The 2014 EC Meher Season Report on Area and Production of Major Crops Final 1

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2021/22 (2014 E.C.)



April, 2022




AgSS Agricultural Sample Survey

ESS Ethiopian Statistics Service

CSPro Census and Surveys Processing system software

CAPI Computer Assisted Personal Interview

CV Coefficient of variation

EA Census Enumeration Area

E.C. Ethiopian calendar

GPS Global Positioning System

IMPS Integrated Microcomputer Processing System software

PPS Probability Proportional to Size

PSU Primary Sampling Unit

SSU Secondary Sampling Unit

S.N.N.P.R. South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region

VPN Virtual Private Network

Table of Contents Pages

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................IV

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................IV

PART I .................................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY ........................................................... 1

1.1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2. OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY .............................................................................................................. 1
PART II .................................................................................................................................................. 3


2.1. SCOPE AND COVERAGE OF THE SURVEY ......................................................................................... 3

2.2 SAMPLING FRAME ................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3. SAMPLE DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4. SELECTION SCHEME ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.5. ORGANIZATION OF FIELD WORK ...................................................................................................... 4
2.6. TRAINING OF FIELD STAFF ................................................................................................................... 4
2.7. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION ........................................................................................................ 5
2.8. DATA PROCESSING ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.9. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................. 6
PART III................................................................................................................................................. 9

SUMMARY OF SURVEY RESULTS ................................................................................................ 9

3.1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 9

3.2 Major Findings of the Year 2020/21 (2013 E.C.) Post-Harvest Crop Production Survey, Meher
Season ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Grain Crops............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.5 Stimulant crops .................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.6 Sugar Cane ........................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.7 Enset .................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Comparison of the current year 2020/21 (2013 E.C.) Post - Harvest Crop yield with 2019/20 (2012
E.C), estimates................................................................................................................................................. 15

APPENDIX I - ESTIMATION PROCEDURES OF TOTAL, RATIO AND ............................. 106

SAMPLING ERRORS ..................................................................................................................... 106

APPENDIX II .................................................................................................................................... 110


APPENDIX III - Number of EAs and Households Planned and Actually Covered ................... 111

APPENDIX IV - QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................................................. 124

List of Tables
Table 1. Total Area and Production of Grain Crops for Private peasant holdings, 2021/22 (2014 E.C.),
Meher Season……………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Table 2 - Estimate of Area, Production and Yield of Crops for 2020/21(2013 E.C) and 2021/22 (2014 E.C),
Meher Season……………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Table 3 - Estimate of Area and Production of Major Grain Crops for 2020/21 and 2021/22, Meher Season
– Small holders…………………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Table 4: Area, Production and Yield of Crops For Private Peasant Holdings For Meher Season 2021/22
(2014 E.C)…………………………………………………………………………………………......................19
Table 5 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings for 2021/22 (2014 E.C)
Meher Season…………………………………………………………………………………………………....20

List of Figures
Figure 1: Percentage distribution of area under major crops, 2021/22 (2014 E.C), Meher season………..12
Figure 2: Percentage distribution of production of major crops, 2021/22 (2014 E.C), Meher season…….14
Figure 3: Trends of estimated crop yields, (Qt/Ha), for major food crops, (2006/7 – 2021/22), Mehe season

The sound performance of agriculture warrants the availability of food crops. This
accomplishment in agriculture does not only signify the adequate acquisition of food crops to
attain food security, but also heralds a positive aspect of the economy. In regard to this,
collective efforts are being geared to securing agricultural outputs of the desired level so that
self-reliance in food supply can be achieved and disaster caused food shortages be contained in
the shortest possible time in Ethiopia.

The prime role that agriculture plays in a country’s political, economic and social stability
makes measures of agricultural productions extremely sensitive. Statistics collected on
agricultural productions are, therefore, fraught with questions of reliability by data users. To
tackle these questions convincingly and dissipate the misgivings of users, information on
agriculture has to be collected using standard procedures of data collection.

Upholding this principle, the Ethiopian Statistics Service (ESS) has been furnishing statistical
information on the country’s agriculture since 1980/81 to alert policy interventionists on the
changes taking place in the agricultural sector. As part of this task, the 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Agricultural Sample Survey (AgSS) was conducted to provide data on cropped land area and
production of crops within the private peasant holdings for Meher Season of the specified year.
The survey results are presented in this bulletin and other electronic media for data users.

The report comprises three parts. Part I contains the objectives of this annual survey. Part II
deals with coverage of the survey, sample design, field organization and method of data
collection and Part III includes the survey results. Estimation procedures and formulation of
estimates of totals, ratios and variance are presented in Appendix I. Estimates of the standard
errors with the corresponding coefficients of variations for area and production of crops are
presented in Appendix II. The numbers of agricultural households covered, number of parcels
and fields measured are presented in appendix III and the survey questionnaires in Appendix


The general objective of CSA’s Agricultural Sample Survey (AgSS) is to collect basic
quantitative information on the country’s agriculture that is essential for planning, policy
formulation, monitoring and evaluation of mainly food security and other agricultural activities.
The AgSS is composed of six components: Crop Production Forecast Survey, Meher Season

Post Harvest Survey (Area and production, land use, farm management practice and crop and
livestock product utilization), Livestock Survey, Dry season Irrigation Survey and Belg Season

The specific objectives of Meher Season Post Harvest Survey are to estimate the total cropland
area, volume of crop production and yield of crops for Meher Season agriculture in Ethiopia.
The report is based on private peasant holdings in rural areas of the country and part of
companion reports on the performance of agriculture in the country. The report is compiled at
regional state and administrative zonal level.

The range of data items that the 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) Annual Agricultural Sample Survey
(Meher Season) dealt with includes all cereals, pulses and oilseeds and the most commonly
grown vegetables, root crops, permanent (perennial) crops and other cash crops. Holders
growing at least one or more of these and/or other crops are enumerated and data on cropland
area and yield condition recorded, hence data on production of these crops acquired.

The 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) Annual Agricultural Sample Survey (Meher season) covered the
entire rural parts of the country, except Tigray region.

To be covered by the survey, a total of 2,609 Census Enumeration Areas (EAs) were selected.
However, due to various reasons that are beyond control, in 557 EAs the survey could not be
successful and hence interrupted. Thus, all in all the survey succeeded to cover 2,052 EAs
(78.65%) throughout the regions, excluding Tigray region. The Annual Agricultural Sample
survey (Meher season) was conducted on the basis of 20 agricultural households selected from
each EA. Regarding the ultimate sampling units, it was intended to cover a total of 52,180
agricultural households, however, 41,115 (78.79%) were actually covered by the survey.


The list containing EAs of all regions and their respective households obtained from the 4th
round population and housing census cartographic frame was used as the sampling frame in
order to select the primary sampling units (EAs). Consequently, all sample EAs were selected
from this frame based on the design proposed for the survey. The second stage sampling units,
households, were selected from a fresh list of households that were prepared for each EA at the
beginning of the survey.


In order to select the sample, a stratified two-stage cluster sample design was implemented.
Census Enumeration Areas (EAs) were taken to be the primary sampling units (PSUs) and the
secondary sampling units (SSUs) were agricultural households. The sample size for the
2021/22 (2014 E.C.) agricultural sample survey was determined by taking into account both the
required level of precision for the most important estimates within each domain and the amount
of resources allocated to the survey. In order to reduce non-sampling errors, manageability of
the survey in terms of quality and operational control was also considered.

All administrative zones in each regional state were taken to be the domain of estimation for
which major findings of the survey are reported.


Enumeration areas from each stratum were selected systematically using probability
proportional to size (PPS) sampling technique; size being number of agricultural households.
The sizes for EAs were obtained from the 4th round Ethiopian population and housing census
cartographic frame. From the fresh list of households prepared at the beginning of the survey,
20 agricultural households within each sample EA were selected by systematic random
sampling technique.

Estimation procedure of totals, ratios, sampling error and the measurement of precision of
estimates, standard errors and coefficients of variation (CV) are given in Appendix-I and II
respectively. Distribution of sampling units (sampled and covered EAs and households) by
stratum is also presented in Appendix-III.


The conduct of a survey cannot be executed without the arrangement of fieldwork. In
recognition of this, the organization of fieldwork has been entrusted to the field operation
coordination office that liaises between the Head Office and the 24 Branch Statistical Offices
spread across the regions. All Branch Offices took part in the survey execution especially in
recruiting the enumerators, organizing the 2nd stage training, assigning the field staff to their
sites of enumeration, supervising the data collection, electronic data transfer and retrieving
completed questionnaires and submitting them to the Head Office for data processing.

The Branch Offices were also responsible for administering the financial and logistic aspects of
the survey within their areas of operation. A total of 2,398 enumerators, 750 field supervisors
and 255 statisticians/experts were involved in the data collection where on the average one
supervisor was assigned to three enumeration areas for supervision of data collection operation.
All the enumerators were supplied with the necessary survey equipment (GPS-equipped tablets,
solar battery chargers, kitchen balance scales, etc.) after the completion of the training to ensure
the smooth operation of the survey. To facilitate the data collection activities, a total of 116
four-wheel drive vehicles were used.


The execution of a survey and quality of data acquired from the survey highly depend on the
type of training given to the enumerators and supervisors and the consequent understanding of
the tasks to be performed and the standard procedures to be followed by the enumerators and
supervisors in the survey undertaking. The quality and completeness of data are ensured when
the training meets its objective of producing responsible and fervent enumerators and

In light of this point, the training was given to the field staff in two stages. The first stage
training, which took place at Adama Town for 10 days for targeted staff from the Head Office,
statisticians/experts and senior field supervisors from statistics branch Offices. The staff that
took part in the first stage training was then assigned to conduct similar training for the
enumerators and other field supervisors for 18 days in all the 23 statistics branch Offices
distributed across the country.

In the training, the field staff was given detailed classroom instruction on how to collect data,
method of area measurement, crop cutting exercise, interviewing procedures, quality checking
methods, manipulation of GPS-equipped tablets, usage of data collection applications loaded on
tablets, online data transfer, etc. The training also included field practice to reinforce the
understanding of concepts, definitions and theories discussed in the classroom with regard to
field measurement, crop cutting, GPS-equipped tablets uses and interviewing methods.


The agricultural data for the year 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) was collected from the entire rural small
holding households by interviewing the selected agricultural holders and physically measuring
their land plots/parcels and crop cut experiments to obtain data on cropland area, yields and
other items of interest.

The data obtained were recorded and transferred in various forms designed for this purpose
using Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) or tablets technology data collection
method. Instruments like GPS-equipped tablets, kitchen balance, scientific calculators, GPS
gadgets and others were used during data collection for a timely and smooth acquisition of
accurate data. The procedures for measuring area under crop and area of non-crop fields
operated by the agricultural holders were performed for the 20 selected households from each
sampled EA or sample cluster.

Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) software was used by data processing experts to
design the tablet-based field data collection applications based on the questionnaires prepared
for each survey module by subject matter statisticians. Validity checks such as ranges, skips
and consistencies were included in the application to maintain the quality and field level
consistency checking of the data. Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) using
tablets technology was used to conduct face-to-face interview, cropland area measurement and
others data collection . The collected data was then transferred to the supervisors’ tablets using
Bluetooth. After checking the quality of data collected by enumerator, supervisors transferred
the collected data to the server located at the head office using VPN network connection. At the
head office, further validity checks were done on each question and consistencies between
questions. If error is observed during the validity checks, the data were sent back to the field
with error repots for correction. After the corrected data was sent back to the head office,
further processing was done on the completed survey data. The final stage of the data
processing was to summarize the data and produce statistical tables. Estimation of the statistical
tables was done using CSPro and the tabulation component of IMPS (Integrated
Microcomputer Processing System) software.


Data items of agriculture have to be distinctly defined and identified, so that the information
about the items becomes useful. The correct way of stating data items and related terms is a
pre-requisite for making standards and definitions for the collection and compilation of
agricultural data. The purpose of using standard concepts and definitions is not only to provide
quality data but also to ensure that the right items are enumerated and measured accurately to
reflect the agricultural situation.

Standard concepts and definitions used in the survey help to maintain consistent enumeration
and measurement of variables of interest. To achieve this, CSA communicates concepts and
definitions to the field staff through training and instruction manuals. The concepts and
definitions used in the survey included the following.

Enumeration Area (E.A): a census enumeration area in the rural parts of the country is a unit
of land delineated for the purpose of population census with clear identified boundary, in some
case equal to a locality or a part of a locality or a combination of small localities and usually
consists of 100 - 150 households.

Household: a household may be either:

a) a one person household, that is a person who makes provisions for his own living
without combining with any other person to form part of a multi-person household

b) a multi-person household, that is, a group of two or more persons who live together
and make common provisions for food and other essentials of living. The persons in
the group may pool their incomes and have a common budget to a greater or lesser
extent. They may be related or unrelated persons or a combination of both. These
persons are taken as members of the household.

Agriculture: The growing of crops and/or raising of animals for own consumption and/or sale.

Agricultural Household: a household is considered an agricultural household when at least

one member of the household is engaged in growing crops and/or raising livestock in private or
in combination with others.

Holding: a holding is all the land and/or livestock kept, which is used wholly or partly for
agricultural production and is operated as one legal entity by one person alone, or with others
without regard to management, organization, size or location.

Holder: a holder is a person who exercises management control over the operation of the
agricultural holding and makes the major decision regarding the utilization of the available
resources. He/she has primary technical and economic responsibility for the holding. He/she
may operate the holding directly as an owner or a manager. Under conditions of traditional
agricultural holding the holder may be regarded as the person, who with or without the help of
others, operates land and/or raises livestock in his/her own right, i.e. the person who decides on
which, where, when, and how to grow crops or raise livestock or both and has the right to
determine the utilization of the products.

Parcel: a parcel of holding is any piece of land entirely surrounded by land and/or water and/or
road and/or forest etc., which is not part of the holding. It may consist of one or more cadastral
units, plots or fields adjacent to each other.

Field: a field is defined as any plot of land which is a parcel or part of a parcel under the same
crop or mixed crops or any other form of land use (private holding).

Crop: includes cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, root crops, fruits, coffee, Enset, Chat,
hops, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, etc. produced for food, making drinks, stimulation, making
fabrics or clothing, etc.

Crop Production: the process of growing and harvesting of the above crops for own
consumption and/or sale.

Temporary/Annual Crops: Annual/temporary crops are crops, which are grown in less than a
year’s time, sometimes only a few months with an objective to sow or replant again for
additional production following the current harvest. Continuously grown crops planted in
rotation are also considered as temporary crops since each is harvested and destroyed by
ploughing in preparation for each successive crop.

Permanent (Perennial) Crops: Crops, which are grown and occupy land for a long period of
time, not requiring replanting for several years after each harvest, are considered as permanent
crops. All fruit trees (i.e. mangos, avocados, oranges, papayas, mandarin, bananas, etc.) and
trees for stimulants/beverages (i.e. coffee, tea, hops (gesho), etc.) are considered permanent
crops but meadows and pastures are excluded.

Meher (Main) Season Crop: any temporary crop harvested between the months of Meskerm
(September) and Yekatit (February) is considered as meher season crop, in most cases crops
those planted during the major rainy season.

Belg Season Crop: any temporary crop harvested between the months of Megabit (March) and
Pagume (August) is considered to be Belg Season Crop, in most case crops those planted
during the short rainy season.

1. Those cropland area and production designated by “*” in all tables could not be reported because of high
coefficient of variation (i.e. less reliable estimates). However, they are consolidated in the total estimates.
2. In all tables “-” indicates not reported or no data.
3. If in some tables, figures do not add up to total, it is due to rounding.
4. Due to incompleteness of the year 2021/22 (2014 E.C) main season field data collection in Benishangul-Gumuz
region, the 2020/21 (2013 E.C) post-harvest estimates for the respective region are imputed as a proxy estimates
for completeness of national estimates.
5. This report does not include dry season irrigation crops (especially the recent initiatives of dry season irrigated
wheat), commercial farm crop production and belg (short rainy season) crop production. Separate reports will be
produced for those agriculture practice categories.
6. In APPENDIX III, “-” for number of covered EAs and households indicate that due to reasons that are beyond
control, in all EAs in Tigray region, the survey could not be successful and hence interrupted.
7. As indicated in APPENDIX III, in North Gonder the coverage was low and in North Wello, South Wello,
Waghimra and Oromia nationality zones of Amhara region, the survey was totally not successful due to security
problems, as a result of this, the last year estimates were taken as a proxy in the regional and national estimates in
these zones and we advise data users to use the estimates cautiously for these areas.
8. The same is true for Zone_4 and Zone_5 of Afar Region.
9. Also, As indicated in APPENDIX III, in West Wellega, Kellem Wellega and West Guji zones of Oromia region,
the coverage was bellow 50% because of the same rison, estimates of the last year were taken as proxy in these
zones and we advise data users to use the estimates cautiously for these areas, as well.

Largely, agriculture in Ethiopia is subsistence. This is particularly true to the major food crops
grown in the country and covered in the survey. The major food crops are produced in almost
all regions of the country in spite of the variation in volume of production across the regions.
The variation may be attributed to the extent of area devoted to each crop type, weather change
and a shift in preference for the crops grown.

The food crops on which data is collected are the ones that are commonly grown by the
majority of peasant holders. In the statistical tables these crops have been categorized into nine
groups for simplicity of description and comparison purposes. The groups are cereals, pulses,
oilseeds, vegetables, root crops, fruit crops, stimulant crops, sugar cane and enset. Stimulant
crops consist of chat, coffee and hops.

Crop yield per area (amount of crop harvested per amount of land cultivated) is the most
commonly used impact indicator for agricultural productivity activities. Crop yields are
inevitably affected by many factors, these are weather, inputs applied, changes in farming
practices, amounts of fertilizer used, quality of seed varieties, technology and use of irrigation.

3.2 Major Findings of the Year 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) Post-Harvest Crop
Production Survey, Meher Season
The results of the year 2021/22 (2014 E.C.), Meher Season Post-harvest Crop Production
Survey has been summarized and presented in this report, and quantitative information with
regard to farm management practice, land use and uutilization of crop and livestock products
will be made available at national, regional and zonal reporting levels, consecutively, following
this report. This report, however, presents quantitative information on cropped land area and
production of both temporary and permanent crops at Country, Regional and Zonal reporting

In this section of the report, therefore, brief discussions on the major findings of the Survey are
presented as follows.

3.2.1 Grain Crops

Grain crops - refers to the major crop category that included cereals, pulses and oilseeds,
which not only constituted the major food crops for the majority of the country’s population but
also served as a source of income at household level and a contributor for the country’s foreign
currency earnings, among others.
The results of the year 2021/22 (2014 E.C.), Meher Season Post-harvest Crop Production
Survey indicate that, excluding Tigray region, a total cropland area of about 12,196,548.67
hectares are covered by grain crops i.e. cereals, pulses and oilseeds, from which a total volume
of about 327,903,521.41 quintals of grains are obtained, from private peasant holdings (See
Table 1 below).

Table 1. Total Area and Production of Grain Crops for Private peasant holdings,
2021/22 (2014 E.C.), Meher Season
Total Area Total Production
Crop Category % %
(in Hac) (in Qts)
Cereals.................... 9,997,511.08 81.97 290,808,263.25 88.69
Pulses...................... 1,676,888.30 13.75 31,680,193.33 9.66
Oil Seeds …………. 522,149.28 4.28 5,415,064.82 1.65
Grain Crops ……… 12,196,548.66 100.00 327,903,521.41 100.00

Within the category of Grain crops, Cereals are the major food crops both in terms of the area
they are planted and volume of production obtained. They are produced in larger volume
compared with other crops because they are the principal staple crops. Cereals are grown in all
the regions with varying quantity as shown in the survey results. The data in Table 4 well
underpin this finding of the survey.

Out of the total grain crop area, 81.97% (9,997,511.08 hectares) was under cereals. Teff, maize,
sorghum and wheat took up 24.05% (about 2,932,670.03 hectares), 21.02% (about
2,563,201.21 hectares), 11.07% (about 1,350,509.37 hectares) and 15.31% (about
1,867,047.71 hectares) of the grain crop area, respectively. As to production, the tables paint
similar picture as that of the cropland area. Cereals contributed 88.69% (about 290,808,263.25
quintals) of the grain production. Maize, teff, wheat and sorghum made up 32.79% (about
107,513,689.44 quintals), 17.12% (about 56,143,388.01 quintals), 17.71% (about
58,078,220.52 quintals) and 10.84% (about 35,536,707.10 quintals) of the grain production, in
the same order.

The survey results show that the private peasant holders grow various crops for own
consumption and/ or economic benefits. Pulses are also among the various crops produced in
all the regions of the country after cereals. Pulses are grown in different volumes across the
country as indicated in Table 4.

Pulses grown in 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) covered 13.75% (about 1,676,888.30 hectares) of the
grain crop area and 9.66% (about 31,680,193.33 quintals) of the grain production was drawn
from the same crop groups. Faba beans, haricot beans (white), haricot beans (red), chick peas
(red), chick peas (white) and field pea were planted to 4.27% (about 520,551.70 hectares),
0.81% (about 98,508.53 hectares), 1.97% (about 240,841.81 hectares), 1.27% (about

155,014.47 hectares) ,0.38% (about 46,259.67 hactares) and 1.81% (about 220,194.82 hectares)
of the grain crop area. The production obtained from faba beans, haricot beans (white) haricot
beans (red), chick peas (red), chick peas (white) and field peas was 3.33% (about
10,916,093.35 quintals), 0.52% (about 1,715,653.14 quintals), 1.26% (about 4,125,926.43
quintals), 0.95% (about 3,113,057.25 quintals), 0.27% (about 899,327.88 quintals) and 1.16%
(about 3,803,358.97 quintals) of the grain production, in that order.

Oilseeds refer to crops that are also classified within grain crops category; nonetheless, oilseeds
are grown to flavour the food consumed at home and earn some cash for peasant holders in the
country. Various oil crops are produced in all the regions with differing quantity as illustrated
in the survey results. Table 4 underscores this point in detail.

Oil seeds added 4.28% (about 522,149.28 hectares) of the grain crop area and 1.65% (about
5,415,064.82 quintals) of the production to the national grain total. Neug, sesame and linseed
covered 1.47% (about 179,827.91 hectares), 1.68% (about 204,511.91 hectares) and 0.40%
(about 48,285.56 hectares) of the grain crop area and 0.62% (about 2,024,315.77 quintals),
0.42% (about 1,378,071.37 quintals) and 0.14% (about 443,984.32 quintals) of the grain
production, respectively.

3.2.2 Vegetables

Vegetables - holders living near to urban centres usually practice vegetable farming. But now
days vegetables are commonly practiced by the rural private peasant holders even in remote
areas. Figure 1 shows the proportion of area covered by vegetables crops under small peasant
holders. Vegetables took up about 1.68% of the area under all crops at national level. However,
of the total estimated area under vegetables, the lion share which is about 66.55% and 20.47%
was under red peppers and Ethiopian Cabbage, respectively (See Statistical Table 4).
Production of vegetables contribute 2.07% of the total crops production, conversely, of the total
production of vegetables, the above mentioned crops have the lions share, i.e. about 29.10%
and 53.97%, in that order.

3.2.3 Root Crops

Root Crops - Some root crops like onion and garlic are indispensable to improve the taste and
scent of the food we eat. Others like potatoes, sweet potatoes and taro/godere are among the list
of major food crops that are consumed across the country. These and other economic
importance prompt the peasant holders to grow many of the root crops as shown in the survey
results. Table 4 substantiates this point in more details.

3.2.4 Fruit Crops

Fruit Crops – The survey results show that fruit crops grown by the private peasant holders
cover only a small token cropland area and production in the country. The number of holders
practicing fruit farming is much less than that of grains or cereals as indicated in the tables.

About 150,959.93 hectares of land is under fruit crops out of the total cropland area under small
peasant holders. Bananas contributed about 57.77% of the fruit cropland area followed by
avocadoes that contributed 18.17% of the area. More than 17,829,054.66 quintals of fruits was
produced in the country. Bananas, Mangoes, Avocados, Papayas, and Oranges took up75.89%,
8.00%, 10.85%, 3.40% and 1.45% of the fruit production, respectively, as shown in Table 4.

