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Deen College of Arts and Science

Nidur kaduvangudi
SUB: Relational Database Management Systems SEM: V


Two Marks Questions:

1. Define Database management system.
2. Define Data mining.
3. What is DML?
4. Define schema.
5. Define DDL
6. What is administrator?
7. Give the levels of data abstraction
8. Define instance.
9. What is logical level of abstraction?
10. What is Data Dictionary?
11. List down applications of DBMS.
12. Mention the different types of users.
13. What do you meant by schema? Mention its types.
14. Who are called naive users?
15. What do you meant by term data models?
16. Define relationship in entity relationship model.
17. Who is DBA?

Five Marks Questions:

1. Explain the purpose of Database Systems
2. Discuss database users and administrators.
3. Discuss in details about relational model and its design issues.
4. Describe the two types of Database languages.
5. Write short notes on Database users.
6. Explain Database architecture with neat diagram.
7. Briefly discuss about schema.
8. Explain about advantages of DBMS.
9. What are the disadvantages of file processing system?
10. Write short notes on DDL.
11. Describe about DML.
12. What are the component of Query processor? Discuss in short.
13. What is data model? Briefly discuss about four different categories.

Ten Marks Questions:

1. Explain with neat diagram about Database Architecture and History of Database system.
2. What is meant by Data models? Explain in details about object based model.
3. Briefly explain about History of Database system.
4. Explain different types of Database languages with suitable example.
5. Describe the various functions of Database administrator.
6. Explain the drawbacks of file processing system

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Deen College of Arts and Science
Nidur kaduvangudi
SUB: Relational Database Management Systems SEM: V

Two Marks Questions:
1. Explain data storage.
2. Define relational model
3. What is candidate key?
4. List the way of modifying the Database.
5. Write a note on structure of relational database.
6. Define null values.
7. What is meant by relational algebra?
8. Define the term of relation.
9. What is foreign key?
10. What is domain of the attribute?
11. Explain the division operation in relational algebra.
12. What is super key?
13. Compare schema and instance.
14. Different between the procedural and nonprocedural language.
15. Define domain.
16. How to delete is expressed in relational algebra language?
17. Define tuple variables.
18. What do you meant by primary key?
19. What is an atomic domain?
Five Marks Questions:
1. Explain the details about Entity relationship model design issues.
2. Illustrate the concept of extended relational algebra.
3. Write about joint relations.
4. Explain about embedded SQL.
5. Brief notes on relational algebra union operations.
6. Discuss about database modifications in relational algebra.
7. Explain fundamental relation algebra operations.
8. Explain about insert and delete information from database.
9. What do you meant by domain and key constraints?
10. With a suitable example explain set operation.
11. How the database can be modified?
12. What are the integrity constraints? Discuss.
13. Write a notes on relational algebra.
14. Explain about Null values with example.
15. Write the different between outer join and inner join.
16. Write the different between outer join and natural join with example.
17. Write short notes on division operation in relational algebra.
18. Describe the union operation.
19. Write short notes on aggregate function in relational algebra
Ten Marks Questions:
1. Discuss about structure of relational database.
2. Discuss about extended relational algebra.
3. Explain about fundamental operations of relational algebra.
4. Explain about modifications of database in relational algebra.
5. What is relational algebra? Explain the basic operations in relational algebra.
6. With example explain different aggregate functions.
7. Discuss in details the database schema
8. Explain the Cartesian product and rename operation in relational algebra.

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Deen College of Arts and Science
Nidur kaduvangudi
SUB: Relational Database Management Systems SEM: V


Two Marks Questions:

