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Aygaall dyeaillg Aail alli Cardiovascular system > The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. The heart and vessels work together intricately to provide adequate blood flow to all parts of the body. > The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other important substances to cells and organs in the body. It plays an important role in helping the body meet the demands of activity, exercise, and stress. It also helps maintain body temperature, among other things ue lal Yo Gilegll s1all jlgall gost Bygoall sutllg Syoillg Gulpillg aA20 JAiiy Ro aicoillg wall Joy paul eljal 109 ll Als 03 Goal pagtl Gbirallo Gaui jilcoll wall jlgall aos eLactilg Wilall Gl] SAlll Aolgil aigallg aUigojgllo ole auigll dacluo 46 Lago Ios uxt cual 4d acluy LoS .b2cAllg Qyoillo hui! Glbio aul {Sl joo! Gu Go cull dja aay gle blaall seal clesill cad Aorta branches Right common carotid Goylll pill glyill Right subclavian @illl85ajill Gar gull Brachiocephalic lll geal usa) Left subclavian jul sgialliaay Gill Left common carotid juyill ,ihaull gull Right and left coronary Celiac trunk ill ial Superior mesenteric SLPSIWAIGN Renal soldil olpiull ona! ERIE Inferior mesenteric lawl lua alll dt Common iliac euiva pasjal al Sa CM oT tee CM oe 4 chambers (2 atria and 2 oarsatel aera trt Ctra trate te tb al eavor ie aa the body. They pump out red (oxygen-rich) blood te ecole 7 Moco sig =sZ otal a backward flow of blood: See aa co) Fllte\ wae sg toRrolanz-tas Mito ras treX- ten otn ood backward flow. ror cere) Pere ePLerrer es eat yn Sp recone ern er pe PERC Cores Tes PON PE PCTS CE es rPey ventricle RENT nll ofl Sono RE retro tes Eicon Teor cee Ieeelt ‘Conduction Fig |. The five types of blood vessels aygeall ase! dail elgi cul tll Arteries dail Rpll ole Capilaries ‘Arteriles Fatal alah Venules Spill 3,91 Types of Blood vessels = —— Types of blood vessels elgilfl arteries capillaries veins ul tl] Spalclyll Says) * Carty blood + connect * return alll & . a away from arteries to blood to § e aH heart veins heart ! * exchange at de materials asl =r with body ct tissues Layers of the arteries are: cadlsill clio A>)lb) abl The larynx, or voice box .This Fipall align apa los sale short tube contains a pair of etl ea ad al ve ll et vocal cords, which vibrate to SRA all Clana Ee es a make sounds “Gio a Al olla 30 Go 8 oa gal asl > The trachea, or windpipe, is the continuation of the airway below the larynx. The walls of the trachea are strengthened by stiff rings of cartilage to keep it open. The trachea is also lined with cilia, which sweep fluids and foreign particles out of the airway so that they stay out of the lungs. Voce bor: (larymn) ul > At its bottom end, the trachea divides into left and right air tubes called bronchi which connect to the lungs. Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into smaller bronchi and even smaller tubes called bronchioles .Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide actually takes place. Each person has hundreds of millions of alveoli in their lungs. This network of alveoli, bronchioles, and bronchi is known as the bronchial tree. The digestive system is a long, twisting tube that starts at the mouth and goes through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and ends at the anus. >The digestive system breaks down food into simple nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins >The main organs that make up your digestive system are the organs known as your gastrointestinal tract. eLaclll 52 orig djlga [gio GoSis «pill Auuusypll eLacill origi Sal Adgyxall > They are your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus. -Quillg ABLsl cl2oilll adSall eleoill Sazall .qsall eal ya » Assisting your GI organs along the way are your pancreas, gallbladder and liver. suulySigll 0 JS yall gb ole dpoxdgll elilae! Yor 6 .cluy -MSII9 Sallo » Digestion begins in the mouth. The food is ground up by the teeth and moistened with saliva to make it easy to swallow. Saliva also has a special chemical, called