19-12 S6A ILA

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(Dặ n dò )
Sun, Dec 19 - 2021 Classcode (Mã lớp): N3YS-6A-2102
Teacher(s) (Giáo viên): Teaching Assistant(s) (Trợ giảng):
Olga Dvurechenskaia Hoang Nguyen(0961692527)

Today’s Lesson (Nội dung bài học ngày hôm nay)

Vocabulary: Listening: page 48

a person who has the legal right
= citizen (n) Cư dâ n
to belong to a particular country
Rural (ad connected with or like the
Vù ng nô ng thô n
/ˈrʊərəl/ j) countryside
either of two areas in the brain
Amygdala Hạ ch hạ nh
(n) that are linked to memory, the
/əˈmɪɡdələ/ nhâ n
emotions and the sense of smell

Vocabulary: Use your English: page 51

Phrasal verbs

Go on holiday or for a short

Get away Đi du lịch, nghı̉ má t

Hang out Spend time socially Đi chơi

Move into Start living in a place Dọ n và o ở

Move out Leave a place you live Dọ n đi

to become familiar with a

place and to feel happy and On định
con ident in it
Collocations & Expressions

Night on the town: an evening when you go to various places and enjoy
entertainment such as dancing,eating in a restaurant, or drinking in a bar
Ghost town: a town that used to be busy and have a lot of people living in it,
but is now empty
Hometown: the place where you were born or lived as a child
Paint the town red: to go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy
Talk of the town: to be what everyone is talking about
Town hall: a building containing local government of ices and, in Britain,
usually a hall for public meetings, concerts, etc.


the quality of being dense; the

(n) degree to which something is Mậ t độ
dense (mậ t độ )

“Khu rừng bê

a way of describing a city or an tô ng”
area that is unpleasant because
Concrete jungle (n) Dù ng đe chı̉
it has many large modern
buildings and no trees or parks thà nh pho khô ng
có câ y xanh

Lead a busy life (v) To live a busy life Bậ n rộ n

the way of life of people living

and working in a large city
Cuộ c đua tranh
where people compete in an
The rat race (n) quyet liệ t (đe
aggressive way with each other
kiem song)
in order to be more successful,
earn more money, etc.

Thrive to become, and continue to be,

(v) Phá t trien
/θraɪv/ successful, strong, healthy, etc.

In the fast lane where things are most exciting

(n) Song vộ i vã
/ˈfɑːst leɪn/ and where a lot is happening
Vocabulary: Video: page 54: Urban Art

n a part or feature or way of
(n) Kı́ch cỡ, chieu
/daɪˈmenʃn considering something
Inventive (adj very good at thinking of new
Sá ng tạ o
/ɪnˈventɪv/ ) and original ideas

Homework (Bài tập về nhà)

Complete the sentences with the words in the box using Future Simple
and Future Continuous
Complete the sentences with the words from the box using Future Simple or
“be going to”

Match the words from the box with the descriptions

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box
Complete the sentences with the plural form of the words in the box

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