Table 2 - Estimate of Area, Production and Yield of Crops for 2020/21 (2013 E.C) and
2021/22 (2014 E.C), Meher Season
Area in Hectares Production in Quintals Yield (Qt//Hac)
% % %
Crop 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22
Change Change Change
Grain Crops. . ….. 12,033,778.95 12,196,548.67 1.35 321,302,449.23 327,903,521.41 2.05
Cereals................... 9,758,807.84 9,997,511.08 2.45 283,191,388.74 290,808,263.25 2.69
Teff......................... 2,760,803.73 2,932,670.03 6.23 52,339,955.69 56,143,388.01 7.27 18.96 19.14 0.97
Barley..................... 840,675.02 799,127.84 -4.94 21,784,210.67 20,718,071.07 -4.89 25.91 25.93 0.06
Wheat..................... 1,795,146.77 1,867,047.71 4.01 55,562,234.13 58,078,220.52 4.53 30.95 31.11 0.52
Maize..................... 2,446,060.72 2,563,201.21 4.79 103,106,281.98 107,513,689.44 4.27 42.15 41.95 -0.47
Sorghum................ 1,425,636.73 1,350,509.37 -5.27 37,549,471.45 35,536,707.10 -5.36 26.34 26.31 -0.10
Finger millet.......... 390,143.52 366,301.45 -6.11 9,872,907.86 9,421,471.73 -4.57 25.31 25.72 1.62
Oats/'Aja'............... 15,444.78 27,531.11 78.26 304,295.54 590,109.04 93.93 19.70 21.43 8.78
Rice........................ 84,896.57 91,122.35 7.33 2,672,031.43 2,806,333.23 5.03 31.47 30.80 -2.13
Pulses..................... 1,628,373.21 1,676,888.30 2.98 31,297,830.16 31,680,193.33 1.22
Faba beans............ 492,701.77 520,551.70 5.65 10,509,275.67 10,916,093.35 3.87 21.33 20.97 -1.69
Field peas.............. 212,186.94 220,194.82 3.77 3,649,451.67 3,803,358.97 4.22 17.20 17.27 0.41
White Haricot beans 99,772.18 98,508.53 -1.27 1,798,687.34 1,715,653.14 -4.62 18.03 17.42 -3.38
Red Haricot beans. 208,253.04 240,841.81 15.65 3,670,300.05 4,125,926.43 12.41 17.62 17.13 -2.78
Red Chick-pea........ 169,990.74 155,014.47 -8.81 3,622,385.12 3,113,057.25 -14.06 21.31 20.08 -5.77
White Chick-pea...... 43,057.68 46,259.67 7.44 830,769.09 899,327.88 8.25 19.29 19.44 0.78
Lentils.................... 77,581.48 69,371.01 -10.58 1,052,924.19 865,386.09 -17.81 13.57 12.47 -8.11
Grass peas............. 136,719.02 152,917.35 11.85 2,776,867.02 3,244,495.52 16.84 20.31 21.22 4.48
Soya beans............. 83,613.66 75,938.88 -9.18 2,084,974.33 1,855,222.32 -11.02 24.94 24.43 -2.04
Fenugreek............... 41,740.74 30,145.56 -27.78 502,400.25 353,282.89 -29.68 12.04 11.72 -2.66
Mung bean/"Masho" 47,174.96 56,015.65 18.74 506,651.80 571,587.88 12.82 10.74 10.20 -5.03
Gibto....................... 15,580.99 11,128.88 -28.57 293,143.63 216,801.57 -26.04 18.81 19.48 3.56
Oilseeds................. 646,597.90 522,149.28 -19.25 6,813,230.33 5,415,064.82 -20.52
Neug....................... 186,167.73 179,827.91 -3.41 2,063,422.97 2,024,315.77 -1.90 11.08 11.26 1.62
Linseed................... 74,783.25 48,285.56 -35.43 761,804.95 443,984.32 -41.72 10.19 9.19 -9.81
Groundnuts............ 112,124.43 77,283.21 -31.07 2,029,137.18 1,392,784.61 -31.36 18.10 18.02 -0.44
Sunflower............... 4,027.58 2,982.33 -25.95 41,808.87 28,941.15 -30.78 10.38 9.70 -6.55
Sesame................... 261,605.86 204,511.91 -21.82 1,791,533.35 1,378,071.37 -23.08 6.85 6.74 -1.61
Rapeseed................ 7,889.05 9,258.33 17.36 125,523.01 146,967.55 17.08 15.91 15.87 -0.25
Vegetables............. 239,604.03 236,772.95 -1.18 8,940,924.48 8,663,270.46 -3.11
Lettuce.................... 1,191.00 1,340.29 12.53 4,992.85 4,669.54 -6.48 4.19 3.48 -16.95
Head Cabbage....... 6,420.62 6,546.41 1.96 544,230.83 397,671.97 -26.93 84.76 60.75 -28.33
Ethiopian Cabbage 44,440.76 48,442.38 9.00 4,330,244.89 4,719,384.30 8.99 97.44 97.42 -0.02
Tomatoes............... 5,460.56 7,710.16 41.20 369,177.34 336,558.42 -8.84 67.61 43.65 -35.44
Green peppers....... 14,220.40 13,360.97 -6.04 715,504.91 661,465.88 -7.55 50.32 49.51 -1.61
Red peppers........... 166,135.70 157,650.07 -5.11 2,925,093.12 2,492,889.70 -14.78 17.61 15.81 -10.22
Swiss chard........... 1,734.99 1,722.65 -0.71 51,680.54 50,630.68 -2.03 29.79 29.39 -1.34
Root Crops........... 305,200.10 240,903.35 -21.07 56,082,667.23 41,369,575.64 -26.23
Beetroot................ 3,124.86 3,276.64 4.86 266,274.75 213,765.97 -19.72 85.21 65.24 -23.44
Carrot.................. 3,631.55 6,759.92 86.14 195,217.39 316,716.09 62.24 53.76 46.85 -12.85
Onion.................... 37,646.91 25,237.55 -32.96 3,377,425.30 2,076,626.72 -38.51 89.71 82.28 -8.28
Potatoes................ 85,618.35 78,478.72 -8.34 11,389,389.17 13,095,668.04 14.98 133.03 166.87 25.44
Yam/'Boye'............ 4,874.13 3,888.44 -20.22 457,300.94 320,837.19 -29.84 93.82 82.51 -12.05
Garlic................... 15,670.36 30,946.22 97.48 1,128,952.21 1,938,797.93 71.73 72.04 62.65 -13.03
Taro/'Godere'....... 92,518.21 52,376.77 -43.39 23,279,722.57 14,269,243.45 -38.71 251.62 272.43 8.27
Sweet potatoes...... 62,115.74 39,939.10 -35.70 15,988,384.91 9,137,852.52 -42.85 257.40 228.79 -11.11
Fruit Crops.......... . 160,533.51 150,959.93 -5.96 14,172,481.69 17,829,054.66 25.80
Avocados.............. 30,577.87 27,434.78 -10.28 2,453,356.28 1,933,625.07 -21.18 80.23 70.48 -12.15
Bananas............... 95,864.38 87,202.27 -9.04 8,982,569.21 13,548,272.80 50.83 93.70 155.37 65.82
Guavas................. 1,466.85 1,581.14 7.79 31,764.80 24,801.62 -21.92 21.66 15.69 -27.56
Lemons................. 1,300.86 1,019.46 -21.63 58,682.95 31,558.42 -46.22 45.11 30.96 -31.37
Mangoes............... 20,435.95 24,153.55 18.19 1,506,622.07 1,426,301.14 -5.33 73.72 59.05 -19.90
Oranges............... 4,946.13 3,955.22 -20.03 395,821.46 257,847.47 -34.86 80.03 65.19 -18.54
Papayas................ 5,035.95 5,332.91 5.90 718,075.53 606,648.16 -15.52 142.59 113.76 -20.22
Pineapples............ 905.53 280.62 -69.01 25,589.40 2,868.95 -88.79 28.26 10.22 -63.84
Chat...................... 337,883.60 280,826.29 -16.89 3,113,999.39 2,433,938.05 -21.84 9.22 8.67 -5.97
Coffee................... 856,529.03 794,403.50 -7.25 5,847,895.69 5,455,663.58 -6.71 6.83 6.87 0.59
Hops..................... 31,511.81 33,491.46 6.28 389,832.43 373,611.50 -4.16 12.37 11.16 -9.78
Sugar Cane.......... 29,505.43 19,658.53 -33.37 13,454,310.89 8,153,269.07 -39.40 455.99 414.74 -9.05

3.2.5. Stimulant Crops

Stimulant crops – Farmers engaged in growing and producing stimulant crops such as coffee
and Chat are greater in number than those growing fruits. The area and production of these
crops are also larger than that of fruits since they earn a considerable amount of cash for the
holders. Table 4 shows that Chat and Coffee shared 2.00% and 5.65% of the area under all
crops under small peasant holders in the country and 2,433,938.05 and 5,455,663.58 quintals of
produce was obtained from these crops in the same agricultural year respectively.

3.2.6 Sugar Cane

Sugar Cane - is grown in small areas in some parts of the country within the private peasant
holdings since in most case sugar cane plantation is practised by medium and large scale
commercial farms. About 19,658.53 hectares of land was under sugar cane from small private
peasant holdings category in the country, yielding an estimated total of 8,153,269.07 quintals
of produce by the peasant holders. But the production under small holders is not usually used
for industrial purposes. It is noticeably used up in household consumption.

3.2.7. Enset

Enset - is grown in south-western part of the country and covers considerable land area within
the private holdings. The number of Enset trees to be harvested, in the current agricultural year,
from all over the country is estimated to be 235,669,985.00. Thus, the total production in the
form of Amicho, Kocho, and Bula is 63,630,895.95 quinals,70,380,450.13 quintals and
2,356,699.85 quintals respectively (see Table 4).

3.3. Comparison of the current year 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) Post-Harvest Crop yield
with the year 2020/21 (2013 E.C) Estimates
In this section of the report an attempt has been made to compare the post-harvest crop
productivity estimates of selected important food crops obtained from the 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Agricultural Sample Survey with last year i.e. 2020/21 (2013 E.C) crop yield estimates of the
same crops.

The presentation of such comparisons are believed to give a bird’s eye view whether or not the
current year estimated increase in the volume of production over the last year estimate, is
effected from increased cropped area or due to the attainment of enhanced crop yield or the
contribution of both have brought the increment of the current year production, contributed but
enhanced crop yield taken up the lion share, so as one can generally indicate the direction, the
rate of change and the level of steps the agriculture sector taking up on the ladder of
transformation to commercialized agriculture from its intial subsistence and back ward starting
point. Of course, it should be noted that, except for the progress made during the the last two
and half decades, the agricultural sector in Ethiopia had remained stagnant for centuries with
limited progress in few specific areas.

Consequently, the outcome of such comparisons are believed to serve as problem area
indicators for concerned stakeholders to develop and implement corrective measures, that could
helpn to accelerate the speed of transforming the existing agriculture into commercial
agriculture. Thus, to meet the objectives mentioned so far, the following brief discussions on
the results of crop productivity comparisons was made for selected important food crops at
country level as follows:

Even if, in some areas of the country, the rain fall was abnormal and inadequate in the current
crop-growing season, and there were security problems here and there in some areas of the
regions, the 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) main season crop production has shown increament both in
the estimated cropped land area and volume of grain crops production. As indicated in Table 3,
the 2021/22 (2014 E.C.) estimated cropped area and volume of production have increased by
about 1.35% and 2.05% over last year 2020/21 (2013 E.C) post harvest estimate.

Conversely, with regard to estimated crop yield, crops such as Teff, barley, wheat and oats
within the category of cereals have shown an increment, that ranges from 0.95 Qt/Ha to 20.78
Qt/Ha, from 0.06 Qt/Ha to 30.08 Qt/Ha, from 0.52 Qt/Ha to 20.12 Qt/Ha and form 8.78 Qt/Ha
to 18.07 Qt/Ha, respectively, over the last five years (2016/17 - 2020/21) Post-harvest
estimates. Similarly crops such as field pea, grass pea and Gibto have shown an increment that
ranges from 0.41 to 15.98 Qt/Ha for field pea, from 4.48 to 14.64 Qt/Ha for grass pea and from

3.56 to 71.18 Qt/Ha for Gibto over the last five years (2016/17 - 2020/21) estimates. (See
Figure 3).

Following the same pattern, the results of the 2021/22 (2014 E.C.), post-harvest agricultural
sample survey, indicates that both the largest grain cropped land area and the highest volume of
production obtained in the current Meher season is reported for Oromia, Amhara and S.N.N.P
Regional states.

Table 3 - Estimate of Area and Production of Major Grain Crops for 2020/21
(2013 E.C) and 2021/22 (2014 E.C), Meher Season – Small holders
Region Area in Hectares Production in Quintals
% %
2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22
change Change
Afar 8,744.34 9,943.02 13.71 73,610.41 49,332.50 -32.98
Amhara 4,532,477.24 4,586,325.72 1.19 110,933,104.59 112,528,693.08 1.44
Oromia 5,944,474.67 6,100,987.75 2.63 169,356,977.48 175,542,709.96 3.65
Somali 103,923.16 30,956.50 -70.21 1,898,230.72 246,485.12 -87.02
Be. Gumuz 255,589.87 255,589.87 0.00 7,097,770.88 7,097,770.88 0.00
S.N.N.P. 1,077,135.33 1,102,915.09 2.39 28,926,133.22 29,172,249.97 0.85
Gambella 8,565.02 9,993.15 16.67 164,543.35 292,220.46 77.59
Harari 11,485.61 10,131.54 -11.79 219,535.50 221,225.28 0.77
Dire dawa 11,882.22 10,180.34 -14.32 122,696.65 109,821.58 -10.49
Sidama 79,501.49 79,525.70 0.03 2,509,846.42 2,643,012.56 5.31
All regions 12,033,778.95 12,196,548.67 1.35 321,302,449.23 327,903,521.41 2.05

Accordingly, the total grain cropped land area reported for Oromia, Amhara and S.N.N.P
regions have increased by about 2.63%, 1.19% and 2.39% over last year 2020/21 post harvest
estimates respectively, where as the total grain cropped area reported for Somale Region have
decreased by about 70.21% over last year 2020/21 post harvest estimate. Following the same
pattern the current year harvested volume of production reported for the above mentioned
regions, Oromia, Amhara and S.N.N.P. regions have increased by about 3.65%, 1.44 and 0.85%
over last year’s, 2020/21 (2013 E.C) post harvest estimate of the regions, in that order where as
the current year harvested volume of production for Afar and Somali regions have decreased by
about 32.98 and 87.02% in that order (For details see Table 3.)

National, Regional and Zonal Statistical tables

Table 4: Area, Production and Yield of Crops For Private Peasant Holdings
For Meher Season 2021/22 (2014 E.C)
Number Area % Production % Yield
Crop Distribution (In Qts) Distribution (Qt/Hac)
of Holders (in Hac)
Grain Crops. . …………. 16,786,933.00 12,196,548.67 100.00 327,903,521.41 100.00
Cereals....................... 15,872,154.00 9,997,511.08 81.97 290,808,263.25 88.69
Teff.............................. 6,656,750.00 2,932,670.03 24.05 56,143,388.01 17.12 19.14
Barley.................……… 3,630,719.00 799,127.84 6.55 20,718,071.07 6.32 25.93
Wheat......................... 4,543,159.00 1,867,047.71 15.31 58,078,220.52 17.71 31.11
Maize........................... 11,168,752.00 2,563,201.21 21.02 107,513,689.44 32.79 41.95
Sorghum..................... 4,259,683.00 1,350,509.37 11.07 35,536,707.10 10.84 26.31
Finger millet.......……… 1,571,961.00 366,301.45 3.00 9,421,471.73 2.87 25.72
Oats/'Aja'.................... 188,317.00 27,531.11 0.23 590,109.04 0.18 21.43
Rice............................. 224,328.00 91,122.35 0.75 2,806,333.23 0.86 30.80
Pulses......................... 8,968,597.00 1,676,888.30 13.75 31,680,193.33 9.66
Faba beans................ 4,309,978.00 520,551.70 4.27 10,916,093.35 3.33 20.97
Field peas................... 1,732,364.00 220,194.82 1.81 3,803,358.97 1.16 17.27
White Haricot beans 1,033,131.00 98,508.53 0.81 1,715,653.14 0.52 17.42
Red Haricot beans….. 2,630,568.00 240,841.81 1.97 4,125,926.43 1.26 17.13
Red Chick-peas.......... 658,370.00 155,014.47 1.27 3,113,057.25 0.95 20.08
White Chick-peas....... 164,116.00 46,259.67 0.38 899,327.88 0.27 19.44
Lentils.......................... 354,177.00 69,371.01 0.57 865,386.09 0.26 12.47
Grass peas.................. 670,127.00 152,917.35 1.25 3,244,495.52 0.99 21.22
Soya beans................. 188,263.00 75,938.88 0.62 1,855,222.32 0.57 24.43
Fenugreek................... 479,973.00 30,145.56 0.25 353,282.89 0.11 11.72
Mung bean/"Masho".. 194,248.00 56,015.65 0.46 571,587.88 0.17 10.20
Gibto................. ……… 80,274.00 11,128.88 0.09 216,801.57 0.07 19.48
Oilseeds....................... 2,209,185.00 522,149.28 4.28 5,415,064.82 1.65
Neug............................ 649,439.00 179,827.91 1.47 2,024,315.77 0.62 11.26
Linseed....................... 544,606.00 48,285.56 0.40 443,984.32 0.14 9.19
Groundnuts................ 366,285.00 77,283.21 0.63 1,392,784.61 0.42 18.02
Sunflower................... 105,869.00 2,982.33 0.02 28,941.15 0.01 9.70
Sesame................ ……. 295,113.00 204,511.91 1.68 1,378,071.37 0.42 6.74
Rapeseed.................... 511,890.00 9,258.33 0.08 146,967.55 0.04 15.87
Vegetables.............…… 7,415,444.00 236,772.95 100.00 8,663,270.46 100.00
Lettuce........................ 68,206.00 1,340.29 0.57 4,669.54 0.05 3.48
Head Cabbage............ 527,830.00 6,546.41 2.76 397,671.97 4.59 60.75
Ethiopian Cabbage…... 4,559,738.00 48,442.38 20.46 4,719,384.30 54.48 97.42
Tomatoes................... 251,315.00 7,710.16 3.26 336,558.42 3.88 43.65
Green peppers........... 1,520,078.00 13,360.97 5.64 661,465.88 7.64 49.51
Red peppers.............. 2,126,133.00 157,650.07 66.58 2,492,889.70 28.78 15.81
Swiss chard............... . 140,319.00 1,722.65 0.73 50,630.68 0.58 29.39
Root Crops.................. 6,839,852.00 240,903.35 100.00 41,369,575.64 100.00
Beetroot.................. .. 517,841.00 3,276.64 1.36 213,765.97 0.52 65.24
Carrot................ …..... 310,214.00 6,759.92 2.81 316,716.09 0.77 46.85
Onion......................... 725,500.00 25,237.55 10.48 2,076,626.72 5.02 82.28
Potatoes.............. ….. 1,127,267.00 78,478.72 32.58 13,095,668.04 31.66 166.87
Yam/'Boye'................ 349,636.00 3,888.44 1.61 320,837.19 0.78 82.51
Garlic................ ……... 1,996,018.00 30,946.22 12.85 1,938,797.93 4.69 62.65
Taro/'Godere'.......... 2,502,202.00 52,376.77 21.74 14,269,243.45 34.49 272.43
Sweet potatoes.......... 1,510,779.00 39,939.10 16.58 9,137,852.52 100 228.79
Fruit Crops.................. 6,458,761.00 150,959.93 100.00 17,829,054.66 100.00
Avocados..................... 2,925,366.00 27,434.78 18.17 1,933,625.07 10.85 70.48
Bananas...................... 4,180,320.00 87,202.27 57.77 13,548,272.80 75.99 155.37
Guavas........................ 416,851.00 1,581.14 1.05 24,801.62 0.14 15.69
Lemons................. ….. 298,507.00 1,019.46 0.68 31,558.42 0.18 30.96
Mangoes.................... 2,138,690.00 24,153.55 16.00 1,426,301.14 8.00 59.05
Oranges............... ….. 728,773.00 3,955.22 2.62 257,847.47 1.45 65.19
Papayas.................... 1,006,086.00 5,332.91 3.53 606,648.16 3.40 113.76
Pineapples............... 68,008.00 280.62 0.19 2,868.95 0.02 10.22
Chat.......................... 3,802,767.00 280,826.29 2,433,938.05 8.67
Coffee....................... 6,788,770.00 794,403.50 5,455,663.58 6.87
Hops......................... 2,905,803.00 33,491.46 373,611.50 11.16
Sugar Cane............... 1,312,158.00 19,658.53 8,153,269.07 414.74
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 235,669,985.00 63,630,895.95 70,380,450.13 2,356,699.85 0.27 0.30 0.01
Remark: The 2021/22 (2014 EC) sample survey was not Successful in Benishangul-Gumuz region due to security problem but the last year , 2020/21 (2013 EC)
estimates were imputed as a proxy for the reginal and national estimates.

Table 6 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Afar Region
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 10,958.00 9,943.00 49,332.50
Cereals.......................... 10,740.00 9,136.00 48,039.30
Teff................................ 2,256.00 1,453.00 * *
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 6,325.00 4,651.00 36,041.69 7.75
Sorghum......................... 3,062.00 2,501.00 11,997.61 4.80
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 711.00 729.00 1,215.25
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 711.00 729.00 1,215.25 1.67
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 199.00 77.00 77.95
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 199.00 77.00 77.95 1.00
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 146.00 36.00 *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 104.00 36.00 * *
Green peppers.................... * - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * 93.00 *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * 93.00 * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ * * * -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Number of Trees Harvested
Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -
[Remark:From the total planed EAs, 28, 25 and 26 of Kilbet resu, Fenti Resu and Hari Resu zones of Afar region respectively, the survey
was totally not secsessful due to security problems, but the last year , 2020/21 (2013 EC) estimates were imputed as a proxy in the regional
national estimate.
Table 6.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Zone_1 (Awsi Resu)
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 1,532.00 922.00 5,811.89
Cereals.......................... 1,532.00 922.00 5,811.89
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 1,532.00 922.00 5,811.89 6.30
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 104.00 36.00 * -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 104.00 36.00 * *
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -
Table 6.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Zone_2 (Kelbet Resu)
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 4,091.00 2,201.00 13,672.58
Cereals.......................... 4,091.00 2,201.00 13,672.58
Teff................................ - - -
Barley............................ * * *
Wheat............................ * * *
Maize............................. 2,407.00 1,433.00 11,471.91 8.00
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 6.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Zone_3 (Gebi Resu)
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 3,272.00 4,639.00 *
Cereals.......................... 3,202.00 4,230.00 *
Teff................................ * 1,346.00 * *
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. * * * *
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. * * *
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... * * * -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ * * * -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 6.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Zone_4 (Fenti Resu)
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 574.00 * *
Cereals.......................... 574.00 * *
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. * * * *
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 6.5 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Zone_5 (Hari Resu)
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 1,490.00 1,803.00 16,987.33
Cereals.......................... 1,340.00 1,405.00 15,694.12
Teff................................ 18.00 7.00 - -
Barley............................ - - -
Wheat............................ - - -
Maize............................. 800.00 470.00 5,974.70 12.70
Sorghum......................... 593.00 928.00 9,719.42 10.47
Finger millet................... - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - -
Rice................................. - - -
Pulses.............................. 267.00 319.00 1,215.25
Faba beans..................... - - -
Field peas....................... - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - -
White Chick-peas - - -
Lentils.............................. - - -
Grass peas....................... - - -
Soya beans....................... - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 267.00 319.00 1,215.25 3.80
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 199.00 77.00 77.95
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 199.00 77.00 77.95 1.00
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 71.00 78.00 *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 71.00 78.00 * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Amhara Region
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 4,728,971.00 4,586,325.72 112,528,693.08
Cereals.......................... 4,678,184.00 3,650,923.16 98,222,794.06
Teff................................ 2,676,548.00 1,177,078.03 22,540,301.37 19.15
Barley............................ 1,330,868.00 286,865.38 6,464,756.41 22.54
Wheat............................ 1,912,305.00 689,614.06 19,220,289.70 27.87
Maize............................. 3,069,827.00 616,502.44 26,421,888.34 42.86
Sorghum......................... 1,250,480.00 576,148.05 15,291,980.53 26.54
Finger millet................... 804,268.00 243,448.48 6,328,930.61 26.00
Oats/'Aja'........................ 53,247.00 2,933.05 41,513.48 14.15
Rice................................. 122,502.00 58,333.65 1,912,860.49 32.79
Pulses.............................. 2,529,577.00 666,762.97 12,078,211.28
Faba beans..................... 1,399,135.00 186,562.04 3,522,049.19 18.88
Field peas....................... 482,812.00 68,492.50 1,013,767.04 14.80
White haricot beans..... . 229,109.00 44,073.85 702,239.91 15.93
Red Haricot beans.......... 157,734.00 30,215.05 562,328.40 18.61
Red Chick-peas................ 408,384.00 67,322.38 1,293,740.18 19.22
White Chick-peas……….. 74,903.00 23,484.40 443,166.25 18.87
Lentils.......................... 232,110.00 36,497.38 452,195.04 12.39
Grass peas....................... 454,243.00 102,391.99 2,148,226.06 20.98
Soya beans....................... 83,458.00 44,055.65 1,105,461.77 25.09
Fenugreek........................ 183,764.00 15,506.60 220,783.42 14.24
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 134,279.00 37,123.15 398,169.50 10.73
Gibto................................ 76,293.00 11,038.01 216,084.51 19.58
Oilseeds........................... 909,035.00 268,639.58 2,227,687.74
Neug.................................. 251,038.00 48,482.99 507,207.29 10.46
Linseed.............................. 277,928.00 19,573.39 125,876.09 6.43
Groundnuts....................... 68,290.00 16,201.84 322,192.48 19.89
Safflower........................... 48,962.00 1,569.86 13,126.33 8.36
Sesame.............................. 198,018.00 180,138.05 1,218,528.73 6.76
Rape seed.......................... 171,822.00 2,673.41 40,756.79 15.25
Vegetables......................... 1,495,987.00 71,327.65 1,612,379.76
Lettuce............................... 21,894.00 * * *
Head Cabbage................... 87,647.00 695.05 34,346.53 49.42
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 298,782.00 2,720.89 257,299.75 94.56
Tomatoes............................ 69,302.00 839.95 65,483.87 77.96
Green peppers.................... 221,843.00 2,975.65 132,177.34 44.42
Red peppers........................ 940,664.00 61,482.32 1,078,172.35 17.54
Swiss chard........................ 39,634.00 1,486.06 44,899.95 30.21
Root Crops......................... 1,343,508.00 38,256.63 5,447,541.04
Beetroot............................ 58,079.00 477.59 18,451.00 38.63
Carrot............................... 63,583.00 1,619.58 91,458.45 56.47
Onion................................ 197,159.00 8,453.06 917,407.28 108.53
Potatoes............................ 406,345.00 16,084.77 3,696,915.80 229.84
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 874,758.00 11,206.59 702,207.20 62.66
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 27,288.00 402.16 21,033.57 52.30
Fruit Crops........................ 591,266.00 5,309.15 403,236.93
Avocados............................ 47,611.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 211,617.00 1,020.40 176,538.82 173.01
Guavas............................... 73,434.00 386.75 7,314.45 18.91
Lemons............................... 72,083.00 201.05 9,660.50 48.05
Mangoes............................. 277,175.00 2,321.70 115,239.16 49.64
Oranges.............................. 136,363.00 692.65 47,670.30 68.82
Papayas.............................. 114,196.00 494.73 46,813.72 94.62
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 263,420.00 13,151.30 96,215.84 7.32
Coffee................................. 492,245.00 17,414.35 68,804.60 3.95
Hops................................... 1,820,924.00 23,970.84 280,344.87 11.70
Sugar Cane....................... 49,234.00 1,709.50 451,460.28 264.09
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -
[Remark: In four zones of this region, North Wello, South Welle, Waghimra and Oromia nationality zone, the survey was totally not secsessful due to security
problems, but estimates were done with some adjustments and imputed in the reginal and national estimates.

