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Living Values™

Living Values Education (LVE)

promotes the development of
values-based learning communities
and places the search for meaning and
purpose at the heart of education.

LVE touches and nurtures the heart as well

as educating the mind and supports learners
of all ages in developing greater awareness
of values and expressing them in daily life.

Our Vision
Under the oversight of the non-profit Swiss-registered Association for Living Values
Education International, Living Values Education (LVE) is a way of conceptualising
education that promotes the development of values-based learning communities
and places the search for meaning and purpose at the heart of education.
LVE emphasises the worth and integrity of each person involved in the provision
of education, in the home, school and community.

In fostering quality education, LVE supports the overall development of the

individual and a culture of positive values in each society and throughout the world,
believing that education is a purposeful activity designed to help humanity flourish.

Our Mission
Our mission is to support teachers, facilitators, parents and others who desire to
place and keep values at the heart of education, work and daily life.

Our Aims
1) To encourage educators, parents and caregivers to look at education
as providing students with a philosophy of living, thereby facilitating their
overall growth, development and choices so they may integrate themselves
into the community and world at large with respect, confidence and purpose;

2) To help individuals think about and reflect on different values and the
practical implications of expressing them in relation to themselves,
families, others, the community and the world at large;

3) To deepen understanding, motivation and responsibility with regard

to making positive personal and social choices; and

4) To inspire individuals to choose their own personal, social, moral and spiritual
values and be aware of practical methods for developing and deepening them.

ABOUT LVE AND ALIVE . ...................................... 4

WHY VALUES? .................................................... 5

WHICH VALUES?.................................................. 6

LVE IN SCHOOLS ................................................. 7

LVE AT HOME ...................................................... 8


OUR ENVIRONMENT ............................................ 9

DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS ........................... 10

LVE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME . .............................. 11

LVE RESOURCES ............................................... 12

LVE AROUND THE WORLD ................................. 14

© 2020 Association for Living Values Education International. All Rights Reserved.
LVE Professional
??? Training workshop, United Kingdom


In the early years of LVE, starting at the end children and adults alike an experience
of the 20th century, Living Values Education of exploring values and the opportunity to
practitioners collaborated, developed developing practical, personal and social
materials, shared good practice and offered skills for use in a diverse range of learning
workshops through an informal network of environments through a vision of education
teachers, advisers, supporting organisations called The Living Values Education Approach.
and friends. Following successful piloting
In the course of its development and use,
and expansion around the world, in 2004
LVE has been supported over the years by a
the Association for Living Values Education
number of organisations, including UNESCO,
International (ALIVE) was established and
governmental bodies, foundations, community
registered in Geneva, Switzerland to provide
groups and individuals. Under the stewardship
a global collaborative “home” for everyone
of ALIVE, LVE continues to be part of the global
involved with Living Values Education, serving
movement for a culture of peace following
as an independent non-profit organisation
the United Nations International Decade for
without any particular or exclusive religious,
a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the
political or national affiliation or interest.
Children of the World. Serving in a voluntary
Today ALIVE brings together, from about 40 capacity, ALIVE’s directors are drawn from
countries, organisations and individuals that around the world and work with member
have taken up the responsibility to provide organisations, individuals and partners
LVE professional development workshops and through a regional support structure and
distribute curriculum resources, based on thematic working groups.
ALIVE materials, principles and guidelines. In
each country, they offer students and teachers,



Values are a defining feature of our when education has positive values at
identity as human beings and, in guiding its heart and the resulting expression of
our choices and priorities, they set them as its aim.
the compass for the trajectory of our
Learning about and experiencing values
life, drive human, social and economic
helps students develop respect for each
development and the transition to a better
and every person and make socially-
world for all. Adopting and living by values
conscious choices and there is clear
such as peace, love, respect, honesty,
evidence to indicate that students thrive,
responsibility, kindness and cooperation
both personally and academically, in a
gives meaning to and fulfilment in life,
values-based atmosphere, a supportive,
reinforces awareness of human worth and
safe environment of mutual respect and
promotes the well-being of individuals
care. At its best, values education may
and society as a whole.
thus be seen as a way of being, grounded
What young people learn sustains them in both head and heart, in which values
throughout their life and is woven into are modelled and lived and so taught
the fabric of society, which is best served by example.