1. It is possible for several attribute to have the same domain?
2. What is data redundancy?
3. Write notes on rename operations.
4. List the type of join.
5. List the several parts of SQL language.
6. Give the list of aggregate function in SQL.
7. What is referential integrity?
8. What is authorization?
9. List the basic structure of SQL expression.
10. What is meant by Null value? Give an example.
11. What is the use of integrity constraints?
12. What is weak entity set?
13. What is Attributes?
14. List the set operations of SQL.
15. What is view in SQL? How it is defined?
16. List two major problems with processing of updating operation.
17. Compare host language with Embedded SQL
18. What do meant by Rollback work
19. List out the built in data types in SQL
20. Define commit work in a transaction.
21. Difference between union and union all.
Five Marks Questions:
1. Discuss SQL data types.
2. Write short notes on database command.
3. Write about join relation.
4. Explain about embedded SQL.
5. Write the Basic structure of SQL expression.
6. Write short notes on SQL data types and schema.
7. Explain aggregate operation in SQL.
8. Write short notes on various parts of SQL.
9. Briefly explain about domain types of SQL.
10. What are the different types of joins performed by SQL?
11. What is view or virtual relation? With suitable example for their creation.
12. Explain the various set operation.
13. Write notes on domain constraints.
14. Explain following clauses in SQL SELECT, FROM and WHERE.
15. Give the brief account on authorization in SQL.
16. Write notes on nested sub query.
17. How delete and insert can be performed in SQL?
Ten Marks Questions:
1. Briefly discuss about Database languages with example.
2. Write about integrity constraints with example.
3. Discuss about various set operations.
4. Explain SQL string pattern matching with example.
5. Explain the basic structure of SQL.
6. What is view? How it is created?

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Deen College of Arts and Science
Nidur kaduvangudi
SUB: Relational Database Management Systems SEM: V

Two Marks Questions:
1. What is relational algebra and relational calculus?
2. What is meant by conditional box?
3. Define relational calculus.
4. Define tuple relational calculus and how it is work?
5. What is the use of primary and candidate key?
6. What is entity set?
7. What are the futures of entity diagram?
8. Define an entity and entity set.
9. Write the representation of weak entity set.
10. What is relationship set
11. Write a notes on discriminator.
12. What is domain relational calculus?
13. How do you insert a record in QBE?
14. Define entity.
15. What is strong entity?
16. Mention any two of symbols used to represent relationship in ER diagram.
17. Define ER model.

Five marks Questions:

1. Explain the basic concept of tuple relation calculus.
2. What is database partitioning?
3. Briefly explain overview of design process.
4. Explain about domain relation calculus.
5. Write a short notes on weak entity set.
6. Discuss about entities, entity set, relationships and relationship set.
7. Explain about Entity Relationship model.
8. What are the design issues in ER diagram?
9. Describe QBE using skeleton table for bank example.
10. Explain about mapping constraint.
11. How to convert binary relationship into binary relationship?
12. What are the main component of ER diagram/
13. Explain the constraints of ER model.
14. Write notes on QBE features.
15. Give the short notes on relationship set in ER model.
16. What are the different types of attributes?
17. Explain n-ary and binary relationships.

Ten Marks Questions:

1. Explain the ER model.
2. Explain the ER diagram and its types.
3. Explain tuple relation calculus with suitable example.
4. Draw ER diagram for bank.
5. Explain following features of ER models
a) Specialization
b) Generalization
6. Write about attributes and its types.
7. Discuss about QBE.
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Deen College of Arts and Science
Nidur kaduvangudi
SUB: Relational Database Management Systems SEM: V

8. Discuss about queries on one relation on several relation in QBE.


Two Marks Questions:

1. Enlist any two advantages of normalization database.
2. Define BCNF.
3. What is meant by normal form?
4. Write notes on dependency preservation.
5. List three design goals of decomposition.
6. What is normalization?
7. List out the properties of bad design.
8. Write several types of data dependency.
9. What are the goal for relational database design?
10. State first normal form.
11. Define functional dependency.
12. When the domain said to be atomic?
13. What is transitive dependency?
14. Differentiate super key and candidate key.
15. What do you meant by loosely decomposition?
16. Name any four normal forms.
17. Name any two higher form than 3NF.
18. When the functional dependency is said extraneous?

Five Marks Questions:

1. Explain the concept of ACID properties in DBMS.
2. What do you meant by multivalued dependencies?
3. Briefly explain about decomposition.
4. Explain about second normal form.
5. Explain about BCNF.
6. Write about the list of inference rules for functional and multivalued dependencies.
7. Explain functional dependency theory.
8. Explain about database design process.
9. What is need for normalization?
10. Explain dependency preservation in decomposition.
11. Explain about the goal of relational database.
12. Which properties have to be satisfied on decomposition?
13. Write a notes on 4NF.
14. Write a notes von joined dependencies.
15. Compare BCNF and 3NF.
16. Describe lossless decomposition.

Ten marks Questions:

1. Explain all normal forms.
2. Discuss about database design process.
3. Explain normalization using functional dependency.
4. Discuss about decomposition using functional dependency.
5. Discuss about decomposition using multivalued dependency.
6. Write about BCNF.
7. Explain about 3NF.

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