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This chapter deals about analysis and interpretation of findings of the data

collected on examining the knowledge and practice of a sample of 80 bronchial asthma

patients observed under the study. The data was carefully elicited objectively on two sub

parts, knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients regarding prevention of

asthma attacks. The collected data were put into different suitable statistical techniques to

effectively explicate the knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

The summary of statistical findings was delineated in the following sections in

accordance with the objectives of the study.

Section 1: Description of socio-demographic characteristics of the sampled bronchial

Asthma patients.

Section 2: Assessment of knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients

Knowledge (objective 1) and Practice (objective 2)

Section 3: Correlation of knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

(Objective 5)

Section 4 : Association between knowledge and practice with socio-demographic

Characteristics. Knowledge and Practice (objective 4)


The sample consists of 100 bronchial asthma patients attending outpatient

department and emergency department of Government Hospital and Shridevi Hospital,
Tumkur. Data was collected regarding age, gender, educational status, occupation, family
income, and place of living, food allergies, pets in house, type of pets and cooking fuel
The findings are presented in the following tables.

Table 5.1.1 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Age.

S.No Age No %

1 21-30 50 50

2 31-40 10 10

3 41-50 30 30

4 51-60 10 10

Total 100 100

It is observed from the table 5.1.1 that the age wise distribution of bronchial
asthma patients was, 50% of the patients were in the age group of 21-30, 10% were in 31-
40 years of age, 30% were in 41-50 years of age and only 10% were in the age group of
51-60 years.

Frequency of percentage
10 10
21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60


Figure 5.1.1 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Age.

Table 5.1.2 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Gender.

S.No Gender No (100) %

1 Female 38 38

2 Male 62 62

Table 5.1.2 shows that 62% of bronchial asthma patients were male and 38% were female.

Chart Title

Female Male
Figure 5.1.2

Table 5.1.3 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Educational Status.

S.No Educational No (100) %

1 Primary 15 15

2 Secondary 42 42

3 High School 32 32

4 P.U.C\Degree 11 11

Table 5.1.3 shows that 15% of them had an educational status of Primary school, 42% had
Middle school education, 32% of them studied up to High school and only 11% studied PUC and

Frequency of Percentage

High School
Educational Status

Figure 5.1.3 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Educational Status.

Table 5.1.4 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Occupation.

S.No Occupation No (100) %

1 Employed 18 18

2 Agriculture 43 43

3 Business 12 12

4 Dependent 27 27

Table 5.1.4 shows majority of the groups occupation was Agriculture 43%, followed by
Dependants 27%, 18% were Employed (Private or Govt) and only 12% were involved in
Frequency of Percentage

Employed Agriculture Business Dependent

Figure 5.1.4 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Occupation.

Table 5.1.5 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Family Income.

S.No Family No %
1 Below2500 26 26

2 2501-5000 44 44

3 5001-10000 20 20

4 Above 10000 10 10

Table 5.1.5 shows In relation to the monthly family income. Out of 100 patients, 26% has a
monthly income of below 2500 rupees, 44% has between 2501-5000 rupees, 20% has between
5001-10000 rupees and only 10% has above 10000 rupees.

Family Income
20 2501-5000
Above 10000


Figure 5.1.5 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Family Income.

Table 5.1.6 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Place of Living.

S.No Place of living No (100) %

1 Urban 44 44

2 Rural 56 56

Above table 5.1.6 shows that 44% of patients were living in urban areas whereas 56 were
living in rural areas.



Figure 5.1.6 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Place of Living.

Table 5.1.7 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Food allergies.

S.No Food No (100) %

1 Yes 32 32

2 No 68 68

Above table 5.1.7 shows that majority of patients were non-allergic to food 68% and 32% were
allergic to food.



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Frequency ofpercentage

Figure 5.1.7 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Food allergies.

Table 5.1.8 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Pets in House.

S.No Pets in House No %

1 Yes 67 67

2 No 33 33

Above table 5.1.8 shows that 67% of patients were having pets in the house and 33% were not
having any pets.

q No

o Yes

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 5.1.8 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Pets in House.

Table 5.1.9 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Type of pets in House.

S.No Type of Pets Frequency %

in House (100)
1 Cattle 40 40

2 Cats 20 20

3 Dogs 30 30

4 Birds 10 10

Above table 5.1.9 shows that 40% of patients were having cattle in their house,
20% were having cats, 30% were having dogs and 10% were having birds.