Table 7.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
North Gondar
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 167,061.00 152,760.52 3,286,870.54
Cereals.......................... 164,914.00 116,909.62 2,811,842.62
Teff................................ 61,385.00 15,241.94 252,881.48 16.59
Barley............................ 94,251.00 25,582.52 553,823.03 21.65
Wheat............................ 103,091.00 41,952.74 810,818.84 19.33
Maize............................. 67,605.00 2,916.57 104,251.05 35.74
Sorghum......................... 54,760.00 21,829.78 738,904.17 33.85
Finger millet................... 28,240.00 9,354.26 350,772.77 37.50
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 106,151.00 29,335.02 400,674.85
Faba beans..................... 78,727.00 12,464.31 214,027.62 17.17
Field peas....................... 46,289.00 10,629.82 110,680.87 10.41
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 5,146.00 1,784.33 17,012.85 9.53
White Chick- peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 18,214.00 2,274.35 30,893.96 13.58
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 4,937.00 676.95 15,726.00 23.23
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 44,695.00 6,515.88 74,353.04
Neug.................................. 15,199.00 2,485.70 53,781.36 21.64
Linseed.............................. 13,350.00 1,812.75 5,632.89 3.11
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 14,190.00 99.31 2,467.60 24.85
Vegetables......................... 33,145.00 380.17 102,205.69
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 10,886.00 44.61 98,235.12 2,202.09
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 6,217.00 8.71 1,453.97 166.93
Red peppers........................ 15,316.00 312.27 1,163.50 3.73
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 67,374.00 1,240.16 155,274.21
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 34,496.00 370.52 122,906.60 331.71
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 46,964.00 673.11 25,339.11 37.64
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ * 141.03 2,786.82
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * 14.50 * *
Mangoes............................. * 15.49 * *
Oranges.............................. * 0.01 * *
Papayas.............................. * 19.30 1,255.11 65.03
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. * 121.86 256.82 2.11
Hops................................... 38,137.00 395.02 4,356.65 11.03
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
South Gondar
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 562,436.00 534,741.12 12,551,159.31
Cereals.......................... 561,773.00 440,116.14 11,106,876.54
Teff................................ 363,959.00 165,786.45 2,953,593.45 17.82
Barley............................ 164,967.00 33,545.65 816,319.27 24.33
Wheat............................ 233,369.00 65,354.87 1,775,141.02 27.16
Maize............................. 384,600.00 60,260.19 2,348,698.87 38.98
Sorghum......................... 108,956.00 43,269.18 961,500.82 22.22
Finger millet................... 117,854.00 30,174.86 766,939.16 25.42
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. 74,396.00 41,528.29 1,481,708.73 35.68
Pulses.............................. 316,188.00 77,350.54 1,316,844.00
Faba beans..................... 158,475.00 20,581.24 369,456.29 17.95
Field peas....................... 39,056.00 3,849.95 58,916.28 15.30
White haricot beans..... . 59,952.00 15,699.76 251,091.57 15.99
Red Haricot beans.......... 25,125.00 4,867.89 82,024.81 16.85
Red Chick-peas................ 40,664.00 7,082.08 141,087.41 19.92
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... 68,607.00 13,256.32 223,953.11 16.89
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 13,190.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 134,438.00 17,274.44 127,438.77
Neug.................................. 25,828.00 4,601.78 25,539.17 5.55
Linseed.............................. 42,147.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... 5,839.00 * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 43,396.00 1,010.06 11,338.12 11.23
Vegetables......................... 129,210.00 3,652.25 *
Lettuce............................... * * - -
Head Cabbage................... 2,805.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ 6,191.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 37,609.00 243.44 * *
Red peppers........................ 75,623.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 158,982.00 2,221.22 *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 12,749.00 381.26 * *
Potatoes............................ 42,618.00 1,151.30 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 125,763.00 687.98 23,878.81 34.71
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 31,298.00 162.10 3,872.32
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 12,189.00 32.88 1,804.35 54.88
Guavas............................... 2,262.00 * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 19,814.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 6,203.00 7.25 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. 26,277.00 * * *
Hops................................... 232,073.00 2,090.68 23,059.44 11.03
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
North Wollo
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 407,111.00 274,109.74 5,164,027.38
Cereals.......................... 401,289.00 225,417.14 4,571,768.94
Teff................................ 232,559.00 71,715.85 1,084,869.82 15.13
Barley............................ 169,727.00 34,882.21 555,086.61 15.91
Wheat............................ 196,270.00 51,771.09 1,178,983.87 22.77
Maize............................. 151,315.00 7,599.38 226,229.37 29.77
Sorghum......................... 157,544.00 56,953.34 1,491,812.58 26.19
Finger millet................... 17,909.00 2,193.73 30,831.65 14.05
Oats/'Aja'........................ 6,967.00 301.53 3,955.04 13.12
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 232,338.00 42,977.90 553,266.11
Faba beans..................... 104,850.00 11,827.04 150,082.60 12.69
Field peas....................... 85,400.00 6,796.81 85,528.39 12.58
White haricot beans..... . 19,224.00 3,519.22 56,308.18 16
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 54,079.00 7,971.91 115,163.49 14.45
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 61,757.00 6,407.37 69,785.53 10.89
Grass peas....................... 25,213.00 3,287.89 42,990.95 13.08
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 34,863.00 1,252.49 11,497.65 9.18
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 79,963.00 5,714.71 38,992.33
Neug.................................. 4,773.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. 62,153.00 4,569.69 30,685.29 6.71
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... 9,497.00 294.18 2,752.88 9.36
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 113,444.00 799.04 34,568.91
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 62,034.00 167.81 16,093.21 95.9
Tomatoes............................ 3,435.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 8,570.00 16.95 1,191.63 70.3
Red peppers........................ 42,957.00 529.08 10,105.45 19.1
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 107,836.00 1,754.64 160,102.95
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 24,363.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 74,738.00 458.33 32,107.75 70.05
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 34,512.00 * *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... * 14.80 302.77 20.46
Lemons............................... 2,009.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 8,702.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 9,084.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 12,624.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 11,686.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 20,256.00 * * *
Hops................................... 119,664.00 795.25 8,032.11 10.1
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
South Wollo
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 754,370.00 464,534.17 9,645,935.03
Cereals.......................... 734,050.00 353,098.60 7,980,074.65
Teff................................ 389,637.00 118,157.50 2,049,298.40 17.34
Barley............................ 233,302.00 25,168.70 535,726.12 21.29
Wheat............................ 337,797.00 95,657.15 2,479,032.62 25.92
Maize............................. 382,043.00 22,382.59 598,003.58 26.72
Sorghum......................... 232,093.00 88,148.53 2,255,932.40 25.59
Finger millet................... 25,920.00 1,590.16 33,155.67 20.85
Oats/'Aja'........................ 37,631.00 1,993.96 28,925.86 14.51
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 532,025.00 105,576.04 1,616,039.63
Faba beans..................... 314,914.00 28,582.97 465,655.74 16.29
Field peas....................... 90,647.00 9,930.05 153,703.01 15.48
White haricot beans..... . 97,778.00 20,528.46 328,185.48 15.99
Red Haricot beans.......... 37,912.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 125,520.00 11,510.24 188,867.33 16.41
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. 89,523.00 13,646.62 148,504.55 10.88
Grass peas....................... 101,894.00 9,706.47 172,552.66 17.78
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 37,643.00 5,190.84 75,546.14 14.55
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 119,020.00 5,859.53 49,820.75
Neug.................................. 51,981.00 3,712.93 35,471.00 9.55
Linseed.............................. 51,544.00 1,667.14 10,370.13 6.22
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... 6,867.00 * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 20,830.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 281,973.00 * *
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 19,630.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 110,109.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ 6,743.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 29,077.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 129,738.00 1,460.82 20,976.22 14.36
Swiss chard........................ 20,080.00 * * *
Root Crops......................... 172,953.00 2,165.26 205,723.85
Beetroot............................ 10,220.00 * * *
Carrot............................... 24,384.00 * * *
Onion................................ 17,706.00 175.61 16,363.88 93.18
Potatoes............................ 15,464.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 123,416.00 635.50 42,451.38 66.8
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 7,897.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 90,719.00 612.90 65,376.99
Avocados............................ 7,789.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 17,054.00 63.21 25,608.51 405.13
Guavas............................... 17,689.00 35.87 1,036.76 28.9
Lemons............................... 7,022.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 40,602.00 144.97 7,117.82 49.1
Oranges.............................. 24,260.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 35,024.00 97.17 10,117.28 104.12
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 105,259.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 73,220.00 663.47 3,052.03 4.6
Hops................................... 122,708.00 789.43 10,973.14 13.9
Sugar Cane....................... 10,885.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.5 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
North Shewa
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 421,298.00 568,142.45 13,859,942.63
Cereals.......................... 418,529.00 458,038.22 11,734,428.65
Teff................................ 295,086.00 186,755.54 3,772,053.57 20.2
Barley............................ 160,456.00 47,043.84 1,210,301.59 25.73
Wheat............................ 262,760.00 150,142.19 4,437,310.73 29.55
Maize............................. 109,689.00 5,367.81 193,220.42 36
Sorghum......................... 136,092.00 68,659.22 2,120,346.32 30.88
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 276,206.00 106,162.80 2,092,095.57
Faba beans..................... 206,359.00 39,620.69 878,665.39 22.18
Field peas....................... 57,916.00 9,954.17 174,406.86 17.52
White haricot beans..... . 14,421.00 1,044.97 17,352.24 16.61
Red Haricot beans.......... 10,401.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 48,990.00 11,990.34 238,505.23 19.89
White Chick-peas 17,719.00 * 72,947.43 *
Lentils.............................. 42,558.00 11,883.28 180,780.90 15.21
Grass peas....................... 36,201.00 * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 38,569.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 50,665.00 3,941.43 33,418.41
Neug.................................. 8,664.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. 30,909.00 2,664.68 20,643.16 7.75
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. 3,454.00 * * *
Rape seed.......................... 3,988.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 122,096.00 1,354.42 46,979.75 34.69
Lettuce............................... * * - -
Head Cabbage................... 4,996.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 53,291.00 147.95 13,682.20 92.48
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 32,306.00 161.03 6,816.15 42.33
Red peppers........................ 41,296.00 907.86 * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 188,635.00 5,745.74 579,349.15
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 73,284.00 3,036.78 422,470.15 139.12
Potatoes............................ 18,214.00 * - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 136,838.00 2,166.37 153,543.46 70.88
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 41,934.00 303.60 21,171.45
Avocados............................ 1,865.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 21,810.00 61.00 6,065.45 99.43
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 9,700.00 23.99 * *
Mangoes............................. 9,910.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 8,590.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 11,625.00 32.11 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 13,787.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 30,973.00 286.33 793.64 2.77
Hops................................... 136,779.00 2,106.03 23,239.69 11.03
Sugar Cane....................... 8,329.00 31.89 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.6 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
East Gojam
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 680,904.00 694,839.00 19,426,553.89
Cereals.......................... 673,132.00 612,711.75 17,677,846.15
Teff................................ 498,488.00 299,287.98 6,534,691.83 21.83
Barley............................ 167,175.00 31,859.73 859,567.29 26.98
Wheat............................ 403,480.00 166,577.99 5,303,301.67 31.84
Maize............................. 515,252.00 94,855.18 4,400,815.04 46.4
Sorghum......................... 55,741.00 17,238.36 505,608.36 29.33
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 365,462.00 76,838.02 1,673,793.08
Faba beans..................... 241,284.00 25,760.27 575,318.71 22.33
Field peas....................... 47,281.00 6,741.44 125,035.71 18.55
White haricot beans..... . 9,784.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 43,134.00 8,928.90 197,537.98 22.12
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... 108,043.00 28,176.99 649,434.08 23.05
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 22,083.00 1,676.37 * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ 4,863.00 * * *
Oilseeds........................... 97,728.00 5,289.23 74,914.66
Neug.................................. 34,413.00 2,920.70 33,806.98 11.57
Linseed.............................. 5,841.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 48,748.00 782.08 14,540.12 18.59
Vegetables......................... 143,647.00 4,706.52 120,891.82
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 33,049.00 128.87 3,221.18 25
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 11,269.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ 17,747.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 43,690.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 61,657.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 218,570.00 8,403.36 1,361,014.96
Beetroot............................ 26,693.00 * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 23,717.00 1,305.79 138,809.31 106.3
Potatoes............................ 72,048.00 3,702.50 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 138,403.00 2,848.86 178,481.20 62.65
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 33,390.00 * *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 6,792.00 * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. 20,209.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. 37,752.00 * * *
Hops................................... 368,096.00 4,481.54 54,746.85 12.22
Sugar Cane....................... 4,761.00 * - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.7 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
West Gojjam
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 655,714.00 633,067.71 20,331,634.06
Cereals.......................... 654,759.00 546,782.93 18,558,977.14
Teff................................ 304,654.00 121,411.77 2,514,687.58 20.71
Barley............................ 135,548.00 30,922.45 793,378.12 25.66
Wheat............................ 166,356.00 51,592.83 1,589,883.63 30.82
Maize............................. 623,797.00 242,120.81 11,070,933.30 45.72
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... 272,110.00 88,859.23 2,287,950.50 25.75
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 259,481.00 76,502.00 1,669,326.57
Faba beans..................... 100,769.00 15,552.69 332,978.85 21.41
Field peas....................... 41,968.00 6,536.12 98,528.14 15.07
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 44,126.00 15,759.21 328,759.87 20.86
Red Chick-peas................ 27,127.00 5,688.61 127,664.86 22.44
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... 82,788.00 23,962.18 571,538.04 23.85
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 7,133.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ 28,532.00 4,844.30 100,357.93 20.72
Oilseeds........................... 60,471.00 9,782.78 103,330.36
Neug.................................. 37,861.00 8,493.62 89,908.37 10.59
Linseed.............................. 13,440.00 832.26 5,527.03 6.64
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 14,209.00 358.70 6,893.39 19.22
Vegetables......................... 345,978.00 23,505.70 419,545.74
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 15,693.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 14,312.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ * * - -
Green peppers.................... 23,022.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 323,725.00 22,820.18 385,017.12 16.87
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 233,087.00 9,928.52 1,380,011.23
Beetroot............................ 10,108.00 * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 34,257.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 119,898.00 5,251.47 1,005,768.44 191.52
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 122,021.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 4,208.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 194,587.00 1,370.72 76,489.62
Avocados............................ 13,310.00 31.11 * *
Bananas.............................. 92,722.00 381.49 46,968.52 123.12
Guavas............................... 29,437.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 26,955.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 101,451.00 456.85 * *
Oranges.............................. 32,629.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 11,863.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 45,739.00 1,572.76 * *
Coffee................................. 168,504.00 * * *
Hops................................... 478,948.00 6,969.48 86,025.59 12.34
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.8 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 108,447.00 119,634.37 1,716,471.88
Cereals.......................... 108,198.00 98,880.09 1,544,522.28
Teff................................ 64,266.00 20,375.46 205,677.94 10.09
Barley............................ 64,213.00 18,920.47 255,899.08 13.52
Wheat............................ 41,814.00 11,855.50 173,931.80 14.67
Maize............................. 53,997.00 2,151.25 27,227.26 12.66
Sorghum......................... 89,563.00 44,597.50 872,595.55 19.57
Finger millet................... 5,727.00 940.42 8,857.79 9.42
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 66,971.00 16,043.77 153,069.68
Faba beans..................... 41,578.00 7,577.32 91,730.63 12.11
Field peas....................... 14,067.00 2,157.83 15,423.31 7.15
White haricot beans..... . 9,127.00 1,302.33 10,710.53 8.22
Red Haricot beans.......... 7,851.00 923.74 6,462.68 7.00
Red Chick-peas................ 5,986.00 657.73 5,428.21 8.25
White Chick-peas 6,181.00 * * *
Lentils.............................. 7,321.00 * 6,712.81 *
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 4,557.00 21.60 124.66 5.77
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 7,783.00 * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 42,621.00 4,710.50 18,879.93
Neug.................................. 2,985.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. 20,506.00 488.25 1,709.49 3.5
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... 13,002.00 515.94 2,653.20 5.14
Sesame.............................. 12,881.00 * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 6,475.00 * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 1,384.00 2.43 122.84 50.55
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 3,230.00 11.27 346.24 30.72
Green peppers.................... 3,520.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ 1,167.00 * * *
Root Crops......................... 22,664.00 140.30 7,544.60
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 3,557.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 19,026.00 64.20 3,100.83 48.3
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 4,313.00 46.53 3,370.32
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 1,391.00 12.25 2,483.91 202.77
Guavas............................... 1,190.00 5.42 27.13 5.01
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 2,122.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 1,308.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... 8,767.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 1,066.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.9 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 295,159.00 278,952.72 8,246,672.61
Cereals.......................... 293,289.00 221,907.80 7,185,691.01
Teff................................ 120,821.00 40,514.24 780,486.63 19.26
Barley............................ 53,436.00 12,159.80 286,681.57 23.58
Wheat............................ 78,381.00 19,124.49 549,881.18 28.75
Maize............................. 276,453.00 90,398.92 3,996,952.52 44.21
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... 125,426.00 51,038.37 1,346,859.17 26.39
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 82,226.00 28,193.36 *
Faba beans..................... 25,353.00 1,899.55 39,203.33 20.64
Field peas....................... 24,993.00 * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 9,128.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ 8,097.00 784.01 15,761.29 20.1
Oilseeds........................... 54,242.00 28,851.56 400,230.27
Neug.................................. 33,498.00 14,396.91 147,195.04 10.22
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 8,211.00 107.95 1,529.08 14.16
Vegetables......................... 131,498.00 17,998.20 346,952.64
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 28,481.00 124.84 9,303.49 74.52
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... 22,891.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 86,649.00 17,179.71 303,704.09 17.68
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 93,146.00 3,573.06 860,621.47
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 52,687.00 2,930.65 850,854.86 290.33
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 39,646.00 151.06 9,761.43 64.62
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 10,939.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 72,721.00 687.11 *
Avocados............................ 13,394.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 24,783.00 172.78 * *
Guavas............................... 3,425.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 7,160.00 7.37 * *
Mangoes............................. 36,610.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 16,195.00 37.42 * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. 93,337.00 1,113.04 4,209.79 3.78
Hops................................... 175,598.00 1,075.16 12,053.42 11.21
Sugar Cane....................... 4,959.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.10 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Oromo Nationality Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 141,399.00 57,447.23 1,214,975.86
Cereals.......................... 138,189.00 49,410.68 1,130,380.47
Teff................................ 34,447.00 8,240.62 110,679.40 13.43
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 65,150.00 3,053.24 78,664.03 25.76
Sorghum......................... 111,106.00 37,763.35 934,421.18 24.74
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 28,805.00 5,125.66 55,525.39
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... 1,947.00 * * *
White haricot beans..... . 7,102.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 15,234.00 4,162.68 40,787.40 9.8
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 28,359.00 2,910.89 29,070.00
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... 17,550.00 1,809.99 22,453.34 12.41
Safflower........................... 5,560.00 * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 1,056.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 24,974.00 310.31 15,238.16
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 1,991.00 11.51 1,047.67 91.02
Tomatoes............................ 9,989.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 3,542.00 8.12 519.61 63.99
Red peppers........................ 12,964.00 184.41 2,997.49 16.25
Swiss chard........................ * * - -
Root Crops......................... 9,379.00 * *
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * - -
Onion................................ 4,581.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 3,311.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 1,828.00 8.28 20,599.33 487.84
Fruit Crops........................ 57,510.00 755.51 120,024.84
Avocados............................ 1,946.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 14,971.00 71.26 61,986.81 869.87
Guavas............................... 9,456.00 35.70 1,950.00 54.62
Lemons............................... 7,035.00 16.72 1,271.05 76.02
Mangoes............................. 34,477.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 15,166.00 92.55 9,489.54 102.53
Papayas.............................. 22,209.00 51.08 5,884.75 115.21
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 46,768.00 4,018.80 39,545.63 9.84
Coffee................................. 19,338.00 320.25 1,420.24 4.43
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 3,226.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.11 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Central Gondar Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 440,560.00 543,877.13 12,500,270.88
Cereals.......................... 438,312.00 395,658.83 10,408,982.96
Teff................................ 283,317.00 110,469.11 1,952,863.56 17.68
Barley............................ 85,422.00 26,559.23 594,046.39 22.37
Wheat............................ 88,176.00 35,565.37 921,684.32 25.92
Maize............................. 359,425.00 74,178.23 2,974,321.08 40.10
Sorghum......................... 226,323.00 98,353.85 2,679,859.05 27.25
Finger millet................... 182,840.00 49,616.60 1,261,224.34 25.42
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 244,598.00 91,904.20 1,652,399.29
Faba beans..................... 124,983.00 22,593.97 403,349.62 17.85
Field peas....................... 33,120.00 6,701.26 115,886.88 17.29
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ 54,345.00 11,148.48 253,203.30 22.71
White Chick-peas 37,105.00 16,318.40 322,566.99 19.77
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... 29,281.00 5,797.86 104,757.00 18.07
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 46,100.00 15,805.68 156,478.75 9.90
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 119,921.00 56,314.10 438,888.63
Neug.................................. 29,252.00 * 96,898.98 *
Linseed.............................. 35,042.00 2,844.56 19,535.93 6.87
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. 50,681.00 42,466.74 * *
Rape seed.......................... 15,660.00 212.07 3,094.51 14.59
Vegetables......................... 123,861.00 10,841.73 211,501.33
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 3,950.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 2,223.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 6,220.00 55.75 * *
Red peppers........................ 115,288.00 10,643.03 199,145.37 18.71
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 70,569.00 2,531.97 385,137.96
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * 259.65 * *
Potatoes............................ 22,461.00 1,029.49 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 44,513.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 18,558.00 137.85 *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 5,739.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 5,336.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. 16,491.00 364.10 * *
Hops................................... 134,044.00 5,124.23 56,245.60 10.98
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 7.12 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
West Gondar Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 94,512.00 264,219.56 4,584,179.01
Cereals.......................... 91,751.00 131,991.36 3,511,402.65
Teff................................ 27,928.00 19,121.57 328,517.71 17.18
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 80,501.00 11,218.27 402,571.82 35.89
Sorghum......................... 76,736.00 94,791.79 2,609,721.94 27.53
Finger millet................... 15,585.00 6,788.33 168,477.60 24.82
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 19,125.00 10,753.66 234,425.77
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 11,552.00 9,512.42 219,213.65 23.04
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 8,444.00 1,032.33 11,341.66 10.99
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 76,912.00 121,474.53 838,350.59
Neug.................................. 5,368.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 3,013.00 * 3,970.60 *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 75,556.00 120,147.88 820,429.83 6.83
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 39,689.00 1,133.89 *
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 4,832.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 5,179.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 34,266.00 580.19 10,177.90 17.54
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 3,893.00 * *
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 1,982.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 8 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Oromia Region
Number of Area in Production Yield
Holders Hectares in Quintals (Qt/Hac)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 7,670,088.00 6,100,987.75 175,542,709.96
Cereals.......................... 7,432,553.00 5,184,342.66 158,737,969.70
Teff................................ 2,967,686.00 1,519,814.74 29,967,588.06 19.72
Barley............................ 1,469,908.00 434,183.48 12,399,392.41 28.56
Wheat............................ 1,959,058.00 1,030,582.00 34,673,851.40 33.64
Maize............................. 5,520,645.00 1,464,047.90 61,907,770.70 42.29
Sorghum......................... 2,157,854.00 612,806.85 16,649,147.38 27.17
Finger millet................... 633,859.00 90,123.82 2,351,076.00 26.09
Oats/'Aja'........................ 125,720.00 24,498.96 547,158.30 22.33
Rice................................. 58,747.00 8,284.91 241,985.47 29.21
Pulses.............................. 3,676,245.00 714,661.85 14,362,698.64
Faba beans..................... 1,709,982.00 253,157.60 5,777,115.50 22.82
Field peas....................... 669,953.00 97,719.09 1,917,020.66 19.62
White haricot beans..... . 645,127.00 47,593.46 890,540.02 18.71
Red Haricot beans.......... 1,014,871.00 88,618.27 1,630,320.38 18.40
Red Chick-peas................ 238,416.00 86,624.18 1,798,281.97 20.76
White Chick-peas 79,187.00 21,691.22 443,044.54 20.43
Lentils.............................. 106,519.00 32,410.92 409,865.08 12.65
Grass peas....................... 215,455.00 50,518.93 1,096,269.46 21.70
Soya beans....................... 40,570.00 4,946.85 109,417.24 22.12
Fenugreek........................ 266,371.00 14,374.46 130,613.96 9.09
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 46,678.00 16,965.00 160,209.80 9.44
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 1,067,766.00 201,983.24 2,442,041.61
Neug.................................. 379,067.00 121,568.13 1,424,640.19 11.72
Linseed.............................. 220,729.00 27,661.60 310,824.57 11.24
Groundnuts....................... 186,904.00 29,649.31 488,422.49 16.47
Safflower........................... 42,156.00 769.34 8,172.64 10.62
Sesame.............................. 68,387.00 16,059.17 105,922.39 6.60
Rape seed.......................... 299,921.00 6,275.70 104,059.32 16.58
Vegetables......................... 3,108,342.00 116,192.36 3,917,738.44
Lettuce............................... 38,781.00 186.39 4,669.54 25.05
Head Cabbage................... 315,586.00 3,510.66 297,714.82 84.80
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 1,753,586.00 19,240.02 1,833,769.40 95.31
Tomatoes............................ 116,364.00 6,197.15 262,144.48 42.30
Green peppers.................... 933,940.00 8,043.78 380,674.83 47.33
Red peppers........................ 926,552.00 78,880.87 1,133,034.62 14.36
Swiss chard........................ 69,092.00 133.49 5,730.74 42.93
Root Crops......................... 2,748,013.00 110,744.17 13,901,102.17
Beetroot............................ 349,688.00 2,251.42 166,638.18 74.01
Carrot............................... 146,230.00 4,349.47 209,361.57 48.13
Onion................................ 377,370.00 14,566.55 1,002,085.38 68.79
Potatoes............................ 361,054.00 42,542.38 4,777,634.38 112.30
Yam/'Boye'........................ 14,813.00 * * *
Garlic............................... 899,254.00 18,679.24 1,164,851.19 62.36
Taro/'Godere'................... 700,783.00 6,709.68 1,534,919.23 228.76
Sweet potatoes.................. 745,172.00 21,455.86 5,045,612.24 235.16
Fruit Crops........................ 2,575,588.00 67,635.63 10,298,830.53
Avocados............................ 1,039,916.00 10,742.57 799,474.30 74.42
Bananas.............................. 1,719,581.00 41,026.51 8,475,364.86 206.58
Guavas............................... 239,007.00 756.13 16,998.33 22.48
Lemons............................... 100,813.00 200.48 5,780.91 28.84
Mangoes............................. 972,333.00 10,240.90 619,888.07 60.53
Oranges.............................. 352,582.00 1,723.74 102,067.98 59.21
Papayas.............................. 421,086.00 2,899.53 279,174.87 96.28
Pineapples.......................... 22,833.00 * 81.21 1.77
Chat.................................... 2,420,794.00 215,944.25 1,857,737.30 8.60
Coffee................................. 2,815,587.00 583,298.01 3,850,686.12 6.60
Hops................................... 745,922.00 5,903.69 84,893.16 14.38
Sugar Cane....................... 406,242.00 7,533.36 2,879,923.21 382.29
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 94,345,476.00 22,040,138.41 24,841,521.45 1,425,093.05 0.23 0.26 0.02
[Remark:From the total planed 38 EAs in West Wellega, 34 EAs in Kellem Wellega and 36 EAs in West Guji, the survey was sucssesfully covered
only in 5 EAs, 6 EAs and 21 EAs in that order, due to security problems, but we used other proxy information to produce the zonal level estimates]

