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Luana Reyes Make-up exam

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1 Choose the correct option.

1 I would say T om is more of an acquaintance/enemy than a friend. We know each other, but not that well.

2 My father says he has a good relationship with his flatmates/colleagues at work.

3 Mary is such a nice person, I don’t think she has got any teammates/enemies.

4 I’m looking for a(n) acquaintance/trip buddy to join me on my trip to Mexico.

5 In the last place I shared with others, my flatmates/colleagues came from different countries.

6 When we won our hockey final match, I celebrated with all my trip buddies/teammates on the pitch.

Score: /6

2 Choose the correct option.

Javi: Hey Marta! Is it true you moved house at the weekend?

Marta: Yes, in our last house, we had some problems with our 1 . T hey were musicians and
played their violins all the time. We used to 2 really well with them at first, we even
went to see one of their 3 at the local art centre. But as they refused to stop
playing at home, we 4 with them.
Javi: How’s the new place?
Marta: It’s great. We are really 5 with it and wouldn’t change anything. We spent the first
day painting it which was hard work, but when we finished, we looked at our work with great
6 . My dad painted one of the doors the wrong colour which
7 everyone laugh!

1 a acquaintances b relatives c next-door neighbours

2 a get on b fall out c hang out
3 a playlists b performances c releases
4 a fell out b let down c forgave
5 a optimistic b joyful c content
6 a satisfaction b calmness c kindness
7 a got b let c made

Score: /7

3 Choose the correct option.

1 T hat’s the school where/which my dad teaches.

2 April the 14th was the day when/which we moved into our house.

3 T hat is the restaurant whose/which owner is a famous chef.

4 T his is the music where/which I enjoy the most.

5 Mr Jones is the teacher whose/who lessons I like most.

6 Laura is the girl who /whose I get on with the best.

Score: /6

4 T ick (✓) the three sentences which are correct. Correct the three sentences which are wrong.

1 My best friend Jane who I met two years ago is an amazing person.

2 T he concert which I wanted to go to has sold out.

3 T he month, which is the coldest, is February.

4 Liverpool is the city whose I want to visit the most.

5 Billie Eilish, whose brother is called Finneas, is my favourite singer.

6 Reza Parastesh, who is a lookalike of Lionel Messi, is from Iran.

Score: /6

5 Choose the correct option.

1 Bobby can’t/must be home; it’s 8:00 pm and all the lights are off in his house.

2 T hat can’t/could be our bus, but I can’t see the number from here. Let’s wait and see.

3 Miguel lived in France for over ten years; he must/might speak a little French.

4 I’m taking my umbrella with me because it must/might rain.

5 You’ve been working in the garden all day; you might/must be tired.

6 Jackie can’t/might not be drinking coffee because she hates coffee.

Score: /6

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