1 Ha Potatoes_windmill-1

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Windmill (Pvt) Ltd.

Name ……………………..
Production requirements and costs for 1 Hectare of Potatoes. ( 1 hectare = 2.47 acres ) Date ……………….
Yield target in this exercise is 20 tonnes per ha. With heavier fertilization yields can be increased to 40 tonnes and more.
DO NOT apply lime to a potato crop, it can cause Scab disease. Any lime required should be applied the year before.
Seed potato requirements will depend on size and population, but as a guide 75 - 80 pockets (30 kg) per ha will be required. Use only AA and A seed!!
Standard placement / spacing should give roughly 37 000 plants per ha. Average: 900 mm between rows and 300 mm in the row.
Fertilizer requirements Product Rate/ha Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Sulphur Comments Rate/ha Cost/tonne Cost / ha
Base dressing Compound C 5:15:12 11S 0.1B 1500 75 225 180 165 All at planting 1.5 ton $700 $1050
Top dressing Potassium nitrate 13:0:46 300 39 138 Split at 4, 8 & 12 week after emergence 0.3 ton 96/50kg $576
Totals 114 225 318 165 Total $ 1,626.00


Base dressing Super C 6:24:20 8S 0.1B 1000 60 240 200 80 All at planting 1 ton $980 $980.00
Top dressing Potassium nitrate 13:0:46 300 39 138 Split at 4, 8 & 12 week after emergence 0.3 ton 96/50kg $576
99 240 338 80 Total $1556.00

Preferably apply fertilizers that are made up mainly with Sulphate of Potash. Muriate of Potash contains too much chlorine.
Herbicides, Pesticides and Fungicides
Product Pack Cost Per
Problem Product Mixing rate Application / Comments Total Cost
for 1 ha size Pack
Mainly Lasso 48EC/Alachlor 3.5 - 4.0 lt / ha Pre emergent to weeds and crop Ave 3.5 lt 2 & 5 lt
Grasses Dual 960EC/Metolachlor 960EC 0.7 - 1.2 lt / ha Pre emergent to weeds and crop Ave 1.0 lt .5, 1, 5, & 5lt $9/lt
& Broad Sencor /Metribuzin 480SC 1.1 - 1.5 lt/ha Pre emergent. Not on soils less than 12% clay Ave 1.0 lt .5,1,5,10 &20lt $19/lt
leaf weeds MCPA 3.75 - 5.0 lt / ha Pre emergent to weeds and crop Ave 4.0 lt .2, .5, 5, 1 &20lt6/lt
Examples of combinations: Lasso 3 lt and Sencor 0.7 lt Dual 960 1.0 lt and Sencor 0.7 lt. Lasso 3.0 lt and MCPA 3.0 lt
Grasses Agil 100EC 0.5 - 1.0 lt / ha Annual grasses. Small 0.5 lt. Larger 1.0 lt Ave 0.75 lt 1 & 5 lt $22/lt
Only 1.0 lt - 2.0 lt / ha Perennial grasses. Post emergent. Ave 1.5 lt
Nematode Curaterr 10G 200g / 100 m row 20 kg / ha applied in the furrow at time of planting 20 kg 25 kg $170/25kg
Control Nemacur 10G/Fenamiphos 10G 10g/m row Band in furrow prior to planitng tubers and closing furrows 100 kg 25 kg $160/25kg
Nemacur EC/Fenamiphos 400EC 250ml/100m row Spray whole furrow area prior to planting tubers & closing furrows 25 lt .5, 1, 5 & 20 lt $24/lt
EDB Tech 270 ml / 100 m row Applied at least 3 weeks before planting 27 lt 20 lt $380/20lt
EDB WM Mix 1:3 with water Apply 1.12 lt / 100 m row, 3 weeks before planting. 24 lt
Potato Pyrinex 48EC 100 ml/100 lt water Apply 500 lt of mix / ha or 15ml/15 lt knapsack mix 500 ml .5, 1, 5 & 10 lt $8/lt
tuber moth Sniper/Methamidophos 100 ml/100 lt water Apply 500 lt of mix / ha. Not for use in knapsacks. 500 ml .5, 1, 5 & 20 lt $12/lt
Curaterr 10G If using Curaterr for nematode control there is no need to apply it again. 20 kg 25 kg $170/25kg
Carbaryl 85WP/Thionex 50WP 50g / 15 lt knapsack Apply when crop 20 cm high, repeat every 14 days 800 g .5, 1, 5, & 25kg $10/kg
Monocron / 155 ml / 100 lt water Apply in 500 - 600 lt of mix per ha. Repeat in 10 775 ml - .2, .5, 1 & 5 lt $13/lt
Azodrin 40 days if necessary. Not for use in knapsacks 950 ml
Windmill (Pvt) Ltd.
Name ……………………….
Production requirements and costs for 1 ha of Potatoes. Sheet No. 2 Date: ……………………….