Table 8.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
West Welega
Number of Area in Production in Yield (Qt/Hec)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 450,443.00 269,412.44 8,512,870.62
Cereals.......................... 450,443.00 222,300.39 7,806,364.97
Teff................................ 127,874.00 24,485.60 546,028.88 *
Barley............................ 35,155.00 1,077.57 20,366.03 18.90
Wheat............................ 38,322.00 4,027.31 119,168.10 29.59
Maize............................. 439,747.00 105,899.46 4,843,952.87 45.74
Sorghum......................... 281,054.00 54,258.72 1,393,526.71 25.68
Finger millet................... 197,706.00 32,551.72 883,322.38 27.14
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 205,054.00 18,059.28 343,088.80
Faba beans..................... 100,584.00 4,590.14 97,746.38 21.29
Field peas....................... 55,678.00 2,196.78 31,364.96 14.28
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 90,319.00 4,190.43 71,560.55 17.08
Red Chick-peas................ * 83.77 443.97 5.30
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 178,711.00 29,052.78 363,416.85
Neug.................................. 127,648.00 27,850.38 343,896.75 12.35
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 52,874.00 819.85 12,674.27 15.46
Vegetables......................... 237,348.00 2,794.27 94,526.31
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 10,455.00 19.99 1,285.14 64.29
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 40,435.00 249.90 24,739.06 99.00
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 99,173.00 568.60 33,432.60 58.80
Red peppers........................ 121,682.00 1,935.91 33,491.20 17.30
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 249,147.00 5,576.27 3,399,719.49
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... 10,228.00 37.36 1,718.46 46.00
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 210,803.00 5,144.63 1,495,969.29 290.78
Fruit Crops........................ 349,184.00 7,363.43 2,887,705.35 -
Avocados............................ 127,002.00 1,097.31 84,822.24 77.30
Bananas.............................. 247,271.00 3,471.83 2,609,034.73 751.49
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... 14,630.00 57.94 2,421.76 41.80
Mangoes............................. 156,469.00 2,057.52 144,234.57 70.10
Oranges.............................. 104,438.00 574.98 39,386.30 68.50
Papayas.............................. 32,371.00 102.71 7,805.77 76.00
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 138,892.00 2,545.96 11,125.95 4.37
Coffee................................. 370,174.00 111,155.20 778,531.17 7.00
Hops................................... 61,485.00 517.43 9,261.89 17.90
Sugar Cane....................... 21,276.00 250.74 75,220.99 300.00
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 38,060.00 9,515.00 11,037.40 761.20 0.25 0.29 0.02

Table 8.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
East Welega
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 406,512.00 402,709.02 13,591,787.11
Cereals.......................... 405,780.00 338,637.17 12,692,757.73
Teff................................ 203,762.00 72,808.71 1,407,714.25 19.33
Barley............................ 55,582.00 5,432.08 140,365.94 25.84
Wheat............................ 60,578.00 * * *
Maize............................. 388,987.00 200,135.14 9,349,176.55 46.71
Sorghum......................... 66,063.00 33,425.41 1,018,711.19 30.48
Finger millet................... 88,946.00 17,104.96 472,918.00 27.65
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 160,118.00 19,287.37 363,890.30
Faba beans..................... 76,870.00 7,156.09 * *
Field peas....................... 54,580.00 * 172,347.33 *
White haricot beans..... . 8,791.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 54,289.00 638.92 * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 118,452.00 44,784.48 535,139.07
Neug.................................. 87,413.00 31,132.36 379,039.18 12.18
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 26,509.00 336.75 5,670.93 16.84
Vegetables......................... 196,495.00 7,511.52 149,441.14
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 26,607.00 95.92 7,260.79 75.70
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 28,519.00 190.72 * *
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... 89,130.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 98,982.00 6,248.26 82,879.55 13.26
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 145,442.00 3,223.20 708,187.07
Beetroot............................ 22,529.00 29.33 * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 14,327.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 6,380.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 52,289.00 108.12 5,964.63 55.17
Taro/'Godere'................... 21,064.00 * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 58,118.00 2,550.44 666,998.10 261.52
Fruit Crops........................ 184,222.00 2,139.57 170,805.22
Avocados............................ 33,892.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 130,833.00 780.09 71,985.32 92.28
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 4,132.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 87,684.00 800.75 48,561.95 60.65
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 32,318.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 104,993.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 171,880.00 10,220.28 65,344.57 6.39
Hops................................... 55,895.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 15,725.00 145.34 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 8.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Ilu Ababor
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 246,739.00 116,058.62 4,264,625.41
Cereals.......................... 241,243.00 104,744.97 4,053,274.92
Teff................................ 42,958.00 12,523.10 203,777.15 16.27
Barley............................ 3,445.00 * * *
Wheat............................ 13,044.00 568.07 15,922.51 28.03
Maize............................. 236,824.00 73,495.67 3,320,840.63 45.18
Sorghum......................... 84,224.00 13,169.44 369,646.42 28.07
Finger millet................... 37,521.00 2,898.93 79,929.01 27.57
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 174,238.00 10,581.78 203,686.90
Faba beans..................... 42,433.00 2,482.62 55,046.90 22.17
Field peas....................... 19,494.00 1,922.61 36,620.19 19.05
White haricot beans..... . 68,048.00 2,303.82 45,630.03 19.81
Red Haricot beans.......... 98,528.00 3,617.65 62,919.31 17.39
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 19,214.00 731.87 7,663.58
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. 2,235.00 * * *
Rape seed.......................... 7,264.00 111.73 1,969.50 17.63
Vegetables......................... 163,476.00 10,731.82 236,812.56
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 19,009.00 107.34 8,487.53 79.07
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 65,189.00 432.75 39,981.63 92.39
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 42,846.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 106,666.00 9,809.69 170,830.76 17.41
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 108,199.00 1,114.11 261,813.03
Beetroot............................ 18,102.00 59.65 * *
Carrot............................... 3,728.00 * * *
Onion................................ 5,131.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 18,077.00 108.76 * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 80,139.00 647.89 154,846.07 239.00
Sweet potatoes.................. 15,167.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 196,592.00 2,895.61 231,555.59
Avocados............................ 114,468.00 681.06 49,105.15 72.10
Bananas.............................. 156,504.00 1,643.08 133,605.70 81.31
Guavas............................... 5,609.00 11.29 * *
Lemons............................... 7,764.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 59,653.00 356.42 26,010.28 72.98
Oranges.............................. 23,156.00 90.38 5,627.77 62.27
Papayas.............................. 40,797.00 100.48 17,071.41 169.90
Pineapples.......................... 8,432.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 77,472.00 2,080.58 17,738.74 8.53
Coffee................................. 213,745.00 87,886.45 663,405.81 7.55
Hops................................... 11,175.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 22,194.00 375.70 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 639,744.00 153,538.56 172,730.88 12,794.88 0.24 0.27 0.02

Table 8.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 808,689.00 517,513.63 15,933,506.13
Cereals.......................... 788,352.00 440,504.85 14,576,809.59
Teff................................ 471,808.00 148,142.02 2,635,786.83 17.79
Barley............................ 136,132.00 16,280.00 426,018.87 26.17
Wheat............................ 126,078.00 24,515.25 801,785.00 32.71
Maize............................. 643,021.00 201,384.96 9,294,834.46 46.15
Sorghum......................... 265,383.00 44,834.53 1,276,314.43 28.47
Finger millet................... 20,274.00 2,328.21 * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 495,581.00 63,405.99 1,189,616.99
Faba beans..................... 225,264.00 24,061.36 525,792.17 21.85
Field peas....................... 92,939.00 10,743.02 204,069.41 19.00
White haricot beans..... . 98,509.00 1,424.21 * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 201,891.00 5,622.68 99,477.59 17.69
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 18,485.00 * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 109,748.00 13,602.79 167,079.55
Neug.................................. 29,779.00 8,872.75 96,684.55 10.90
Linseed.............................. 42,741.00 1,826.05 * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 33,906.00 410.64 6,837.66 16.65
Vegetables......................... 613,488.00 15,586.59 532,564.97
Lettuce............................... 9,103.00 14.22 * *
Head Cabbage................... 74,820.00 243.55 16,068.73 65.98
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 462,339.00 3,249.18 301,585.58 92.82
Tomatoes............................ 21,709.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 232,255.00 880.96 36,266.46 41.17
Red peppers........................ 190,273.00 10,990.85 168,619.49 15.34
Swiss chard........................ 5,979.00 2.38 * *
Root Crops......................... 514,658.00 5,615.98 1,298,991.70
Beetroot............................ 52,956.00 * * *
Carrot............................... 6,076.00 * * *
Onion................................ 24,737.00 104.71 * *
Potatoes............................ 27,773.00 276.41 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 98,951.00 191.05 9,659.48 50.56
Taro/'Godere'................... 419,073.00 4,609.76 1,120,343.79 243.04
Sweet potatoes.................. 46,746.00 339.20 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 625,375.00 11,340.64 766,458.98
Avocados............................ 471,867.00 4,481.17 299,896.87 66.92
Bananas.............................. 459,892.00 4,815.25 367,240.34 76.27
Guavas............................... 101,654.00 218.45 * *
Lemons............................... 17,004.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 260,713.00 1,339.44 55,508.78 41.44
Oranges.............................. 123,001.00 246.99 * *
Papayas.............................. 105,592.00 222.69 * *
Pineapples.......................... 10,227.00 14.37 * *
Chat.................................... 522,265.00 16,800.52 150,943.96 8.98
Coffee................................. 626,199.00 133,808.69 856,989.73 6.40
Hops................................... 43,941.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 150,128.00 842.34 360,734.83 428.25
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 930,147.14 1,051,470.68 80,882.36 0.23 0.26 0.02 930,147.14

Table 8.5 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
West Shewa
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 592,391.00 619,363.98 17,946,129.53
Cereals.......................... 575,940.00 529,261.68 16,070,009.20
Teff................................ 341,600.00 231,944.01 4,936,824.24 21.28
Barley............................ 192,594.00 66,094.67 1,915,273.23 28.98
Wheat............................ 223,557.00 72,291.00 2,475,621.17 34.25
Maize............................. 380,000.00 105,222.66 4,882,639.27 46.40
Sorghum......................... 94,229.00 51,210.94 1,804,813.36 35.24
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 338,778.00 86,509.14 1,828,825.17
Faba beans..................... 216,087.00 31,945.99 751,132.25 23.51
Field peas....................... 100,573.00 11,342.95 234,743.26 20.70
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 21,181.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 32,540.00 9,207.04 * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... 61,424.00 * * *
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 28,970.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 46,277.00 * *
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 30,456.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 320,324.00 * 597,076.09
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 32,301.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 212,425.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 136,556.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 327,249.00 10,062.45 334,300.37
Beetroot............................ 83,822.00 531.00 * *
Carrot............................... 27,232.00 * * *
Onion................................ 142,037.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 38,960.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 187,473.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 21,234.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 93,777.00 397.19 *
Avocados............................ 13,719.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 51,311.00 118.42 * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 10,998.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 13,832.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 24,977.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 64,469.00 * * *
Hops................................... 197,126.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 20,628.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,044,775.00 229,850.50 261,193.75 10,447.75 0.22 0.25 0.01

Table 8.6 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
North Shewa
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 339,892.00 428,444.32 10,208,964.00
Cereals.......................... 331,992.00 348,935.92 8,617,945.14
Teff................................ 248,930.00 154,130.65 2,997,298.71 19.45
Barley............................ 95,765.00 69,423.22 1,779,488.73 25.63
Wheat............................ 151,193.00 64,561.82 2,069,362.92 32.05
Maize............................. 92,262.00 3,536.53 116,406.06 32.92
Sorghum......................... 78,878.00 56,512.21 1,641,173.94 29.04
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 188,089.00 72,908.07 1,522,937.68
Faba beans..................... 148,756.00 35,577.84 835,623.44 23.49
Field peas....................... 25,901.00 3,653.52 69,513.01 19.03
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 35,838.00 10,493.10 209,111.66 19.93
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 20,640.00 6,773.77 89,935.92 13.28
Grass peas....................... 62,215.00 14,616.64 290,900.11 19.90
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 43,115.00 6,600.33 68,081.18
Neug.................................. 15,189.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. 18,729.00 2,943.33 31,219.50 10.61
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... 2,363.00 * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 10,172.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 132,125.00 396.36 32,656.43
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 108,323.00 236.88 22,484.00 94.92
Tomatoes............................ 6,688.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 9,854.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 6,396.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 138,933.00 2,151.18 *
Beetroot............................ 11,640.00 * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 14,545.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 14,008.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 123,743.00 1,032.01 67,421.40 65.33
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 20,853.00 * *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * 0.76 39.96 52.58
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 8,381.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 8,992.00 * * *
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... 73,170.00 343.98 5,751.10 16.72
Sugar Cane....................... 8,345.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 8.7 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
East Shewa
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 369,170.00 492,729.90 14,035,681.81
Cereals.......................... 361,562.00 431,509.59 12,731,087.15
Teff................................ 257,026.00 192,676.64 4,146,523.23 21.52
Barley............................ 32,307.00 8,470.97 * *
Wheat............................ 180,793.00 133,861.16 4,590,680.32 34.29
Maize............................. 238,806.00 95,580.42 3,741,453.81 39.14
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 172,604.00 60,987.67 1,302,336.12
Faba beans..................... 62,722.00 8,629.37 207,857.34 24.09
Field peas....................... 16,440.00 2,275.53 44,068.83 19.37
White haricot beans..... . 36,235.00 * 256,683.10 *
Red Haricot beans.......... 52,024.00 13,842.79 249,914.40 18.05
Red Chick-peas................ 17,293.00 6,655.80 171,693.83 25.8
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... 8,865.00 * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 5,863.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 30,824.00 2,126.58 107,504.93
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 23,818.00 774.05 76,949.37 99.41
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 3,430.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 25,070.00 * *
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ * * *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 8.8 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 756,762.00 662,777.47 20,520,638.61
Cereals.......................... 735,268.00 574,565.75 18,563,950.55
Teff................................ 298,712.00 100,666.98 1,928,273.80 19.15
Barley............................ 218,116.00 90,209.11 2,950,911.78 32.71
Wheat............................ 393,316.00 256,172.20 9,043,725.12 35.3
Maize............................. 407,407.00 76,579.02 2,986,573.74 39
Sorghum......................... 150,969.00 50,670.60 1,647,852.44 32.52
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 319,553.00 78,508.55 1,843,736.67
Faba beans..................... 222,182.00 45,461.86 1,143,577.02 25.15
Field peas....................... 64,223.00 14,946.91 370,278.44 24.77
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 21,769.00 3,418.66 * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 19,907.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 33,614.00 9,703.17 112,951.39
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. 24,807.00 8,533.76 99,361.78 11.64
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 96,689.00 4,591.20 179,493.17
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 11,364.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 72,355.00 979.02 83,406.11 85.19
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ 10,434.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 130,460.00 13,952.86 1,025,650.33
Beetroot............................ 21,371.00 459.82 * *
Carrot............................... 26,254.00 * * *
Onion................................ 24,952.00 3,761.08 * *
Potatoes............................ 28,234.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 61,497.00 4,248.20 298,981.87 70.38
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 35,736.00 897.91 *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. * 617.24 * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 77,648.00 9,543.51 77,862.38 8.16
Coffee................................. 47,349.00 * * *
Hops................................... 30,200.00 799.84 9,246.02 11.56
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 52,347.00 9,422.46 10,992.87 523.47 0.18 0.21 0.01

Table 8.9 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
West Harerge
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 444,125.00 226,025.46 4,931,598.05
Cereals.......................... 440,601.00 201,736.31 4,612,547.19
Teff................................ 53,553.00 8,417.83 87,638.57 10.41
Barley............................ 63,622.00 4,264.02 61,951.68 14.53
Wheat............................ 19,685.00 1,890.79 33,216.36 17.57
Maize............................. 392,576.00 62,068.44 1,482,036.20 23.88
Sorghum......................... 327,880.00 123,188.38 2,922,685.31 23.73
Finger millet................... 26,919.00 1,291.13 18,237.50 14.13
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 216,058.00 21,261.72 289,484.51
Faba beans..................... 17,818.00 928.45 12,203.24 13.14
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . 147,413.00 14,409.18 217,618.93 15.10
Red Haricot beans.......... 12,380.00 515.44 8,084.28 15.68
Red Chick-peas................ 15,442.00 * 26,215.18 *
White Chick-peas * * 13,947.76 *
Lentils.............................. 7,906.00 * * *
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 35,609.00 584.06 2,489.57 4.26
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 66,277.00 3,027.43 29,566.35
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. 34,278.00 642.39 2,577.28 4.01
Groundnuts....................... 17,220.00 963.37 * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 129,597.00 15,140.12 215,074.09
Lettuce............................... * * - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ 23,907.00 567.58 19,782.62 34.85
Green peppers.................... 16,306.00 48.19 1,815.13 37.67
Red peppers........................ 94,518.00 14,432.72 185,657.80 12.86
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 96,244.00 3,167.51 635,290.62
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 26,378.00 1,114.97 69,702.59 62.52
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 7,052.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 69,983.00 1,921.43 559,225.05 291.05
Fruit Crops........................ 81,528.00 1,182.73 74,776.65
Avocados............................ 2,490.00 3.52 * *
Bananas.............................. 49,492.00 711.57 65,641.82 92.25
Guavas............................... 12,001.00 40.44 * *
Lemons............................... 2,541.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 32,642.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 4,852.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 12,167.00 94.79 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 322,756.00 45,735.14 390,786.88 8.54
Coffee................................. 109,434.00 5,723.99 30,502.18 5.33
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 8,563.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 8.10 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
East Harerge
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 864,791.00 258,467.34 6,122,503.45
Cereals.......................... 859,494.00 230,885.05 5,762,018.95
Teff................................ 12,432.00 455.63 * *
Barley............................ 76,879.00 * 53,912.77 *
Wheat............................ 109,363.00 11,084.43 195,389.49 17.63
Maize............................. 726,403.00 108,439.70 3,116,720.84 28.74
Sorghum......................... 450,925.00 105,911.67 2,382,797.54 22.50
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 232,684.00 8,247.61 114,873.16
Faba beans..................... 60,952.00 1,922.03 27,587.72 14.35
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . 76,017.00 2,797.24 * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 31,945.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. 6,415.00 * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 90,192.00 2,081.52 15,576.13 7.48
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 166,882.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 48,756.00 997.25 6,852.64 6.87
Groundnuts....................... 102,579.00 * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 78,369.00 975.67 55,181.93
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 16,261.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ 25,146.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 18,717.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 7,434.00 100.27 * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 292,855.00 13,431.44 2,278,840.70
Beetroot............................ 4,962.00 * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 44,298.00 1,729.46 * *
Potatoes............................ 71,964.00 3,420.60 1,038,081.81 303.48
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 202,372.00 6,776.65 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 256,994.00 * 1,779,419.95
Avocados............................ 9,750.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 138,556.00 * 1,560,296.58 *
Guavas............................... 84,867.00 389.91 * *
Lemons............................... 12,316.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 118,995.00 2,621.85 * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 35,465.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 767,324.00 92,294.85 787,600.54 8.53
Coffee................................. 190,007.00 4,936.50 26,358.76 5.34
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 8.11 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in Yield
Holders Hectares Quintals (Qt/Hac)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 328,571.00 319,505.33 9,235,148.49
Cereals.......................... 307,409.00 280,222.21 8,634,153.85
Teff................................ 116,822.00 61,529.44 1,173,534.86 19.07
Barley............................ 71,902.00 21,743.83 645,068.04 29.67
Wheat............................ 120,704.00 149,115.72 5,226,944.66 35.05
Maize............................. 134,208.00 27,909.21 1,078,968.65 38.66
Sorghum......................... 23,195.00 5,587.49 154,297.43 27.61
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ 37,772.00 14,336.51 355,340.20 24.79
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 99,317.00 34,456.50 548,204.96
Faba beans..................... 23,658.00 7,029.11 177,371.49 25.23
Field peas....................... 20,425.00 5,120.79 115,672.35 22.59
White haricot beans..... . 12,853.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 11,516.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 38,753.00 16,031.07 * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 15,216.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * 740.87 4,208.20 5.68
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 37,516.00 2,629.93 102,246.62
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 24,748.00 647.86 56,268.92 86.85
Tomatoes............................ 2,459.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ 6,834.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 26,995.00 * *
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... 4,294.00 * * *
Onion................................ 4,448.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 3,765.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 40,262.00 * 262,041.16
Avocados............................ 6,565.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 28,956.00 * * *
Guavas............................... * * - -
Lemons............................... * * - -
Mangoes............................. 22,863.00 770.27 39,643.91 51.47
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 11,086.00 2,378.09 * *
Coffee................................. 51,552.00 31,436.53 209,887.00 6.68
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 5,669.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 2,164,473.00 156,051.74 175,886.49 10,090.15 0.07 0.08 *

