
Time t (sec) 20 20 20
Quantity of water Q (cm^3) 184 164 151
Discharge Q/t (cm^3/sec) 9.2 8.4 7.95
Height of water h (cm) 70 65 60
Temperature 30 30 30

Coefficient of permeability : ql/Ah cm/sec

= 9.2*12.7/78.54*70
= 2.1*10^-2 cm/sec
Coefficient of permeability of clay (falling head method) : 10^-7– 10^-9

RESULT : hence the coefficient of permeability / hydraulic conductivity of the sand is

2.1*10^-2 cm/sec or 0.021cm/sec

AIM : To determine the California bearing ratio for the sample
MATERIALS USED : CBR test mould, soil of 5 kg, measuring jar, trowel , compacting
machine, CBR machine
PROCEDURE: take 5 kg of soil in a tray and add water content which is found in
compaction test i.e., optimum moisture content and fix it thoroughly and divide it
into 3 parts . take CBR test mould then place a filter paper and the soil sample on it
in 3 layers by compacting it under the machine with 56 blows for every layer . now
take sample and test it under the CBR test machine by fitting CBR dial gauge . Then
calculate the CBR values at 2.5mm and 5mm penetration , the CBR value at 2.5mm
penetration should be grater than CBR value at 5mm penetration if not repeat the
test .

Fig 3.3(a) CBR mould with soil Fig 3.3(b) CBR machine with mould placed on it
Details Penetration (mm) Proving ring Load in kg
1 0 0 0
2 0.5 5 29
3 1 8 47
4 1.5 12 70
5 2 15 88
6 2.5 19 111
7 3 21 123
8 4 24 141
9 5 26 152
10 7 38 223
11 10 49 287
12 12 61 358

CBR of specimen at 2.5mm = load at 2.5 mm penetration / standard load (1370)

= 111/ 1370 * 100
= 8.1 %
CBR of specimen at 5mm = load at 5 mm penetration / standard load (2055)
= 152/2055 * 100
= 7.3 %
CBR at 2.2mm > CBR at 5 mm , hence use higher one
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

x-axis – penetration (mm) . y-axis – load (kg)

RESULT : hence the CBR value at 2.5mm is grater than CBR at 5mm hence higher
value is taken foe design purpose
If CBR at 2.5 mm < CBR at 5mm then repeat the test
If CBR is 100 % then that is considered as rock
For well – graded soil the value of CBR is considered as well graded soil
The river linking system is adopted in india in order to supply water to water deficient
areas . the idea of river interlinking system in india was first announced by sir Arthur
cotton to supply water to the people and also to transport the goods through the
canals among the colonies . later it was considered by K.L Rao and suggested
government of india to interlink the rivers . in 1995 indian government has
established national water development agency (NWDA) to implement this project
under the ministry of jal shakti . the interlinks are divided into 3 components for
simplicity , the they are Himalayan components , peninsular components and intra
state components . the excess water from the Himalayan rivers are diverted into
peninsular rivers through the network of canals . these canals provides irrigation
facilities to the nearby areas and by storing the water on the dams hydro- power can
be generated with the tail water . among the 67 interlinks , ken-betwa river interlink
was the first one which is going to be executed in order to provide water facilities for
Madhya Pradesh and uttar Pradesh states . for construction of canals and dams the
main thing is soil , the age and performance of the dam depends on the properties of
the soil . the soil should be strong enough to take the load of the structure . the
properties of soil tat infuences its strength are density , moisture content , hardness
and permeability . The more denser the soil the more strong it structure , if moisture
content of the soil is more ,then it loosen the soil particles and makes the structure
to collapse , hence we need to remove water by consolidation . permeability is the
ability of sample to conduct water to it , if permeability is less then seepage will be
less so that there is less chance for destruction of the structure .


From this project , it is concluded that ken-betwa river interlink will be considered as
boon to the buldelkhand region if we keep environmental factors aside. Not only in
providing water to the people but this project also helps in development of the
country economy i.e., by using the canals for transporting the goods among countries
and using canals for navigation purpose , water transportation will be cheap
compared to other modes of transportation. but protecting environment is
fundamental responsibility of the human being . hence it is necessary to think about
the nature and follow proper steps to save nature . one of the solution to save
environment in this project is to change the route of the canals and to change the
place where the dam has to constructed if that place is treated as threat to the
environment . the soil which is selected for the construction of a structure must
posses proper density with less voids ratio and the permeability of the soil should be
as less as possible to achieve this we should use clay in construction . and whenever
the site has black soil then we must densify the soil by suitable method.

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