Character of God (Edited by Rev. j. Dhlakama) (3)

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Welcome to the module Character of God. God has revealed as much of His essential nature to us
as is needed in order for us to serve and worship Him effectively. It is very important therefore for
believers to know and to understand the character or nature of God, as it is revealed in the Bible
the word of God. Understanding the Character of God establishes the believer so “That we
henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” Ephesians 4:14
God bless you and enjoy your studies.


The purpose of this module is to equip learners with knowledge on the true nature and Character
of God as given by the scriptures. At the end of the course learners must be able to relate with and
to explain the names, attributes and personality of God. Learners should be able to experience and
relate with God in a better way.


Principles of the Doctrine of Christ,

Two ways of knowing God, Two ways of Righteousness,
* All by Prof. E. H. Guti


This course has two assessments weighing 40% and 60% respectively


1. Who is God? ........................................... 4 - 5

2. The names of God……………………... 5

3. Compound names of Jehovah…………. 5 - 6

4. Attributes of God……………………… 6 - 8

5. The Trinity………………………….…. 8 - 9


The study of the character of God must be approached with humility and reverence.
Who can define the nature and essence of the Infinite God? Not only are His ways "past finding
out" Rom. 11:33. His nature and Being surpass our comprehension.
However God has revealed as much of His essential nature to us as is needed to serve and worship
Him. It is especially important to understand the character or nature of God, as it is revealed in the
Bible, for many different concepts of deity are held by those who reject the God of the Scriptures.
The Bible does not give us a single comprehensive definition of God. If the heaven of heavens
cannot contain Him 1 Kings 8:27 how can a sentence or paragraph of human words define His

The following is a theological definition which is scriptural:

God is Spirit; Infinite; Eternal, and Unchangeable in His being, Wisdom, Power, Holiness, Justice,
Goodness and Truth.

Several statements about God in scripture define various aspects of His nature, such as God is
Spirit John 4:24; God is Light, 1 John 1:5; God is love, 1 John 4:8; and God is a consuming fire,
Heb. 12:29. Let us now focus our attention upon four aspects of the divine nature of God.


This statement means that God cannot be confined to a physical body, nor to dimensions of
space and time. He is the invisible Eternal God. "No man hath seen God at any one time,
the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him." John
Because God is Spirit He can say, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
Matthew 28:20.

Jesus said to His disciples, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven
is perfect." Matt. 5:48. The scriptures declare that God is perfect.


A personal being is one that is self-conscious, who possesses intellect, feeling and will. The
God of the Holy scriptures is a personal Transcendent God, who stands apart from the
universe as its Creator, but who at the same time, is an Immanent God who resides within
His creation preserving it and caring for it as a heavenly Father. The personality of God is
revealed in His dealing with Moses, when He declared His Name - "I AM THAT I AM,
thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you." Exo. 3:14. See
also Exo. 6:2-3. The Hebrew word Jehovah or Yahweh is derived from the verb "to be" - "I
AM THAT I AM." The interpretation can be - Jehovah God is the one who was, who is,
and who eternally shall be.


The law of God on Mt. Sinai begins with the declaration, "Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God is one
Lord." Deut. 6:4. Nothing is condemned in scripture more than the worship of numerous gods.
"Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you." Deut.
6:14. The nations worshipped many gods who correspond to the forces of nature, gods who were
the creation of their own imagination, who were represented by images and idols. These idolatrous
nations were a constant thorn in the side of Israel.
PLEASE NOTE: The Bible's teaching about God is that He is the All-powerful, All-wise, Creator
of all things, who is Just and Holy and at the same time loving and merciful. He is transcendent
(above and distinct from the creation) while at the same time He is immanent (resident in and
involved with His creation). He is a personal God who seeks fellowship with His redeemed people.
He punishes ultimate rebellion with eternal death. He rewards faith and obedience with eternal life
through his Son and Mediator Jesus Christ.

He is the Supreme being who is also the Heavenly Father. He spoke into being the immeasurable
universe, yet He notes the sparrows fall. He hears the faintest cry. He made the galaxies, but He
stooped to Bethlehem's manger. We tremble before His majesty, but we seek solace in His
unconditional love. He dwells beyond the remotest galaxy, but He is no further from us than the
reach of faith. This is the Christian's God.


Name is that by which a person or thing is known. The Hebrews thought of names as being
revelatory, as disclosing some attributes or characteristic of the person named. For instance, the
name "Adam" means, "of the earth, taken out of the earth." His name revealed his origin. In all
His names God assures us that there is some relationship between Him and His creation (people).

