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Avril Lamas Make-Up Exam

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct noun f orm of the words in the box.

bored embarrassed optimistic satisfied surprising sympathetic

1 Annabelle gets a lot of personal from helping other people.

2 T ess turned red with when she realised her mistake.

3 Chantel is full of . She always sees things in a positive way.

4 It was a big for Kendal to see his friends. He had no idea they would come.

5 Kevin tidied his bedroom out of because he had nothing interesting to do.

6 Jess showed towards her brother when he told her about his problems.

Score: /6

2 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the words in the box. T here are two extra words.

cheer hang judge keep lie make support tell

What is a best f riend? We asked three teens.

I think a best friend is someone who you can just 1 out and relax with and who 2 you up when you
feel sad. – Micah

For me, a best friend is someone who always 3 you the truth and never ever 4 to you. – Ayda

A best friend is someone who is always by your side and 5 you in difficult moments when you need it. T hey
always 6 in touch with you and ask how you are feeling. – Alistair

Score: /6

3 Choose the correct option.

1 I didn’t think the history museum would be very interesting, but in fact it was absolutely fascinating/frightening.

2 Night at the Museum has great characters and some very funny moments. It’s a very realistic/entertaining film that
everyone will enjoy.

3 I don’t understand how a person could get out of a locked room with no windows without a key. It’s a very
inspiring/puzzling situation. Do you know how they got out?

4 My football team were losing 4–0 at half time, and they won 5–4 in the last minute! It was fascinating/unbelievable.
Nobody thought they would win.
5 I think the film The Pursuit of Happyness is the most inspiring/disappointing film I have ever seen. It really changed my life
completely and made me want to be a better person.

6 We were visiting the Museum of Horror, when suddenly the lights went out! It was really disappointing/frightening! I’ve
never been so scared!

Score: /6

4 Choose the correct option.

T he escape room

For my last birthday, some of my best 1 and I did an escape room. We had 30 minutes to escape by
solving puzzles and finding clues in the laboratory of a mad scientist. T he room we were in was very
2 with all kinds of scientific equipment. 3 we started, we had to put on costumes. I
was a bit 4 because I don’t like wearing costumes. I feel really silly, but everyone thought it was very
5 and couldn’t stop laughing at my mad scientist glasses. If we had a problem, we could ask for help
using an emergency telephone. T he problem was the 6 wasn’t very good and we couldn’t hear the clues!

T hat was the only 7 thing! We managed to escape with one minute to go! Perfect!

1 a mates b colleagues c classmates

2 a unbelievable b realistic c dramatic
3 a Everywhere b Already c Before
4 a sympathetic b pessimistic c embarrassed
5 a thought-provoking b amusing c unbelievable
6 a sound quality b performance c record
7 a frightening b entertaining c disappointing

Score: /7


5 Choose the correct option.

1 T hat’s the school where/which my dad teaches.

2 April the 14th was the day when/which we moved into our house.

3 T hat is the restaurant whose/which owner is a famous chef.

4 T his is the music where/which I enjoy the most.

5 Mr Jones is the teacher whose/who lessons I like most.

6 Laura is the girl who /whose I get on with the best.

Score: /6

6 Choose the correct option.

1 Bobby can’t/must be home; it’s 8:00 pm and all the lights are off in his house.

2 T hat can’t/could be our bus, but I can’t see the number from here. Let’s wait and see.

3 Miguel lived in France for over ten years; he must/might speak a little French.
4 I’m taking my umbrella with me because it must/might rain.

5 You’ve been working in the garden all day; you might/must be tired.

6 Jackie can’t/might not be drinking coffee because she hates coffee.

Score: /6

7 Choose the correct option.

T ed: Did you have any good moments on holiday last year?
Amy: Yes, we visited Hampton Court Palace 1 has got a garden with a giant labyrinth in the middle. And
you know how much I love solving puzzles, 2 you?
T ed: I do! You 3 have been really excited!
Amy: I was! My brother and I started very optimistically, but after about five minutes, we realised we
4 gone the wrong way! T hen, we decided to separate! On my own, I kept telling 5 that I
would get to the middle first, but after ten minutes going in circles, I started getting worried.
T ed: What were you worried 6 ?
Amy: T hat I wouldn’t get out! Finally, after 20 minutes, we met 7 other at exactly the same time in the
middle! It was great fun!

1 a whose b it c which
2 a aren’t b don’t c do
3 a must b can’t c could
4 a were b had c did
5 a me b himself c myself
6 a about b on c in
7 a the b each c ourselves

Score: /7


8 Choose one of the f ollowing problems to write about:

You are not doing well in one of your school subjects because you don’t find it very interesting. You are worried that
you might not pass the subject.
Your friends spend a lot of time on social media, but you prefer to spend time away from your mobile phone. You are
worried that you might lose your friends.
Write an email to Helen, an expert who helps people with problems, describing your problem. Write 80–100 words.

Paragraph 1: Opening greeting and reason for writing.

Paragraph 2: Introduction to the situation.

Paragraph 3: More detailed information about the situation.

Paragraph 4: Concluding phrase and closing greeting.

Score: / 10

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