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All closes are not created equal, Top producers realize every
homeowner has specific needs and every situation demands its own
close. While you may have found a close that works better for you than
others, it shouldn't deter you from using a variety of closes depending on
the situation. By learning the 22 trial closes, you'll stand a better chance
of getting more sole mandates. Knowing how to close many different
ways will enhance your success.

When a homeowner delays listing, you use benefits to move him

towards a signature. Then, ask again with a different close. Constantly
use different closes throughout the presentation at each listing signal,
Most agents fail to get a listing because they don't ask for it. They give
the homeowner the facts and figures and wait for the homeowner to say,
"This is terrific, I’ll take it."

If you want the sole mandate, you have to ask for it, You have to ask for
it many different times and in many different ways during the
presentation. Since homeowners are afraid of making a decision, they
will say "no" several times before they say "yes." This is true even if they
want it and are almost ready to list. If you don't ask several times with
many different trial closes, you may stop selling and leave just as the
homeowner was getting ready to list.

Studies have shown 70% of all agents never ask for the sole mandate. If
you never ask for the sole mandate, you will never get the sole
mandates required to be successful.

Tension at the time of the close is natural. The agent fears rejection; the
homeowner fears making the wrong decision. Using different trial closes
helps the homeowner get past this moment of tension and gets him
closer to a listing decision. Therefore, you shouldn't stop after just one
"no," nor should you fail to use a trial close just because of tension
between you and the homeowner.
Soft trial closes can be used early in the presentation. These closes are
not pushy_ They don't ask for a decision; they merely ask for an opinion,
If the homeowner gives a positive answer to a soft trial close, you can
then go to a stronger close asking for a decision. If they give a negative
answer to a trial dose, you go back to questioning and reselling benefits
to encourage them to want to list and make it easy to close,

Here are 22 different closes and trial closes to help you ask for the sole
mandate_ Use different trial closes throughout your presentation.

1. The Commitment Close

This close helps ward off the "I'll think about it" objection by obligating
the homeowner to make a decision on the spot. Use this close when you
are talking to a homeowner that you feel will use the excuse he has to
think about it. At the beginning of the appointment, you say:
All I ask is for you to look at what we have to offer, and tell me if it
applies to you.
As you go through the presentation, make sure to write down the various
comments of the homeowner. If the homeowner later says that he'll think
about it, you can respond with a review of an earlier homeowner
statement. You said, concerning selling your home, in point 4...

2. The "Hot Button" Close

Warm up your homeowner by pushing their "hot buttons." Emphasize
those benefits you know are the most important to them. Homeowners
make 80% of their listing decisions on only 20% of the benefits. So hit
their "hot button" over and over to get them "warm" enough to close.
For example, the homeowner agrees with the uselessness of
showhouses... so you must repeat it over and over with a few stories of
past client examples of successful sales without using showhouses.

3. The power of suggestion close

Help your homeowner visualize using your services. Speak to them as
though they already have listed, and tie in a "hot button" benefit.
Remember enthusiasm is contagious. You should talk as though they
already listed and sold their home through you. Use the word "when" not
When you sell your home, we will take a picture of us standing together
in your front yard... just like these happy clients!

4. The "Yes, Yes" close

Ask "yes" questions, so when you close the homeowner is already in the
habit of saying "yes." Each time they say "yes," they are closer to getting
the sole mandate. Also, it becomes hypnotic. Eventually, "yes" comes
automatically. Look at the following questions, and think about how
natural it would be for the homeowner to answer with a "yes" to each
Do you want a quick sale? Do you want top dollar? Would you like to sell
your home within 30 days? May I show you some information?

5. The "Just Suppose" Close

In this trial close, you have the homeowner "just suppose" the objection
didn't exist. You then ask if he would list. This tactic also helps you
uncover and tackle hidden objections.
Homeowner: Your commission is too high, Agent: Is commission your
only concern? Homeowner: Yes, Agent: Just suppose you felt our
commission was fair, would you list then?
What this does is expose the truth commission is not really the problem,
All the objection is about is the fear of saying yes. By eliminating the
fear, or postponing it, you move closer to the sole mandate.