A. ELOHIM (plural)
This name is the first used in the scripture to designate "God". It is used 2,500 times in the
O.T. The root meaning is "strong and mighty one."

B. EL SHADDAI (The Mighty God) Gen. 17:1

C. ADONAI Adon - (singular) - Lord, master, owner, ruler.

D. JEHOVAH - Used 5,321 times in the O.T. It is the personal name of God in His relationship
as redeemer. Exo. 6:2-3. The actual Hebrew form of the word was YHWH. The Hebrew
alphabet does not have vowels. Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." John 8:58.


Since Jehovah is the covenant name of God expressing personal relationship. In Exo. 19:3-6 it is
natural that His Name would be compounded with other terms that identify and make specific those

1. Jehovah - Elohim - Gen. 2:4. Creation, this

identifies Jehovah with creation.

2. Jehovah - Jireh - Gen. 22:14 - God provided a substitute for Isaac.

3. Jehovah - Rapha - Exo. 15:26 . Jehovah reveals His

personal relationship as the Healer.
The promise is related to physical diseases, the healing must also be physical healing. The
promise is conditional upon obedience. This explains why the physical healings were not
more common. A large part of Jesus' ministry was healing. The church has been given gifts
of healing. 1 Cor. 12:9. The conditions still apply to God's people.

4. Jehovah - Nissi - Exo. 17:15. The

Lord is my banner. His banner over us is love.
5. Jehovah - Shalom - Judges 6:24. The
Lord is Peace. John 14:27
6. Jehovah - Raah - Palms 23:1. The
Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want.
1 Pet. 5:4
7. Jehovah - Tsidkenu - Jer. 23:6. The Lord our
righteousness. 1 Cor. 1:30
8. Jehovah - Sabaoth - Ps. 24:10. Who is this King of
9. Jehovah - Shammah - Eze. 48:35. The Lord is there.


What is an attribute? It is a quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone

God’s attributes are His characteristics that He has revealed to man. We have to remember that
God is the Absolute source of all life and being, the uncaused cause.

He is not one in a series of emanations as some have mistakenly taught. He is the Eternal
living God, creator of all beings and all things that have ever existed. Col. 1:17. God is not
dependent for being or essence upon any source outside Himself. He is self-existent.

"For I am the Lord, I change not." Mal. 3:6. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above, and cometh down from the Father of the lights, with whom is no variableness, neither
shadow of turning." Jas. 1:17. Of our Lord Jesus Christ we love to quote. Hebrews 13:8.

Man changes from day to day; his obedience is not constant. Man's negative actions and
attitudes may diminish the experience of conditional blessings for Him, but this does not
gainsay the Faithfulness of God. Through the mouth of the prophet Malachi, God spoke
with both reproach and entreaty. "Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away
from my ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you,
saith the Lord of hosts." (Jehovah Sabaoth). Mal. 3:7
Paul expresses the unchanging love of God. "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor
life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor

height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8:38-39.

God's majestic Name given to Moses in Exodus 3:14, "I AM THAT I AM" reveals Him as
above time. The Psalmist exclaimed, "..... even from everlasting to everlasting thou art
God." Psalm 90:2

"Am I a God at hand, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I
shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth?" Jer. 23:23-24. The
presence of God is in His church in a special way through the work of the Holy Spirit. John
14:16-17. Everywhere the Church goes, there the Holy Spirit is present.

"Oh Lord thou hast searched me and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine
uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying
down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue but lo, o
Lord, thou knowest it altogether." Psalm 139:1-4. If Gehazi's dishonesty and deceit were
known to the prophet of God, they were certainly not hidden from the Omniscient One.
2 Kings 5:20-27

"Oh Lord God, behold thou has made the heaven and earth by thy great power and stretched
out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee." Jer. 32:17.
God will not do what is contrary to His nature. The vastness of the universe staggers our
imagination. If we think how fearful and wonderful the human body is made, we stand in
awe before the Omnipotent God. His creative power is both immeasurable and
incomprehensible. His power is also seen in His sovereign rule over all. Isaiah 40:15.
Another demonstrative of divine power is the church of Jesus Christ. God took twelve
ordinary disciples, filled them with the Holy Spirit, and with them turned the world upside-
down. Acts 17:6. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead shows the power of God. Eph.
1:19 - 2:6.

God is above all. In character, importance and excellence. He is King.

