SCIE-PT-Q4 (1)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Fourth Periodical Test in Science 5

Name: _________________________________________________________________Score: _______
I. Direction: Read each item carefully then write the letter of the correct answer before each item.
___1. It is the physical wearing away of rocks. What do we call this?
A. Biological Weathering C. Mechanical Weathering
B. Chemical Weathering D. Both A and B

___2. Which of the following can cause mechanical weathering?

A. carbon dioxide B. mining C. oxygen D. water

___3. What type of weathering involves change in the composition of the rock?
A. Biological B. Chemical C. Mechanical D. Electrical

___4. Which of the following is NOT a factor that causes chemical weathering?
A. animals B. carbon dioxide C. oxygen D. water

___5. The breaking of rocks is caused by living organism such as tree, animals, algae and bacteria. What type
of weathering is this?
A. Biological Weathering C. Mechanical Weathering
B. Chemical Weathering D. Both A and B

___6. Biological weathering is the _____________. Which one best complete the statement?
A. Weathering is caused by acidic water.
B. The breakdown of rock by oxygen and water.
C. Weathering caused by the activities of living organisms.
D. The breakdown of rock by acidic water to produce clay and soluble salts.

___7. Which process refer to the movement of soil from one place to another?
A. erosion B. deposition C. landscaping D. weathering

___8. Which of the following factors can affect soil erosion?

I. amount of vegetation in the area
II. speed and amount of running water
III. dryness and size and soil particles
IV. slope of the land
A. I and II only B. III and IV C. I, II and IV only D. I,II,III and IV

___9. It is a term that used to describe a change in atmospheric conditions or weather patterns. What do
we call this?
A. cyclone B. tornado C. typhoon D. weather disturbance
___10. It is usually accompanied by thunder and lightning. What weather disturbance is being described?
A. cyclone B. thunderstorm C. tornado D. typhoon

___11. PSWS No. 1 can cause _________________. Which one completes the statement?
A. many big trees to be uprooted
B. twigs and branches of small trees to be broken
C. rice and corn plantation to suffer severe damages
D. the sea and coastal waters to be very dangerous to all sea crafts

___12. What phase of the moon do you see when the moon is between the Earth and the sun?
A. first moon B. full moon C. last quarter D. new moon

___13. In this phase, we can see the full lighted side of the moon a week after the first quarter moon.
What phase of the moon is being described?
A. crescent moon B. full moon C. new moon D. waxing moon

___14. A constellation is a group of visible ______ that form a pattern when viewed from Earth.
Which of these best complete the sentence?
A. lights B. patterns C. planets D. stars

___15. Which of these is considered as the nearest star to the Earth?

A. Andromeda B. Orion C. Polaris D. Sun

___16. The following statements are the importance of weathering to humans, except one. Which is
A. It helps to shape and change the surface of the earth
B. It breaks down rocks and minerals, which helps to create soil.
C. It decreases soil fertility, which can negatively affect crop yields
D. It helps to create many different types of landforms on the earth’s surface

___17. Sand dunes in Paoay, Ilocos Norte is one of the tourist destinations caused by soil erosion.
What agent of soil erosion causes the formation of this landform?
A. animal B. temperature C. water D. wind

___18. How can trees help prevent erosion?

A. The roots absorb the water at once.
B. The roots hold the soil firmly together.
C. The trees block the way of running water.
D. The roots secrete acid, attacking the rocks.

___19. It is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and
clouds. What is being described in the statement?
A. storm B. tidal waves C. typhoon D. tornado

___ 20. What can we observe during a typhoon?

A. Heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds.
B. The sun becomes visible and the sky becomes clearer.
C. The air is dry and cold since most of the warm air rises already.
D. There are branches of trees, damaged electric post scattered everywhere.