6. The Sharp Angle Close

The sharp angle close uses the homeowner's questions and comments
to help you get a commitment to list. Instead of immediately assuring
your homeowner you can meet all of their wants and needs, ask if they'll
list with you if you can.
Use this opportunity to try a trial close by asking the homeowner to
commit to listing if you can do what he wants. Then, give him what he
wants. Never say you can do something extra for the homeowner
without a commitment he will list if he gets what he asks for. Without
commitment, he will say "great" when you say you can do what he
wants. Then, he will say, "Okay. Let me think about it."
Homeowner: I want a lower commission. Agent: if I could get you a lower
commission, would you list right now?
7. The Switch Place Close
When all else fails, ask your homeowner to tell you what he would do to
sell the home. You might get a quick lesson not only on how to sell this
person but also on how to sell more effectively to your other prospects.
Use this close when you can't figure out why the homeowner won't list:
Mary, would you put yourself in my shoes? If you were selling to
someone, and you didn't know why he wasn't buying, what would you
If you get an evasive answer, ask: Is it the price (me, service, etc.)?
Then, ask: What would have to happen for you to use our services?

8. The puppy dog close

This close gets its name from the pet store closing technique of letting
prospects hold the animal they like, so they can't resist buying it. This
close lets your seller see for themselves their need for your service.
Make sure your seller holds, tastes, feels, wears and tries out your
service. Once they have experienced using it, they want it more and it
will be easier to get them to list.
Example: Let the seller go through your computer listing database or
print out and decide the price point on the home. I did this all the time. I
handed the seller the book and said:
"Here is your competition. They all have priced their home at X. As you
can see, there are pages of them! At what price would you price your
home so it would stand out and not get lost in these listings?"
What this did was to establish my professionalism with the seller. Not
one seller ever answered the question but rather said. "I'll leave that up
to you." That's the best yes an agent can ever get!

9. The summary close

To use the summary close, simply reiterate the seller's needs and wants,
and show how your service satisfies them. You sum up what the seller
has told you about what he wants, and give him his own reasons back
for listing. No one can disagree with his or her own reasons.
From what you told me, you want an agent with experience, is honest
and doesn't waste your time with useless activities such as open
houses. Our company offers this and more! Don't you agree?

10. The physical action close

The situation arises where you have to call the office to check on the
possibility of accomplishing something the seller has asked if you can
do. While on the phone, talk as though the seller has already listed. If
the seller doesn't stop you, she has listed.
Seller: I am happy so far but I have one question. What about this
mandate period? I find 180 days a little long.
Agent: Let me call the office and see if I can lower that. (During the call
to the office, ask: Can we give Mrs. Seller a shorter mandate period?)
When you get off the phone, tell the seller how lucky she was to have
gotten the lower period. And show her on the mandate the shorter
period. If she doesn't stop you, she's listed her house with you.

11. The hurry up close

This close implies it's to the seller's advantage to list now rather than
wait until later. Seller: Maybe I should wait.
Agent: You may want to list now. The reason is there are few homes in
your price range in this area on the market today. This means buyers
have less choice and the chances of getting your price are better. But if
you wait, from my experience there will be more homes and then you'll
have to be more competitive.

12. The testimonial close

To build credibility and reassure your seller he's making a wise decision,
tell him about the success other people have had with your service. In
this close, the agent uses letters or stories from other clients who have
used the service and have received fantastic results. This eliminates
listing anxiety_
Seller: I'm not sure.
Agent: These clients used our services, and they have had fabulous
results. So will you! This close is good for an insecure seller afraid of
making a decision. The fact others have already tried your service and
are happy will relieve his anxiety.

13. The qualifying close

This close determines whether or not the person you are talking to is
able to make the necessary decision. If I can sell your home at the price
you want, are you in a position to make a listing decision today?

