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Production requirements & costs for 1 ha of Wheat( 1 hectare - 2.

47 acres )
Seed requirements: 100kg's per ha, drilled Ideal population is 15 - 17 plants per 30 cm square.
120kg's per ha broadcast. OR 200 - 250 per sq metre
Optimum planting dates: Lowveld, early May. Other areas mid May.
Top few cm of soil must be kept moist at all times until germination is complete.
Yield target: 5 tonnes. Double this can be achieved with much heavier fertilization.

Fertilizer requirements Product Rate/ha Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Sulphur Comments Rate/ha Cost/tonne Cost / ha
Base dressing Compound D 7:14:7 9S 450 32 63 32 40 All applied at planting. 0.45 $620
Top dressing (barley 250 kg/ha) AN 350 120 Split: at planting & piping stage 0.35 $700
Potash MOP 100 60 Applied at planting 0.1 $880
OR Total 152 63 92 40
Base dressing Double D 14:28:14 1.8S250 35 70 35 5 All applied at planting. 0.25 $980
Top dressing (barley 250 kg/ha) AN 350 120 Split: at planting & piping stage 0.35 $700
Potash MOP 100 60 Applied at planting 0.1 $880
Total 155 70 95 5

It is advisable to add 100 kg/ha of Muriate of Potash (60% K20) to the base dressing to bring the potash up to 100 kg/ha.
There are other fertilizers that can be used. Formulations too are changing from time to time and the above are just a couple of examples.

Herbicides, Pesticides and Fungicides

Product Pack Cost per Total
Problem Product Application rate Application / Comments
for 1 ha size Pack Cost

Bromoxynil 22.5 EC/

Broadleaf Buctril DS/Bromotril 1.5-2.0 lt per ha Applied at 3 - 5 leaf stage of crop 1.5 lt $8/lt
weeds U46 Combi 1.5 lt per ha Applied at 3 - 5 leaf stage of crop 1.5 lt $20/20lt
MCPA 3.0 lt per ha Applied at 3 - 5 leaf stage of crop 3.0 lt $6/lt
Use combinations for better weed spectrum cover. e.g.Buctril DS at 0.5 lt and MCPA at 2.0 lt or Buctril DS at 0.5 lt and U 46 Combi at 0.75 lt/ha
Aphids Dimethoate 40 EC 30ml/15 lt knapsack Will also control leaf hoppers. 0.5 lt $8/lt
Recommended that one application of 500 ml / ha be applied with the herbicides to control early aphid attack.
Monocron 40 LC 500ml per ha Will also control leaf hoppers. Not for knapsack use. 0.5 lt $13/lt
Loose Vitavax Plus 300 ml / 100 kg Seed dressing, for seed grown and retained on the farm.. 0,3 lt
smut and Quintozine 250g / 100 kg seed Bought certied seed has already been seed dressed. 0.25 - 0.4 kg 2.0 kg
damping off Baytan 150 FS 150ml/ 100kg seed 0.15 - 0.2 ml 1.0 lt $28/lt
Powdery Tilt/Propiconazole 30ml/15 lt knapsack For powdery mildew, when rst seen. For rust before 0.5 lt .5 & 5 lt $70/10lt
mildew and 250 EC seed ll.
Stimulant Kelpak 120ml/15 l sprayer Apply with herbicides, at 3 - 5 leaf stage of crop. 2.0 l .5 & 5 l
Often various trace elements are applied with the herbicides, using Librel Chelates resulting in + 500 kg's / ha yield improvement.
Librel Copper, Zinc and Manganese appear to give the best results. Librel BMX, a mixture, is often applied instead of individual ones (1,0kg/ha).


MARCH 2014

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