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DC Transient Response

Q.1. Find expression of vc(t) after the switch is closed. The initial value of vc =4V.

Ans: 2(1+e-2t) V

Q.2. In the circuit shown below, the switch has been closed for a long time. It is opened at t=0. Find iL and
ix at (a) t=0-, (b) t=0+ (c) iL(t) and ix(t) and their value at t=0.2 ms.

Ans: i (0-) = 15mA, ix(0-) = 10mA (b) i (t) =(- ix(t)) = 15e-5000t

Q.3. Find i(t) after switch is closed at t=0.

Ans: i(t) = 30 (1-e-t/2)

Q.4. Refer to the circuit in Figure below. Let vC (0) = 30 V. Determine vC, vx, and io for t ≥ 0.

(Ans: 30e-0.25t, 10e-0.25t, -2.5e-0.25tA)

Q.5. Find i and vx in the circuit in Figure below. Let i(0) = 5 A.

(Ans: 5e-53tA, -15e-53tV)

Q.6. In a RC circuit as shown in Fig below, R = 2 MΩ and C=5 μF. The capacitor is charged to an initial
potential of 50V. When the switch is closed at t=0+, calculate,

a. Initial rate of charge of capacitor

b. Capacitor voltage after a lapse of 5 times the time constant i.e. 5T.
c. If the polarity of capacitor voltage is reversed, the value of the above quantities.

Ans: (a) 5 V/s, (b) 99.7 V and (c) 15 V/s, 99 V

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