___ 21. What are the beneficial effects of the typhoon in the environment?
A. It cleanses the air C. It causes soil erosion
B. There is flooding and fires D. It creates landforms

___ 22. Before a typhoon comes, what kind of foods should we store?
A. Canned good and liquor
B. Meat, vegetable and fruits
C. Foods that are hard to prepare
D. Foods that do not need cooking

___ 23. It is difficult to see the stars and determine their size with our naked eyes because
________________. Which is the best explanation to this?
A. They are very far from Earth.
B. It is surrounded by many planets.
C. Their location cannot be determined.
D. Stars are very bright and have a hot temperature.

___ 24. People used the stars to navigate before the invention of the compass, primarily when sailing
across the ocean. In ancient times, constellations were used to create and track the calendar, allowing
farmers to know when to plant and harvest crops. What can you infer from this?
A. Stars are helpful in tracking location/time.
B. Stars are less important in telling destinations.
C. Stars help people in observing constellations.
D. Stars help people to make their beliefs come true.

___ 25. The color of the star is related to its _________. Which one?
A. size B. shape C. size and temperature D. size and shape

___ 26. How does temperature breakdown rocks?

A. Rocks break when it is cooled.
B. Rocks break when it is heated.
C. Rocks break when it is not exposed to water.
D. Rocks break when it is heated and then cooled.

___ 27. Which of the following happens when the rock is weakened and disintegrated under chemical
reactions that alter the rock’s mineral?
A. Chemical B. Erosion C. Mechanical D. Weathering

___ 28. Some animals like the rabbits and moles dig up soil for shelter or to find food. How does this
activity contributed to the breaking down of rocks?
A. Small rocks that be exposed to sunlight.
B. The digging of animals breaks the rocks into small pieces.
C. Animals bring food underground and causes the breaking of rocks.
D. Animals staying in the dug holes cause the rising of temperature inside.

___ 29. In what way does a human worsen soil erosion?

A. planting crops C. cutting of trees
B. building houses D. hunting animals in the forest

___30. What method did Igorots used in controlling soil erosion at the mountainside?
A. Contour plowing B. Crop Rotation C. Riprapping D. Terracing
___31. What will you do when you heard on the television of the coming of a typhoon?
A. Plan ahead of your work.
B. Go out for a camp with friends.
C. Stay at home and have a movie marathon.
D. Prepare enough foods, water, and important documents.

___32. Justine’s family planned to hold a birthday celebration in a resort this Saturday. However, the
weather forecaster announced that a typhoon will be affecting the area where the family lives. What
should the family do?
A. They will change the venue.
B. They will continue their planned family occasion.
C. They will postpone their planned family occasion.
D. They will continue the occasion a day before the typhoon.

___33. Which of the following should you NOT do after the typhoon?
A. Help the victims by sharing food and water to drink.
B. Check the entire house for possible damage and fix.
C. Go out and help your family clean the surroundings.
D. Check electrical wirings in the house that were soaked in the flood.

___34. Willjohn is a grade 5 pupil. They do not have class because their area is affected by the
Typhoon Betty with signal number 1 but there was a little rain, what should he do?
A. Spend time with friends through biking.
B. Do gardening activities at the backyard.
C. Stay inside the house and monitor weather reports.
D. Going out with friends and make themselves busy.

___ 35. How are you going to protect your family from the potential harm from a typhoon? A. Open
all windows and switch on your main power supply.
B. Secure enough food and drinking water for everyone in the household.
C. Just leave your shelter even you were not informed by the rescue personnel.
D. Touch the loose and dangling wire from lamp post, it may have electric current.

___36. Which of these statements is correct?

A. Weathering is the transfer of soil particles from another place.
B. Both weathering and soil erosion bring harmful effect to the environment.
C. Weathering is the breaking of rocks while soil erosion is the carrying away of soil
D. None of the above

___37. All the statements are caused by weather disturbances, except one. Which is NOT?
A. It removes pollutants from the atmosphere.
B. Disruption of electricity, water, and light services.
C. Destruction of homes, crops and uprooting of trees.
D. Formation of sand dunes, rock formations, and other scenic landscape.