LVE at a Karen Tribe refugee camp in Thailand

// 5
The values that each of us chooses to live awareness of them and whether, or to what
by is a deeply personal matter and we have extent, we live by them and implement them
the freedom and responsibility to make our in our lives and relationships.
own choices as individuals. Yet at the same
In offering a set of age-appropriate,
time, across the whole world, there is also
user-friendly and meaningful classroom
a striking commonality about what each of
materials to help address teachers’ needs
us holds to be most important in life and
and support them in their values work,
it’s apparent that there are some timeless
LVE Activities books include values units
values that can transcend differences and
on Peace, Love and Caring, Respect,
have often bought out the best in humanity.
Responsibility, Tolerance, Honesty,
As members of one human family and one
Humility, Happiness, Cooperation,
human race sharing the one home of the
Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and
planet we all live on, this commonality
Her Oceans, Freedom (Gentleness and
should not be surprising.
Bravery for children ages three to seven),
The sharing of many values across cultures Compassion and Unity. There are separate
and ages is just as true as the rich diversity LVE Activities books for children ages three
in how we express such values in our own to seven, eight to fourteen and young adults.
communities and the different combinations
The LVE Approach offers a non-prescriptive
of them that are a part of each individual’s
framework and methodology that allows for
and encourages adaptation and working with
Perhaps more important than which values other values, according to local contexts,
we adopt and call our own is the depth of our heritage, needs and choice.


Teaching and Learning about Values

Education is an inherently values-laden Explicitly recognising the place of values

activity and while academic excellence within the classroom and curriculum, and
should always be a priority of schools, the importance of intrinsic motivation, LVE
regard must also be had to the kind of values activities are designed to engage
people that education helps form, their students in thinking about themselves,
personality, character, values and attitudes. others and the world in positive ways.
The LVE Approach emphasises both explicit
When LVE is implemented in schools, this
learning about values and the importance
evidence-based educational innovation
of all education taking place within a
results in positive and supportive
values-based environment. Fundamental
school climates, caring and respectful
to this (and all education) is the human
relationships between educators and
relationship between a student and a
students, and higher academic outcomes.
teacher and, for LVE practitioners, values
Students of all ages enjoy and learn from
education starts with teachers looking
a variety of values activities and develop
at their own values. Likewise, students
social and emotional skills, including
(and the whole school community) are
conflict resolution, that enable them to live
encouraged to reflect on and choose the
their values. In schools where LVE is fully
values that are most important to them.
implemented, there is no bullying.

Green values, Greece Values activities, China

Values awareness, Cameroon Values based school, Kuwait

// 7
Peace cake activity, China Exploring values activities, India

Exploring and Sharing Values Together

Home provides a nurturing cradle for what setting standards for how we live our lives
are likely to be our most formative early and act in relation to others around us.
years and from the moment of birth (if not
LVE parenting materials recognise the
before) the human child is susceptible to
importance of a consistency between
and affected by the values of others.
home and school with regard to values and
Our parents may lay down a foundation support parents in offering both process
upon which we build our lives, embedding and content for facilitators to run sessions
values in the choices that we make and with parents and caregivers to further
understanding and skills for children’s
wellbeing and the positive development of

As well as guidance for parents and

caregivers as they explore and reflect on
their own values, there are also ideas for
values activities that parents can carry out
as a group and work with at home.
Exploring values activities, Egypt



Living Values™

At a time of growing realisation of the environment is encouraged. A separate

changes needed in humanity’s relationship book, Living Green Values, and two related
Living Values ™
with and impact on the environment, LVE publications, offer materials for different
materials on Simplicity and Caring for
age groups to help develop awareness of
the Earth and Her Oceans help explore the importance of taking care of the Earth
how simplicity can support a transition to and her resources and living sustainably.
sustainable development and a reduction
in material demands on the planet’s finite
resources. Touching on the simplicity,
beauty and wisdom within nature and
indigenous cultures, the materials present
information on greenhouse gases, carbon
footprints, plastics and ways in which
human actions may harm the natural world
and people.

Research on areas of interest and creating Facilitators training in

a service-learning project to benefit the values activity delivery, Australia

// 9
Teacher training, Vietnam

Values assembly, Zimbabwe

Training workshop, Indonesia LVE Group, USA



Educators not only require appropriate quality When the

teacher education and ongoing professional atmosphere is
development, they also need to be valued, such that students
nurtured and cared for within the learning (of any age) feel
community. A fundamental premise of LVE that they are
is that it is when we experience and live our Respected, Valued,
values that we can truly teach them. LVE Understood, Loved
professional development workshops address and Safe this
the aspirations of teachers for approaches changes everything
and materials that can help them improve – and learning
their teaching and learning environment by about values can truly begin.
developing a values-based atmosphere in the
Our flagship three-day LVE Train-the-
classroom and school. Blending time given
Educator workshop is ideally conducted for
to knowledge input with moments of guided
teachers wishing to adopt LVE on a whole-
reflection, mutual support and fun-filled
school basis and has been conducted in many
interactive group experimentation with values
tens of countries over the past twenty-plus
activities that can be used in the classroom,
years for thousands of appreciative educators
LVE workshops both identify and seek to
and others.
model good practice in values education.