Table 8.12 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in Yield
Holders Hectares Quintals (Qt/Hac)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 31,608.00 9,005.56 100,346.01
Cereals.......................... 30,102.00 6,614.01 75,113.28
Teff................................ 10,516.00 1,742.32 15,391.14 8.83
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 26,931.00 3,872.63 47,639.46 12.30
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 16,802.00 2,391.55 25,232.72
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... 16,577.00 2,324.57 24,750.44 10.65
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 8.13 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
South-West Shewa
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 335,147.00 384,002.78 9,966,718.61
Cereals.......................... 328,981.00 310,043.08 8,312,954.10
Teff................................ 247,141.00 193,678.11 4,221,488.90 21.80
Barley............................ 96,911.00 18,606.95 546,643.89 29.38
Wheat............................ 148,051.00 69,678.25 2,325,369.06 33.37
Maize............................. 225,182.00 26,229.61 1,165,801.24 44.45
Sorghum......................... 26,878.00 1,844.12 53,589.98 29.06
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 208,327.00 69,445.36 1,604,726.47
Faba beans..................... 166,072.00 27,444.85 665,740.67 24.26
Field peas....................... 39,456.00 7,094.24 133,812.65 18.86
White haricot beans..... . 12,226.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 8,595.00 496.81 * *
Red Chick-peas................ 66,928.00 22,187.87 533,528.46 24.05
White Chick-peas… 11,451.00 2,752.27 58,366.73 21.21
Lentils.............................. 3,952.00 * * *
Grass peas....................... 47,411.00 8,621.10 190,165.28 22.06
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 36,299.00 4,514.34 49,038.03
Neug.................................. 7,381.00 1,670.23 * *
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 22,965.00 298.90 4,509.37 15.09
Vegetables......................... 192,433.00 1,591.82 103,232.55
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 16,332.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 161,729.00 730.29 66,835.09 91.52
Tomatoes............................ * * - -
Green peppers.................... 81,834.00 194.71 8,981.88 46.13
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ 6,478.00 * * *
Root Crops......................... 126,295.00 1,574.55 72,833.14
Beetroot............................ 34,123.00 224.71 * *
Carrot............................... 15,617.00 * * *
Onion................................ 18,342.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 17,841.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 75,455.00 167.94 9,199.73 54.78
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 5,988.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 98,691.00 625.89 60,249.59
Avocados............................ 55,309.00 198.30 10,766.36 54.29
Bananas.............................. 42,733.00 183.88 34,831.29 189.42
Guavas............................... 3,345.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 14,076.00 39.53 * *
Mangoes............................. 25,622.00 76.85 * *
Oranges.............................. 16,162.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 16,042.00 31.84 * *
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 74,915.00 3,396.36 30,228.33 8.90
Coffee................................. 90,072.00 882.86 6,229.30 7.06
Hops................................... 105,883.00 618.59 9,954.36 16.09
Sugar Cane....................... 37,826.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 2,082,493.00 416,498.60 458,148.46 20,824.93 0.20 0.22 0.01

Table 8.14 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 143,587.00 140,197.48 3,536,095.89
Cereals.......................... 132,934.00 108,680.89 3,002,473.05
Teff................................ 33,640.00 * * *
Barley............................ 43,501.00 9,997.89 200,493.23 20.05
Wheat............................ 12,340.00 3,654.06 89,596.63 24.52
Maize............................. 102,932.00 57,360.75 2,138,320.30 37.28
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 74,045.00 31,467.39 533,144.04
Faba beans..................... 53,978.00 * * *
Field peas....................... 8,092.00 * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 21,017.00 3,968.17 64,670.12 16.30
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 4,713.00 49.20 478.80
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 4,423.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 31,579.00 * 82,685.44
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 25,828.00 566.12 50,257.71 88.78
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 18,529.00 * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 9,068.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 4,332.00 268.64 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 23,255.00 939.90 76,203.95
Avocados............................ 7,167.00 218.45 * *
Bananas.............................. 18,864.00 718.18 60,845.58 84.72
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 10,688.00 2,320.17 * *
Coffee................................. 70,048.00 21,731.82 116,650.35 5.37
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 5,487.00 581.48 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 9,016,929.00 2,073,893.67 2,344,401.54 180,338.58 0.23 0.26 0.02

Table 8.15 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2020/21 (2013 E.C) Meher Season
West Guji
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 170,325.00 27,169.55 710,273.37
Cereals.......................... 100,110.00 17,134.75 523,154.15
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ 6,228.00 * * *
Wheat............................ 6,234.00 * * *
Maize............................. 87,026.00 9,180.49 378,800.07 41.26
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 108,110.00 9,997.68 186,678.60
Faba beans..................... 28,124.00 * * *
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . 18,407.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 69,310.00 5,222.94 93,251.49 17.85
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 161,517.00 3,243.48 324,951.80
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 160,730.00 3,199.30 323,950.00 101.26
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... 5,891.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 41,632.00 1,572.99 341,554.57
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 7,246.00 * * *
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 24,476.00 * 274,343.24 *
Fruit Crops........................ 131,484.00 4,290.23 1,870,020.96
Avocados............................ 64,363.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 79,377.00 1,526.50 1,611,216.05 55.5
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. 347,308.00 72,580.34 458,249.12 6.31
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 36,829.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 53,439,952.00 12,291,188.96 13,894,387.52 534,399.52 0.23 0.26 0.01

Table 8.16 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Kelem Wellega
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 271,896.00 168,064.94 5,433,059.46
Cereals.......................... 270,717.00 147,670.48 5,089,042.54
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 254,201.00 65,320.72 2,985,884.25 45.71
Sorghum......................... 176,943.00 38,259.49 1,115,179.01 29.15
Finger millet................... 181,919.00 26,202.87 640,967.25 24.46
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 169,323.00 14,128.07 278,515.55
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 124,014.00 9,352.31 184,480.49 19.73
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 70,475.00 6,266.39 65,501.37
Neug.................................. 20,225.00 2,158.62 * *
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... 18,376.00 447.12 * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 185,778.00 * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * 46.09 4,706.64 102.12
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ 155,057.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 82,617.00 1,541.99 *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... 54,932.00 370.31 37,834.96 102.17
Sweet potatoes.................. 51,058.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 177,528.00 2,183.70 1,236,270.29
Avocados............................ 29,700.00 157.28 14,261.74 90.68
Bananas.............................. 111,424.00 1,196.64 1,134,058.45 947.7
Guavas............................... 10,083.00 24.72 519.31 21.01
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 78,145.00 426.31 38,290.43 89.82
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 73,774.00 274.89 40,895.81 148.77
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 60,179.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 239,116.00 45,641.77 293,891.73 6.44
Hops................................... 41,342.00 246.40 665.29 2.7
Sugar Cane....................... 21,520.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 57,455.00 13,214.65 14,938.30 574.55 0.23 0.26 0.01

Table 8.17 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Horo Guduru Wollega
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 168,565.00 299,018.93 8,488,010.07
Cereals.......................... 168,565.00 230,040.53 7,506,345.64
Teff................................ 124,096.00 96,015.06 1,889,497.31 19.68
Barley............................ 53,565.00 12,821.58 340,266.70 26.54
Wheat............................ 70,484.00 20,377.41 691,321.63 33.93
Maize............................. 164,324.00 91,197.86 4,304,691.63 47.20
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 117,155.00 24,512.47 461,371.66
Faba beans..................... 91,371.00 9,361.03 208,311.47 22.25
Field peas....................... 69,629.00 12,633.14 209,388.03 16.57
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 24,151.00 137.92 * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 81,752.00 44,465.93 520,292.78
Neug.................................. 71,011.00 42,658.32 484,794.12 11.36
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 26,059.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 63,877.00 518.13 22,930.69
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 19,705.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 11,712.00 84.94 * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 37,439.00 120.60 6,075.89 50.38
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 89,624.00 511.46 *
Beetroot............................ 26,041.00 34.95 * *
Carrot............................... 6,255.00 5.36 * *
Onion................................ 22,911.00 27.12 * *
Potatoes............................ 10,713.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 77,021.00 172.59 11,427.18 66.21
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 37,170.00 * 17,373.60
Avocados............................ 2,309.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 21,843.00 * * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 7,524.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 2,746.00 2.26 * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 14,669.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 25,613.00 * * *
Hops................................... 61,692.00 636.64 9,430.12 14.81
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 8.18 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
West Arsi
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 521,327.00 341,415.61 11,159,222.22
Cereals.......................... 489,267.00 302,284.66 10,352,170.50
Teff................................ 75,053.00 27,508.16 473,009.40 17.2
Barley............................ 210,306.00 72,263.15 2,216,367.61 30.67
Wheat............................ 156,080.00 132,859.80 4,642,444.24 34.94
Maize............................. 301,062.00 63,388.67 2,855,219.19 45.04
Sorghum......................... 18,534.00 * * *
Finger millet................... 42,247.00 3,980.24 * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 184,902.00 37,346.27 781,186.64
Faba beans..................... 50,568.00 7,137.31 173,040.43 24.24
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 131,570.00 27,495.04 548,920.82 19.96
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 15,589.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 10,741.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 228,578.00 6,939.13 627,687.46
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 16,666.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 207,966.00 4,397.76 450,622.43 102.47
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 22,938.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 156,786.00 21,238.60 606,359.57
Beetroot............................ 22,541.00 298.42 * *
Carrot............................... 16,288.00 * * *
Onion................................ 3,695.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 104,133.00 17,474.14 337,228.90 19.3
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 31,771.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 6,852.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 51,297.00 * *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 42,008.00 * * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 21,643,339.00 5,843,701.53 6,493,001.70 432,866.78 0.27 0.30 0.02

Table 8.19 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Buno Bedele
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 200,392.00 171,325.38 5,387,033.44
Cereals.......................... 199,004.00 151,659.07 5,023,786.08
Teff................................ 130,440.00 61,404.84 1,134,017.63 18.47
Barley............................ 20,341.00 1,877.48 * *
Wheat............................ 17,853.00 1,332.84 37,333.16 28.01
Maize............................. 185,935.00 72,104.42 3,388,225.64 46.99
Sorghum......................... 61,442.00 10,356.49 294,594.33 28.45
Finger millet................... 29,684.00 2,839.16 73,443.00 25.87
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. 10,320.00 1,728.20 * *
Pulses.............................. 113,845.00 10,808.05 219,553.58
Faba beans..................... 46,600.00 3,499.90 82,576.78 23.59
Field peas....................... 30,406.00 5,713.55 110,641.70 19.36
White haricot beans..... . 52,440.00 762.76 12,404.79 16.26
Red Haricot beans.......... 38,504.00 704.79 12,936.34 18.35
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 11,881.00 105.90 909.93 8.59
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 47,193.00 8,858.26 *
Neug.................................. 14,066.00 * 36,043.54 *
Linseed.............................. 4,592.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... 16,549.00 * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... 14,950.00 223.13 3,333.85 14.94
Vegetables......................... 129,298.00 4,192.24 103,925.90
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 33,676.00 82.64 7,795.47 94.33
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 43,496.00 125.55 10,805.99 86.07
Tomatoes............................ 4,051.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 74,781.00 533.17 27,151.83 50.93
Red peppers........................ 44,720.00 3,395.25 53,644.02 15.80
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 104,403.00 942.89 256,225.64
Beetroot............................ 29,349.00 33.74 2,112.57 62.61
Carrot............................... 3,855.00 * * *
Onion................................ 8,407.00 14.76 * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 29,975.00 57.21 * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 64,171.00 401.68 86,772.53 216.02
Sweet potatoes.................. 21,658.00 405.53 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 140,726.00 2,541.19 508,430.11
Avocados............................ 72,930.00 504.15 38,896.86 77.15
Bananas.............................. 102,874.00 1,742.12 447,771.35 257.03
Guavas............................... 11,035.00 20.61 * *
Lemons............................... 2,851.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 45,368.00 210.06 15,734.92 74.91
Oranges.............................. 9,341.00 20.05 * *
Papayas.............................. 20,123.00 38.20 4,188.79 109.65
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 103,737.00 6,780.99 62,461.15 9.21
Coffee................................. 139,628.00 42,080.83 255,760.33 6.08
Hops................................... 14,767.00 29.45 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 22,624.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 98,282.00 22,604.86 25,553.32 1,965.64 0.23 0.26 0.02

Table 8.20 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Finfinne Zuria Special Zone
Number of Area in Production in Yield
Holders Hectares Quintals (Qt/Hac)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 101,485.00 138,766.58 3,353,521.94
Cereals.......................... 97,911.00 107,277.24 2,732,687.46
Teff................................ 62,412.00 51,986.94 1,077,324.01 20.72
Barley............................ 36,070.00 23,992.29 689,647.18 28.74
Wheat............................ 59,543.00 28,736.69 874,294.91 30.42
Maize............................. 32,724.00 1,751.15 * *
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 60,836.00 30,971.95 615,956.04
Faba beans..................... 34,254.00 5,907.93 124,022.42 20.99
Field peas....................... 10,010.00 1,930.31 * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ 18,965.00 8,920.75 223,880.89 25.10
White Chick-peas 9,027.00 3,115.38 68,551.79 22.00
Lentils.............................. 10,590.00 * * *
Grass peas....................... 24,590.00 6,279.61 119,675.91 19.06
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 6,836.00 * *
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. 2,668.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 3,526.00 32.11 * *
Vegetables......................... 75,210.00 430.30 48,339.01
Lettuce............................... 3,193.00 * * *
Head Cabbage................... 2,177.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 68,579.00 368.05 44,548.69 121.04
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 9,600.00 5.54 288.58 52.09
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ 13,660.00 * 2,276.25 *
Root Crops......................... 63,155.00 * 137,552.04
Beetroot............................ 4,755.00 * * *
Carrot............................... 2,127.00 * * *
Onion................................ 3,266.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 15,975.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 48,903.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... * * - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 7,728.00 * *
Avocados............................ 4,087.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. * 1.56 * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 895.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 2,550.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 2,155.00 * * *
Hops................................... 32,990.00 221.29 3,995.84 18.06
Sugar Cane....................... 2,372.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 20,876.00 3,966.44 4,383.96 208.76 0.19 0.21 0.01

Table 8.21 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
East Bale
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 117,670.00 109,013.42 2,104,975.73
Cereals.......................... 116,878.00 99,634.04 1,999,323.64
Teff................................ 50,957.00 25,867.51 270,978.01 10.48
Barley............................ 16,321.00 4,058.58 75,504.99 18.60
Wheat............................ 46,815.00 40,967.49 997,983.93 24.36
Maize............................. 60,087.00 13,390.40 360,403.97 26.92
Sorghum......................... 32,137.00 10,847.78 218,576.87 20.15
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ 17,994.00 4,502.29 75,875.87 16.85
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 20,826.00 * *
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... 7,885.00 * 29,127.04 *
White haricot beans..... . 4,215.00 355.41 5,399.72 15.19
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 11,467.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 3,821.00 46.58 *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 1,951.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ 1,021.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 9,719.00 * *
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 1,189.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 17,394.00 542.47 95,657.54
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 6,082.00 76.96 63,943.49 830.87
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. 7,923.00 269.23 16,235.62 60.30
Oranges.............................. 5,538.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 32,925.00 12,820.85 119,876.87 9.35
Coffee................................. 6,941.00 * * *
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Somali Region
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 42,639.00 30,956.00 246,485.12
Cereals.......................... 42,639.00 30,659.00 246,485.12
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 26,607.00 10,419.00 102,511.34 9.84
Sorghum......................... 20,217.00 * 143,973.78 *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. * * *
Faba beans..................... - - -
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 1,300.00 * * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 1,166.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 248.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 2,352.00 485.00 *
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 2,148.00 464.00 * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 3,120.00 818.00 *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 987.00 * * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 1,633.00 192.00 1,007.46 5.24
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 3,346.00 1,412.00 8,437.48
Cereals.......................... 3,346.00 1,412.00 8,437.48
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 1,069.00 168.00 1,013.92 6.00
Sorghum......................... 2,476.00 * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... * * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ * * *
Green peppers.................... 248.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 553.00 * *
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ * * *
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * * - -
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 23,099.00 22,626.00 185,863.07
Cereals.......................... 23,099.00 22,610.00 185,863.07
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 11,040.00 4,326.00 54,086.93 12.50
Sorghum......................... 15,400.00 * 131,776.14 *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... * * * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22(2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 2.00 * *
Cereals.......................... 2.00 * *
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 2.00 * * *
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. - - -
Cereals.......................... - - -
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. - - - -
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.5 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. - - -
Cereals.......................... - - -
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. - - - -
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.6 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 14,131.00 6,521.00 50,208.91
Cereals.......................... 14,131.00 6,242.00 50,208.91
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 12,434.00 5,528.00 45,434.83 8.22
Sorghum......................... 2,341.00 713.00 4,774.09 6.69
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. * * *
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... * * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 495.00 * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 495.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ * * *
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.7 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. * * *
Cereals.......................... * * *
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. * * * *
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.8 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in Yield
Holders Hectares Quintals (Qt/Hac)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. - - -
Cereals.......................... - - -
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. - - - -
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ * * *
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. * * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.9 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. - - -
Cereals.......................... - - -
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. - - - -
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 9.10 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. - - -
Cereals.......................... - - -
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. - - - -
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -
Table 9.11 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. * * *
Cereals.......................... * * *
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. * * * *
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ - - -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. - - - -
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. - - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 10 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Benishangul-Gumuz Region
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 236,510.00 255,589.87 7,097,770.88
Cereals.......................... 232,562.00 178,857.41 5,698,681.84
Teff................................ 53,786.00 22,021.32 334,445.20 15.19
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ 10,905.00 * * *
Maize............................. 210,036.00 71,802.87 3,089,091.88 43.02
Sorghum......................... 79,085.00 39,742.10 * *
Finger millet................... 56,751.00 23,553.74 525,376.30 22.31
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. 19,393.00 * * *
Pulses.............................. 91,429.00 30,703.30 702,510.61
Faba beans..................... 16,685.00 733.64 13,271.73 18.09
Field peas....................... 11,579.00 812.44 12,211.37 15.03
White haricot beans..... . 7,343.00 774.73 * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 17,242.00 1,556.01 25,602.34 16.45
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 49,585.00 26,305.20 630,257.26 23.96
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 1,228.00 * * *
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 113,069.00 46,029.15 696,578.43
Neug.................................. 17,388.00 9,326.01 89,769.64 9.63
Linseed.............................. 8,478.00 380.36 2,452.82 6.45
Groundnuts....................... 84,372.00 28,898.73 554,054.95 19.17
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. 22,982.00 7,246.38 48,931.88 6.75
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 41,085.00 2,523.69 32,165.28
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 2,581.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 12,296.00 73.46 3,070.29 41.80
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... * 11.36 257.00 22.62
Red peppers........................ 22,625.00 2,410.09 26,958.72 11.19
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 48,064.00 1,372.72 349,799.97
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 4,011.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 5,771.00 27.02 29,933.27 107.82
Sweet potatoes.................. 20,163.00 437.17 175,551.76 401.56
Fruit Crops........................ 129,572.00 2,376.28 379,728.21
Avocados............................ 6,518.00 * - -
Bananas.............................. 43,596.00 557.75 280,978.34 503.77
Guavas............................... 20,081.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 11,337.00 28.74 923.04 32.12
Mangoes............................. 102,498.00 1,440.27 86,389.95 59.98
Oranges.............................. 21,213.00 162.43 5,495.99 33.84
Papayas.............................. 36,102.00 76.25 5,940.89 77.91
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 9,512.00 723.60 4,813.81 6.65
Coffee................................. 24,067.00 729.51 3,909.48 5.36
Hops................................... 14,416.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 1,376.00 18.80 3,550.21 188.84
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *
Remark: In this region, the survey was not secsessful due to security problems, so that the estimates of the last year meher season were taken
as proxy estimates of the current year.

