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1 About the text 3 Grammar
6 THE Who is it? Write the names. A Complete the chart below.
1. ......................... is running in the second race.
RACE 2. ......................... thinks Tony can win the race.
3. ......................... thinks Anne isn’t fast.
Adverbs describe how we do something.
(Part A) 4. ......................... is a judge in the race.
You run so slowly!

5. ......................... knows that camels run fast. Regular Irregular

Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb
slow slowly good well
dangerous ................ fast fast
2 Vocabulary beautiful beautifully early early
careful ................ late late
A Correct the sentences according to the happy happily hard hard
1 Liz: picture. Use the words below. angry ................
It’s sports day. Are you in any of the competitions?
Tony: Yes, I am. I’m running in the second race. desert • losing • stopwatch • judge • race
Liz: Good luck, Tony! I know you can run fast. You B Complete. Use the adverb form of the
can win first place and be the champion! 1. The cars are in a street. race
adjectives below.
Tony: Thanks. What about you, Anne? Are you in any 2. The black car is winning.
of the races? good • dangerous • fast • early • careful
3. The man is holding a balloon. He’s a driver.
Anne: Yes, of course I am. 1. Al isn’t a good driver. He drives ..................... .
Tony: Really? But you run so slowly! You’ll lose! 4. The car race is in the mountains.
2. The teacher always tells us to listen ................. .
Anne: I know I don’t do well at sports, but I’m not
competing in the races, silly. I’m a judge. See this? 3. Ed always wins races. He runs ..................... .
It’s Aunt Helen’s stopwatch – I found it in one of 4. I’m hungry. Let’s have dinner ..................... .
her boxes.
Tony: Do you think it’s a magic stopwatch? 5. I play tennis very ..................... . I never lose.
Anne: Let’s see … Oh, it is! Here we go!

4 Listening & Writing

A Listen and complete the paragraph.

Laura Reback
Laura Reback is a famous sportswoman. She
was born on (1) ........................... ,1975. She is
from (2) ........................... . Laura competes in
triathlon competitions all over the world. In
some triathlon competitions, people
(3) ........................... . Then they ride bikes and
&LEARN ORDINAL NUMBERS (4) ........................... . Laura does very
(5) ........................... at these sports and she is
1st – first 6th – sixth 15th – fifteenth a world (6) ........................... !
2nd – second 7th – seventh 20th – twentieth
3rd – third 8th – eighth 25th – twenty-fifth
4th – fourth 9th – ninth 30th – thirtieth B Write about another
5th – fifth
famous sportswoman.
10th – tenth 31st – thirty-first
Use the information below.
2 Liz: Wow! We’re on a camel in the desert!
B Write sentences about the cars in the Name: Athanasia Tsoumeleka
Anne: Oh, no! I think we’re in a camel race! Born: 2 January, 1982
And I’m not the judge this time… I’m picture above. Use ordinal numbers.
Country: Greece
competing! Help! The blue car is in first place.
Tony: Hold on! Camels can run really fast! Sport: race walking
Other: 2004 Olympic champion
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