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2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT)

LIFELINE – A Unified Solution for Healthcare

2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT) | 979-8-3503-9648-5/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/InCACCT57535.2023.10141691

Department of Computer Science and
Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and
Engineering Engineering
KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of
KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of
Technology Technology
Coimbatore, India
Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India

Department of Computer Science and
KIT- Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of
Coimbatore, India

Abstract—Over the years, the healthcare sector has found provides vital elements—such as carbohydrates, oxygen,
its boom and requirement increase under the category of and hormones to organs and cells.
donation. The only source of blood and blood components such The problem here is not a shortage of donors;
as plasma and platelets for patients in need of the same is open- rather, it is the challenge of locating a devoted supporter or
handed donors. The issue here is not lack of people willing to
donate; rather, it is the difficulty in finding an ardent
giver at the right time. In a congruous nature, organ or tissue
supporter or donor at the ideal moment. A necessity arises donation also offers suffering patients the potential to live a
where one should gather several global health groups so that long life and have a better quality of life. The need for organ
people could be connected during a crisis. A one stop donation, however, greatly outweighs the supply of qualified
facilitation towards healthcare donation is LIFELINE – A donors; although around 90% of us support organ donation,
Centralized system for Donation of Blood, Plasma, Platelets only 60% actually participate [1]. An estimated 109,000
and Human Organs. It is an extended web application to unify human beings of all ages and gender are in need of organ
the needs of the healthcare world by merging in the donation of transplants. Each year, almost 6,000 people die while
blood and its components along with specified organ transplant waiting even in a developed country like the United States
notification and organ donation volunteership. Although there
are several applications for blood donation, the major
[1]. However, a sizeable portion of organs are received from
drawback was figured out when issues raised to find out other live donations. Eventually, a sizeable portion can also be
donors like plasma during an instance of COVID. The main received from dead donors. The largest sources of organs
focus is to create a fully functional system that integrates all are deceased donors who have passed away after brain
kinds of health-oriented donation with timely updated death. The lack of organs is a global issue that requires the
information thus by establish a direct connection between the greatest level of attention, despite advancements in medical,
donor and recipient irrespective of the odds of technology at pharmaceutical, and surgical procedures. Organs, blood
both ends. Distinctive features like, notification specific to the components, and other donation-related elements have
locale range of the patient, exemption according to donor’s proven to be challenging to locate when needed. Even
donation interval, activity status of the donor, authenticity of
information furnished, location tracking of the donor until the
though there is a great demand, there is currently no
donor reaches the recipient and further other enhancements structure that allows a layperson to access or request blood,
are being focused on. plasma, platelets, or an organ transplant during a time of
emergency. The quickest way to identify donors using a
Keywords—healthcare, blood, plasma, platelets, organ, comprehensive approach is still a mystery.
donation, centralized system LIFELINE is an application that will serve as a
single stop solution for health donation related activities. To
I. INTRODUCTION trace out donors, to make a recipient’s life easier at the time
of need remains to be the prime aim.
The most important aspect of any human life is
blood. Blood flows through our bodies and supplies vital II. LITERATURE SURVEY
elements like oxygen and nutrition to the body’s cells.
Plasma and cells make up the blood, which travels As an enormous level of understanding was required
throughout the body. It eliminates waste from cells and for the awareness about the current presence of the
application or idea in the field, a good number of research
ISBN: 979-8-3503-9648-5/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