Education Project , Egypt

Value of Unity,
LVE school, Indonesia Australia


LVE Anywhere, Anytime

The ALIVE website offers a suite of materials and interactive values activities for a group,
and activities to support and guide anyone whether in a community, workplace or
interested in learning more about values. The elsewhere.
LVE Distance Self-Reflection course offers
LVE Distance Facilitator Training is also
a 12 week online engagement with one value
available as a 12 week online certificate
per week through guided daily introspection
and reflection on each value and its place,
meaning and significance in one’s own life.
“The Distance Facilitator Training Course
The LVE Values Activity Distance Study is fabulously designed. It gave me a choice
course comprises a selection of activities to do activities according to my liking,
on twelve values from the LVE Activities for
in my own time. It also gave me ample time
to reflect and experiment, to live-in each
Young Adults book and is designed for use at
value which is not possible in a formal
home by adults, families and groups wishing
workshop. In a way, DFT is a powerful
to explore their values in a personal, family or mechanism to reach out to people who
community environment. cannot attend workshops because of
The LVE Distance Study Group materials our travel, time, money constraints.”
explain how anyone may organise reflective ~ Indu Gupta, LVE Focal point, India

// 11
Books, Booklets, Posters, Songs & More

ALIVE’s website at www.livingvalues.net An extensive library of more than 40 LVE Rainbow

contains a large storehouse of educational Booklets includes a wide range of values activities
and self-learning resources for teachers, for use in classrooms with students of different
facilitators, parents and other interested ages and for use in a number of non-classroom
individuals, available for downloading free settings. The Rainbow Booklet activities are
of charge. mostly drawn from ALIVE’s flagship Living Values
Education Activities books for three age groups,
Many of the materials are designed to suit
i.e. Children Ages 3-7, Children Ages 8-14 and
different age groups. There are resources
Young Adults, now updated and expanded.
specifically for teacher training purposes,
the Environment and Green Values, At Risk Accompanying these publications are the Living
groups, Community Study Groups, Home Values Education Parent Group Facilitator Guide
Learning and Self-Reflection, posters, and the LVE Training Guide.
stories and songs.


A variety of LVE resources
available in different languages

Am o r y C u i d a
to do
, Libro 1 sp e
Niños de
3 a 7 años Re To
idades para ... Tierra y Océan
l e
~ Activ o de nuestra
Educación s de valores ez y Cuidad

Vivir ocho módulo • Sencill

sabilidad 2
Valores para Contiene • Respon años, Libro

• Felicidad 3a7
Niños de
tidad Unidad
cia • Hones y Gentil •

o • Toleran idades para os • Valient

y Cuidad
o I • Amor ~ Activ • Otro Valor que Amam
an o

Paz I • Respet ación

Vivir Educ • Compasión
Valores para cariñosos

Ho n e
ación • Humil neamente
ra y O c é

II • Cooper
o izaje y espontá asimilan fácilmente
Paz II • Respet stas con
el aprend sy ny
vos, entusia sienten seguro los niños explore
mente recepti , donde se que s

sti d ad
Son natural
en valores idad para ia y a modelo
explorar. ra y basada la oportun tos a la violenc
les encanta era positiv
a, nutrido Proporcionar están expues
A los niños conflictos.
en una atmósf y la resolución de hoy, ya que
los niños r
Prosperan mundo de cir, explora
y creativos. la paz, el
ante en el de introdu
a Tier

d de formas con
izaje sobre más import más tempra
nas. combinan
el aprend cada vez cada vez una varieda sociales se
valores es a edades incorporan habilidades emocionales
desarrollen rtamiento en este libro y enseñar ades sociales y as por

de compo ión crear
inapropiados para Vivir
Educac rtir y pensar, , se desarrollan habilid pueden ser utilizad
tos, compa
ades de Valores er nuevos concep el proceso de valores

Las activid . Aprend imagin ación. En Las actividades padres y cuidadores. los
e ctivas. ias y de
llar valores iento s primar educativa
y constru
y desarro canto, movim positivas de escuela experiencia
juegos, arte, sociales educadores vidas y la

historias, habilidades de guarderías, cido las esfuerz o global dedicad rse

así como al enrique Un conecta
personales, lar, person ión ha de 1997. as a
ría y preesco Vivir Educac en febrero a las person para

de guarde Valores para piloto inicial para ayudar en un proceso
en fuerza, desde su herramientas participan dos,
enfoque y

de fuerza el mundo educadores os, respeta

Creciendo s en todo ciona un onal, los s, valorad do
s de jóvene , VPVE propor de desarrollo profesi s son amado
y millone las mentes los jóvene ida
educadores en la que
corazo nes y educar Durant e los talleres en valores u
nutrir los vivirlos. o basada res: y C bi li
valores y era de cuidad ias y directo dad
con sus propios una atmósf s primar S e nc illez
para crear ores de escuela mis estudiantes