an enzyme, which starts breaking down carbohydrates into sugars. oly Jiguiil Lally aybyig glimill Aauilgs plstall gab iy pall. axigll alae Lagi al sAgySII yal yA hai yilo ay] aul A yslo4S Bolo gle Layi lalll gia) -CUy Sat ol} > Digestion ends in the small intestine of the human body. The small intestine, which has three parts called the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, uses bile from the liver and enzymes secreted by the pancreas to break down food. il adyaall elxoill psAini yLuill A adpdall elaoill 6 pxigll Gyloc ygiii Stlean) ait ‘Som Sunt duocedamy lie «iil Se isle — _platall eySail yulySiall Lapay Gill Glayilllg Sl Go elyauall Your esophagus is a hollow, muscular tube that carries food and liquid from your throat to stomach your stomach. Muscles in : your esophagus propel food down to your stomach. lala (40 dilouillg ols! oay plac ag0 coil! 9a eliypo clia20 G]| plabll 264) spall ..4 cilAall gai clisz0 I] Sections of the Stomach The stomach is part of the gastrointestinal (Gl) tract. The Gl tract is a long tube that starts at your mouth. It runs to your anus, where stool leaves your body. The Gl tract is a key part of your digestive system. (Go lay igh oul ga ,axigl jlgall (6) ,oxsgl gall Go «ja Gaal) 9 yociglljlgall claw go jl ayy dua gpl aaa yl] aiayg ela pablo gull gi Antrum Gi > Small intestine: Food mixes with the digestive juices from your intestine, liver and pancrea s. Your intestinal walls absorb nutrients and water from food and send waste products to the large intestine _ dilaol go ajaxigll aljlasll go plabal bliay:a6jdall elxoill” -elallg ayiall algal! eLaoill laa yaial yulySillg dudo ABA claolll I] cull jg plabll go Small intestine Liver Stomach Large intestine Small intestine —= Large intestine Colon Large intestine: Your large intestine turns waste products into stool. It pushes the stool into your rectum. Rectum: The rectum is the lower portion of your large intestine. It stores stool until you have a bowel movement GilAAll aL! eleoill Joai : Abul! eLaoill _PrALutall Il hull g83i9 jIp oll alzolll Go jLauill jail 9@ rdimoall : oydiwall -abAyl aulosy gai Gia jlyll gj) abyLal etal ogal Transverse itd olga Ascending Descending colon e i colon oe" Cecum —) ayy ell oda — ee Sigmoid colon LEY Anus The large intestine has 3 primary functions: absorbing water and electrolytes, producing and absorbing vitamins. and forming and propelling feces toward the rectum for elimination. Handy Caslby 3 Uy abaala) land) Uyolatal egal eligi, SIV ll yobatal Ue all etal ye gatny eal Ss all iillkeg Functions of the liver: The liver is a critical organ in the human body that is responsible for an array of functions that help support metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification, vitamin StOFAGE —goacoaro ae dojual 9a9 oli! aus ya gon ge 9a Al uA yighillo arigllo Acliallg «ill Aloe acai vill ailagll aligolixall Healthy eating is good for your overall health, but having a low-calorie, high-fiber diet that includes mostly fruits and vegetables is important to a healthy colon. Exercise and healthy habits like avoiding excess alcohol and smoking is also important to good colon health. If your colon isn’t working the way it should, you may experience problems such as bloating, gas, pain, constipation or diarrhea SUWUY ido ayjall aljsuull Yyld IIe pli gli! YSIp aolall cine 49 yal elaball glit ‘olalallg Aalyll Auylao Sagal JoloAll Aaa! ago digaAllg aSigAll ailul Jiu Jasty sill Soll JgloAll daca! Wy aago GA allo allj Jy Joni Joli wisi dio ayaa! -Alillo «cijlilg AlAuMI Yio YSLio a9lgi a8 Auglhall Adyhall Jom eliglod YS fal 13] digi gi dlwoylg appendix #>s=!léailill The appendix is a small finger-shaped tube that branches off the first part of the large intestine. _The appendix can become inflamed or infected causing pain in the lower right part of the abdomen. ejall Qo Lit aul JSuiy wo Gaul a ayagall dailjll abuLall cl2olll 40 Jolll all 4 Lal cuuuy Loo soc ol lgily Gaal! Salljll lai a5 Obl Go Guouill jLasll piild gos : Apa si

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