Frequency of Percentage
Cattle Cats Dogs Birds


Figure 5.1.9 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Type of pets in House.

Table 5.1.10 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by Cooking fuel Used.

S.No Cooking fuel Frequency

used (100)
1 Cooking Gas 46

2 Electricity 4

3 Firewood 26

4 Dung&Agri 24

Above table 5.1.10 shows that majority of patients were using cooking gas as fuel for
cooking 46%, followed by firewood 26%, 24% were using Dung and agriculture wastes
and 4% were using electricity.

Frequency of Percentage 100%





Cooking Gas Electricity Firewood Dung&Agri

Fig 5.1.10 Distribution of Bronchial Asthma Patients by cooking fuel used.


Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of bronchial asthma patients

Table 5.2.1 Mean, Standard deviation, range and mean score percentage of
knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

Sl. Knowledge Max Mean SD Range Mean

No Possible score%
General information
1 4.62 1.41 9 46.2
Causes/Trigger factor
2 2.57 0.70 5 51.4
Signs & Symptoms and
3 1.91 0 5 38.2
4 Prevention and Control 3.98 1.41 10 39.8

Overall Knowledge 12.86 0.70 23 42.86


Descriptive measures such as mean, standard deviation range and mean score percentage
of knowledge of bronchial asthma patients was carefully explicated and posted in the above

The knowledge of bronchial asthma patients was determined with mean of 12.86 and
standard deviation of 0.70. The maximum possible score is 30. The subject’s range was found
23. The mean score percentage was computed and it was observed as 42.86. It shows that the
selected bronchial asthma patients have inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of asthma

The analysis is carried out separately for each domain such as knowledge regarding
general information, causes\ trigger factors, signs symptoms and diagnosis, management
prevention and control.

The mean score percentage of knowledge regarding general information was 46.2%,
maximum possible score is 10, it resulted with mean 4.62 and standard deviation 1.41. The range
was 9. The mean score percentage of knowledge regarding causes and trigger factors was 51.4%,
maximum possible score is 5, it resulted with mean 2.57and standard deviation 0.70. The range
was 5. The mean score percentage of knowledge regarding signs symptoms and diagnosis was
38.2%, maximum possible score is 5, it resulted with mean 1.91 and standard deviation 0. The
range was 5. The mean score percentage of knowledge regarding management, prevention and
control was 39.8%, maximum possible score is 10, it resulted with mean 3.98 and standard
deviation 1.41. The range was 10.
Table 5.2.2 Mean, Standard deviation, range and mean score percentage of practice of
bronchial asthma patients.

Sl.N Subjects Max Mean SD Range Mean score%

o Possible
1 Practice 25 10.62 4.24 20 42.48

Above table 5.2.2 shows, the mean, standard deviation, range and mean score percentage
of practice of bronchial asthma patients regarding prevention of asthma attacks. The maximum
possible score was 25. The mean score was 10.62 with standard deviation 4.24 and range 20. The
mean score percentage was 42.48. This shows that bronchial asthma patient’s practices regarding
prevention of asthma attacks were found to be poor.

Table 5.2.3 Frequency and percentage distribution of knowledge level of Bronchial asthma

Grading Score (%)
Frequency (100) %

Poor 0-40 55 55

Average 41-70 34 34

Good 71-100 11 11

The findings of the study depicts that, 55% were having poor knowledge, 34% were
having average knowledge and only 11% of them has good knowledge.

Frequency of Percentage

60% 55 34 11
Poor Average Good


Fig: Knowledge level of Bronchial asthma patient

Table 5.2.4 Frequency and percentage distribution of Practice level of Bronchial
asthma patients

Grading Score (%)
Frequency %

Inadequate 0-40 54
Average 41-70 33
Adequate 71-100 13

Assessment of level of practice of bronchial asthma patients revealed that 54% have shown
inadequate practices, 33% have average practice and only 13% have adequate level of practices
regarding prevention of asthma attacks.

Frequency of Percentage



Fig: Practice level of Bronchial asthma patients


Relation between knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.3.1 Correlation between knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Sl.No Subjects Max Possible Correlation P-value

Score coefficient
1 Knowledge 30 0.81 Sig,
2 Practice 25

The above table 5.3.1 shows the outcome of the correlation analysis, which has been
attempted to determine the relationship between knowledge and practice. The linear correlation
between overall knowledge and practice was r = 0.81, which was statistically significant at 0.01
It confirms that bronchial asthma patient’s knowledge and practice were statistically
related i.e. higher the knowledge better would be the practice.