Herbicides, Pesticides and Fungicides continued.

Product Pack Cost Per

Problem Product Mixing rate Application / Comments Total Cost
for 1 ha size Pack
Aphids Monocron / Azodrin 40 155ml/100lt Apply 500 litres of mix per ha. Not for knapsacks 800 ml .5 & 5 lt
Dimethoate 40EC 50ml/ 15lt knapsack Apply 400 litres of mix per ha 840 ml 1, 2.5, 5 & 25 lt $8/lt
Thionex 50WP 120g/15lt knapsack Apply 250 - 500 litres of mix per ha 2.0kg 1, 2 & 20 kg
Malathion 25WP 50g / 15 lt knapsack Apply 250 - 500 litres of mix per ha. Repeat 7 days 500g - 1 kg 1, 2, 5 & 20kg $7/kg
Sniper/Methamidophos 50ml/100 lt water Apply 500 litres of mix per ha. Not for knapsacks 500ml 1, 2.5, 5 & 25 lt 12/lt
Seed crop Disyston 5G 200 g / 100 m row Applied to furrow before covering 20kg 5 & 25 kg - 90 day harvest interval
Cutworm Monocron 215ml/ 100 lt water Apply 450 litres of mix per ha. Not for knapsacks 1.0 lt 0.5 & 5 lt
Pyrinex 48 EC 66ml/ 15lt knapsack Apply 500 litres of mix per ha 1.1 lt 1, 2, 5 & 20 lt
Sniper/Methamidophos 100ml/100 lt water Apply 500 litres of mix per ha. Not for knapsacks 500 ml 1, 2.5, 5 & 25 lt
Fenvalerate /
lambda-cyhalothrin 5EC 20 ml / 100 lt water Apply 30 ml, of mix, per plant at first emergence 100 ml 0.5, 0.75 & 1 lt $8/lt
Chloroflo / Chlorathalonil
Early and 50SC 120ml/15lt knapsack Repeat 7 - 10 day intervals. 2.0 lt 2, 5, 10 & 20 lt $8/lt
Late Blight Copper Oxychloride 85WP 75g/ 15lt knapsack Repeat 7 - 10 day intervals. Mix 500g/100 lt water 2.5 kg 1, 2, & 2.5 kg $10/kg
Dithane 45WP/Uthane M45 50g/15 lt knapsack Repeat 5 - 10 day intervals. Mix 200g/100 lt water 1.7 - 3.3 kg 1, 2, 5 kg $8/kg
Score 25g/15 lt knapsack Repeat 7 - 10 day intervals. Mix 150g/100 lt water 300ML 1LT n
Antracol 70WP 30g/15 lt knapsack Spray 500 - 2000 lt of spray mixture / ha @ 200g/100 lt 1.0 - 4.0 kg 10 kg
Milraz 76 WP 180g /15lt knapsack Spray in convenient amount of water, max 5 sprays 3.0 kg 10 kg
Late only Ridomil MZ/Ridomyl Gold/Acomil 150g/ 15lt knapsack Apply two sprays 10 days apart 5.0 kg total 1 kg $20/kg
Scab and Polyram DF 200g per 100 kg Seed dressing of tubers 1.5 - 2.0 kg 1 & 25 kg
Black Quintozine 50WP 8 kg's / 100 lt water Pre plant. Apply in 400 - 500 lt water per ha. 40 kg 2 kg,
Scurf Band treatment 3kg / 40-80 lt per 1000 m of row. 20 kg 25 kg's
Wire worm Pyrinex 48EC 250 ml / 100 lt water Apply 400 lt / ha of the mix to furrow before covering 1.0 lt 2, 5 & 20 lt
white grub up the seed.
Red spider Dimethoate 40EC 60ml/ 15 lt knapsack Apply as a full cover spray 1.0 lt 1, 2.5, 5 & 25 lt
Caterpillar Carbaryl 85WP/Thionex 50WP 60g / 15 lt knapsack Apply as a full cover spray when pest first seen Up to 1 kg 1, 2, 10 & 25 kg
Growth Kelpak 120ml/15 lt knapsack Apply in 400 - 500 lt of mix / ha to tubers before 2.0 lt 0.5 & 5 lt $7/lt
stimulant water covering or to foliage 3 weeks after emergance
Micro Librel chelates Foliar application of various minor elements. 0.5 - 1 kg 1.0 kg
elements Nutrifol No. 1 Foliar application.NB Does not replace fertilizers 1.0 - 1.5 lt 1 & 5 lt $3/lt

Planting dates: Summer - Nov.

Winter - Feb. - Apr. (First irrigated crop)
Spring: Late Jul. - early Aug. (Second irrigated crop)

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