Table 10.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 138,622.00 155,962.51 4,220,555.17
Cereals.......................... 136,109.00 103,736.66 3,158,057.49
Teff................................ 39,686.00 17,091.73 263,817.00 15.44
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 129,843.00 38,973.71 1,699,528.25 43.61
Sorghum......................... 10,234.00 * * *
Finger millet................... 49,193.00 21,893.81 495,721.87 22.64
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. 19,393.00 * * *
Pulses.............................. 62,286.00 22,873.59 544,449.44
Faba beans..................... 16,172.00 697.73 12,647.66 18.13
Field peas....................... * 810.90 12,196.43 15.04
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... 3,786.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 39,747.00 20,852.93 511,047.10 24.51
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 74,307.00 29,352.26 518,048.24
Neug.................................. 4,806.00 2,259.88 21,787.51 9.64
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... 65,544.00 24,355.25 476,482.66 19.56
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. 10,707.00 2,498.80 18,098.45 7.24
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 26,080.00 * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 9,260.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ 13,483.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 27,163.00 * 167,751.91
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 5,551.00 37.83 27,336.53 722.62
Fruit Crops........................ 69,144.00 1,493.10 240,699.94
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 16,301.00 * * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 61,389.00 932.82 63,146.16 67.69
Oranges.............................. 7,711.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 23,341.00 40.21 3,012.07 74.91
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 1,600.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 13,007.00 * * *
Hops................................... 11,190.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 10.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 60,810.00 55,792.65 1,441,840.37
Cereals.......................... 60,086.00 40,597.58 *
Teff................................ 10,108.00 4,043.10 61,264.60 15.15
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 47,887.00 8,351.83 351,961.68 42.14
Sorghum......................... 46,230.00 26,946.59 * *
Finger millet................... 4,225.00 * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 20,448.00 5,925.39 120,297.01
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . 5,117.00 475.67 * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 7,722.00 441.37 * *
Red Chick-peas................ 470.00 * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 9,002.00 4,587.26 99,238.95 21.63
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 1,195.00 * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 24,631.00 * 92,256.90
Neug.................................. 8,263.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. 3,796.00 146.56 902.38 6.16
Groundnuts....................... 13,253.00 1,332.87 23,656.39 17.75
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 6,404.00 * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 12,536.00 1,602.32 17,122.87
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 858.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 1,142.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 8,607.00 1,548.87 14,714.29 9.50
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 12,056.00 461.98 119,474.61
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 805.00 * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 9,579.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 41,192.00 544.39 83,448.67
Avocados............................ 3,475.00 7.37 * *
Bananas.............................. 17,543.00 110.75 62,222.77 561.83
Guavas............................... 9,778.00 12.23 * *
Lemons............................... 6,284.00 20.53 678.62 33.06
Mangoes............................. 29,537.00 345.80 17,723.66 51.25
Oranges.............................. 8,634.00 24.29 937.84 38.61
Papayas.............................. 9,333.00 23.43 1,885.78 80.49
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 4,001.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 5,555.00 33.04 148.69 4.5
Hops................................... 3,037.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 10.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 24,519.00 34,444.08 1,194,146.37
Cereals.......................... 23,892.00 27,743.84 1,102,964.94
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 20,964.00 * * *
Sorghum......................... 13,980.00 5,915.10 175,251.01 29.63
Finger millet................... 779.00 * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 4,036.00 * *
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 6,621.00 5,458.22 *
Neug.................................. 482.00 * * *
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 2,048.00 * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. 4,456.00 2,717.39 17,702.85 6.51
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 723.00 * *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 3,624.00 15.75 12,927.56
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 1,910.00 11.89 9,531.38 801.63
Fruit Crops........................ 10,257.00 186.24 15,662.82
Avocados............................ 1,135.00 * * *
Bananas.............................. 3,548.00 16.15 12,517.37 775.07
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 751.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 7,805.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 1,667.00 16.64 647.27 38.9
Papayas.............................. 1,802.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 10.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Mao Komo
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 12,558.00 9,390.63 241,228.98
Cereals.......................... 12,475.00 6,779.33 208,372.94
Teff................................ 3,697.00 877.99 9,246.42 10.53
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ 1,956.00 494.02 13,886.21 28.11
Maize............................. 11,342.00 2,746.00 112,012.30 40.79
Sorghum......................... 8,642.00 2,330.36 66,429.99 28.51
Finger millet................... 2,555.00 314.96 6,523.02 20.71
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 4,659.00 662.30 11,105.60
Faba beans..................... 401.00 33.52 579.09 17.28
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . 359.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 3,860.00 479.94 8,096.36 16.87
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 7,510.00 1,949.00 21,750.43
Neug.................................. 3,837.00 1,136.00 12,352.45 10.87
Linseed.............................. 3,121.00 158.83 1,016.26 6.40
Groundnuts....................... 3,527.00 491.13 7,368.19 15.00
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 1,415.00 161.27 985.47 6.11
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 1,746.00 19.90 1,022.87
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 156.00 0.48 49.14 102.38
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 1,040.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ 168.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ 427.00 2.49 42.79 17.18
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 5,221.00 105.37 49,645.89
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 821.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 2,097.00 18.61 17,544.59 942.75
Sweet potatoes.................. 3,122.00 45.97 29,044.60 631.82
Fruit Crops........................ 8,979.00 152.54 39,916.78
Avocados............................ 1,008.00 1.46 * *
Bananas.............................. 6,204.00 55.84 34,819.75 623.56
Guavas............................... 390.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 511.00 0.77 32.24 41.87
Mangoes............................. 3,767.00 61.67 3,490.53 56.6
Oranges.............................. 3,201.00 23.86 925.78 38.8
Papayas.............................. 1,626.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 3,912.00 560.29 3,681.69 6.57
Coffee................................. 4,634.00 561.52 3,329.94 5.93
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... * * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 11 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
S.N.N.P. Region
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 3,403,975.00 1,102,915.09 29,172,249.97
Cereals.......................... 2,970,545.00 867,313.53 25,265,262.69
Teff................................ 949,009.00 211,639.30 3,288,402.28 15.54
Barley............................ 735,196.00 70,837.95 1,664,421.65 23.5
Wheat............................ 644,319.00 142,738.62 4,092,661.09 28.67
Maize............................. 1,935,720.00 348,216.59 13,893,621.56 39.9
Sorghum......................... 669,748.00 79,129.69 1,976,169.57 24.97
Finger millet................... 75,741.00 9,157.31 215,679.19 23.55
Oats/'Aja'........................ 9,320.00 98.41 1,437.26 14.6
Rice................................. 23,573.00 5,495.66 132,870.09 24.18
Pulses.............................. 2,244,442.00 231,597.34 3,869,797.81
Faba beans..................... 1,102,827.00 77,818.06 1,548,091.48 19.89
Field peas....................... 535,927.00 51,926.74 834,497.79 16.07
White haricot beans..... . 103,801.00 2,865.34 42,118.95 14.7
Red Haricot beans.......... 1,141,096.00 94,801.31 1,389,920.24 14.66
Red Chick-peas................ 10,582.00 936.47 19,180.18 20.48
White Chick-peas 7,786.00 747.27 9,100.18 12.18
Lentils.............................. 13,469.00 437.50 3,159.26 7.22
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... 14,633.00 631.02 10,086.05 15.98
Fenugreek........................ 26,402.00 247.47 1,838.64 7.43
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 11,344.00 1,179.53 11,805.04 10.01
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 103,694.00 4,004.21 37,189.47
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. 35,576.00 665.79 4,830.84 7.26
Groundnuts....................... 14,718.00 1,155.47 16,763.48 14.51
Safflower........................... 13,099.00 505.46 6,912.54 13.68
Sesame.............................. 5,133.00 * * *
Rape seed.......................... 34,675.00 255.71 1,511.94 5.91
Vegetables......................... 2,384,145.00 42,117.23 2,656,488.95
Lettuce............................... 7,532.00 * * *
Head Cabbage................... 114,870.00 2,173.08 63,961.64 29.43
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 2,161,717.00 23,128.83 2,239,314.69 96.82
Tomatoes............................ 58,798.00 342.52 * *
Green peppers.................... 302,249.00 1,539.20 91,039.51 59.15
Red peppers........................ 226,600.00 14,804.46 254,259.61 17.17
Swiss chard........................ 30,063.00 102.94 - -
Root Crops......................... 2,461,203.00 85,992.57 21,172,459.65
Beetroot............................ 102,993.00 502.71 26,410.38 52.54
Carrot............................... 96,725.00 681.68 * *
Onion................................ 140,937.00 1,490.67 131,178.95 88
Potatoes............................ 306,496.00 18,362.88 4,219,644.83 229.79
Yam/'Boye'........................ 286,229.00 3,377.70 291,016.24 86.16
Garlic............................... 193,094.00 947.61 64,928.22 68.52
Taro/'Godere'................... 1,762,018.00 45,332.33 12,701,174.46 280.18
Sweet potatoes.................. 601,445.00 15,296.99 3,722,237.30 243.33
Fruit Crops........................ 2,572,308.00 62,814.20 5,944,542.60
Avocados............................ 1,546,419.00 14,790.07 1,005,797.64 68
Bananas.............................. 1,737,481.00 37,087.83 4,043,268.99 109.02
Guavas............................... 49,619.00 252.37 172.48 0.68
Lemons............................... 108,618.00 374.33 15,193.97 40.59
Mangoes............................. 693,432.00 7,520.90 557,527.62 74.13
Oranges.............................. 209,946.00 930.85 56,372.69 60.56
Papayas.............................. 393,762.00 1,684.96 264,830.80 157.17
Pineapples.......................... 27,622.00 172.87 * *
Chat.................................... 708,212.00 22,213.18 208,437.07 9.38
Coffee................................. 2,727,378.00 145,769.77 1,327,721.21 9.11
Hops................................... 308,364.00 3,478.63 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 713,255.00 8,242.27 3,763,641.29 456.63
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 73,623,923.00 19,878,459.21 22,087,176.90 736,239.23 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 306,529.00 111,818.79 3,411,421.15
Cereals.......................... 290,546.00 101,266.43 3,167,873.60
Teff................................ 72,396.00 24,187.52 423,484.97 17.51
Barley............................ 126,497.00 17,674.01 490,554.74 27.76
Wheat............................ 88,530.00 26,150.93 807,250.33 30.87
Maize............................. 161,727.00 31,863.56 1,405,129.51 44.10
Sorghum......................... 18,213.00 1,355.02 40,844.00 30.14
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 137,501.00 10,429.30 242,493.46
Faba beans..................... 108,873.00 5,079.43 125,117.07 24.63
Field peas....................... 28,678.00 * 81,812.74 *
White haricot beans..... . 12,010.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 17,742.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 16,594.00 * 1,054.08
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 3,434.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 13,159.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 254,822.00 4,520.03 316,257.50
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 19,494.00 46.10 * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 235,620.00 3,104.30 287,037.23 92.46
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 29,984.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 12,804.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ 14,120.00 * * *
Root Crops......................... 129,526.00 * *
Beetroot............................ 12,493.00 * * *
Carrot............................... 29,699.00 * * *
Onion................................ 6,382.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 10,880.00 * * *
Garlic............................... 43,661.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 50,001.00 422.00 118,044.36 279.73
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 183,340.00 1,899.38 133,995.93
Avocados............................ 146,656.00 830.71 50,327.69 60.58
Bananas.............................. 64,593.00 584.58 * *
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 8,365.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 40,004.00 164.10 8,646.90 52.69
Oranges.............................. 48,179.00 240.88 * *
Papayas.............................. 21,723.00 59.10 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 166,479.00 7,881.43 73,408.82 9.31
Coffee................................. 193,436.00 4,079.19 33,952.29 8.32
Hops................................... 105,443.00 1,847.17 11,027.23 5.97
Sugar Cane....................... 28,341.00 107.82 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 8,570,865.00 2,314,133.55 2,571,259.50 85,708.65 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 354,096.00 131,784.72 3,566,682.23
Cereals.......................... 341,452.00 115,689.14 3,222,845.28
Teff................................ 154,127.00 38,967.95 625,461.51 16.05
Barley............................ 98,020.00 7,285.36 173,905.86 23.87
Wheat............................ 162,236.00 36,515.33 1,084,733.24 29.71
Maize............................. 248,061.00 27,421.29 1,190,129.53 43.40
Sorghum......................... 80,209.00 4,697.23 129,786.99 27.63
Finger millet................... 11,949.00 * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 199,538.00 16,039.00 343,443.87
Faba beans..................... 132,287.00 10,301.45 241,593.96 23.45
Field peas....................... 34,411.00 1,575.64 35,850.39 22.75
White haricot beans..... . 8,979.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 60,557.00 4,073.05 64,597.02 15.86
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 5,806.00 56.57 393.08
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 278,478.00 3,359.04 221,101.34
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 23,065.00 241.14 * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 264,056.00 2,482.11 191,273.98 77.06
Tomatoes............................ 16,798.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 32,331.00 140.26 7,997.43 57.02
Red peppers........................ 7,988.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 140,737.00 1,681.20 430,394.09
Beetroot............................ 35,381.00 122.72 * *
Carrot............................... 17,688.00 * * *
Onion................................ 18,021.00 10.70 * *
Potatoes............................ 19,875.00 568.80 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 14,975.00 * * *
Garlic............................... 6,441.00 6.01 * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 62,418.00 817.32 223,663.54 273.65
Sweet potatoes.................. 7,427.00 27.05 5,199.50 192.22
Fruit Crops........................ 218,683.00 2,759.03 197,763.30
Avocados............................ 141,728.00 816.27 48,877.12 59.88
Bananas.............................. 146,910.00 1,675.92 132,378.10 78.99
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 7,439.00 6.92 * *
Mangoes............................. 43,058.00 170.52 11,010.57 64.57
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 22,855.00 61.96 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 98,312.00 2,790.43 27,970.15 10.02
Coffee................................. 189,202.00 4,503.70 32,716.93 7.26
Hops................................... 35,011.00 179.73 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 56,256.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 5,048,858.00 1,312,703.08 1,464,168.82 50,488.58 0.26 0.29 0.01

Table 11.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Kembata - Tembaro
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 121,709.00 38,416.45 952,011.11
Cereals.......................... 112,971.00 33,069.92 850,872.74
Teff................................ 58,947.00 11,378.15 181,571.32 15.96
Barley............................ 23,597.00 1,898.87 42,358.71 22.31
Wheat............................ 51,297.00 13,096.20 376,862.62 28.78
Maize............................. 66,965.00 5,123.73 211,328.84 41.25
Sorghum......................... 21,853.00 1,007.20 25,824.16 25.64
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 73,068.00 5,332.27 101,055.70
Faba beans..................... 54,288.00 3,592.58 72,666.93 20.23
Field peas....................... 14,591.00 584.96 10,133.13 17.32
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 22,379.00 1,097.03 17,620.35 16.06
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 2,474.00 23.31 381.80 16.38
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 1,257.00 * *
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 91,158.00 1,309.59 88,852.07
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 4,236.00 100.39 * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 86,636.00 923.57 83,620.01 90.54
Tomatoes............................ 3,296.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 7,904.00 * 2,748.14 *
Red peppers........................ 6,370.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 83,382.00 3,219.85 587,318.79
Beetroot............................ 4,349.00 68.33 * *
Carrot............................... 9,674.00 199.80 * *
Onion................................ 3,038.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 20,502.00 1,334.93 184,609.43 138.29
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 4,375.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 58,470.00 1,473.81 370,206.35 251.19
Sweet potatoes.................. 9,636.00 112.70 26,649.63 236.47
Fruit Crops........................ 95,561.00 2,482.20 241,992.58
Avocados............................ 63,773.00 579.97 37,109.51 63.99
Bananas.............................. 78,524.00 1,604.10 185,153.06 115.42
Guavas............................... 1,377.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 4,518.00 15.33 * *
Mangoes............................. 35,403.00 237.28 17,801.99 75.03
Oranges.............................. 6,438.00 25.77 * *
Papayas.............................. 9,224.00 16.17 1,864.68 115.32
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 10,969.00 546.92 * *
Coffee................................. 101,686.00 2,655.30 18,652.99 7.02
Hops................................... 13,660.00 68.36 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 29,273.00 395.41 183,913.06 465.12
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,195,069.00 262,915.18 298,767.25 11,950.69 0.22 0.25 0.01

Table 11.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 154,409.00 14,933.60 353,610.97
Cereals.......................... 102,807.00 8,076.52 233,563.22
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ 56,932.00 6,087.45 152,830.00 25.11
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 58,301.00 1,826.67 77,365.06 42.35
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 103,073.00 6,817.50 119,757.41
Faba beans..................... 63,172.00 2,735.54 55,399.40 20.25
Field peas....................... 19,871.00 * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 31,399.00 1,333.97 * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 178,303.00 3,826.03 396,258.34
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 3,324.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 167,316.00 3,683.20 388,594.68 105.50
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 28,252.00 102.32 6,625.39 64.75
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 162,032.00 3,206.39 593,107.15
Beetroot............................ 5,446.00 * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 41,287.00 296.64 25,630.87 86.40
Garlic............................... 10,784.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 79,654.00 1,490.41 298,096.47 200.01
Sweet potatoes.................. 26,816.00 252.10 39,296.48 155.88
Fruit Crops........................ 165,952.00 3,395.77 321,373.83
Avocados............................ 101,458.00 1,241.70 76,876.07 61.91
Bananas.............................. 92,551.00 2,090.66 240,051.12 114.82
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. 12,427.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. - - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. 388,980.00 38,051.02 357,477.35 9.39
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 24,786.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 16,086,817.00 16,086,817.30 16,086,817.33 16,086,817.02 0.30 0.33 0.02

Table 11.5 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 291,497.00 73,072.60 1,685,415.12
Cereals.......................... 242,737.00 48,168.13 1,344,034.79
Teff................................ 102,642.00 22,685.88 371,884.77 16.39
Barley............................ 9,290.00 366.18 7,874.59 21.50
Wheat............................ 21,503.00 955.14 26,505.80 27.75
Maize............................. 189,443.00 23,765.16 929,128.97 39.10
Sorghum......................... 15,793.00 395.76 8,640.67 21.83
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 247,363.00 24,827.11 340,603.97
Faba beans..................... 57,507.00 1,979.52 35,469.24 17.92
Field peas....................... 56,667.00 1,467.16 22,002.83 15.00
White haricot beans..... . 3,230.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 206,639.00 20,767.97 273,325.49 13.16
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas 2,379.00 * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 2,792.00 * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 162,931.00 1,235.62 85,848.24
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 140,873.00 712.32 65,068.87 91.35
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 44,692.00 282.02 16,742.22 59.37
Red peppers........................ 16,100.00 229.10 * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 272,727.00 14,861.48 4,161,217.12
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... 2,987.00 * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 18,807.00 689.29 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 47,702.00 629.83 * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 234,367.00 9,252.18 2,409,244.35 260.40
Sweet potatoes.................. 169,723.00 4,243.33 1,446,840.91 340.97
Fruit Crops........................ 277,253.00 11,463.72 1,008,607.63
Avocados............................ 175,860.00 1,820.05 126,969.22 69.76
Bananas.............................. 237,366.00 7,057.48 680,163.31 96.37
Guavas............................... 7,882.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 11,769.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 117,998.00 2,127.83 153,292.29 72.04
Oranges.............................. 9,435.00 39.69 * *
Papayas.............................. 42,501.00 224.59 43,683.56 194.50
Pineapples.......................... 3,890.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 8,184.00 38.68 * *
Coffee................................. 251,041.00 5,370.85 35,668.12 6.64
Hops................................... 13,110.00 55.10 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 92,042.00 1,056.76 579,127.87 548.02
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,415,020.00 212,253.00 240,553.40 14,150.20 0.15 0.17 0.01

Table 11.6 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
South Omo
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 180,213.00 62,183.53 1,795,656.50
Cereals.......................... 160,172.00 48,598.01 1,613,319.45
Teff................................ 10,532.00 * * *
Barley............................ 12,462.00 1,001.30 23,199.75 23.17
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 136,970.00 33,627.36 1,273,623.42 37.87
Sorghum......................... 57,383.00 10,787.66 261,954.02 24.28
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 126,370.00 12,763.45 170,874.81
Faba beans..................... 30,350.00 2,263.42 41,639.30 18.40
Field peas....................... 14,595.00 * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 96,784.00 9,700.55 120,354.22 12.41
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 18,315.00 822.06 11,462.24
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... 4,674.00 302.89 4,490.75 14.83
Safflower........................... 12,383.00 504.32 6,899.14 13.68
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 62,560.00 597.11 58,288.56
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 50,264.00 488.41 51,514.74 105.47
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 130,410.00 3,848.03 895,168.65
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 10,725.00 441.79 40,637.32 91.98
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 93,543.00 2,055.92 627,753.50 305.34
Sweet potatoes.................. 43,067.00 1,039.05 187,588.16 180.54
Fruit Crops........................ 147,153.00 4,248.00 432,664.04
Avocados............................ 69,432.00 686.75 55,587.06 80.94
Bananas.............................. 113,911.00 2,777.54 300,911.93 108.34
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... * 4.76 * *
Mangoes............................. 44,637.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 3,609.00 2.81 * *
Papayas.............................. 37,183.00 145.78 * *
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 10,275.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 126,682.00 5,528.29 27,179.30 4.92
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 51,965.00 638.39 202,499.37 317.20
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,127,054.00 326,845.66 360,657.28 22,541.08 0.29 0.32 0.02

Table 11.7 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 81,571.00 16,880.31 329,636.11
Cereals.......................... 66,480.00 13,410.82 270,576.43
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 6,930.00 * * *
Sorghum......................... 55,752.00 9,896.75 182,313.35 18.42
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. 8,663.00 2,377.71 59,034.59 24.83
Pulses.............................. 27,706.00 3,469.49 59,059.67
Faba beans..................... 9,575.00 * * *
Field peas....................... 9,466.00 1,942.32 32,543.64 16.76
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 15,030.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 60,501.00 622.82 54,764.47
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 53,763.00 414.20 43,507.65 105.04
Tomatoes............................ * * - -
Green peppers.................... 7,917.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 6,259.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 103,699.00 1,547.86 338,866.08
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 9,628.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 14,514.00 * * *
Garlic............................... 12,146.00 17.76 1,548.31 87.18
Taro/'Godere'................... 87,658.00 1,101.70 292,627.12 265.61
Sweet potatoes.................. 3,042.00 7.45 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 116,997.00 2,056.34 263,104.03
Avocados............................ 85,660.00 933.05 111,629.80 119.64
Bananas.............................. 75,226.00 883.53 122,034.70 138.12
Guavas............................... 2,703.00 3.61 35.59 9.86
Lemons............................... 5,696.00 5.11 * *
Mangoes............................. 31,938.00 119.52 11,580.71 96.89
Oranges.............................. 18,671.00 48.43 4,516.16 93.25
Papayas.............................. 35,684.00 63.08 13,307.07 210.96
Pineapples.......................... 1,818.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 4,523.00 12.80 * *
Coffee................................. 114,582.00 28,019.39 296,343.42 10.58
Hops................................... 9,782.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 37,807.00 614.02 292,030.62 475.60
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 12,824,347.00 3,462,573.69 3,847,304.10 128,243.47 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.8 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C)) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 433,957.00 147,178.31 3,772,083.92
Cereals.......................... 324,610.00 90,679.82 2,781,567.47
Teff................................ 162,846.00 23,909.44 385,426.17 16.12
Barley............................ 54,067.00 6,009.58 151,400.18 25.19
Wheat............................ 10,930.00 7,301.95 217,523.43 29.79
Maize............................. 151,338.00 35,713.79 * *
Sorghum......................... 110,162.00 14,403.86 381,239.64 26.47
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 335,041.00 56,320.89 989,301.54
Faba beans..................... 202,524.00 22,553.68 453,808.65 20.12
Field peas....................... 125,544.00 24,436.78 386,314.73 15.81
White haricot beans..... . 34,485.00 479.12 9,028.96 18.84
Red Haricot beans.......... 142,551.00 8,591.19 136,009.19 15.83
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 9,626.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 382,356.00 6,036.17 315,656.96
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 6,704.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 338,447.00 2,307.48 230,598.03 99.94
Tomatoes............................ 5,889.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 88,796.00 307.57 21,156.16 68.78
Red peppers........................ 37,194.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 410,058.00 10,420.19 2,570,359.43
Beetroot............................ 12,420.00 * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 20,797.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 16,353.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 43,411.00 119.72 12,218.59 102.06
Garlic............................... 38,080.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 369,423.00 6,635.14 2,032,709.83 306.36
Sweet potatoes.................. 31,811.00 223.07 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 383,995.00 8,262.74 660,191.37
Avocados............................ 294,859.00 3,544.37 169,090.04 47.71
Bananas.............................. 232,894.00 3,671.16 399,597.09 108.85
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 9,736.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 46,654.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 20,780.00 109.99 * *
Papayas.............................. 54,413.00 502.04 * *
Pineapples.......................... 7,485.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 72,210.00 1,007.52 9,059.31 8.99
Coffee................................. 412,106.00 27,232.80 205,098.77 7.53
Hops................................... 36,825.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 145,316.00 703.30 343,062.14 487.79
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 16,882,208.00 4,895,840.32 5,402,306.56 337,644.16 0.29 0.32 0.02

Table 11.9 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 360,061.00 90,743.62 1,843,570.17
Cereals.......................... 332,378.00 71,060.59 1,591,807.19
Teff................................ 54,877.00 11,117.59 133,484.50 12.01
Barley............................ 169,365.00 13,671.13 232,104.69 16.98
Wheat............................ 128,219.00 15,785.54 299,732.97 18.99
Maize............................. 147,255.00 27,677.57 879,627.93 31.78
Sorghum......................... 28,070.00 2,036.48 39,829.45 19.56
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 262,712.00 18,184.39 237,697.42
Faba beans..................... 130,250.00 3,987.10 54,561.91 13.68
Field peas....................... 76,468.00 1,658.67 19,050.25 11.49
White haricot beans..... . 2,626.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 138,546.00 11,757.06 156,891.37 13.34
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 14,377.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 14,876.00 * *
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. 6,158.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 178,044.00 1,562.31 156,284.54
Lettuce............................... * * * *
Head Cabbage................... 17,849.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 163,870.00 1,304.81 142,871.91 109.50
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 7,606.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 12,237.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 308,965.00 17,664.97 4,384,667.44
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 45,508.00 235.20 * *
Potatoes............................ 138,525.00 7,272.96 2,222,358.85 305.56
Yam/'Boye'........................ 43,212.00 641.02 70,931.88 110.65
Garlic............................... 28,413.00 80.72 6,478.88 80.26
Taro/'Godere'................... 152,442.00 3,034.81 815,068.96 268.57
Sweet potatoes.................. 166,598.00 6,372.16 1,247,381.25 195.75
Fruit Crops........................ 176,571.00 9,014.96 841,506.37
Avocados............................ 75,967.00 717.30 64,393.77 89.77
Bananas.............................. 141,584.00 6,503.19 628,064.16 96.58
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 15,532.00 45.68 * *
Mangoes............................. 89,384.00 1,410.63 112,953.92 80.07
Oranges.............................. 23,103.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 34,078.00 105.84 18,701.23 176.69
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 7,203.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 162,714.00 2,128.89 15,227.57 7.15
Hops................................... 24,039.00 43.85 266.35 6.07
Sugar Cane....................... 45,187.00 336.49 92,935.58 276.19
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,386,758.00 388,292.24 443,762.56 27,735.16 0.28 0.32 0.02

Table 11.10 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Bench - Maji
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 177,466.00 48,345.63 1,413,423.63
Cereals.......................... 144,961.00 38,170.49 1,236,520.32
Teff................................ 32,016.00 * * *
Barley............................ 8,618.00 864.06 * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 106,074.00 18,928.54 829,998.26 43.85
Sorghum......................... 34,323.00 5,757.74 161,384.85 28.03
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 114,790.00 10,060.83 176,278.25
Faba beans..................... 24,146.00 2,838.97 55,035.13 19.39
Field peas....................... 22,230.00 2,921.61 43,176.54 14.78
White haricot beans..... . 10,592.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 78,100.00 4,164.01 75,336.34 18.09
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 181,922.00 3,042.29 170,537.54
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 164,681.00 1,488.47 159,006.34 106.83
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 13,397.00 32.43 * *
Red peppers........................ 13,690.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 259,133.00 8,338.47 2,627,311.40
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 3,591.00 * - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ 17,393.00 93.76 * *
Garlic............................... 5,003.00 8.68 * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 248,966.00 7,877.80 2,546,596.21 323.26
Sweet potatoes.................. 14,034.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 230,010.00 5,918.30 541,080.61
Avocados............................ 95,991.00 979.70 54,273.90 55.40
Bananas.............................. 196,382.00 4,432.34 438,348.98 98.90
Guavas............................... 1,902.00 * * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 23,257.00 307.51 * *
Oranges.............................. 4,699.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 42,798.00 141.57 25,990.67 183.59
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 42,243.00 843.30 9,569.90 11.35
Coffee................................. 240,246.00 17,951.19 209,413.07 11.67
Hops................................... 32,966.00 291.39 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 56,565.00 1,644.48 732,165.83 445.23
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 990,429.00 267,415.83 297,128.70 9,904.29 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.11 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Yem Special Woreda
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 30,563.00 23,082.24 570,975.90
Cereals.......................... 30,223.00 19,129.30 505,769.35
Teff................................ 23,352.00 8,117.06 125,553.98 15.47
Barley............................ 11,316.00 1,185.51 28,491.56 24.03
Wheat............................ 13,979.00 3,192.67 90,536.27 28.36
Maize............................. 28,068.00 5,473.29 230,759.03 42.16
Sorghum......................... 7,199.00 1,160.60 30,425.84 26.22
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 25,023.00 3,902.19 64,891.89
Faba beans..................... 19,273.00 2,205.46 40,486.32 18.36
Field peas....................... 8,139.00 1,375.60 19,946.46 14.50
White haricot beans..... . 4,863.00 35.74 565.89 15.83
Red Haricot beans.......... 5,532.00 * 2,854.19 *
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 1,827.00 89.11 * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 3,670.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 3,150.00 50.75 *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 553.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 2,733.00 * 95.54 *
Vegetables......................... 25,050.00 274.28 17,283.22
Lettuce............................... 468.00 * * *
Head Cabbage................... 2,533.00 8.62 618.38 71.74
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 23,481.00 137.36 13,785.57 100.36
Tomatoes............................ 911.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 5,295.00 5.24 367.99 70.23
Red peppers........................ 2,050.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ 1,228.00 1.38 * *
Root Crops......................... 23,545.00 566.50 95,158.78
Beetroot............................ 4,303.00 10.75 * *
Carrot............................... 1,896.00 * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 2,809.00 127.60 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 7,757.00 10.04 901.73 89.81
Taro/'Godere'................... 15,385.00 249.17 52,358.57 210.13
Sweet potatoes.................. 7,815.00 159.91 41,866.62 261.81
Fruit Crops........................ 24,348.00 336.03 33,175.47
Avocados............................ 21,056.00 155.99 16,424.50 105.29
Bananas.............................. 12,957.00 153.92 15,260.40 99.15
Guavas............................... 2,417.00 2.86 28.84 10.08
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 4,115.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 3,336.00 5.13 484.15 94.38
Papayas.............................. 1,033.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... 603.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 16,056.00 352.96 3,693.11 10.46
Coffee................................. 20,530.00 242.40 2,242.62 9.25
Hops................................... 5,153.00 11.37 67.61 5.95
Sugar Cane....................... 13,190.00 115.51 52,678.83 456.05
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 380,432.00 98,912.32 110,325.28 3,804.32 0.26 0.29 0.01

