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A Group Research Project Submitted to the Department of Information Technology, College of

Computing and Informatics, Wolaita Sodo University, in meeting the preliminary research
requirement for partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor in Information


Advisor: Mr. Tamirat (MSc)

Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

05/09/2016 E.C

This is to certify that the project work prepared by group three members of Information Science
students entitled: developing web based prison information management system for Tarcha
Town, Southwest Regional State is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology complies with the regulations of the
University and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Advisors 1. Name Signature Date

2. Name Signature Date

examiners 1. Name Signature Date

2. Name Signature Date

Department of Information Technology Research Project Coordinator

Name--------------------------------------------Signature Date

We would like to say thanks to almighty God for giving us strength to complete this project.
Then we would like to thank our advisor Instructor Hambisa Mitiku and Instructor Sisay
Msganaw for Their constructive opinion and willingness to participate in each part of our
proposal, project and their effective direction, assistance and guidance for accomplish this
project. We would like to thanks our php teacher instructor Sileshi for assisting to finish the
system. And also, we want thank Tarcha prison administration for giving information about
existing system in the organization.

1.1 Background of the study

Management is the science and art of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and
objectives by coordinating and integrating all available resources efficiently and effectively.
Management can be defined as all the activities and tasks were undertaken for the purpose of
archiving an objective or goal by continuous activities like; planning, organizing, leading and
controlling. In other words, it is concerned with optimally using 5M’s, i.e. men, machine,
material, money and methods [1].

Management systems can be simple or complex, ongoing or ad hoc, standard across the
organization or distinct to individuals. And of course, different management systems can result
in varying degrees of effectiveness. Obviously, what works for one organization may not be
optimal for another. What’s more interesting, however, is that the management system that got
your organization to where it is may not be the right one to get your organization where you want
it to be in the future [2]. Prison management is a daunting task and especially when the numbers
are too high to handle, resources are minimal to manage and there is lack of trained manpower to
manage pressures and crisis situations [3].

In Ethiopia context, since manual prison information management system is a routine work, the
processes are manual so the workload is very high and it takes more time to enter data in the
respective books, it is difficult to make the system feasible to the whole concerned body. the
same problem is occurred in one of the prisons around the Tarcha town. In fact, Tarcha town
prison office is a governmental organization uses manual way of file management system which
is very tedious and time-wasting activities having this in mind our team chooses this system to be
automated. The proposed system which is Tercha prison management system reduce manual
work and time-wasting activity than before and the system is user friendly. Generally, TPMS
(Tarcha Prison Management System) is more preferable software application and hopefully the
users easily adapt to the system.
1.1.1 Mission of the Organization

Tarcha Prison by participating people and developing highly secured information system
center in order to prevent crime. The Prison Information Management System (PIMS) itself
isn't an organization, but rather a software system used by organizations that manage prisons.
However, the mission of a PIMS can be detailed as follows:

A. Safe and Secure Custody:

A core function of any prison system is to ensure the safety of the community and prison staff by
securely detaining inmates. PIMS accomplishes this by providing features to:

 Track inmate movement and location.

 Manage security measures and protocols.

 Record disciplinary actions and incidents.

B. Effective Rehabilitation and Reintegration:

PIMS goes beyond just incarceration by offering tools to support rehabilitation efforts and
prepare inmates for reintegration into society. This is achieved through:

 Providing a platform to manage inmate data, including education, work programs, and
mental health services.

 Facilitating the creation of individualized rehabilitation plans based on the data collected.

 Tracking inmate progress in these programs to measure effectiveness and identify areas for

C. Improved Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness:

* PIMS aims to streamline prison operations and optimize resource allocation through:

 Automating manual tasks like record-keeping and reporting.

 Enhancing data accuracy and reducing errors.

 Facilitating information sharing across prison departments.

D. Data-Driven Decision Making:

* PIMS empowers informed decision-making by prison administrators by providing:

 Comprehensive data and reports on various aspects of the prison system.

 Analysis of inmate demographics, rehabilitation programs, and security incidents.

 The ability to identify trends and areas requiring improvement in resource allocation and
program development.

E. Transparency and Accountability:

PIMS promotes transparency and fosters public trust in the prison system by ensuring:

 Accurate and centralized record-keeping of inmate data.

 Generation of reports that provide oversight and accountability measures.

 Improved communication and information sharing with relevant authorities.

In summary, the mission of a Prison Information Management System is to serve as a

comprehensive tool that supports a secure and efficient prison environment while also promoting
rehabilitation and responsible management practices.
1.1.2 Visions of the Organization
The Southwest regional state police commission needs to have the power of law and the nation live
and work with in peaceful and secure environment. A Prison Information Management System (PIMS)
vision focuses on creating a modern and efficient prison system that prioritizes both security and rehabilitation.
Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

A. Improved Public Safety

1. Secure custody of inmates: PIMS aims to streamline operations and implement features that strengthen
security measures, lowering the risk of escape or violence within the prison. This contributes to a safer
environment for both staff and the surrounding community.

B. Enhanced Rehabilitation

 Effective data management: PIMS facilitates the collection, storage, and analysis of inmate data,
enabling the creation of individualized rehabilitation plans.
 Program tracking: By monitoring inmate progress in education, work programs, and mental health
services, PIMS helps measure the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts and identify areas for

 Reintegration into society: Ultimately, PIMS aims to support programs that prepare inmates for a
successful reintegration into society upon release.

