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SCIENCE (Chemistry)
Chapter-Metals and Nonmetals

1. Although metals form basic oxides, which of the following metals form an amphoteric oxide?
a) Na
b) Ca
c) Al
d) Cu
2. Generally, non-metals are not lustrous. Which of the following nonmetal is lustrous?
a) Sulphur
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Iodine
3. Non-metals do not replace hydrogen from acids because:
a) Non-metal being acceptors of electrons.
b) They are less reactive than hydrogen.
c) They are more reactive than hydrogen.
d) None of these
4. Reaction between X and Y, forms compound Z. X loses electron and Y gains electron. Which of the
following properties is not shown by Z?
a) Has high melting point
b) Has low melting point
c) Conducts electricity in molten state
d) Occurs as solid
5. The group of metals which do not react with oxygen:
a. Au, Ag
b. Pt, Cu
c. Na, Cs
d. All of these
6. The electronic configurations of three elements X, Y and Z are X - 2, 8; Y - 2, 8, 7 and Z - 2, 8, 2.
Which of the following is correct?
a. X is a metal
b. Y is a metal
c. Z is a non-metal
d. Y is a non-metal and Z is a metal

7. Match the following with the correct response:

(i) Bronze (a) Iron
(ii) Stainless steel (b) Aluminium
(iii) Solder (c) Tin and lead
(iv) Duralumin (d) Copper
a. (i) - (d), (ii) - (a), (iii) - (c), (iv) - (b)
b. (i) - (b), (ii) - (d), (iii) - (a), (d) - (c)
c. (i) - (c), (ii) - (b), (iii) - (d), (iv) - (a)
d. (i) - (a), (ii) - (c), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (d)
8. Which of the following can undergo a chemical reaction?
a. MgSO4 + Fe
b. ZnSO4 + Fe
c. MgSO4 + Pb
d. CuSO4 + Fe
9. The ratio of HCl and HNO3 in Aqua Regia is:
a. 3 : 1
b. 3 : 2
c. 2 : 3
d. 1 : 3
10. If copper is kept open in air, it slowly loses its shining brown surface and gains a green coating. It
is due to the formation of
a. CuSO4
b. CuCO3
c. Cu(NO3)2
d. CuO
11. HNO3 is a strong acid because:
a. It dissociates completely in aqueous solution
b. It dissociates partially in aqueous solution
c. It doesn’t dissociate into ions at all
d. None of these
12. The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wire is known as
a. ductility
b. malleability
c. sonority
d. conductivity
13. Which oxide will turn blue litmus solution to red?

A. SO2
B. MgO
C. Na2O
D. NO2
a. A and D
b. A and C
c. B and C
d. All of these

14. An alloy is
a. an element
b. a compound
c. a homogeneous mixture
d. a heterogeneous mixture

15. Which of the following property is generally shown by metals?

A. Electrical conduction
B. Sonorous in nature
C. Dullness
D. Ductility
a. A, B and D
b. A and C
c. All of these
d. A and B

16. Which one of the following properties is not generally exhibited by ionic compounds?
a. Solubility in water
b. Electrical conductivity in solid state
c. High melting and boiling points
d. Electrical conductivity in molten state
17. Match the following with the correct response:
(1) Metal (A) Acidic oxides
(2) Non-metal (B) Neutral
(3) Amphoteric (C) Both acidic and basic oxides
(4) Salts (D) Basic oxides
a. 1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
b. 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C
c. 1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A
d. 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D

18. Which of the following statement is correct:

Statement A: The electrical conductivity and melting point of an alloy is less than that of pure
Statement B: Different metals have the same reactivity with water and dilute acids.
a. Statement A is true; Statement B is false.
b. Both the statements - A and B - are true.
c. Neither statement A nor statement B is true.
d. Statement B is true; Statement A is false.

19. Name the reducing agent in the following reaction: 3MnO2 + 4Al → 3Mn + 2Al2O3
a. Al
b. Al2O3
c. Mn
d. MnO2

20. 2 mL each of concentrated HCl, HNO3, and a mixture of concentrated HCl and concentrated
HNO3 in the ratio of 3:1 were taken in test tubes labelled as A, B and C. A small piece of metal was
put in each test tube. No change occurred in test tubes A and B but the metal got dissolved in test
tube C respectively. The metal could be
a. Al and Au
b. Au and Pt
c. Cu and Au
d. Pt and Cu

21. Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because:
a. Zinc is more reactive than tin.
b. Zinc has a higher melting point than that of tin.
c. Zinc is costlier than tin.
d. Zinc is less reactive than tin.