1. HOLINESS - God is a Holy God. He requires holiness of His people. "Ye shall be
therefore be holy, for I am Holy." Lev. 11:45. Holiness means separation from all
defilement and from all forms of idolatry.

2. RIGHTEOUSNESS - (Justice). Gen. 18:25. The Hebrew word is (tsedek), which means
"rightness, straightness, rectitude, justice of judge, of a king, of God exhibited in punishing
the wicked, or in avenging, delivering, rewarding the righteous."

3. LOVE (MERCY, GOODNESS) - "He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is
love. In this was manifest the love of God towards us because that God sent His only

begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we
loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1
John 4:8-10. God is love.


1. Sending the Comforter. John 14:15-16
2. Placing us in His Body. Eph. 5:25-27
3. Making us sons of God. 1 John 3:1-2
4. Healing our bodies. James 5:14-16
5. Giving us victorious Christian life. Rom. 8:35-39

Under the category of love there may be included other virtues such as mercy, long-suffering,
goodness, forgiveness, compassion, truth. Perhaps all God's moral attributes are encompassed in
these two: His Holiness and Love. In His Holiness He is unapproachable, in His Love He
approaches us. In His Holiness He is transcendent, in His Love He is immanent. They are not two
lords, but one who is both holy and loving.


Most people today are deeply concerned about the matter of God's care and providential oversight
of our lives, our societies, families, our businesses and our possessions. Man may not want God
to inspect their conduct too closely, but they hope, somehow that He protects their lives and
properties. No wonder day by day the ordinary prayer is for divine protection and provision.


1. God governs the physical universe. Ps. 103:19

2. He cares for the animal creation. Matt. 6:26
3. He providentially governs the nations. Ps. 22:28
4. God cares for our birth and place in life. Jer. 1:5
5. God is concerned about our success and failure. Luke 1:52
6. God provides protection for the righteous. Ps. 4:8
7. God supplies the needs and wants of His people. Phil. 4:19
8. God provides the answer to our prayers. Matt. 6:7-9
9. The Lord governs the reward of the righteous and the punishment of the impenitent. Psalm


All study of the character of God defies our full comprehension, but the trinity of God is the greatest
of all divine mysteries. In it we stand on holy ground. Because it is a mystery, we do not expect
to reduce it to logical formulas anymore than we would attempt to transfer the Pacific Ocean into
a tea cup! We study the doctrine because it is the centre germ of Divine revelation.

To the finite human mind, the unity of God is in fact the foundation stone of the Christian faith.
Those who have denied the trinity have also denied the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the vicarious

atonement, the personality of Holy Spirit, or else they have made God a stage player, wearing three
different masks.

Paul said, "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost
has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He has purchased with His own
blood....." Acts 20:28-31. Observe the trinitarian statements in the above passage:
- the Holy Ghost has made you overseers.
- church of God which He purchased.
A. God the Father.
B. God the Son. Matt. 1:20-21
C. God the Holy Spirit.


a. The Holy Spirit. Luke 11:13
b. The Spirit of God. 1 Cor. 3:16
c. The Spirit. John 3:6
d. The Spirit of Jehovah. Isaiah 11:1-2
e. The Spirit of the Living God. 2 Cor. 3:3
f. The Spirit of Christ. Rom. 8:9
g. The Spirit of His Son. Gal. 4:6
h. The Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19
i. The Spirit of Holiness. Rom. 1:4
j. The Spirit of Burning. Isaiah 4:4
k. The Spirit of Truth. John 14:17
l. The Spirit of Life. Rom. 8:2
m. The Spirit of Glory. 1 Pet. 4:14
n. The Spirit of Grace. Heb. 10:29
o. The Eternal Spirit. Heb. 9:14
p. The Holy Spirit of promise. Eph. 1:13
q. The Comforter. John 16:7


a. Wind. John 3:8

b. Oil. Isaiah 61:1
c. Dove. Matt. 3:16
d. Water. John 4:14; 1 Cor. 10:4
Water symbolizes the Spirit's refreshing, satisfaction, and fertilization. The scriptures
picture water in the form of rain, dew, rivers, and springs.
e. Fire. Isaiah 4:4; 1 Kings 18:38
Fire speaks of the Spirit's power and purging. For one to enjoy the power of the Holy
Ghost, he must continually experience His cleansing.
f. Wine. Isaiah 55:1; Acts 2:13; Eph. 5:18
Wine seems to call attention to the spiritual stimulating and joy-giving characteristic of the
Spirit's indwelling presence. (Glossolalia).


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