15 knowledge

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97

Correlation between knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients.


Table 5.4.1 (a) Association between age and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

S.No Age No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 21-30 50 25 25 0.09 3 NS,
2 31-40 10 5 5 34 P<0.05
3 41-50 30 14 16
4 50-60 10 5 5

Table 5.4.1 (a) shows association between age and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.0934, which is less than table value with
p-value < 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between age and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients

Table 5.4.1 (b) Association between age and Practice of bronchial asthma patients.

S.No Age No Practice χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 21-30 50 33 17 5.35 3 NS,
2 31-40 10 5 5 P<0.05
3 41-50 30 15 15
4 50-60 10 3 7

Table 5.4.1 (b) shows association between age and practice of bronchial asthma
patients. A total of 44 patients were below median and 56 patients were above median.
Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 5.35 which is less than table value, DF = 3 with p-
value < 0.05. Hence there is no significant association between age and practice of
bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.2 (a) Association between gender and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Gender No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 Male 62 28 34 0.96 1 NS,
2 Female 38 21 17 P<0.05

Table 5.4.2 (a) shows association between gender and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 51 patients were below median and 49 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.96 which is less than table value, DF = 1
with p-value < 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between gender and knowledge of bronchial asthma patient

Table 5.4.2 (b) Association between gender and Practice of bronchial asthma

S.No Gender No Practice χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 Male 62 35 27 0.01 1 NS,
2 Female 38 21 17 3 P<0.05

Table 5.4.2 (b) shows association between gender and practice of bronchial asthma
patients. A total of 38 were male and 62 were female. A total of 56 patients were below
median and 44 patients were above median. Calculated χ 2 Value was found to be 0.013
which is less than the table value, DF = 1 with p-value < 0.05. Hence accept null
hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association between gender and practice of
bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.3 (a) Association between Educational status and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients.
S.No Educational No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value
<Median ≥Median
1 Primary 15 8 7 6.67 3 NS,
2 Secondary 42 15 27 P<0.05
3 High School 32 21 11
4 PU/Degree 11 5 6

Table 5.4.3 (a) shows association between educational status and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were
above median. Calculated χ 2 Value was found to be 6.67 which is less than table value,
DF = 3 with p-value <0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant
association between educational status and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients

Table 5.4.3 (b) Association between Educational status and Practice of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Educational No Practice χ2 DF P-value

<Media ≥Median
n 1.96 3 NS,
1 Primary 15 9 6 P<0.05
2 Secondary 42 21 21
3 High School 32 18 14
4 PU/Degree 11 8 3

Table 5.4.3 (b) shows association between educational status and practice of
bronchial asthma patients. A total of 44 patients were below median and 56 patients were
above median. Calculated χ 2 Value was found to be 1.96 which is less than table value,
DF = 3 with p-value <0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant
association between educational status and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.4 (a) Association between Occupation and knowledge of bronchial asthma

S.No Occupation No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 Employed 18 9 9 0.20 3 NS,
2 Agriculture 43 20 23 P<0.05
3 Business 12 6 6
4 Dependent 27 14 13

Table 5.4.4 (a) shows association between occupation and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.20 which is less than table value, DF = 3
with p-value < 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between occupation and knowledge of bronchial asthma patient.

Table 5.4.4 (b) Association between Occupation and Practice of bronchial asthma

S.No Occupation No Practice χ2 DF P-value

<Media ≥Median
n 0.0210 3 NS,
1 Employed 18 10 8 P<0.05
2 Agriculture 43 23 20
3 Business 12 8 4
4 Dependent 27 15 12

Table 5.4.4 (b) shows association between occupation and practice of bronchial asthma
patients. A total of 44 patients were below median and 56 patients were above median.
Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.0210 which less than the table value, DF = 3
with p-value > 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is a no significant association
between occupation and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.5 (a) Association between family income and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients.