Table 11.12 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 160,755.00 42,391.69 910,152.30
Cereals.......................... 118,517.00 27,391.42 646,752.82
Teff................................ 73,289.00 13,392.01 202,703.67 15.14
Barley............................ 10,216.00 849.52 14,265.71 16.79
Wheat............................ 4,404.00 281.47 7,821.34 27.79
Maize............................. 54,886.00 6,448.81 256,690.09 39.80
Sorghum......................... 32,455.00 5,946.17 154,235.67 25.94
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ * * * *
Rice................................. * * * *
Pulses.............................. 115,766.00 14,848.32 261,902.29
Faba beans..................... 67,380.00 7,349.21 148,124.76 20.16
Field peas....................... 30,979.00 2,756.75 46,378.37 16.82
White haricot beans..... . 3,524.00 200.93 2,959.78 14.73
Red Haricot beans.......... 46,079.00 4,489.71 63,749.99 14.20
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas............. - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... 1,906.00 * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 8,398.00 151.96 1,497.19
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 5,188.00 55.23 376.67 6.82
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 110,409.00 1,098.06 98,699.80
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 102,156.00 948.28 96,446.34 101.71
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 2,963.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 11,445.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 137,787.00 6,983.09 1,964,703.03
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 4,190.00 * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 13,572.00 117.40 8,598.49 73.24
Garlic............................... 4,557.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 119,587.00 5,830.96 1,739,825.31 298.38
Sweet potatoes.................. 33,917.00 891.89 164,691.35 184.65
Fruit Crops........................ 157,986.00 3,927.54 410,247.87
Avocados............................ 96,272.00 876.79 78,303.39 89.31
Bananas.............................. 121,365.00 2,142.97 258,477.57 120.62
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 8,911.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 54,053.00 704.54 49,498.55 70.26
Oranges.............................. 14,716.00 44.52 3,643.65 81.84
Papayas.............................. 24,701.00 71.93 15,168.42 210.88
Pineapples.......................... 1,232.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 9,302.00 66.94 623.80 9.32
Coffee................................. 133,695.00 2,881.93 27,087.66 9.40
Hops................................... 10,312.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 32,653.00 335.85 150,409.24 447.85
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 3,129,101.00 438,074.14 500,656.16 31,291.01 0.14 0.16 0.01

Table 11.13 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Basketo Special Woreda
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 16,682.00 4,109.56 117,588.73
Cereals.......................... 15,973.00 3,110.46 102,563.07
Teff................................ 2,946.00 357.52 4,955.58 13.86
Barley............................ 407.00 40.73 759.65 18.65
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 14,683.00 2,201.25 83,439.77 37.91
Sorghum......................... 6,584.00 510.96 13,408.07 26.24
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 13,005.00 992.71 14,971.17
Faba beans..................... 1,165.00 10.37 180.84 17.44
Field peas....................... 1,633.00 36.00 461.52 12.82
White haricot beans..... . 1,073.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 12,221.00 686.66 11,589.54 16.88
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ * * * *
Oilseeds........................... 810.00 6.38 54.49
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 452.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... 149.00 * * *
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 5,554.00 37.45 2,761.54
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 690.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 3,543.00 16.67 1,554.66 93.26
Tomatoes............................ 989.00 2.31 105.20 45.54
Green peppers.................... 628.00 1.67 40.08 24.00
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 16,411.00 678.09 169,272.04
Beetroot............................ 436.00 * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ 316.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 1,657.00 22.69 18,734.37 825.67
Yam/'Boye'........................ 1,702.00 * 1,177.80 *
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... 14,127.00 195.47 58,298.96 298.25
Sweet potatoes.................. 10,776.00 440.37 90,707.02 205.98
Fruit Crops........................ 16,197.00 371.36 36,567.32
Avocados............................ 10,384.00 83.72 6,117.81 73.07
Bananas.............................. 13,026.00 217.69 24,681.47 113.38
Guavas............................... 368.00 1.19 * *
Lemons............................... 1,075.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 7,057.00 56.61 4,542.87 80.25
Oranges.............................. 651.00 1.44 62.12 43.14
Papayas.............................. 2,291.00 7.04 939.30 133.42
Pineapples.......................... 236.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 780.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 14,883.00 450.54 4,168.13 9.25
Hops................................... 488.00 2.69 15.20 5.65
Sugar Cane....................... 6,280.00 48.28 20,440.40 423.37
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 58,966.00 15,920.82 17,689.80 589.66 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.14 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Konta Special Woreda
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 38,844.00 13,961.73 387,108.90
Cereals.......................... 30,767.00 9,529.93 309,796.24
Teff................................ 14,425.00 1,984.49 29,381.48 14.81
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 19,407.00 5,108.73 216,896.69 42.46
Sorghum......................... 12,150.00 1,587.84 41,037.08 25.84
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. 2,385.00 * * *
Pulses.............................. 23,695.00 4,377.05 76,414.06
Faba beans..................... 13,373.00 2,070.97 39,943.78 19.29
Field peas....................... 8,517.00 1,186.25 * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 10,430.00 1,045.55 16,090.95 15.39
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 14,428.00 198.49 14,401.60
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 12,001.00 111.42 10,401.02 93.35
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... 3,554.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 2,066.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 34,172.00 1,713.70 476,062.30
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 2,906.00 * * *
Garlic............................... 1,298.00 4.66 368.84 79.15
Taro/'Godere'................... 31,887.00 1,516.06 445,131.59 293.61
Sweet potatoes.................. 2,710.00 * 21,374.93 *
Fruit Crops........................ 34,509.00 1,119.96 125,154.89
Avocados............................ 23,731.00 316.53 25,431.41 80.34
Bananas.............................. 22,667.00 571.69 78,195.62 136.78
Guavas............................... 970.00 2.72 27.80 10.22
Lemons............................... 1,940.00 8.25 654.67 79.35
Mangoes............................. 9,363.00 185.98 16,784.06 90.25
Oranges.............................. 1,987.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 3,818.00 22.08 4,061.32 183.94
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 3,159.00 34.10 343.55 10.07
Coffee................................. 28,584.00 915.89 7,636.34 8.34
Hops................................... 2,785.00 22.84 143.87 6.30
Sugar Cane....................... 4,511.00 36.66 12,826.35 349.87
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 507,606.00 137,053.62 152,281.80 5,076.06 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.15 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 277,112.00 108,014.54 3,634,138.82
Cereals.......................... 265,712.00 100,024.24 3,475,729.54
Teff................................ 53,580.00 10,481.82 173,641.53 16.57
Barley............................ 110,684.00 9,799.19 268,859.05 27.44
Wheat............................ 123,687.00 32,425.56 988,804.54 30.49
Maize............................. 219,886.00 41,458.81 1,867,396.06 45.04
Sorghum......................... 75,346.00 5,446.66 166,382.63 30.55
Finger millet................... 9,563.00 * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 167,936.00 7,867.52 157,171.20
Faba beans..................... 128,252.00 4,399.62 88,700.90 20.16
Field peas....................... 45,129.00 1,765.14 32,911.35 18.65
White haricot beans..... . 9,121.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 40,470.00 1,339.96 28,973.93 21.62
Red Chick-peas................ 2,375.00 * * *
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... * * * *
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 3,086.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 5,343.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 3,354.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 1,618.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 232,708.00 8,315.01 411,394.69
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 13,295.00 81.77 * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 210,612.00 3,166.51 305,106.09 96.35
Tomatoes............................ 9,276.00 * 616.84 *
Green peppers.................... 9,588.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 61,432.00 4,816.09 90,462.37 18.78
Swiss chard........................ * * - -
Root Crops......................... 51,563.00 519.99 15,861.59
Beetroot............................ 15,012.00 * * *
Carrot............................... 26,098.00 49.22 * *
Onion................................ 7,128.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 10,598.00 227.59 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... 13,144.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 92,023.00 468.55 36,415.94
Avocados............................ 50,159.00 146.09 9,370.29 64.14
Bananas.............................. 31,372.00 95.92 9,282.52 96.77
Guavas............................... 7,189.00 16.00 * *
Lemons............................... 13,945.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 28,958.00 91.79 * *
Oranges.............................. 21,481.00 33.09 2,923.05 88.34
Papayas.............................. 18,561.00 47.54 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 152,712.00 4,679.54 44,968.75 9.61
Coffee................................. 110,552.00 656.33 5,800.77 8.84
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 16,390.00 67.33 27,540.06 409.03
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,182,228.00 320,592.81 355,847.31 17,096.79 0.27 0.30 0.01

Table 11.16 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Halaba Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 75,153.00 39,783.14 1,294,316.74
Cereals.......................... 74,410.00 36,737.97 1,234,106.67
Teff................................ 26,865.00 6,659.29 107,674.11 16.17
Barley............................ 4,664.00 177.06 4,494.40 25.38
Wheat............................ 14,226.00 4,469.02 129,573.77 28.99
Maize............................. 72,614.00 20,953.31 887,112.90 42.34
Sorghum......................... 26,260.00 1,404.11 32,780.09 23.35
Finger millet................... 29,812.00 3,075.18 72,471.40 23.57
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 33,447.00 3,014.97 60,087.25
Faba beans..................... 2,355.00 * * *
Field peas....................... 741.00 * * *
White haricot beans..... . 1,053.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 30,822.00 2,642.90 54,397.63 20.58
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 3,177.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 3,709.00 * 122.82
Neug.................................. * * * *
Linseed.............................. 1,520.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... * * * *
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 1,929.00 * * *
Vegetables......................... 60,680.00 5,295.38 181,254.27
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 7,113.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 50,849.00 1,139.73 104,870.94 92.01
Tomatoes............................ 1,654.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 1,681.00 4.17 283.87 68.07
Red peppers........................ 30,544.00 3,947.04 63,629.21 16.12
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 9,906.00 * 41,441.17
Beetroot............................ 2,425.00 * * *
Carrot............................... 926.00 * * *
Onion................................ 1,320.00 3.58 272.02 75.98
Potatoes............................ 3,780.00 * 38,416.58 *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 2,127.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 26,799.00 207.50 21,712.10
Avocados............................ 11,638.00 40.70 3,125.70 76.80
Bananas.............................. 16,704.00 112.72 14,311.23 126.96
Guavas............................... 3,857.00 15.38 * *
Lemons............................... 1,071.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 7,891.00 17.05 1,603.92 94.07
Oranges.............................. 1,180.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 6,524.00 15.12 2,671.25 176.67
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 48,851.00 2,255.81 21,201.95 9.40
Coffee................................. 30,718.00 281.34 2,153.23 7.65
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 2,874.00 18.92 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 4,450.00 1,175.44 1,304.71 62.69 0.26 0.29 0.01

Table 11.17 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Segen People’s Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 73,728.00 38,285.95 649,193.67
Cereals.......................... 70,304.00 25,658.87 488,362.59
Teff................................ 38,178.00 11,291.11 126,501.89 11.20
Barley............................ 20,392.00 1,975.71 22,434.66 11.36
Wheat............................ 4,168.00 428.82 6,552.89 15.28
Maize............................. 50,320.00 9,805.68 294,709.37 30.05
Sorghum......................... 12,407.00 2,157.54 38,163.78 17.69
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 52,382.00 12,626.28 160,826.99
Faba beans..................... 8,837.00 504.72 6,524.44 12.93
Field peas....................... 8,372.00 489.93 4,702.16 9.60
White haricot beans..... . 2,927.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 44,633.00 10,034.87 131,665.07 13.12
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas 1,711.00 303.29 2,920.60 9.63
Lentils.............................. 2,207.00 140.66 998.31 7.10
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 34,522.00 461.43 40,220.04
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 1,609.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 32,900.00 404.73 38,406.43 94.89
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 1,856.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ * * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 21,285.00 504.05 69,144.02
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 3,007.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ * 63.19 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... 4,331.00 68.46 * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 6,832.00 56.21 * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 6,356.00 65.10 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 42,833.00 959.74 96,592.29
Avocados............................ 11,693.00 145.22 * *
Bananas.............................. 31,176.00 611.40 69,211.09 113.20
Guavas............................... * * * *
Lemons............................... 1,693.00 1.30 * *
Mangoes............................. 12,185.00 147.14 11,921.11 81.02
Oranges.............................. 1,500.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 5,130.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... * * * *
Chat.................................... 7,646.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 49,412.00 1,536.84 15,507.59 10.09
Hops................................... 3,317.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 18,107.00 240.34 104,909.27 436.50
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 1,846,995.00 609,508.35 683,388.15 36,939.90 0.33 0.37 0.02

Table 11.18 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Gofa Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 193,786.00 64,248.71 1,626,701.15
Cereals.......................... 171,850.00 50,932.58 1,458,927.28
Teff................................ 48,874.00 8,839.73 109,630.04 12.40
Barley............................ 16,314.00 1,773.78 27,180.32 15.32
Wheat............................ 8,473.00 * * *
Maize............................. 144,316.00 38,504.13 1,276,608.91 33.16
Sorghum......................... 13,766.00 716.49 14,311.11 19.97
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 134,139.00 12,659.29 164,728.17
Faba beans..................... 49,221.00 4,384.42 61,274.62 13.98
Field peas....................... 28,537.00 2,807.32 31,443.00 11.20
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 92,566.00 5,180.79 69,934.03 13.50
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. * * * *
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ 1,546.00 * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 5,980.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. 2,802.00 * * *
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 2,361.00 * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 66,146.00 310.83 25,776.94
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 3,119.00 * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 59,240.00 287.44 24,969.87 86.87
Tomatoes............................ 2,148.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... 4,825.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 1,548.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 161,410.00 5,376.53 986,046.47
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 3,865.00 * * *
Potatoes............................ 9,861.00 172.96 * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ 21,473.00 * 32,943.52 *
Garlic............................... 4,504.00 * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 136,237.00 3,323.01 664,715.64 200.03
Sweet potatoes.................. 59,848.00 1,041.42 285,247.91 273.90
Fruit Crops........................ 142,262.00 3,249.39 485,473.85
Avocados............................ 68,557.00 873.72 64,768.58 74.13
Bananas.............................. 91,156.00 1,770.62 372,743.66 210.52
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... 6,907.00 17.86 * *
Mangoes............................. 65,926.00 448.76 30,705.22 68.42
Oranges.............................. 24,930.00 71.05 5,080.03 71.50
Papayas.............................. 17,480.00 67.39 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 24,964.00 469.92 3,244.64 6.90
Coffee................................. 136,336.00 2,947.99 28,574.42 9.69
Hops................................... 5,481.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 51,712.00 562.48 220,609.96 392.21
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 11.19 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Konso Zone
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 75,844.00 33,679.96 858,562.86
Cereals.......................... 73,675.00 26,608.89 730,274.63
Teff................................ 12,849.00 4,819.11 68,522.41 14.22
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 58,479.00 11,911.29 407,744.36 34.23
Sorghum......................... 60,402.00 9,846.84 253,386.37 25.73
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 51,887.00 7,064.77 128,238.68
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 48,617.00 6,679.84 122,949.28 18.41
Red Chick-peas................ * * * *
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 3,574.00 15.30 *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... * * * *
Tomatoes............................ 854.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ * * - -
Root Crops......................... 4,454.00 * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ * * - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... * * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 2,383.00 * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 38,156.00 500.82 55,544.79
Avocados............................ 1,542.00 * - -
Bananas.............................. 17,116.00 130.39 21,846.96 167.55
Guavas............................... 2,460.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 1,055.00 * - -
Mangoes............................. 19,124.00 280.76 21,912.70 78.05
Oranges.............................. 1,377.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 13,765.00 80.96 11,634.68 143.71
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 9,069.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 21,992.00 335.89 2,820.64 8.40
Hops................................... * * - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 12 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 584,818.00 79,525.70 2,643,012.56
Cereals.......................... 396,644.00 47,570.57 1,979,022.44
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ 80,653.00 5,852.22 171,942.58 29.38
Wheat............................ 13,312.00 * * *
Maize............................. 332,792.00 39,874.02 1,759,578.47 44.13
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 417,324.00 31,937.92 663,990.12
Faba beans..................... 80,843.00 2,259.50 55,339.61 24.49
Field peas....................... 31,509.00 1,226.29 25,814.05 21.05
White haricot beans..... . 44,291.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 295,472.00 25,407.66 516,999.35 20.35
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas * * * *
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ * * * *
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. * * * *
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 374,539.00 4,179.48 443,710.03
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 7,090.00 138.69 * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 327,429.00 3,228.56 385,930.17 119.54
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... 55,328.00 778.88 57,315.46 73.59
Red peppers........................ 8,529.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ * * * *
Root Crops......................... 215,702.00 3,393.69 640,297.23
Beetroot............................ * * * *
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ 35,775.00 709.06 279,387.06 394.02
Yam/'Boye'........................ 46,445.00 306.27 * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 24,352.00 * * *
Sweet potatoes.................. 106,389.00 2,052.34 300,818.52 146.57
Fruit Crops........................ 526,544.00 8,381.98 907,802.43
Avocados............................ 270,153.00 1,418.16 128,353.13 90.51
Bananas.............................. 437,353.00 6,704.45 766,948.63 114.39
Guavas............................... 24,494.00 * * *
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. 62,828.00 107.48 * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 23,839.00 43.81 * *
Pineapples.......................... 15,662.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 342,805.00 19,509.15 199,518.09 10.23
Coffee................................. 702,039.00 35,802.05 204,067.61 5.7
Hops................................... 13,256.00 * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 132,253.00 2,049.35 1,054,694.09 514.65
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset 67,700,586.00 20,987,181.66 23,018,199.24 1,354,011.72 0.31 0.34 0.02

Table 13 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Gambella Region
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 34,736.00 9,993.00 292,220.46
Cereals.......................... 34,309.00 9,936.00 291,765.64
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 24,537.00 5,158.00 233,545.02 45.28
Sorghum......................... 12,182.00 4,706.00 56,813.29 12.07
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. 113.00 * * *
Pulses.............................. 1,388.00 * *
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . 450.00 7.00 55.32 7.70
Red Haricot beans.......... 635.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * * *
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 303.00 * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 7,044.00 132.00 *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 5,848.00 49.00 * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 911.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 1,083.00 38.00 * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 10,214.00 246.00 10.44
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 9,278.00 185.00 8.74 0.05
Sweet potatoes.................. 2,318.00 * 1.67 *
Fruit Crops........................ 24,373.00 * *
Avocados............................ 12,892.00 233.00 * *
Bananas.............................. 16,823.00 445.00 * *
Guavas............................... 540.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 1,483.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 8,802.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 2,262.00 10.00 * *
Papayas.............................. 7,769.00 45.00 * *
Pineapples.......................... 1,347.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 1,592.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 16,621.00 11,204.00 * *
Hops................................... 2,920.00 29.00 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 9,084.00 93.00 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 13.1 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 2,111.00 2,216.00 36,448.78
Cereals.......................... 2,089.00 2,197.00 36,314.42
Teff................................ * * * *
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 1,699.00 884.00 21,601.53 24.41
Sorghum......................... 593.00 * * *
Finger millet................... * * * *
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. 113.00 * * *
Pulses.............................. * * *
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . 69.00 * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... * * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... * * * *
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. * * - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 351.00 * * -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 34.00 * * *
Tomatoes............................ 53.00 * * *
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ 239.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 593.00 19.00 0.51
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... * * * *
Onion................................ * * * *
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... 219.00 1.00 0.14 0.10
Sweet potatoes.................. 477.00 * 0.37 *
Fruit Crops........................ 1,452.00 44.00 * -
Avocados............................ * * * *
Bananas.............................. 511.00 11.00 * *
Guavas............................... 107.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 129.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 954.00 23.00 * *
Oranges.............................. 82.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 978.00 8.00 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - -
Chat.................................... * * * *
Coffee................................. * * * *
Hops................................... * * * *
Sugar Cane....................... 175.00 4.00 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 13.2 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in Yield
Holders Hectares Quintals (Qt/Hac)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 14,843.00 2,612.00 29,957.74
Cereals.......................... 14,843.00 2,612.00 29,957.74
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 14,843.00 2,612.00 29,957.74 11.47
Sorghum......................... - - - -
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 3,200.00 * *
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - -
Lemons............................... - - -
Mangoes............................. 2,115.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. 1,994.00 * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 13.3 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 13,266.00 4,307.00 54,847.46
Cereals.......................... 12,861.00 4,270.00 54,537.07
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 3,479.00 805.00 11,029.33 13.70
Sorghum......................... 11,576.00 3,465.00 43,507.74 12.55
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 1,094.00 * *
Faba beans..................... * * * *
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... 477.00 * * *
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... * * * *
Vegetables......................... 6,692.00 109.00 * -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... * * * *
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 5,813.00 49.00 * *
Tomatoes............................ * * * *
Green peppers.................... 849.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 844.00 17.00 * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 9,444.00 224.00 9.82
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ * * * *
Garlic............................... * * * *
Taro/'Godere'................... 9,059.00 183.00 8.60 0.05
Sweet potatoes.................. 1,664.00 * 1.19 *
Fruit Crops........................ 19,141.00 * *
Avocados............................ 12,876.00 233.00 * *
Bananas.............................. 15,932.00 430.00 * *
Guavas............................... 433.00 * * *
Lemons............................... 1,354.00 * * *
Mangoes............................. 5,298.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. 2,181.00 10.00 * *
Papayas.............................. 4,651.00 28.00 * *
Pineapples.......................... 1,347.00 * * *
Chat.................................... 1,568.00 * * *
Coffee................................. 16,492.00 11,191.00 * *
Hops................................... 2,896.00 28.00 * *
Sugar Cane....................... 8,910.00 89.00 * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset * * * * * * *

Table 13.4 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Itang Special Woreda
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 4,516.00 857.00 170,966.48
Cereals.......................... 4,516.00 855.00 170,956.42
Teff................................ - - - -
Barley............................ - - - -
Wheat............................ - - - -
Maize............................. 4,516.00 855.00 170,956.42 199.74
Sorghum......................... * * * *
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. * * *
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - -
White haricot beans..... . * * * *
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... - - -
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... - - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ - - - -
Green peppers.................... - - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... * * *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ - - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. * * *
Fruit Crops........................ 580.00 16.00 * -
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. * * * *
Guavas............................... - - - -
Lemons............................... - - - -
Mangoes............................. 434.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. - - - -
Papayas.............................. * * * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - -
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 14 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 43,656.00 10,131.00 221,225.28
Cereals.......................... 43,467.00 8,898.00 210,755.12
Teff................................ 92.00 * 0.20 1.67
Barley............................ 480.00 21.00 119.70 5.70
Wheat............................ 1,996.00 246.00 3,767.66 15.28
Maize............................. 32,412.00 1,802.00 56,103.11 31.12
Sorghum......................... 35,583.00 6,828.00 150,764.46 22.08
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 2,048.00 42.00 390.74
Faba beans..................... 211.00 3.00 * *
Field peas....................... 212.00 3.00 48.06 12.14
White haricot beans..... . 201.00 *. 1.01 1.49
Red Haricot beans.......... 946.00 22.00 260.85 11.37
Red Chick-peas................ 179.00 4.00 4.17 1.00
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 192.00 6.00 61.25 9.60
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 206.00 1.00 15.40 11.24
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 10,423.00 1,189.00 10,079.43
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 10,261.00 1,185.00 10,050.47 8.48
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 244.00 4.00 28.96 6.05
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 1,255.00 12.00 *
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 81.00 1.00 * *
Tomatoes............................ 1,095.00 10.00 * *
Green peppers.................... 79.00 * * *
Red peppers........................ 79.00 * * *
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 6,909.00 190.00 0.11
Beetroot............................ 92.00 * * *
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 345.00 1.00 * *
Potatoes............................ 240.00 .* 0.11 0.12
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 6,399.00 187.00 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 29,311.00 833.00 79,027.36
Avocados............................ 1,799.00 5.00 * *
Bananas.............................. 11,469.00 146.00 32,998.01 225.01
Guavas............................... 8,428.00 48.00 * *
Lemons............................... 3,138.00 47.00 * *
Mangoes............................. 19,375.00 553.00 42,028.10 75.87
Oranges.............................. 261.00 * * *
Papayas.............................. 4,220.00 31.00 4,001.26 127.84
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 43,453.00 8,159.00 62,624.36 7.67
Coffee................................. 5,396.00 89.00 330.36 3.71
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 523.00 * * *
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -

Table 15 - Area, Production and Yield of Crops for Private Peasant Holdings
for 2021/22 (2014 E.C) Meher Season
Dire Dawa
Number of Area in Production in
Crop Yield (Qt/Hac)
Holders Hectares Quintals
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 30,582.00 10,180.00 109,821.58
Cereals.......................... 30,512.00 9,872.00 107,487.33
Teff................................ - - -
Barley............................ * * * *
Wheat............................ * * * *
Maize............................. 9,851.00 725.00 13,537.33 18.65
Sorghum......................... 29,673.00 9,117.00 93,819.99 10.29
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 4,311.00 130.00 1,002.96
Faba beans..................... - - - -
Field peas....................... * * * *
White haricot beans..... . 2,465.00 79.00 602.87 7.61
Red Haricot beans.......... 1,865.00 50.00 400.08 7.88
Red Chick-peas................ - - - -
White chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... * * *
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... * * * *
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. * * * *
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 1,602.00 55.00 407.24
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 1,393.00 51.00 407.24 7.93
Green peppers.................... * * * *
Red peppers........................ - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 3,538.00 127.00 *
Beetroot............................ - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 2,019.00 34.00 * *
Potatoes............................ * * * *
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 1,459.00 45.00 * *
Fruit Crops........................ 6,424.00 160.00 *
Avocados............................ - - - -
Bananas.............................. 1,178.00 * * *
Guavas............................... 1,079.00 5.00 * *
Lemons............................... * * * *
Mangoes............................. 1,266.00 * * *
Oranges.............................. * * * *
Papayas.............................. 4,707.00 52.00 * *
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 11,345.00 814.00 3,584.11 4.40
Coffee................................. 5,198.00 88.00 144.20 1.64
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - -
Number of Trees Production In Quintals Yield (Quintals/Tree)
Crop Harvested Amicho Kocho Bula Amicho Kocho Bula
Enset - - - - - - -



Estimation Procedures of Totals, Ratios and Sampling Errors

The following formulas were used to estimate total area of land under specific crop, production
and yield of specific crop in a stratum.

