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Nikola Tesla

The Unknown Inventor

John Carl C. Pascua

Mandy Abejo.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was a
inventor, electrical
engineer, mechanical
engineer, and futurist
who helped establish the
modern alternating
current (AC) electricity
delivery system.
Tesla’s Accolades
Invented multiple products still used today:
Alternating Current
Tesla Coil
Hydroelectric Plant
Remote Control
Neon Lighting
Induction Motor
Tesla turbine … Lots more!
Alternating current Radio X- ray

Tesla Coil Hydroelectric plant

Remote control Neon lamp/light

Induction Motor Tesla turbine

Alternating Current - Tesla's effect on the development of alternating current (AC) was
arguably his greatest contribution to civilization. Perhaps it shouldn't be included in a list of his
inventions, but there's no denying that his technology played a role in the creation of AC as the
world's dominant electrical system.

Radio - You might be thinking, but didn't Guglielmo Marconi famously invent radio? As it turns
out, Marconi's allegation is at best questionable. Tesla, in fact, achieved promising
advancements in radio signal transmission and reception using his coils in the mid-1890s,
before Marconi received the first wireless telegraphy patent in 1896.

X- ray - Inspired by Röntgen’s X-ray, Tesla renewed his own interest and developed the
Shadowgraph using a vacuum tube. His image of a shoe with a foot in it, produced in 1896, is
thought to be America’s first X-ray.

Tesla Coil - Named after its inventor — Nikola Tesla's Tesla Coil is one of his most famous
creations. Tesla constructed a tower on top of which he mounted his iconic coils, which fired
electric sparks into the air and cycled electricity around the coils via alternating current. Tesla
coils are well-known for their extremely strong electric fields.
Hydroelectric power plant - Adams Power Station, the world's
first hydroelectric power station, was undoubtedly one of the
most stunning results of Tesla's collaboration with George
Westinghouse. This inventive powerhouse realized a long-held
dream of harnessing the immense force of Niagara Falls, one of
North America's most beautiful natural wonders.

Remote Control - Tesla created a remote control boat to exhibit

at Madison Square Garden back in 1898. The boat's rudder and
propeller. Tesla called the boat "devil automata" and knew the
boat had military prospects in conducting battle remotely.
Neon Lamp - Nikola Tesla invented the Neon Lamp as well. Tesla's neon lamp
improved on existing neon light technology by allowing for the production of text
and graphics. Neon bulbs are now used to illuminate pubs, casinos, motels, and
other roadside signage.

Induction Motor - Nikola Tesla's induction motor was another great invention.
Tesla's induction motor, which spins electromagnets, today powers everyday home
appliances such as vacuums, hair dryers, and power tools. Nikola Tesla designed
the induction motor with a rotating magnetic field, which simplified machine unit

Tesla Turbine - Nikola Tesla also invented a piston engine that employed
combustion to power autos by rotating discs. Turbines were inefficient and relied
on blades at the time.
Nikola’s Background
Associate with Thomas Edison
Started developing inventions around 1870
Never went all in, multiple plans
Sole Proprietor Inventor/Entrepreneur
Never tried to make profit off of his products
Wanted the credit of his ideas
Nearly all of his inventions are still used today

His goal was to provide actual help to others, not just to bring
money to his pockets.
Life Problems

For much of his life, Tesla fought against scepticism

and disbelief. People couldn’t see the world that he
envisioned, which often meant he appeared as a “mad
scientist” in the eyes of the public.
However, the truth was that Tesla was a real-life Prometheus for
the technical world. He introduced a range of innovations that
transformed our ability to communicate and innovate.
Without Tesla, we never would have discovered the AC motor, nor
would we have tools like remote technology and wireless
transmission to help us interact today.
Though he died alone and penniless, Tesla is a name that will
never be forgotten.
Today, he’s one of the most inspiring individuals in the history of
technology, and his work continues to pave the way for countless
exciting creations.
Tesla was a man ahead of his time, and a hero to in the electrical
Work Cited

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