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Dear esteemed par cipants,

As an observer represen ng the World Youth Summit, I am honored to join this pivotal webinar ahead of
the conference aimed at limi ng plas c pollu on. It is heartening to witness such a concerted effort to
address one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our me.

Firstly, I commend the organizers for their dedica on to this cause and for convening this pla orm to
discuss strategies for reducing plas c pollu on. It is impera ve that we recognize the urgency of the
situa on and take decisive ac on to mi gate its impacts.

WYS would like to offer several recommenda ons as we move forward in our collec ve efforts:

Promote Educa on and Awareness: We must priori ze educa on and awareness campaigns to inform
communi es about the detrimental effects of plas c pollu on and empower individuals to adopt
sustainable prac ces.

Encourage Innova on: Inves ng in research and innova on is essen al for developing alterna ve
materials to plas cs and advancing recycling technologies. We must support ini a ves that promote the
development and adop on of biodegradable materials and circular economy models.

Strengthen Legisla on and Regula on: Governments play a crucial role in addressing plas c pollu on
through the implementa on of robust policies and regula ons. We need stronger measures to reduce
single-use plas cs, implement extended producer responsibility schemes, and enforce waste
management prac ces.

Foster Collabora on and Partnerships: Collabora on between governments, businesses, civil society
organiza ons, and youth-led ini a ves is key to achieving meaningful progress. By working together, we
can leverage our collec ve exper se, resources, and influence to drive systemic change.

Empower Youth Engagement: Youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the leaders of today.
We must ac vely engage and empower young people to par cipate in decision-making processes,
advocate for change, and drive grassroots ini a ves to combat plas c pollu on.
However, despite our shared commitment and determina on, we must also acknowledge the challenges
that lie ahead:

Behavioral Change: Changing entrenched behaviors and consumer habits is a formidable challenge. It
requires concerted efforts to shi societal norms towards more sustainable consump on and waste
management prac ces.

Infrastructure and Technology: Many regions lack adequate infrastructure and technology for effec ve
waste collec on, sor ng, and recycling. Addressing these gaps will require significant investments and
innova ve solu ons.

Corporate Influence: The influence of powerful corporate interests presents a barrier to implemen ng
meaningful regula on and reducing plas c produc on. We must hold corpora ons accountable for their
environmental impact and advocate for corporate responsibility.

Global Inequality: Plas c pollu on dispropor onately affects marginalized communi es and developing
countries with limited resources and infrastructure. Addressing this disparity requires a commitment to
global equity and solidarity.

Resistance to Change: Resistance from vested interests and iner a within exis ng systems can impede
progress towards plas c pollu on reduc on. Overcoming this resistance will require perseverance,
resilience, and strategic advocacy efforts.

In conclusion, while the challenges ahead are daun ng, I am confident that by working together with
determina on, innova on, and collabora on, we can overcome them. Let us seize this opportunity to
chart a course towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for all.

Thank you.

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