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Production requirements for 1 ha of Sorghum ( 1 hectare - 2.

47 acres )
Seed requirements: Allow 15 kg of seed per ha for a population of 300 000 - 350 000 per ha.
Spacing: 30 plants per metre of row with rows 900 mm apart. Reduce to 24 plants per m with higher yielding varieties.
Planting dates: Mid to late Novmeber.
Target yield : 3 - 4 tonnes per ha. Up to 8 tonnes can be achieved with much heavier fertilization.

Fertilizer Requirements Product Rate/ha Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Sulphur Comments Rate/ha Cost/tonne Cost / ha
Base dressing Compound D 7:14:7 9S 300 21 42 21 27 Apply all at planting 0.3
Top dressing AN 34.5% N 250 86 - - - Apply at 6 - 8 weeks 0.25
OR T otal 107 42 21 27
Base dressing 13:27:13 1.5Zn 150 20 40 20 2 Apply all at planting 0.15
Top dressing AN 34.5% N 250 86 - - - Apply at 6 - 8 weeks 0.25
Total 106 40 20 2

Herbicides, Pesticides and Fungicides.

Product Pack Cost per Total

Problem Product Mixing rate Application / Comments
for 1 ha Size Pack Cost
Broadleaf Atranex 260 - 336 ml/15 lt knapsack Pre and Post emergent on soils over 25% clay - NR <30% clay 3.5 - 4.5 lt 2 & 25 lt
weeds and Bomoxynil/Buctril DS
55ml/15 lt knapsack Post emergent, for broadleaf weed control only 0.75-1.0 lt 25 lt
some MCPA 95 - 185 ml/15 lt knapsack Post emergent when crop is 150 - 250 mm high 1.25 - 2.5 l 5 & 25 lt
Pre emergent of weeds and crop. ( Terbutryn = Igran ). In tank
Grasses Terbutryn 50SC 150-225ml/15 lt knapsack mixture with Atranex N.B. not under <20% clay content 2.0 - 3.0 l 5 & 10 lt
Agriquat/Paraquat 75 - 150ml/15 lt knapsack Post emergent directed spray. Do Not spray crop. 1.0 - 2.0 l 2 & 25 lt
Aphids Dimethoate 40EC 53ml/15 lt knapsack Spray well in the funnel. Repeat if necessary 500 - 700ml 1, 2.5, & 3 lt
Thionex 50WP 75g/15 lt knapsack Repeat if necessary at 10 - 14 day intervals. 1 kg 1, 2 & 20 kg
Warning: DO NOT use Azodrin, Monocron, Monocrotophos or Nuvacron on Sorghum as it could be phytotoxic
Heliothis Thionex 35EC 150ml/15 kg knapsack Full cover spray using at least 200 l of mixture per ha 2.0 lt 5 & 20 lt
bollworm Thionex 50WP 105g/15 lt knapsack As above 1.4 kg 1, 2 & 20 kg
Fenvalerate 15ml/15 lt knapsack Lowveld, use in Jan & Feb only. Highveld after 1st Feb 200 ml 0.5, 0.75 & 1,0 lt
Stalk - Carbaryl 85WP 30g/15 lt knapsack Spray the funnels well. Add 5% molasses 625 g 1 - 2 kg
borer Thiodan 50WP 150g/15 lt knapsack Spray the funnels well. Add 5% molasses 700 g 1 - 2 kg
Smut Thiram 80WP 90 g /50 kg seed Applied as a seed dressing 27 g 1 & 5 kg
Vitavax Plus 150ml + 350ml water/50kg seed Applied as a seed dressing 25ml 5 lt
Storage Malathion 1% 40g /50 kg seed ( Ingwe ) Mix well with seed at time of bagging. 3 kg

Notes: Fertilizer mixtures are often changing so select what is available. The 2 shown above are only examples, others can be used.
Agrochemical pack sizes are often changing with more smaller pack sizes becoming available.


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