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publications and research items present in the web were participants of higher socioeconomic status (62.7%) showed
retrieved out and an analysis was done with regards to the higher organ willingness rates. Hindus (63.6%) and
field of the application. The summaries are as follows. Christians (63.3%) were more willing to donate organs than
Muslims (38.2%).
Entitled as Free Blood Donation Mobile Application
[2], this study shows that mobile applications can be helpful TABLE I. SUMMARY BASED ON CHARACTERISTICS [4]
to raise awareness about donating blood. This paper Characteristic Specification Willingness to
analyzes and evaluates the features and functions of free Considered Donate (%)
apps for blood donation. As a part of the research, Google <20 61.6
20-40 65.1
Play, Windows Mobile App Store, Apple Apps Store and Age group
40-60 54.9
other stores were searched to select 169 free blood donation >60 43.4
apps out of 188 identified apps. The results presented in this Male 56.8
study indicate that the majority of selected apps were Female 64.1
developed for the Android operating system. Additionally, Socio Economic Upper 62.7
Status Lower 54.2
most of the selected applications help users find donors
<High School 54.9
whereas some applications were not installable or Education
>High School 60.4
accessible. Half of what one can install doesn't require Hindu 63.6
authentication. Some of them are available in multiple Religion Christian 63.3
languages. Half of them have geographic restrictions. About Muslim 38.2
60% of them do not notify users about blood donation
events and requests. About 45% of them allow users to share Literacy and age group also was studied and the same
information via social networks, and most of them do not has been depicted in the table above. In addition, 23.7% of
provide any kind of recommendations. As a conclusion, it the participants expressed willingness to donate their eyes,
was understood that to increase the number of volunteer and 33.6% wanted to donate any organ after death. Most
donors, there is a need for a better blood donation participants (67%) recognized that they should not receive
application with enhanced features. money for organ donation, and 58.1% recognized that it was
a crime to receive organ donation proceeds 40% of
Approaching Families About Organ Donation: A participants were aware of the risks associated with organ
Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Health donation. 42.3% of participants knew their donor card and
Professionals [3] - The purpose of this study is to explore 3.7% already had it.
the experience of health professionals and to better
understand their familial interactions when working with III. EXISTING SYSTEM
organ donation. A hermeneutic-phenomenological approach An expectance of figuring out a web application
[3] was used to examine the participants' experiences; was the primary aim. As an available website and in order to
through a combination of observations and in-depth ensure correct collection and donation, efficient
interviews with nurses and doctors recruited from two management, and close supervision of the quality and
intensive care units (ICUs) at a Norwegian university quantity of given blood, e-Rakt Kosh implements the Drug
hospital; the data was collected. The results showed that the & Cosmetic Act and National Blood Policy standards and
situation was delicate and the challenge was to find the best recommendations. Formed by Ministry of Health and
time to address the issue in a meaningful way. Respecting Family Welfare, the website only contains the lists of details
patient wishes and family decisions was a value expressed of blood banks, Blood Donation Camp details, Blood
among participants, but there were also conflicting availability in blood banks. The specific system consists of
expectations for raising issues. This study helps us obsolete data and there is no interactive module between
understand the challenges that healthcare professionals face donor and recipient and eventually is not fully functional.
when facing brain death as an inevitable consequence of a As a part of the #DelhiFightsCorona, the Delhi
patient's clinical condition, and when contacting family Government launched a portal in the name of Delhi Fights
members regarding organ donation. Corona aiming to bring about volunteers from around India
in line to be ready to donate for the betterment of the state. It
Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Organ Donation remains to be a mere volunteer detail collection webpage
Among People Seeking Healthcare in Tertiary Care Centers and provides no interactive functionality.
of Coastal South India [4] – This hospital-based cross- [10] is the world’s largest
sectional study was conducted at three selected care centers voluntary blood donors’ organization with services available
in the city of Mangalore. The study participants were in India and neighboring countries. The organization's main
individuals who utilize outpatient section at selected centres aim is to have a society wherein there is no shortage of
for general health checkup reasons. blood in the most critical situations. The mentioned system
Participants were not known to have chronic or serious focuses only on blood and gives no clue about the donor’s
illnesses and attended health centers primarily for activity status.
respiratory, gastrointestinal, and other common conditions. As a part of any website or application, instances
A sample size for this study was estimated as 863. By like the following haven’t been enforced. Blood donations
describing the estimated organ donation awareness of people should not be made by anaemic individuals or those who are
attending tertiary care centers as 50%, relative accuracy of underweight in relation to their height. People with diseases
7%, confidence interval of 95%, and non-response error of that can spread through blood are ineligible to donate. As
10%. Overall, 59.6% of participants indicated willingness to long as the needle used in the piercing was sanitary, blood
donate organs. Females (64.1%), males (58.6%) and donors who have had their ears, tongues, or other body parts


Authorized licensed use limited to: Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. Downloaded on January 30,2024 at 13:27:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
pierced are permitted to give. The potential donor must wait • Health and habits of the donor
12 months after the piercing if it wasn't or if this is • Aged between 18 and 65
unknown. Being infected with the AIDS or hepatitis viruses
• Weigh a minimum of 50 kg
disqualifies a person from donating blood, as does being
pregnant or recently giving birth. This is due to the fact that • Is the donor breastfeeding
the safety of donating during pregnant or right after giving • Ever tested positive for HIV
birth has not been thoroughly demonstrated [3]. These being • Minimum Hemoglobin Level (12.5g/Dl – Female
not checked definitely, will lead to mishaps during the final & 13.0g/Dl – Male)
minutes of emergence. As a separated segment, blood components donor
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM registration, organ donor volunteership registration and
individual donor login, for both volunteer organ donors and
The main objective is to build a web application blood component donors is made.
accessible to all and to bring a centralized solution to all the
donation related activities. Exclusive sections for blood and
blood components donation, immediate organ transplant
notifier for brain-death instances, volunteer organ donor
information, blood banks, blood camp related information is
aimed to be developed. Right from the donor and receiver
interaction to the location movement tracking, enhanced
features have been included here to make the system much
effective. Without mere data listing, an interactive platform
has been pitched in order to maintain a contact channel
between the donor and recipient. Once the
blood/plasma/platelets needed is requested, a notification
pertaining to the people present in a set kilometer radius is
sent out and once the request is accepted, a direct channel of Fig.1 Module 1 – Donor Login Module
contact is established. After this, once the donor accepts and
starts travelling from his/her location, a live location
tracking is setup for the receiver to be aware of the distance B. Donor Verification
or estimated time of arrival of the donor during periods of Verification is the process where a company/product
emergency. Once a donor has donated, there will definitely verifies the claim is true using identifying
be an interval period of time where he/she cannot donate documents/factors. Whereas, authentication is when the
and during that the live status of the donor will be inactive; person accesses their account, they authenticate their
during other times, active status will be visible as per the identity using one or more factors of to confirm they are the
availability of the donor. rightful and actual owner of the account. In Fig.2 under the
LIFELINE is a fully functional system that specified system, the user is given an option of choosing the
integrates all kinds of health-oriented donation with timely type of donation he or she prefers to do along with a section
updated information thus by establish a direct connection for organ donation. Once he/she opts in for the type of
between the donor and recipient irrespective of the odds of donation, the required data is collected and the data is then
technology at both ends. Distinctive features like, processed to check if he/she is eligible and fit to donate.
notification specific to the locale range of the patient, Provided that the data proves the human being to fit, after
exemption according to donor’s donation interval, activity corresponded verification, the data is accepted and a user
status of the donor, authenticity of information furnished, login is created. If the detail check rules out to provide an
location tracking of the donor until the donor reaches the unfit result, a prompt response is given out stating that the
recipient and further other enhancements are being focused person is unfit to donate.
on. The various modules of the system have been listed and