C. Increased Efficiency

 Automation of manual tasks: PIMS automates repetitive tasks like record keeping and reporting, freeing
up staff time for more important duties.

 Improved data accuracy: By replacing manual processes with electronic systems, PIMS reduces the risk
of errors and ensures data consistency.

 Information sharing: PIMS fosters better information sharing between different departments within the
prison system, improving overall coordination and decision-making.

D. Stronger Accountability

 Improved record-keeping: PIMS ensures accurate and centralized inmate records, facilitating easier
retrieval and analysis of data.

 Enhanced reporting capabilities: PIMS generates reports that provide insights into prison operations,
allowing for better monitoring and identification of areas needing improvement.

 Transparency: Improved record-keeping and reporting contribute to greater transparency within the
prison system, fostering public trust and ensuring responsible management of prisons.
In essence, a PIMS vision strives to leverage technology and information management to create a prison system
that balances security with the goal of rehabilitation and successful reintegration of inmates back into society.

1.1.3 Motivation
PIMS are motivated by a desire to address the limitations of traditional prison management
systems. They aim to create a more efficient, secure, and rehabilitative environment through the
power of technology and information management. This ultimately contributes to improved
public safety, better outcomes for inmates, and responsible use of resources within the prison
1.2 Statement of the problem

Prison information management system in previous times was time consuming due to numerous
processes involve in warrant authentication. So, according to the data that the researcher
collected, the system of managing prison’s information were simply manual mode. Restriction
from unauthorized could be rarely in preventing this process which terms proposed security
treads to the record units in prison at large. However, the project focus on designing the web-
based system used for efficiency prison information management system within the prison in
order to control security. Tarcha town prison information management system is still following
under modernize processes. The prison has a collection of manual files to store prisoner records.
This is a very inefficient and cumbersome way of storing records which greatly impedes the flow
of critical information as well as makes looking up of information and that is time consuming.
Also, difficult to find files and registers are required to store the information which is relevant to
a single prisoner [3].

Generally, these problems are: need of extra manual effort, it takes much time to find any
prisoner details, not very much accurate, hard to generate report, difficult to manage the overall
system and difficult to have statistical report.

1.3 Team composition

Strategies for effective team composition include forming a balanced team with diverse skills and personalities,
fostering good communication and collaboration, enabling continuous learning and development, and allowing
for change and adaptability in dynamic environments.

Team composition has five aspects. These aspects are member roles, member personality, member ability,
member diversity and team size. Member roles refer to the duties and responsibilities assigned by the team
leader to the team members. The roles are matched to the strengths and capabilities of the members.

1.4 Objective of the project

1.2.1. General Objective

The general objective of the project is developing web-based prison Information management
system for Tarcha town, Southwest Regional State.

1.2.2. Specific objective

To achieve the above general objective, the researcher used the following specific objectives
 To analysis the system

 To design the system

 To implement the system using the selected software tools

 To test and document the system to be ready for use

1.5 Scope of the project

The scope of this project is developing web-based prison information management system for
Tarcha Town in Southwest regional state. The system includes the following task: manage user
account, the system allows Inspector to generate clearance, search prisoner, transfer prisoner, to
register prisoner, to update prisoner, the system allow police commissioner to see feedback and
post news, the system allow the prisoner send request.

1.6 Feasibility Study

Feasibility analysis enables the system to determine either or not the project can be developed,
evaluates and identifies the newly developed system [4]. Therefore, the feasibility analysis of
proposed system involved the following feasibility.

1.5.1. Operational feasibility

It determines how the system satisfies organizations needs or solves the organizations problem.
The new system has good user interfaces it is simple for users to use the system after developed,
so the system operationally feasible as it is very easy for end user to operate and would be
acceptable to Tarcha town, Southwest Regional state. Therefore, the system is operationally
feasible [4].

1.5.2. Technical feasibility

The system was technically feasible. The system was developed by technological development
technique such as PHP language with the XAMP Server and notepad++ editor, MYSQL database
to store files, Microsoft word for writing document, java script and CSS. Therefore, the system is
technically feasible

1.5.3. Economic feasibility

Both hardware and softwasre required for developing the system are highly available and can be
owned with small cost, and its benefit had outweighed the cost used to develop the system. The
system decreases a lot of birr that was expensive to buy the hard document material such as
paper, pencil, and rubber. Also reduce the loss of data that means if it reduces the loss of data it
also reduces the cost of replacing the lost data. Therefore, the system is economically feasible.

1.5.4. Behavioral/Political feasibility

The project has not any features that against the rules and regulations of government, similarly
do not take part in any politics and religion activities. Therefore, the system is politically

1.5.5. Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility is concerned with analyzing the expected completion date of the project and
the constraints that may bring change to this date. The researchers have so many fixed schedules
to work together the project with all groups within each day and for the simplicity and fast
developing purpose. Therefore, the system is schedule feasible.

1.7 Significance of the project

The new system is expected to bring remarkable change in the Tarcha town prison management
system. This project is significant to save time and resource needed for both employers and
organization, to make the system secure from unauthorized access for the organization and the
employers, no loss of data for the employers and organization, easy to find the prisoners’ details
for the commissioner and the employers, easy to generate reports for the employers, easy to
manage the overall system for the organization and the employers, easy to have statistical report
for the employers, easily register and manage the entire prisoner’s information from time of
detention to date of releasing for the employers, it increases the researchers knowledge and the
researchers get moral satisfaction from the project.

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