GNED 08 - Lesson 04

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Saraza, Jeremie Ivan J.

BSP 1–4 Higgins’ Self-Discrepancy Theory

GNED 08 – Understanding the Self Part of a person responsible Part of a person responsible  People use internalized standards (self-guides) to
for describing their for awareness and thoughts which they compare themselves; if they deviate, self-
The Psychological Perspective of the Self personal experiences as well as the totality of discrepancy will be experienced
Multiple Selves Theory
 Derived from the Greek words Components of Me Self  The self is composed of different and multiple selves
o Psyche – soul o logos – study Material Self Social Self Spiritual Self that display depending on the situation
 Scientific study of human behavior and mental Contains the Contains Contains  Psychologically healthy individuals can make sense of
processes things and adaptations of a personality, these conflicting selves and integrate into a unified self
 The goals are to describe, explain, predict, and control entities that person in various values, and
behavior belong to a social contexts morals that are D.W. Winnicott
person stable
 1896 – 1971
Nature vs. Nurture Controversy
 English pediatrician and psychoanalyst who studied
 Age-old debate on the determinant of a person’s Global Self Differentiated Self
child development
behavior Product of all experience the product of a person’s
 Proposed the true and false selves
 Is it the genes (nature) that determine its trait and person had in the society which uniqueness and sense
behavior, or is it the experiences (nurture)? contributed to its present identity of individuality
True Self False Self
 Murray Bowen proposed that togetherness and
individuality must be balanced for better development Spontaneous and Lacks spontaneity and fake;
Biopsychosocial Approach
of self authentic; high level of fearful of mistakes and
 An analysis of psychological traits and behavior by self-awareness; rejections; arises when a person
taking account of biological, psychological, and societal accepts failures is forced to comply with society
factors and influences Carl Rogers
 Both are present and must function advantageously for
 1902 – 1987
self and society
William James  Proposed the Person-Centered Theory
 1842 – 1910  Self-Concept Albert Bandura
 Father of American Psychology  It is how a person thinks and perceives about itself  1925 – 2021
 He suggested his Theory of Self  Personality theorist
Real Self-Concept Ideal Self-Concept
 He proposed the Social Cognitive Theory
Theory of Self All information and perceptions The model version of
A person’s picture of self is divided into two categories: that the person has about itself the person for itself
 These two should be congruent for the person to be
happy Social Cognitive Theory
Me Self I Self
 A person learns behaviors through Modelling The Self in Western and Eastern Thought
o Observing other people’s actions Individualistic Self Collective Self
 Triadic Reciprocal Causation The person sees that it can live The person is controlled
o A person is affected by the interaction of its own life, doing things that it by society on how it
loves to do, making mistakes, thinks, acts, and
environmental, personal, and behavioral factors
and learning from experiences; conducts itself in the
 The person has the capacity to exercise control over
encouraged in Western cultures society
his life
 Human agency is the essence of being human
The Self in Western Thought
Ecological Self
Features of Human Agency
People have the potential to identify with other living
 Intentionality beings, widening and deepening our sense of who we are
o A person's goal and awareness of behavior to include everything alive on our planet and even the
 Forethought Earth itself
o A person’s anticipation of likely outcomes of his
behavior The Self in Confucian Thought
 Self-Reactiveness Confucius
o A process of regulating behavior as it observes its  Known as Master Kong and Great Sage and Teacher
progress in achievement o Humanistic Social Philosophy
 Self-Reflectiveness  Society is viewed as the source of values
o Process of looking inward and evaluating o Ren
motivations, values, life goals, and other people’s  Human goodness signifies the heart as the
effect on it most important part of humanity
 Self-Efficacy
o A person’s belief that it can achieve its Manifestation of Ren
goals Li Xiao Yi
 Self-Regulation Propriety Filiality Rightness
o People reactively attempt to reduce the Adherence to the Respect and The right way of
discrepancies between their accomplishments and culture of the honor for family behaving
their goal community
o After they close those discrepancies, they
proactively set newer and higher goals for

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