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NOTE : Attempt all questions:- (IV) India is a country of innermost

Ques.1) Tick (✓) the correct option:- size and _____.
(A) It is a work of Kalidasa:
Harsh charitra( ) Meghdut ( ) (V) The sun shines vertically over the
(B) Stone tool making involved tropic of Capricorn on ______.
planning and ____ like other
craft. (VI) Millions of stars together form
Technique ( ) Skills ( ) a group called _____.
(C) the most important invention of
the Neolithic age was that of: (VII) All _____ are of equal length.
Wheel ( ) Fire ( )
(D) how many latitudes are there on (VIII) _____ tells about our past.
the earth ?
181 ( ) 180 ( ) (IX) The old age is also called
(E) The ____ is made of burning gas. the_____.
Moon ( ) Sun ( )
(X) _______ is located in the hills
(F) The rotation of the Earth is near the Brahmaputra valley .
completed in about: Ques.3). Write T/F :-
18 hours ( ) 24 ( )
(I) Agriculture helped man to lead a settled life.
(G) Baisakhi is the harvest festival of ( )
Punjab ( ) Assam ( ) (II) History tells about our future. ( )

(H) The word 'Democracy' literally (III) Hiuen Tsang was Chinese
means rule by the_____. traveller. ( )
Queen ( ) People ( )
(IV) All meridians are equal to the
(I) ____ is one of the most equator in lenght. ( )
important causes of inequality.
Poverty ( ) Illiteracy ( ) (V) Satellites move around the
(J) The ____ are held at regular planets. ( )
intervals .
Election ( ) Market ( ) (VI) The Earth revolves around the
moon. ( )

Ques.2). Fill in the blanks :- (VII) India is a country of one

festival. ( )
(I) The election are held at regular _____.
(VIII) Trains are public property.( )
(II) _____ and economic factors
create inequality among the (IX) There are four varnas in ancient
people. India. ( )
(X) All citizens are born free and
III) The _____ age varies from have equal right. ( )

Ques.4). Match the following:- (IX) Anyone Chinese pilgrims

visited India...........
(A) (B)
(X) The old age also called the.........
(I) Indian (a) Globe
Constitution Ques.6) Very short answer type
(II) Dictatorship (b) Direction A) What is History?
B) What is manuscript?
(III) Earth's (c) Revolution C) Who fought against
Model untouchability?

(IV) Compass (d) Rule by one Ques.7) short answer type question.
person (any five). (7.5)

(V) Change of (e) Rotation A) How was the community life in

seasons the Neolithic age?
B) how can the citizens participated
(VI) Change of (f) Dr. B.R. in government affairs?
day/night Ambedkar C) What is prejudice?
D) Write about ' Varna system'.
E) Write about 'Saptarshi.'
Ques.5) One word answer type F) How does the rotation of the earth
questions :- causes day and night?
G) Describe the composition of solar
(I) How many languages that are system.
spoken in India?
Quest.8) Long as the type question do any
(II) Our mother tongue is______. three(3) question.

(III) At what age people can vote in A) Differentiate between summer

Japan? and winter solstice.
B) Different between rotation and
(IV) Government is run according to revolution.
_______. C) Explain the importance of
(V) Indian Central legislature is D) How are the stone tools made ?
known as the______. What were the classification of
stone tools?
(VI) In which type of government E) How do coins and architects help
rule by the people? us in studying history?
Ques.9). Show these states
(VII) People are free to express their on the map of India.
________. Haryana Uttar Pradesh Gujarat
(VIII) The study of past is called Rajasthan.

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