LVE Professional Development Workshops

empod erarlos olar, educad con
y seguros. os de preesc último año
comprendidos de maestr io a fin este nte especta
Comentarios ión de princip resultado fue realme es.
Educac , y el las cancion
para Vivir les encantó encanta cantar
o Valores
~ He utilizad , a los niños música. Les
lar. Me encantó ades y la . Los estudia
de preesco s de las activid y estatales. idad escolar je cotidia
muy amante sori la comun su lengua
aquí son res Montes para toda valores en
~ Los niños los estánda os para todos, r desafíos y utilizar
mezcla con tan positiv

for groups are highly recommended for

Diane G.

te y una actitud para resolve

crea un ambien positivas que han s adicionales
habilidades diez recurso 23
utilizan las ación. de cinco libros, de California durante
hay intimid para Vivir públicas
mente no de Valores escuelas para llevar
a cabo
~ Simple nada Serie sistema de s del mundo Hsu
Tillman y

de la galardo en un regione dos. Diana

principal educativa,
trabajó todas las entos de refugia actividades de
la autora países en
Tillman es . Psicóloga viajó a 30 de campam original de
Diane G. y educadores
de crianza n en 1996, n

Diana Hs
y una guía su creació de la calle ades al libro libro. Tambié

best results and are also required for those

s en riesgo, VPVE desde agencias de niños es y activid as en este

Tillman y
para jóvene escolar. Con s, cancion están incluid
psicóloga UNESCO, sas historia originales
años como educadores, uyó con delicio años. Sus actividades

Diane G.
Diana Hsu

de VPVE que contrib ó hace .
todo el mun
seminarios ora y amiga 2000. Falleci todo el mundo
llosa educad en el año adores de
cadores de
fue una maravi de tres a siete años os y cooper
ores dedicad
des de edu
VPVE para de otros educad

Con activida
n actividades
se incluye

wishing to use ALIVE special “At Risk” n for

Associatio s Education
Living Value

resources, e.g. for Drug Rehabilitation,


Refugees and Children Affected by War,

Street Children and Young Offenders.

For videos and other resources please ASSOCIATION FOR

also see ALIVE’s YouTube channel at Living Values™

www.youtube.com/c/LivingValuesEducation Education
and visit our Facebook page at www. INTERNATIONAL


Below: Range of LVE bookmarks


Living Values™

// 13

During the course of the past two Education while others may be sizeable
decades and more, LVE has touched entities with full-time employees engaged
individuals, schools, universities and in a range of activities, of which LVE is just
other organisations in over 80 countries, one.
extending beyond formal education
The extent, level and nature of LVE activities
settings to, for example, day-care centres,
carried out in each country also varies
youth clubs, parent groups, community
and www.livingvalues.net/countries/ lists
associations, businesses, centres for
current and past activities of Associates
children in difficult circumstances, refugee
and Focal Points, together with contact
camps and prisons.
information, in about 60 countries,
The LVE Approach is non-prescriptive and providing both a great source of inspiration
its underlying concept of the central role and helpful insights into good values-
that values play in all human endeavour based education practice. Many Associates
and activity, whether personal, social or also have their own websites, social
communal, continues to find resonance media presence and a range of classroom
and touch hearts and minds in a multitude activities and other resources in their local
of cultural contexts. In many countries, languages.
individuals have wished to share LVE with
Associates and Focal Points accredit
their families, friends, colleagues and
trainers who then conduct LVE workshops
others, sometimes in a personal capacity as
for interested individuals and organisations,
volunteers and sometimes organisationally.
strengthening their skills and equipping
In both cases they may apply to ALIVE,
them with tools and materials to facilitate
which accepts organisations as members
LVE activities in their local schools or other
(also known as Associates) and recognises
individuals as Focal Points for LVE.
For information about resources in other
There is only one ALIVE Associate or
languages please see www.livingvalues.net/
Focal Point for LVE in any country and
such Associate or Focal Point takes up
the responsibility for promoting and
implementing LVE in that country. Some
Associates comprise a small number of
part-time volunteers banding together
primarily just to implement Living Values


ar ts and Educ
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The Living Values Education

Approach and materials
support all who wish
to place and keep values
at the heart of education,
work, their communities
and daily life.


Living Values™


Living Values ™
Education Edu

Values Education as a Way of Being

Association for
Living Values Education
Rue du General-Dufour 20,
1204 Geneva, Switzerland


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