___ 38.Which of the following is the best thing to do after a typhoon?

A. Prepare an emergency kit.
B. Keep enough supply of water, rice, canned goods and medicines.
C. Be alert of your local officials’ advisory if you need to evacuate or not.
D. Ask an electrician to check electrical wirings that were soaked in flood water.
___39. Which of these statements is true?
A. PSWS #1: wind speed of 89-117 kph, with light damage.
B. PSWS #2: wind speed of 30-61 kph, with a heavy damage.
C. PSWS #3: wind speed of 118-220 kph, with heavy rains and strong winds.
D. PSWS #4: wind speed of 62-88 kph, with no damage to very light damage.

___40. When does a new moon occur?

A. When the Earth is between the moon and the sun
B. When the moon is between the Earth and the sun
C. When the sun is between the Earth and the moon
D. When the moon is away from the Earth and the sun

___41. Why is weathering important?

A. It breaks down rocks.
B. It allows miners to look for minerals.
C. Owners of quarrying business become rich.
D. It breaks down rocks and minerals, which helps to create soil for plants growth.

___42. Soil erosion has a good effect to our environment. Why?

A. It removes the topsoil.
B. It decrease food production.
C. It can damage the fertility of the soil.
D. It leads to the formation of landforms.

___43. Why do we need to follow precautionary measures before the typhoon?

A. To protect ourselves and our family
B. To lessen the damage of the typhoon
C. To make our environment clean and safe.
D. A and B only

___44. Why does the appearance of the moon changes?

A. Because of the light illuminated from the sun.
B. Because the moon do not have its own light.
C. Because of the gravitational pull of the Earth.
D. Because of the position of the moon as it moves around the Earth.

___45. Lexie loves moon gazing. He observed and recorded 8 different phases of the moon. Why?
A. Due to the gravitational pull of the Earth.
B. Due to the moon’s rotation around the Sun.
C. Due to the amount of light it receives from the Sun.
D. Due to its complete revolution every 27 days around the Earth.

____ 46. A school is located near a riverbank and the playground area is prone to soil erosion. The
school wants to implement measures to protect the playground. How can the school promote students
involvement in preventing soil erosion?
A. Organize educational workshop on soil conservation.
B. Establish a garden club to prevent erosion in the playground.
C. Conduct a clean-up drive campaign to remove litter from the playground.
D. Encourage students to report any sign of erosion to the school administration.

___47. The weather forecast predicts a typhoon with PSWS no.3 approaching your area.
How will you make water safe for drinking after the typhoon?
A. boil it B. add salt C. add chloride D. both B and C

___48. Ashton is observing the moon in the night sky. He notices that a gibbous moon is visible. If he will
illustrate the image, how will Ashton draw the moon?

A. B. C. D.

___49. Bhelle is studying the moon and observes that the moon’s phase changes as it moves around the
Earth. How will she describes this phenomenon in the most accurate explanation?
A. She will draw the different phases in a canvass.
B. She will make a power point presentation in class.
C. She will asks her classmates to create a poster of each phases.
D. She will perform an activity using a human head (represents the Earth), flashlight (represents
the sun, and a small ball (represents the moon).

___50. Lian loves star gazing and has decided to go camping. He is excited to observe some
constellations in the night sky. After setting up his camp, he waits for darkness to fall. As he looks
up, he notices a group of stars forming a ‘Big Dipper" in the sky. How will Lian’s drawing looks

A. B. C. D.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Fourth Periodical Test

Answer Key

1 C 21 A 41 D
2 B 22 D 42 D
3 B 23 A 43 D
4 A 24 A 44 D
5 A 25 C 45 D
6 C 26 D 46 B
7 A 27 A 47 A
8 D 28 B 48 B
9 D 29 B 49 D
10 B 30 D 50 B
11 B 31 D
12 D 32 C
13 B 33 D
14 D 34 C
15 D 35 B
16 C 36 C
17 D 37 D
18 B 38 D
19 D 39 C
20 A 40 B

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