22. Galvanisation process involves elements of zinc and iron. Which of the two metals is sacrificing
its life to save the life of the other?
a. Zn
b. Fe
c. Both sacrifice each other’s life
d. None of these

23. Aluminum is used for making cooking utensils. Which of the following properties of aluminum
are responsible for the same?

i. Good thermal conductivity

ii. Good electrical conductivity
iii. Ductility
iv. High melting point
a. (i) and (ii)
b. (i) and (iii)
c. (ii) and (iii)
d. (i) and (iv)

24. Which of the given statement is correct:

Statement A: All metals form basic oxides.
Statement B: Few non-metals form neutral oxides.
a. Statement B is true. Statement A is false.
b. Both the statements A and B are true.
c. Both the statements A and B are false.
d. Statement A is true. Statement B is false.

25. What happen when calcium is treated with water?

a. It does not react with water.

b. It reacts violently with water.
c. It reacts less violently with water.
d. Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed during the reaction stick to the surface of calcium.
a) C and D
b) B and C
c) A, B and D
d) All of these
26. Before keeping any eatables in the jar, Riya always keeps anhydrous CaCl2 in the bottle to:
a) To absorb moisture
b) Kill germs
c) To clean the bottle
d) All of these

27. Which of the following are not ionic compounds?

i. KCl
ii. HCl
iii. CCl4
iv. NaCl
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (iii) and (iv)
d) (i) and (iv)

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

28. Assertion (A): Iron is found in the free-state in nature.

Reason (R): Iron is a highly reactive element.
29. Assertion (A): Metals are sonorous.
Reason (R): They are generally brittle in the solid-state; they break into pieces when hammered.
30. Assertion (A): Platinum, gold and silver are used to make jewellery.
Reason (R): Platinum, gold and silver are least reactive metals.
31. Assertion (A): Zinc oxide is amphoteric in nature.
Reason (R): Zinc oxide reacts with both acids and bases.

Read the following and answer the following questions:

Metal has various physical properties which include metallic lustre that they have shining surfaces in
their pure state. Metal can be easily beaten into thin sheets. They are ductile can drown into
wire due to which metal can be given different shapes according to their needs. Metal is a good
conductor of heats and has high melting and boiling point.

32. Which of the following is the least reactive metal?

a. Sodium
b. Silver
c. Copper
d. Lead

33. The metal which is most ductile ________.

a. gold
b. aluminium
c. copper
d. magnesium

34. Which of the following metal exist in a liquid state?

a. Calcium
b. Potassium
c. Mercury
d. Sodium

35. Which of the following metal is a poor conductor of heat?

a. Silver
b. Copper
c. Lead
d. All of these

Read the following and answer any four questions:

Sodium and chlorine are opposite charge ions that attach each other to form an ionic compound. In
which sodium atom has 1 electron in its outermost M shell it loses 1 electron now L shell and
obtained stable octet. While chlorine gains 1 electron to attain a stable configuration. They both
combined to form NaCl. Ionic compounds have a high melting and boiling point. They are soluble in

36. An ionic compound is formed by:

a. sharing of electron
b. transfer of electron
c. both (a) and (b)
d. none of these
37. Ionic compound conducts electricity in a molten state because

a. ions move freely

b. the electrostatic force of attraction between ions is overcome due to heat
c. ion is not able to move
d. both (a) and (b)

38. The atomic number of an element Y is 17. The number of electrons in its ion Y- will be

a. 17
b. 18
c. 19
d. 20

39. Which one of the following properties is generally not exhibited by ionic compounds?

a. Solubility in Water
b. Electrical conductivity in solid-state
c. High melting and boiling point
d. Electrical activity in a molten state

40. Which of the following alloys contains mercury as one of the constituents?

a. Stainless steel
b. Solder
c. Duralumin
d. Zinc amalgam

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