14. The readiness close

When you can't tell if you're getting through to a poker-faced seller, use
the readiness close to gauge your seller's interest. This close checks the
seller's "listing temperature."
You can also find out if you are on the right path with your presentation
or need to change course. The great thing about this close is it doesn't
end your presentation. Instead, it tells you whether you should keep
selling or go for a stronger close.
Does this make sense to you? How do you feel about this so far? Is this
what you wanted? Is this an improvement for you?

15. The invitational close

If your seller is waiting for an engraved invitation to list, give them one.
Make a persuasive argument for your service, including the reasons why
your seller should list. Then, invite them to do it. This close is powerful
because it is direct. It is especially useful with the no-nonsense seller.
They appreciate its directness.
Why don't you give us a try? Why don't you take it? Would you like to get
started right away?

16. The ultimatum close

This close is best used when the seller is putting you off and hasn't
made a decision. He hasn't said "yes" or "no." He just continually
procrastinates. This close should be used only when you have decided
the seller isn't worth pursuing any further, You want to force a decision.
In this close the agent fills out a mandate agreement, looks at the seller,
and says:
Either it's a good idea, or it isn't. At this point, you give the seller the
agreement, and ask them to sign it.
17. The reverse close
The reverse close turns a homeowner's reasons for not listing into
reasons for listing. When your homeowner voices an objection, think of a
benefit to that objection.
Homeowner: Your commission is too high.
Agent: That's the very reason you should use us, Because of our
successful track record, which proves our duality, we list and sell more
homes than most other companies. Being with the best is better than
with the rest!

18. The take away close

People want things more if they feel they may not be able to get them_ If
you suggest what you are offering may not be available it can be just
enough to help the homeowner want to make the decision now.
I only take a few new sole mandates per month. I do not want to
overextend myself and hurt my clients. Right now I have the time for
another client. I sure would love to work with you! I think we would work
together well. Wouldn't you agree!

19, The Scratch Pad Close

This is a very powerful close. Bring out three or four agreements early in
the presentation. Mention you'll be using them as scratch paper. You are
doing this because if you get a strong listing signal later, you'll already
have a filled-in agreement with their name and address on it. You can
just slide it across the table for the homeowner to sign,

20. The Ben Franklin Close

Since few agents can offer homeowners the perfect service, it's often
difficult to overcome every one of their objections. When an unanswered
objection stands between you and a sole mandate, make a list of
benefits versus objections. Just make sure the benefits far outweigh the
Present them to your homeowner, and say, "As you can see, the
reasons for listing with us outnumber the reasons against."
This is a good close to use when the homeowner has some objections
you cannot overcome. Simply list all the pros and cons of the situation.

21. The "You'll Thank Me Later" close

Use this close when you know you're pressuring the homeowner.
Homeowner; (Irritated) I'm not ready to list. Agent: I know I'm pressuring
you. But you'll thank me after you've sold your home and found the one
you want. You'll feel great!

22. The story close

Close to 80% of the listing decision is based on emotions. The part of
the brain involved with emotions is the right hemisphere, and this side
deals well with stories and pictures. In order to appeal to the emotional
side of the brain (the listing side), build your presentation around stories
of others who have hesitated before making a decision but were
overjoyed with the results when they did decide to act. You can even
use stories that are riot business-related.

Whether you're prospecting or closing, successful selling depends on
expert preparation. The more closes you know, the better prepared you
are to face the moment of truth when the homeowner gives you a listing

Instead of locking yourself into two or three closes, give yourself more
options. This gives you more chances to make the sale. With so many
effective ways to close a sole mandate, odds are you'll be able to
choose the right one to close your next homeowner.

Using these trial closes will give you the chance to join them.
Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Do not be afraid to lose a sole
mandate here or there when practising. In time, you will perfect your
Try to memorize these closes and put them to work in your business, As
you get better with each, you'll discover it getting easier and easier to
close more sole mandates.

Happy Closing!

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