A. Donor Login Module

As a base requirement, for donation, a donor is required.
So, a donor can be included into the application as a
volunteer who prefers to donate in the first place. For the
person who is ready to donate, details like Name, Age, Date
of Birth, health and habits details, Blood group, Aadhar
number, Blood certificate, Plasma criterion details, Platelets
details and other details that establish the integrity of the
donor and the authenticity of the details furnished is verified
and the representation is given in Fig.1.
In order to verify the details of the donor, it is aimed that Fig. 2 Module 2 - Donor Verification
a manual check has to be done in the background and then, a
verification sign is to be released as a symbol. As a C. Requisition From Recipient Module
volunteer to donate, he or she should be eligible to donate.
Once the user enters the dashboard, as denoted in Fig.3,
Crucial aspects like the following are also included as a part
the user has the option for requesting for blood, plasma and
of the enhancement of the module:
platelets. After the choice is provided, the patient details,

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along with the location is received and a process of OTP
verification is carried along to prove the genuineness of the Hospital to Hospital Tie-up
request by using the phone number received. A notification
is sent if the donor is present in an active status and if the
donor is present within a 20-kilometre range via an SMS or
a call. This is a feature that enables a close contact, i.e., the
donor is in a closer surrounding and is routed to the recipient
such that the issue of delay in blood receival is reduced to a
maximum extent. After the notification is received, the
donor has the freedom to accept or decline the requests sent.
Provided that the donor accepts the request, a direct
connection between the donor and the recipient and to
facilitate the process easily, a live location tracking system Fig. 4 Module 4 – Hospital Registration and Tie-up
is built. When the donor declines the request, the requester
is been notified with a notification that the request has been

Fig. 5 Module 5 – Blood Banks Details Module

Thus, with the above listed modules, the application is

Fig.3 Module 3 – Requisition from Recipient built as an extensive one in order to provide the same as a
holistic application for an extended usage.
D. Hospital Registration & Tie-Up Module
Organ donation has become an issue although the need V. CONCLUSION
for the same is increasing day by day. Under the organ
donation system, an option of being a volunteer donor or a
requisition for organs can be chosen. Despite the decade's worth of medical advancements,
If the user chooses to be a volunteer organ donor, the more than 92 million blood donations [9] are made every
required details are received and a unique ID is delivered to year around the world. An optimized, fully functional
the user. Under the requisition section, authorized hospitals system has become the need of the hour to make the lives of
are provided with a login where each hospital can propose patients easy and to make sure that the process of donation
the organ requirement, organ or blood component and receival happens ethically. For the user, simplicity with
availability if present and the same in cases of brain death or optimal usage and functionality is tried and maintained
other instances. Using the login, mails can be sent out in a throughout the system. The unprecedented times of the
common juncture and according to the requests or mails world have made us understand the significance of
posed from other connected hospitals, requirements can be healthcare donation. Instead of waiting for someone to come
satisfied. for the rescue, people from various technical fields are
pitching their ideas and contributions to make this situation
E. Blood Banks Details Module better. For the past years, the healthcare field has been
growing day by day, enhancing to provide the best for the
Not only for individuals, the application was planned to public and is making the human race stronger than we think.
be extended for the use of blood banks as well. As an Providing the right support to people of all walks of life will
individual if he/she wishes to donate directly to any blood make us stronger than ever. The support includes setting up
bank, the direct option can be used. Eventually, the details technical applications required by the public to make the
are gathered about the individual and the profile is checked lives of people merrier.
if the donor has already created a login.
On the blood bank section of the dashboard, a detail
bank of blood bank name, address, stock and shelf life, VI. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS
contact details and other such information will be listed.
As a part of the future enhancement, this application is
aimed to be delivered as a service to the public. In certain
areas where human verification is required, it is aimed to be
automated and an automated verification is intended to be
produced. Enhancements in the software that is used by
incorporating better setup for the extension of the
application will also be focused on.

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For an instance, instead of traditional server-based
databases, cloud-based databases will be incorporated in
order to make the system efficient. The primary aim remains
to extend the usage of the application for the reach of the
public and to make sure that healthcare donation does not
set its path anymore as an issue in the society.

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