Useful phrases for group interaction

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Have you got any comments on ……(你對於…有沒有意⾒?)

b. What are your views on ……? (你對於…有什麼看法?)
c. How do you feel about ……? (你對…怎麼看?)
Useful phrases for group interaction
1. start the discussion ● Let’s get the ball rolling.
● Shall we start?
● Let me start the dicssion if you don’t mind.
2. introduce the topic ● Paraphrase X read the instructions given
● We have to talk about…/ dicuss
● X discuss about
3. giving my own opinion ● X in my opinon, I think// I couldn’t agree with you more!
● I think/ feel/ believe, suppose/ guess
● I would say…
● The way I see it is that…
● XXX In my point of view From my point of view
4. giving short respond ● Right. I see. I see what you mean.
● Great! Absolutely!

5. showing disagreement ● That’s an interesting point but I think/ guess…

● I like your idea but don’t you think…
● I understand that … but isnt it…
● I see/ know what you mean but doesn’t it…
6. suggest alternatives/ making ● Well, I think it might be better if we…
suggestions ● Why don’t we …?
● Maybe we can…?
● Do you think it would be a good idea to…?
● Shall we…?
● How about if we…?
7. ask for opinions and suggestions ● Are you with me?
● Does anybody have any idea?
● Does anyone have anything to add?

8. ask for clarification ● I am sorry, but I don’t quite follow. Could you explain that
● Sorry, do you mean…?
● Do you mind explaining that a bit further?
● I/m sorry but what I mean is…
● Sorry that I think there’s a misunderstanding. What you
meant to say was that…
9. (when spot sb off topic) go back ● Interesting, but let’s get back to…
to the right topic ● That’s a great idea, but for the moment I think we should
stick to the topic.
● We need to talk about… rather than…
10. when don’t know how to ● Well, it’s hard to say.
respond sb , avoid showing yr ● Well, it all depends.
weakness ● Well, let me see… I guess we can talk about this later.
Perhaps we can first talk about…
● Let me think about it first, can I come back to yu/ this later?
11. encouraging quiet candidates ● Candidate ?, which proposal/plan/ idea do you think is
*Steps to encourage : 1. Give better/ is more appropriate/ will work out? Idea A or B?
Options 2. Yes or no questions 3. Candidate ?
Nod or shake ur head ● Do you agree..?/ How do you feel about…? Candidate C?
12. interrupting ( when sb speak ● Excuse me…
more than 1 min n 30 secs) ● Excuse me, may I say something here?
● Just a moment, I’d like to make a point here…
● Before we move on, may I clarify something
13. moving the discussion (not a ● Well, let’s talk about…
must to finish all bullet points; ● Now shall we talk about…?
don’t rush to next point!; just ● Next, I think we need to decide…
need to finish the consensus
point, the one need to discuss)
14. summaries ( ask have I miss any ● What we’ve decided so far
things ) (usually talk with 13) ● Right, so now we’ve agreed
● So to sum up…
15. ending the discussion ● Thank you everyone. Goodbye.
● Well, time’s up. That’s all for our discussion. Thank you.
● Sorry, I’m afraid we’ve run out of time. Thanks.

- need to include everything

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