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Matey Public School

Summative Assessment Exams

Class - 4th Section A
Subject - English

Time-3 hours Maximum Marks - 40

Ques.1) Write any six word and meaning ?

ग्रान्ट , नीडेड, ट्रेक, फारेस्टर्स, एबिलिटी , चिकन , ग्रोअप, प्रोटेक्शन

Ques.2) Tick the correct option ?

(A) What did Sudha get for her birthday ?

(i) A cricket kit (ii) A cricket team (iii) Dolls

(B) Who taught Sudha to play cricket ?

(i) Priti's Mother (ii) Rajan (iii) Her mother

(C) How many runs did Priti Score in all?

(i) Six (ii) Two (iii) Ten

(D) Who made no runs at all?

(i) Sumit (ii) Priti's mother (iii) Sudha

(E) How many runs were needed to girls team to win ?

(i) Ten (ii) Six (iii) Five

Ques.3) Write 'True' or 'False' statement ?

1) Ancient human beings had to protect themselves from dinosaurs.

2) Dinosaurs were the only Prehistoric animals.

3) Dinosaurs were a type of ancient reptiles.

4) Dinosaurs came in all sizes.

5) Your great grand father would have seen a dinosaur.

Ques.4) Fill in the blanks.

1) Sukheeram lives in in Kerela.

2) A arrives in the area from place unknown.

3) Using she creates her shadow which can move independently.

4) She is stunned and drops the on the floor.

5) The next day spreads the news thus wicked witch is thrown out of the town.

Ques.5) Short answer type question? Do any five?

(1) Who is the poet of poem - Cradle song ?

(2) Who is the speaker of Birthday- Present ?

(3) From where did the mother steal a little lovely dream ?

(4) What do humans inhale and exhale ?

(5) Write the function of carbon dioxide for trees?

(6) What is mesozoic ear ?

(7) What was special about the sal tree that grew near the palace ?

Ques.6) Long Answer type Question ? (Do any two).

(1) Write various functions of trees ?

(2) What is climate change?

(3) Explain the meaning of aathwart the lotus- stram ?

(4) Why did the sal tree spirit appear to the king in his dream ?

( Section - B )

Ques.1) Underline the subject and write it in the given blank ?

(A) Mumbai is a big city.

(B) Anmol is reading a book.

Ques.2) Change the Singular in to Plural (any 10).

Horse, Tree, Photo, Zoo, Boy, Ox, Fish, Class, Poet, Cat, Dog, Ball, Apple.

Ques.3) Cross out the in correct pronoun in the following sentences ?

(A) My uncle give (Me/My) a Mobile.

(B) I requested (they/them) to help.

Ques.4) Write the difine of noun with example and write kinds of noun ?

Ques.5) Change the Gender ?(any 6).

Bride ,Actress, Horse, Peacock, Cow ,Tiger, Dog, Husband.

Ques.6) Translate in to english ?

(1) वे मन्दिर जाते है।

(2) सूरज चमकता है।

(3) रमेश खाना बनाता है।

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