S.No Family No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

<Media ≥Median
n 0.40 3 NS,
1 Below2500 26 14 12 P<0.05
2 2501-5000 44 21 23
3 5001-10000 20 9 11
4 Above 10000 10 5 5

Table 5.4.5 (a) shows association between family income and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.40 which is less than table value, DF = 3
with p-value >0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is a no significant association
between family income and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.5 (b) Association between family income and Practice of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Family No Practice χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 Below2500 26 18 8 2.84 3 NS,
2 2501-5000 44 22 22 P<0.05
3 5001-10000 20 10 10
4 Above 10000 10 6 4

Table 5.4.5 (b) shows association between family income and practice of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 56 patients were below median and 44 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 2.84 which is less than table value, DF = 3
with p-value <0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between family income and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.6 (a) Association between place of living and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Place of No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

living <Median ≥Median
1 Urban 44 21 23 0.05 1 NS,
2 Rural 56 28 28

Table 5.4.6 (a) shows association between place of living and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.05 which is less than table value, DF = 1
with p-value <0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between place of living and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients

Table 5.4.6 (b) Association between place of living and Practice of bronchial asthma

S.No Place of No Practice χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 Urban 44 20 24 0.39 1 NS,
2 Rural 56 29 27

Table 5.4.6 (b) shows association between place of living and practice of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 56 patients were below median and 44 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.39 which is less than table value, DF = 1
with p-value <0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between place of living and practice of bronchial asthma patient

Table 5.4.7 (a) Association between food allergies and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Food No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

Allergies <Median ≥Median
1 Yes 32 14 18 0.51 1 NS,
2 No 68 35 33

Table 5.4.7 (a) shows association between food allergies and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.51 which is less than table value, DF = 1
with p-value> 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between food allergies and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.7 (b) Association between food allergies and Practice of bronchial asthma

S.No Food No Practice χ2 DF P-value

Allergies <Median ≥Median
1 Yes 32 16 16 0.68 1 NS,
2 No 68 40 28

Table 5.4.7 (b) shows association between food allergies and practice of bronchial asthma
patients. A total of 56 patients were below median and 44 patients were above median.
Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.68 which is less than table value, DF = 1 with p-
value >0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association between
place of living and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.8 (a) Association between pets in house and knowledge of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Pets in No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

<Median ≥Median
1 Yes 67 32 35
0.12 1 NS,
2 No 33 17 16 P<0.05

Table 5.4.8 (a) shows association between pets in house and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were
above median. Calculated χ 2 Value was found to be 0.12 which is less than table value,
DF = 1 with p-value >0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant
association between pets in house and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.8 (b) Association between pets in house and Practice of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Pets in No Practice χ2 DF P-value

House <Median ≥Median
1 Yes 67 33 31
1.42 1 NS,
2 No 33 23 13 P<0.05

Table 5.4.8 (b) shows association between pets in house and practice of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 56 patients were below median and 44 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 1.42 which is less than table value, DF = 1
with p-value >0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between pets in house and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.9 (a) Association between type of pets in house and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients.

S.No Type of No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value
Pets in <Median ≥Median
1 Cattle 40 20 20
2 Cats 20 10 10 0.10 3 NS,
3 Dogs 30 14 16 P<0.05
4 Birds 10 4 5

Table 5.4.9 (a) shows association between type of pets in house and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients. A total of 495patients were below median and 41 patients were
above median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.10 which is less than table vale,
DF = 3 with p-value < 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant
association between type of pets and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.9 (b) Association between type of pets in house and Practice of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Type of No Practice χ2 DF P-value

Pets in <Media ≥Median
House n
1 Cattle 40 22 18
2 Cats 20 12 8 1.37 3 NS,
3 Dogs 30 15 15 P<0.05
4 Birds 10 7 3

Table 5.4.9 (b) shows association between type of pets in house and practice of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 56 patients were below median and 44 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 1.37 which is less than table value, DF = 3
with p-value < 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between type of pets and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Table 5.4.10 (a) Association between cooking fuel used and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients.
S.No Cooking No Knowledge χ2 DF P-value

fuel used <Media ≥Median
1 Cooking 46 23 23
Gas 0.11 3 NS,
2 Electricity 4 2 2 P<0.05
3 Firewood 26 12 14
4 Dung&Agri 24 12 12

Table 5.4.10 (a) shows association between cooking fuel and knowledge of
bronchial asthma patients. A total of 49 patients were below median and 51 patients were
above median. Calculated χ 2 Value was found to be 0.11 which is less than table value,
DF = 3 with p-value > 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant
association between cooking fuel used and knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.
Table 5.4.10 (b) Association between type of pets in house and Practice of bronchial
asthma patients.

