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Client: Contractor wale PROJECT NAME: Replacement of Meda Air Plant PROJECT LOCATION: All Hospitals, S&2z_|2e@¢9 MATERIALS SUBMITTAL FORM. DISCIPLINE : SUBMITTAL NO: orc 91 Can Ost Ghvac mee PL Oce OID ols OMG personne eta Mother fightin tee fete DATE: 26/11/2023, ATTACHMENTS | MiBrochure MTech. Info. Samples rtificate L1Drawings CiCompliance Sheet lOthers ( ) = ‘Code Seat Description ‘Manutacturer supplice Boa /specs et. | Sens 1_| Ve WITHMCe PANEL. Ala Alma 16/7 B 2 16 3 @ CONTRACTOR | Tobe used forthe whole project where applicable, as per approved shop draw Concemed Engineer: Signature: — — ‘CONSULTANT COMMENTS: ~ | action cove [Conewoek ) orbapgsa bo Jerr cuco BUS PUB 2 boy) abos% | 0° arproves Aooroved with (Daly, stand By) Jotul tue (One weekk par s5) ap | comms 1 Revise And Reb Sepuerce of opadfacueP (Five Suppression) po 21? Yo 99 9 La | 02 Rejecteo ° © (Ech) Fan''Stop" 9 54,P cs] mde. - am aU REVIEW Note: Authority to proceed with work does not relieve the contractor from contractual responsibilities. Consultant. 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Tred lection aera Bring Distance top Au rode Cermanaos eee Fide Keds ere 6 apa (ates ances Pontes oe aceson) Ue Sra ial beng rectotowion Cenec(Pcemsong 3) pemeeean Pa) tone smPceaPeucaTons sus DaAnsbee ht 0.18 to 44W (0.25 to Shp) ‘ice 30 0 a 20 A ro al EVE 10 1006 200,30 2008 400V lg ten Vt Sree Fstance ae Posiblesetings 100700 4208 Commander S Highlights ‘nD begged Diet {sotto ou (abe teed easier Easy to install _9r PWM output to represent analog valve) Theslekcurveddesign of CmmanderS optimises _ogtulptge Poshvcr Negro Por EN ses) ampanetaytforasmal footprint andeaoyacess eee ee ‘to terminals. The click-onv/click-off DIN rail maunt makes ) wees ze : ut eccy etn. 04 He intallationremaraby easy. eee festions gp i Easy touse Using our new Marshal app (Android0S) your drive can be configured in under 60 seconds. Ccureet Ts retoion ofthe caant feck 10 Sipe sign Mounting 5 Environment Reliable ‘Prana 120 Durabity sat the core of Commander $ design, ae Slee ere guaranteeing peformancethroughoutitswholelifetime. _DpwstsTemperstreeheut De a SUE asIC ae Operating Temperstre With De Rate 10rC¥9 60°C (14°F to 40-7) Costeftectve tot Natal convecton ame 1 30.25 W/0.33h) Eeuipped with unique features designed to saveyouttime, sespal cooing fn aes, Aine 3000 (10007m to 3000%nderate 1 hover 1007) energy and money. Huey 95 rovcardensingat40°C/04°F-ENSI8002B3) pr olin degree 2 dyno condcigpalion onl WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM Mounting & Environment continued von Tate EC 60066-2-5 Sufcemeuntlck ani of ONrailmaune (E.UHCA, UL Ce EAC KE COMBE [EC/ENKN 6180-3 Adjustable speed electrical power dive systems, Part 3 EMC requirements and specific est rmathods 58125683.2012 Secor enironment (dust) Category C3 internal ites only) Category 16 €2 (enteral NC es) {2461 0005-1 Geer immunity standard or reséema commer and ight indus eenments Sake oreins EN 61000-6-2: Generic immunity standard for Industrial environments enunisn compare {2¥61000-4-4:cenec enon standard nus ndormess iin ection upmeneee f 7 TEE pinreremmanen armen rn ; : 2m witout afiter Emit Compliance for Motor Cable Lengtup 42 ony far rive variants with intemal 1 filter (5100000) ce Waray ‘5 eas (wrranty tems and enon apy) emote keypad 65,10 EMC ta, Cblemaragerent bracket CT comms cable Prefer Dc BusUnderaltageEnorLeve 2o0Vorives=175¥ a00Vories 2330 ‘100 VOrives= 400 Et DcBusOvenatagerrLevel, 200 Vorves= 400 400Vorves = 800, 7 1609 oor Rated Curent (rogrammabl Fumata set fequnc ignoring selected ross Parameter defaits sett soideros and madre dounting WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM FUNCTIONALITY Propamthe ivewhletistilin abo a — a ee ‘Shore Project Configuration ‘Shr tcolaagusort Conte Thlq Tec Super for aprosts Pat Parameter Set i sell fos parater cts for quckreew = a en DefuParareter PEE ‘Show the parameters that have been changed fem ha deft setting Favour Parameters Faouite parameter visti GuidesAndMonals i dee accessteivedecumentaton —— ° =a = — : Jog Referee is v ‘Up/Down % Reference (Motorised Pot) v o ewe 7 = nae —— Z Local Remote v a ; — ae : — — = z WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM eee cantor GtelModetinear