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Speak for yourself

1 In groups. Have you ever made a phone call in English? Who to?
• Telephoning vocabulary
Did you have any problems?
• Formal and informal phone calls
2 Complete this statement in as many ways as possible.
Phone calls in English can be difficult because ...

3 Look at the picture. What problems is this student of English having?

4 Make the student sound more polite and friendly. Put these words in
the right order to make useful sentences.
1 say you that you couldn't again could ?
2 I'm you I quite hear can't sorry
3 please up could bit speak you a ?
4 that do spell how you ?
5 I'm quite catch didn't sorry that
6 bit speak slowly you could please a more ?

5 Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences.

1 Match the verbs with the nouns.
p;ck ~ a message
2 answer a number
3 make the phone down
4 nng someone up
5 put the phone up
6 leave the line
7 dial the phone
8 hold a call

2 2 Listen and decide what to do (you can sometimes do more than

one thing).
Do you know what these phone • put the phone down I hang up • dial a single number
numbers are for in Britain?
• answer the phone • redial with a new number
999 192 1471 100 155
• try again later • leave a message
• hold on I hold the line • check you have the right number
• dial an extension number

English in use
On the phone
1 In pairs. Read the phone dialogue below and try to number the
boxes in the right order.
D I'm sorry, he's engaged at the moment. Will you hold?
D Could you tell him Allan called?
D Allan MacFarlane.
D Thank you .
CD International Shipping, Elaine speaking, how may I help you?
D Hold on a moment please, Mr MacFarlane.
D Thanks very much. Goodbye.
D Could I speak to Bob HarriS, please?
D No, thanks, I'll ring back later.
D Could I ask who's calling?
D Would you like to leave a message?
D Certainly Mr MacFarlane, I'll tell him .

2 Listen and check.

3 Listen again. What's different?
4 5 Listen to a different call. Write exactly what you hear.
On the telephone say who you are
like this:
Check your ideas in Tapescript 10.5 on p.J07.
It's (Tom) not I'm (Tom) . A Hello?

.~ ... ~~.I.I.?: ............................... ~.p"~~~.~~.? ...........................................

A Who ?
B Mark.
A Hello, Mark. _ _ __ _ , I'll just _ _ _ __
......!..~.~.! 0.~..~~.~.'.~...............................:..?~.~:~! . . .,....,
cc •••-•••ccc
B OK, .1'11 .
~... ~~ 0..!...... ,.,ccc•••
••• ccc•••
ccc••• ccc=
ccc••• ..... ?...........................................................
.~ .. }~~~.~~!!..~.~L ..-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-....................................................
~..g~....=....=....=....=....=....=....=..... .................................................................

6 5 Listen to these questions. Does the intonation rise or fall at the end?
1 Can I speak to Mike, please?
2 Who is it?
3 Could I leave a message?
4 Would you like to leave a message?
5 Can you ring back later?
6 Practise the questions. Try to sound exactly the same.

28 10 IT'S FOR YOU

Useful language
1 Complete the gaps with words and phrases.
Formal Informal
Could I speak to the manager, please? _ _ to John, please? lis John _ _ , please? IT]
~_ I _ _ who's calling? Who's _ _ ? I Who _ _ it? D
Hold _ _ a moment, please. _ _ on a - _ . D
I'll just _ _ you through. I'll just _ _ her. D
_ _ I leave a message? ? D
_ _ to _ _ a message? Can I _ _ her a - - ? D
_ _ you _ _ her I called? Just _ _ him I - _ . D
I'll ring I phone _ _ later. (formal and informal) D
Goodbye. D
2 Mark the sentences C for the caller and A for the person answering.
3 Which phrases do you think you would use most often? Which wouldn't you use? Why?

c;~~~~~!k at the conversations below. Decide what to say, then

have the conversations.

Ne:fwor!< Systel>Js I spet?!<in'J I /'-'elp you?' Spe.t-tK I He..Ie..1t ?o.f-+e..r1 /'-'e//o?' Spe.t-tK I dulit-tlt?
w/'-'o I 6t?//in'J?' Itt-tMe.. w/'-'o?' Itt-tMe..
/'-'01d I l>Jol>Jeni +MItK ~n'J I sec-ond OK
sorry I en'Jt?'Jed I /'-'old?' ItO I riltt:J bt-tck ')One olff riltt:J bt-tcK
Iet?,ve I l>Jesst?'Je?' ct-tlle..d let?Ve I l>Jesst?~?' ct-tlle..d
6erf"t?inly +MItK I t:Jood'b'1e.. OJ< -f-kt-tItK I b'1e..
JOodbye bye

Can you remember ... ? 2 Now change the dialogues and have formal and informal dialogues
• five expressions you would use of your own.
or hear on the telephone
3 Perform your dialogues for the class.
• five 'telephone' verbs
• three useful phone numbers
in Britain
Practice p .91 (

10 IT'S FOR YO U 29

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