S.No Cooking No Practice χ2 DF P-value

fuel used <Media ≥Median
1 Cooking 46 28 18
Gas 0.91 3 NS,
2 Electricity 4 2 2 P<0.05
3 Firewood 26 13 13
4 Dung&Agri 24 13 11

Table 5.4.10 (b) shows association between cooking fuel and practice of bronchial
asthma patients. A total of 56 patients were below median and 44 patients were above
median. Calculated χ2 Value was found to be 0.91 which is less than table value, DF = 3
with p-value > 0.05. Hence accept null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant association
between cooking fuel used and practice of bronchial asthma patients.


Abstract of chi-square test results

Table 5.5.1 (a). Association between socio-demographic characteristics and

Knowledge of bronchial asthma patients.

Sl .N Characteristics Chi-square Df P-Value Result

o value
1 Age 0.0934 3 0.05 NS
2 Gender 0.96 1 0.05 NS
3 Educational status 6.67 3 0.05 NS
4 Occupation 0.20 3 0.05 NS
5 Family income 0.40 3 0.05 NS
6 Place of living 0.05 1 0.05 NS
7 Food Allergies 0.51 1 0.05 NS
8 Pets in House 0.12 1 0.05 NS
9 Type of pets 0.10 3 0.05 NS
10 Cooking fuel used 0.11 3 0.05 NS

Table 5.5.1 (b) Association between socio-demographic characteristics and

Practice of bronchial asthma patients.

Sl .N Characteristics Chi-square Df P-Value Result

o value
1 Age 5.35 3 0.05 NS
2 Gender 0.013 1 0.05 NS
3 Educational status 1.96 3 0.05 NS
4 Occupation 0.02 3 0.05 NS
5 Family income 2.84 3 0.05 NS
6 Place of living 0.39 1 0.05 NS
7 Food Allergies 0.68 1 0.05 NS
8 Pets in House 1.42 1 0.05 NS
9 Type of pets 1.37 3 0.05 NS
10 Cooking fuel used 0.91 3 0.05 NS

 NS – Not significant at 5% level (i.e., P > 0.05)

 HS – Highly significant at 5% level (i.e., P > 0.05)


The major findings of the study were summarized as follows.

Section 1

Findings related to sample characteristics.

 Age distribution shows that the highest percentage of bronchial asthma patients 50%

belongs to age group of 21-30, 10% belongs to 31-40 years, 30% in 41-50 years of age

followed by 10% in the age group of 51-60 years.

 It was observed that majority of the bronchial asthma patients 62% were male and 38%

were female.

 Distribution of samples according to educational status reveals that most of them 42%

had only Middle secondary education, 32% had high school education, 15% had primary

education followed by 11% PUC/ Degree.

 Distribution of samples according to occupation shows that majority of group’s

occupation was agriculture 43% and only 18% were employed. 27% was found to be

dependants and a few were in business 12%.

 It is observed that majority 44% of the samples had monthly family income between

2501-5000 Rs and the sample with higher income is very low 10%.

 Majority of the samples were living in rural areas 56% as compared to urban areas with


 Majority of patients were found to be non-allergic to food 68% and a very few 32% of

samples were found to have food allergies.

 Distribution of samples according to pets in house reveals that 67% of samples were

having pets in the house and 33% were not having any pets.

 It is observed that 40% of patients were having cattle in their house, 20% were having

cats,30% were having dogs and only 10% have birds.

 Majority of patients were using cooking gas as fuel for cooking 46%. 24% were using

dung and agricultural wastes and only 4% were using electricity for cooking.

Section 2

Assessment of knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients.

 The findings of the study depicts that, of all 80 bronchial asthma patients 55% were

having poor knowledge, 34% were having average knowledge and only 11% of them has

good knowledge.

 Assessment of level of practice of bronchial asthma patients revealed that 54% have

shown inadequate practices, 33% have average practice and only 13% have adequate

level of practices regarding prevention of asthma attacks.

 The overall knowledge of bronchial asthma patients was, mean 12.86, standard deviation

0.70 and range 23 and mean score percentage was 42.86%.

 The overall practice of bronchial asthma patients was, mean 10.62 and standard deviation

4.24 and range 20. Mean score percentage was 42.48%.

Section 3

Findings of relation between knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients

regarding prevention of asthma attacks.

The linear correlation between overall knowledge and practice was r = 0.81, which was

statistically significant at 0.01 level. It confirms that bronchial asthma patient’s

knowledge and practice were statistically related i.e. higher the knowledge better would

be the practice.

Section 4

Findings related to association between knowledge and practice of bronchial asthma patients

with selected demographic variables.

 The chi-square test value reveals that there is no significant association between the

knowledge and practice with any of the demographic variables of the patients.


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