VF onrolMode:SquxeV oF Cont Mode Resistance Camperaton Pela ce ae ee Diagnostics ms a e RAISCSESEEEE = aa rea hh 7 “heb WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM How to select a drive Frame 03 Electrical Considerations + Whatis the supply voltage? + Single or three phase input power? + What is the motor rating? + Continuous current FLA (Full Load Amps) mensions eee oe) een Fen es Cora ec ed si0001 {138mm Samm | 130mm! OTkg | 46mm | 145mm 45mm (225mm) 225mm / 46mm in| Som Sasie $208 | Tern Soir Sm asin sie ahs Fite ete | Gee Gate | dome ‘Sra |3ist Hoses ee sooo [ine ton Base | a | Se rn | dae aan | sun sco; [iBRem Sar dem 0k | sm | bem nm ITS Sem Aen (ier Sam Boe Ue | torn Wire Seen ate ore aise * Noscrewsaarequred hen mounting the dve nto aDIN a Drive Clearances f . wee / aomm (ssi) AB 771) . | orm oir | fe Documentation & Downloads a Product documentation and PC tools available for download from: ex ‘ ni a WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM Drive Weights Frame 0,25 KW/0,33 hp Shipping Specifications Drive Shipping Weights (COT PENI) Single Phase + Ge woos 19} Pips —— tas I dent ty te asin arate 0¥1 Dive Heatly, Recomnante Yegue Sting 04 Nh (548) tax aba Sone (16ANG) Mncrve sue'oszmn® G2AKS) PRODUCT CODES s100- O01 4 z FrameSize Frame Size,Power Step Seres: Voltage Rating GinputPhase -200v,198 WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM Control Connections (Default Settings) {7a 2+ vureroson O14 Rn Rovere) ai ofr 018 2014 Rte sees) Relay Nermay Open Relay Norma Clsod 0000 CenertenRefemce Reseed 0-2022 Fale sre 0 A Regional Defaults Built-in EMC Filter A Dre APAC 1-€iltera ter Banta x-cosone sect WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM Variants with C3 built-in EMC filter scared arr '5100-01133-040000, '5100-03123-040000, 075 1 smo “s100-01823-000000 1 a is as smcrmas Joon Bn s1000153-0a000 1 0 3 on sone Jenna Boon '5100-01543-0a0000 1 a a5, $100-01243-0A0, 3 a as = 1 oa a _— 3 oO a 4s eg We oO a 6s We a oe co 1s el 2 siopazeaxa000 3 so a2} an0000 3 a a = so00243-00000 5 a a 1 sioazesana000 3 a 3 is sionazesanan00 3 a 3 2 '5100-02483-040000 3 Cae oO. ne siopaseiyona00 3 o 3 siopa3e2}on0000 3 Soe 5 Variants with C1 built-in EMC filter oe Rese '5109-02531-0a0000 1 1 Gy 1 '5100-02541-040000 1 1 1 i cr a a o a. = o a ea 1s 2 Sioncase- oan '5100-0257-040000 Note: The listed ordering codes are for 50 Hz default setting. For 60 Hz default setting change the ending igits from A000 t- 080000. WWW.CONTROLTECHNIQUES.COM LNA 200-0006 700-0038 ‘200-0036 100-01133-040000 200-0036 100-03113-040000 Pr 200-008 2000039 100-03123-040000 ‘2000038 5100-03133-040000 4200-028 200-0039 100-01513-040000 4200-0026 4200-0038 4200-1000 s100-01213-040000 ‘ov-ooat ‘42000040 “4200-2003 “si0n.01523-040000, “4200-0076 4200-0058, : ‘200-1000 ‘10001223-040000 2000031 ‘2002003 ‘ ; ‘200008 ‘200-1000 ‘2000031 A 2002003 '100-01543-080000, ‘4200-1000 '5100-01243-040000, 4200-0031 4 '$100-01552-000000 “4200-0026, ‘200-1000, '100-01253-040000, 4200-0031 4200-2003, 1420000260) 14200-0038 (9) “e200-2001 (158) 4200-2032 6 4) 4200-0040 (8p) 4200-2003 (398) 4200-0026 0) 14200-0038 (1 ph) “4200-200 (eh) 4200-0032 64) 4200-0040 (3p) 4200-2003 (3h) 4200-0028, 9) 42000039 ph) “4200-4000(16h) 4200-00330) (358) 4200-4002 (35h) '100-01063-040000, '100-01073-040000, 5100-03013-040000, Eee 100-02413-080000, 4200-0034 az00c0n 4200-2005, '100-02423-040000 ‘200-0034 ‘200.0081 ‘200-2005, '100-02433-040000 F ‘2002005 $100-02443-040000 all ‘200-2005, '$100-02453-040000 ; : : 200-2005 $100-02463-040000 ct ‘sooo ‘200-2005 : 200-083 ‘ooo ‘200-3008 '5100:03423-000000, 4200-0093 4 4200-3008 ‘commande 10 variants fitewith 3 EMC fle conpi with IE 1800 stcondertonment.An anal exter Mls equ fo Commande S100, ‘vara ited with EMC ter tomeetthehighe requreents of EC 61000--4 and 1610-3 frst enone. ‘Therequramens of 1000-64 and EC 61600 fst envranment ret by Commande S100 variants fitted with EMC fer without addon feng, ‘Th ateratva Commander Fler aes ot upper fotrint mounting of th CommanderSbut dos meet the las speciied in Table 0-4 wth th flowing ‘ceplon The IOO-0249 drive ose note Clot eaa wrth 3 20 mabe langh Nidec xe tee st aa is Ae diate sera Cane ee eet eae dean std iad Mc: T Gr Noon Fons S395. 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