1. For estimating Total Area of Land under Specific Crop:

 nh hhi nh
A h  Whi  a hij  Whi ahi
i 1 j 1 i 1

M h H hi
in which, Whi  is the basic weight.
nh mhi hhi
h represents the stratum
nh is the total number of sample EAs successfully covered in the hth stratum.

Mh is the measure of size of the hth stratum as obtained from the sampling frame.

m hi is the measure of size of the ith sample EA in the hth stratum obtained from the sampling
H hi is the total number of agricultural households of the ith sample EA in the hth stratum.

hhi is the number of sample agricultural households successfully covered in the ith sample
EA in the hth stratum.
ahij is the value of area for agricultural household j, in the ith EA in the hth strtatum under a

specific crop.
a hi is the sample total area under specific crop for EA i in stratum h

Âh estimate of total area under specific crop in stratum h

2. For estimating Total Production under Specific Crop:

ˆ h  Whi hi
i 1

in which, hi  ahi * Yhi

Where, Yhi  is average yield per square meter of a specific crop in the ith EA in the hth
4C hi
̂h is estimate of total quantity of production of a specific crop in the hth stratum.

Yhi is sample total quantity of production of a specific crop from defined area of land for crop

cutting of a crop in the ith EA in the hth stratum.

hi is estimate of total quantity of production under specific crop for EA i in stratum h.

C hi is the number of crop cutting of a specific crop in the ith EA in the hth stratum.

3. For estimating yield of a specific crop in stratum h:

Yˆh  h
Aˆ h

4. Sampling Variance of Estimates:

Sampling variance for the estimate of stratum total of area, production and yield for a specific
crop are estimated by the following formulas.

nh  
 2
n  A h
 h  hhi  ˆ 
Var ( Aˆ h )  (1  f h ) h
 Aˆ hi  nh   f h 
nh  1 i 1 
(1  f hi )  hi

   Aˆ hij 

hi 

 
i 1  hi
h 1  
j 1 hhi 

2 2
n h nh  ˆ ˆ h  nh
 hhi  hhi  ˆ ˆ 
Var (h )  (1  f h )  
nh  1 i 1 
 
nh 
  f  (1  f )   hij  hi 
 hhi 
 hhi  1  j 1 
hi h hi
i 1

Var (Yˆh ) 

Var (ˆ h )  Yˆh Var ( Aˆ h )  2Yˆh Cov(ˆ h , Aˆ h )



n nh 
Aˆ  ˆ  nh
 h  hhi  Aˆ  ˆ 
Cov(ˆ h , Aˆ h )  (1  f h ) h   Aˆ hi  h  ˆ hi  h   f h  (1  f hi ) hi   Aˆ hij  hi  ˆ hij  hi 
nh  1 i 1  nh  nh  i 1

 hhi  1  j 1  hhi  hhi 
f h = average first stage probability of selection of EAs within stratum h.

f hi  = average second stage probability of selection within the ith sample EA in stratum
H hi
Aˆ hi , ̂hi are weighted total area and production, respectively, of a specific crop in the ith EA and
hth stratum.
Aˆ hij , ̂hij are weighted values of area and production, respectively, from jth agricultural

household in the ith EA and hth stratum under a specific crop.

Since all strata are independent, the total variance at regional and country level is computed by
aggregating the result obtained at Zone/Special Wereda level, i.e.

Var( Aˆ )   Var( Aˆ h ) , Var(ˆ )  Var( Pˆh ) and Var(Yˆ )   (Yˆh )
h h h

Where, L is the number of strata (Zone/Special Wereda).

In estimating the sampling variance by the above formula, selection of EAs within a stratum is
assumed to be with replacement. By so doing the variance estimate may be slightly over
estimated but it greatly simplifies the estimation procedure.

5. Coefficient of Variation (CV) of Estimates:

Coefficient of Variation (CV) in percentage of estimate of stratum total of area, production and
yield for a specific crop are given by:

Var ( Aˆ h ) Var (ˆ h ) Var (Yˆh )

CV ( Aˆ h )  *100, CV (ˆ h )  *100, CV (Yˆh )  *100
Aˆ h ˆ h Yˆh

6. Ninety-five percent confidence interval (CI) of stratum total of area:

Aˆ h  1.96 * SE( Aˆ h ) ,

Where SE( Aˆ h )  Var( Aˆ h ) is standard error of the estimate of the stratum total of area.

Estimates of standard error and confidence interval for the other estimates can also be
calculated by adopting the above formulas.


Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 12,196,548.67 235,354.67 1.93 327,903,521.41 7,337,161.99 2.24
Cereals.......................... 9,997,511.08 196,552.20 1.97 290,808,263.25 6,803,521.39 2.34
Teff................................ 2,932,670.03 113,082.43 3.86 56,143,388.01 2,517,438.72 4.48
Barley............................ 799,127.84 55,990.03 7.01 20,718,071.07 1,688,249.92 8.15
Wheat............................ 1,867,047.71 93,646.92 5.02 58,078,220.52 3,441,065.88 5.92
Maize............................. 2,563,201.21 89,178.93 3.48 107,513,689.44 4,584,002.03 4.26
Sorghum......................... 1,350,509.37 73,362.26 5.43 35,536,707.10 2,219,328.50 6.25
Finger millet................... 366,301.45 26,376.96 7.20 9,421,471.73 769,174.90 8.16
Oats/'Aja'........................ 27,531.11 5,479.35 19.90 590,109.04 131,253.11 22.24
Rice................................. 91,122.35 22,636.89 24.84 2,806,333.23 714,102.82 25.45
Pulses.............................. 1,676,888.30 62,467.13 3.73 31,680,193.33 1,284,126.54 4.05
Faba beans..................... 520,551.70 28,100.71 5.40 10,916,093.35 636,175.43 5.83
Field peas....................... 220,194.82 15,715.26 7.14 3,803,358.97 295,084.75 7.76
White haricot beans..... . 98,508.53 14,748.71 14.97 1,715,653.14 260,111.56 15.16
Red Haricot beans.......... 240,841.81 18,656.86 7.75 4,125,926.43 381,087.80 9.24
Red Chick-peas................ 155,014.47 23,392.98 15.09 3,113,057.25 420,800.44 13.52
White Chick-peas 46,259.67 10,628.82 22.98 899,327.88 216,258.42 24.05
Lentils.............................. 69,371.01 11,196.64 16.14 865,386.09 146,561.99 16.94
Grass peas....................... 152,917.35 20,720.43 13.55 3,244,495.52 450,444.42 13.88
Soya beans....................... 75,938.88 17,276.32 22.75 1,855,222.32 447,972.27 24.15
Fenugreek........................ 30,145.56 5,022.95 16.66 353,282.89 64,186.09 18.17
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 56,015.65 11,196.87 19.99 571,587.88 131,331.31 22.98
Gibto................................ 11,128.88 4,390.83 39.45 216,801.57 84,063.41 38.77
Oilseeds........................... 522,149.28 39,816.15 7.63 5,415,064.82 450,326.54 8.32
Neug.................................. 179,827.91 21,943.92 12.20 2,024,315.77 255,137.95 12.60
Linseed.............................. 48,285.56 6,643.57 13.76 443,984.32 78,515.42 17.68
Groundnuts....................... 77,283.21 14,028.56 18.15 1,392,784.61 264,949.12 19.02
Safflower........................... 2,982.33 508.38 17.05 28,941.15 5,740.36 19.83
Sesame.............................. 204,511.91 27,693.74 13.54 1,378,071.37 203,037.66 14.73
Rape seed.......................... 9,258.33 1,424.77 15.39 146,967.55 25,525.63 17.37
Vegetables......................... 236,772.95 21,332.26 9.01 8,663,270.46 561,106.30 6.48
Lettuce............................... 1,340.29 1,002.58 74.80 4,669.54 3,183.74 68.18
Head Cabbage................... 6,546.41 1,479.52 22.60 397,671.97 116,298.32 29.24
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 48,442.38 3,908.56 8.07 4,719,384.30 344,032.22 7.29
Tomatoes............................ 7,710.16 2,860.41 37.10 336,558.42 205,292.47 61.00
Green peppers.................... 13,360.97 1,936.90 14.50 661,465.88 105,767.40 15.99
Red peppers........................ 157,650.07 20,119.40 12.76 2,492,889.70 306,506.89 12.30
Swiss chard........................ 1,722.65 1,436.75 83.40 50,630.68 43,686.74 86.29
Root Crops......................... 240,903.35 13,509.20 5.61 41,369,575.64 2,008,739.94 4.86
Beetroot............................ 3,276.64 466.19 14.23 213,765.97 43,736.36 20.46
Carrot............................... 6,759.92 1,354.25 20.03 316,716.09 73,690.22 23.27
Onion................................ 25,237.55 4,580.64 18.15 2,076,626.72 421,033.44 20.27
Potatoes............................ 78,478.72 10,215.30 13.02 13,095,668.04 1,481,030.32 11.31
Yam/'Boye'........................ 3,888.44 677.30 17.42 320,837.19 60,284.69 18.79
Garlic............................... 30,946.22 4,823.53 15.59 1,938,797.93 322,238.83 16.62
Taro/'Godere'................... 52,376.77 3,418.35 6.53 14,269,243.45 700,221.55 4.91
Sweet potatoes.................. 39,939.10 3,053.21 7.64 9,137,852.52 1,073,842.53 11.75
Fruit Crops........................ 150,959.93 20,434.57 13.54 17,829,054.66 1,352,927.59 7.59
Avocados............................ 27,434.78 1,977.14 7.21 1,933,625.07 187,028.57 9.67
Bananas.............................. 87,202.27 19,732.85 22.63 13,548,272.80 1,288,752.06 9.51
Guavas............................... 1,581.14 251.27 15.89 24,801.62 9,734.99 39.25
Lemons............................... 1,019.46 176.38 17.30 31,558.42 6,862.07 21.74
Mangoes............................. 24,153.55 2,747.77 11.38 1,426,301.14 147,915.95 10.37
Oranges.............................. 3,955.22 519.93 13.15 257,847.47 45,895.08 17.80
Papayas.............................. 5,332.91 1,078.47 20.22 606,648.16 103,779.86 17.19
Pineapples.......................... 280.62 69.35 24.71 2,868.95 1,552.45 54.11
Chat.................................... 280,826.29 15,490.02 5.52 2,433,938.05 148,568.66 6.10
Coffee................................. 794,403.50 51,748.41 6.51 5,455,663.58 360,920.51 6.62
Hops................................... 33,491.46 3,109.13 9.28 373,611.50 36,471.05 9.76
Sugar Cane....................... 19,658.53 1,828.77 9.30 8,153,269.07 853,911.46 10.47

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Afar Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 9,943.02 2,136.03 1.48 49,332.50 11,124.71 22.55
Cereals.......................... 9,136.00 2,088.04 2.86 48,039.30 11,124.71 23.16
Teff................................ 1,453.69 665.91 5.81 - - -
Barley............................ 472.88 413.92 7.53 - - -
Wheat............................ 57.19 50.49 8.29 - - -
Maize............................. 4,651.03 1,592.85 4.25 36,041.69 10,709.13 29.71
Sorghum......................... 2,501.21 753.81 0.14 11,997.61 1,205.40 10.05
Finger millet................... - - - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - - - -
Rice................................. - - - - - -
Pulses.............................. 729.06 254.78 4.95 1,215.25 - -
Faba beans..................... - - - - - -
Field peas....................... - - - - - -
White haricot beans..... . - - - - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... - - - - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 729.06 254.78 4.95 1,215.25 - -
Gibto................................ - - - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 77.95 - - 77.95 - -
Neug.................................. - - - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - - - -
Sesame.............................. 77.95 - - 77.95 - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - - - -
Vegetables......................... 36.98 0.82 2.22 - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 36.15 - - - - -
Green peppers.................... 0.83 0.82 8.80 - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - - - -
Root Crops......................... 93.35 12.97 3.89 - - -
Beetroot............................ - - - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - - - -
Onion................................ 93.35 12.97 3.89 - - -
Potatoes............................ - - - - - -
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. - - - - - -
Fruit Crops........................ 4.94 4.20 5.13 - - -
Avocados............................ - - - - - -
Bananas.............................. 4.56 3.92 5.99 - - -
Guavas............................... - - - - - -
Lemons............................... - - 6.94 - - -
Mangoes............................. 0.17 0.17 8.89 - - -
Oranges.............................. - - - - - -
Papayas.............................. 0.21 0.15 2.28 - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - - - -
Chat.................................... - - - - - -
Coffee................................. - - - - - -
Hops................................... - - - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - - - -

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Amhara Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 4,586,325.72 146,765.23 3.20 112,528,693.08 3,610,878.74 3.21
Cereals.......................... 3,650,923.16 114,729.24 3.14 98,222,794.06 3,207,645.96 3.27
Teff................................ 1,177,078.03 70,111.91 5.96 22,540,301.37 1,366,245.25 6.06
Barley............................ 286,865.38 24,720.42 8.62 6,464,756.41 625,844.91 9.68
Wheat............................ 689,614.06 47,296.56 6.86 19,220,289.70 1,440,276.97 7.49
Maize............................. 616,502.44 34,797.04 5.64 26,421,888.34 1,739,809.74 6.58
Sorghum......................... 576,148.05 40,103.10 6.96 15,291,980.53 1,116,295.16 7.30
Finger millet................... 243,448.48 22,135.11 9.09 6,328,930.61 574,441.03 9.08
Oats/'Aja'........................ 2,933.05 879.43 29.98 41,513.48 14,247.54 34.32
Rice................................. 58,333.65 18,112.84 31.05 1,912,860.49 607,460.21 31.76
Pulses.............................. 666,762.97 39,462.34 5.92 12,078,211.28 780,506.92 6.46
Faba beans..................... 186,562.04 14,219.15 7.62 3,522,049.19 284,269.15 8.07
Field peas....................... 68,492.50 7,489.89 10.94 1,013,767.04 122,850.26 12.12
White haricot beans..... . 44,073.85 11,939.20 27.09 702,239.91 190,894.47 27.18
Red Haricot beans.......... 30,215.05 8,616.75 28.52 562,328.40 175,912.21 31.28
Red Chick-peas................ 67,322.38 8,342.92 12.39 1,293,740.18 151,110.83 11.68
White Chick-peas 23,484.40 7,407.59 31.54 443,166.25 145,531.38 32.84
Lentils.............................. 36,497.38 4,673.72 12.81 452,195.04 67,642.75 14.96
Grass peas....................... 102,391.99 17,252.76 16.85 2,148,226.06 369,614.86 17.21
Soya beans....................... 44,055.65 15,997.67 36.31 1,105,461.77 418,568.08 37.86
Fenugreek........................ 15,506.60 3,899.17 25.15 220,783.42 55,851.59 25.30
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 37,123.15 8,847.91 23.83 398,169.50 96,484.55 24.23
Gibto................................ 11,038.01 4,390.36 39.77 216,084.51 84,060.41 38.90
Oilseeds........................... 268,639.58 29,902.68 11.13 2,227,687.74 284,407.97 12.77
Neug.................................. 48,482.99 9,632.63 19.87 507,207.29 80,557.78 15.88
Linseed.............................. 19,573.39 3,211.43 16.41 125,876.09 22,976.24 18.25
Groundnuts....................... 16,201.84 7,200.85 44.44 322,192.48 163,513.38 50.75
Safflower........................... 1,569.86 358.62 22.84 13,126.33 3,769.95 28.72
Sesame.............................. 180,138.05 26,202.08 14.55 1,218,528.73 193,555.10 15.88
Rape seed.......................... 2,673.41 432.13 16.16 40,756.79 7,024.26 17.23
Vegetables......................... 71,327.65 11,355.12 15.92 1,612,379.76 238,286.33 14.78
Lettuce............................... 1,127.70 997.87 88.49 - - -
Head Cabbage................... 695.05 290.44 41.79 34,346.53 16,915.27 49.25
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 2,720.89 1,652.18 60.72 257,299.75 69,970.51 27.19
Tomatoes............................ 839.95 229.12 27.28 65,483.87 18,614.60 28.43
Green peppers.................... 2,975.65 911.54 30.63 132,177.34 43,761.60 33.11
Red peppers........................ 61,482.32 10,396.84 16.91 1,078,172.35 193,521.83 17.95
Swiss chard........................ 1,486.06 1,435.59 96.60 44,899.95 43,642.23 97.20
Root Crops......................... 38,256.63 4,243.97 11.09 5,447,541.04 878,899.64 16.13
Beetroot............................ 477.59 131.58 27.55 18,451.00 6,495.90 35.21
Carrot............................... 1,619.58 581.89 35.93 91,458.45 33,049.94 36.14
Onion................................ 8,453.06 2,046.67 24.21 917,407.28 284,788.91 31.04
Potatoes............................ 16,084.77 2,564.19 15.94 3,696,915.80 819,223.12 22.16
Yam/'Boye'........................ 12.91 12.77 98.92 - - -
Garlic............................... 11,206.59 2,112.01 18.85 702,207.20 147,002.21 20.93
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 402.16 299.15 74.39 21,033.57 9,991.79 47.50
Fruit Crops........................ 5,309.15 708.10 13.34 403,236.93 66,118.08 16.40
Avocados............................ 191.57 62.24 32.49 - - -
Bananas.............................. 1,020.40 164.01 16.07 176,538.82 37,441.77 21.21
Guavas............................... 386.75 169.29 43.77 7,314.45 3,739.53 51.13
Lemons............................... 201.05 46.06 22.91 9,660.50 3,378.37 34.97
Mangoes............................. 2,321.70 460.04 19.81 115,239.16 34,129.50 29.62
Oranges.............................. 692.65 172.32 24.88 47,670.30 14,964.19 31.39
Papayas.............................. 494.73 198.42 40.11 46,813.72 20,065.34 42.86
Pineapples.......................... 0.30 0.28 93.33 - - -
Chat.................................... 13,151.30 3,333.88 25.35 96,215.84 24,079.41 25.03
Coffee................................. 17,414.35 10,811.43 62.08 68,804.60 44,380.87 64.50
Hops................................... 23,970.84 2,845.76 11.87 280,344.87 31,925.29 11.39
Sugar Cane....................... 1,709.50 610.22 35.70 451,460.28 171,486.59 37.98

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Oromia Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 6,100,987.75 172,924.88 2.83 175,542,709.96 6,023,478.17 3.43
Cereals.......................... 5,184,342.66 150,801.56 2.91 158,737,969.70 5,675,232.08 3.58
Teff................................ 1,519,814.74 87,128.01 5.73 29,967,588.06 2,095,360.11 6.99
Barley............................ 434,183.48 49,522.41 11.41 12,399,392.41 1,553,987.15 12.53
Wheat............................ 1,030,582.00 79,260.75 7.69 34,673,851.40 3,089,201.92 8.91
Maize............................. 1,464,047.90 75,293.56 5.14 61,907,770.70 3,972,144.41 6.42
Sorghum......................... 612,806.85 59,689.08 9.74 16,649,147.38 1,777,791.99 10.68
Finger millet................... 90,123.82 13,158.07 14.60 2,351,076.00 493,471.58 20.99
Oats/'Aja'........................ 24,498.96 5,408.14 22.07 547,158.30 130,475.87 23.85
Rice................................. 8,284.91 3,447.81 41.62 241,985.47 101,829.07 42.08
Pulses.............................. 714,661.85 45,280.37 6.34 14,362,698.64 962,267.62 6.70
Faba beans..................... 253,157.60 23,611.43 9.33 5,777,115.50 557,042.37 9.64
Field peas....................... 97,719.09 11,702.83 11.98 1,917,020.66 241,578.02 12.60
White haricot beans..... . 47,593.46 8,449.07 17.75 890,540.02 172,384.53 19.36
Red Haricot beans.......... 88,618.27 11,808.88 13.33 1,630,320.38 253,596.36 15.56
Red Chick-peas................ 86,624.18 21,851.33 25.23 1,798,281.97 392,650.54 21.83
White Chick-peas 21,691.22 7,612.55 35.10 443,044.54 159,881.71 36.09
Lentils.............................. 32,410.92 10,173.82 31.39 409,865.08 130,015.95 31.72
Grass peas....................... 50,518.93 11,475.12 22.71 1,096,269.46 257,458.80 23.48
Soya beans....................... 4,946.85 3,162.80 63.94 109,417.24 72,437.21 66.20
Fenugreek........................ 14,374.46 3,165.40 22.02 130,613.96 31,620.68 24.21
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 16,965.00 6,845.24 40.35 160,209.80 89,028.36 55.57
Gibto................................ 41.89 41.83 99.86 - - -
Oilseeds........................... 201,983.24 25,041.94 12.40 2,442,041.61 327,852.39 13.43
Neug.................................. 121,568.13 19,196.67 15.79 1,424,640.19 238,954.93 16.77
Linseed.............................. 27,661.60 5,812.09 21.01 310,824.57 75,062.10 24.15
Groundnuts....................... 29,649.31 10,600.43 35.75 488,422.49 176,403.69 36.12
Safflower........................... 769.34 244.55 31.79 8,172.64 2,949.49 36.09
Sesame.............................. 16,059.17 8,760.78 54.55 105,922.39 60,072.70 56.71
Rape seed.......................... 6,275.70 1,354.96 21.59 104,059.32 24,531.97 23.57
Vegetables......................... 116,192.36 17,579.29 15.13 3,917,738.44 461,267.24 11.77
Lettuce............................... 186.39 95.3 51.13 4,669.54 3,183.74 68.18
Head Cabbage................... 3,510.66 1,067.85 30.42 297,714.82 114,009.32 38.29
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 19,240.02 2,690.75 13.99 1,833,769.40 275,524.34 15.03
Tomatoes............................ 6,197.15 2,846.32 45.93 262,144.48 204,394.46 77.97
Green peppers.................... 8,043.78 1,655.91 20.59 380,674.83 90,877.61 23.87
Red peppers........................ 78,880.87 16,926.98 21.46 1,133,034.62 231,517.04 20.43
Swiss chard........................ 133.49 38.28 28.68 5,730.74 1,971.43 34.40
Root Crops......................... 110,744.17 11,419.39 10.31 13,901,102.17 1,367,324.24 9.84
Beetroot............................ 2,251.42 435.28 19.33 166,638.18 42,438.02 25.47
Carrot............................... 4,349.47 1,211.00 27.84 209,361.57 65,211.76 31.15
Onion................................ 14,566.55 4,074.62 27.97 1,002,085.38 306,990.93 30.64
Potatoes............................ 42,542.38 9,042.37 21.25 4,777,634.38 747,889.36 15.65
Yam/'Boye'........................ 189.58 115.55 60.95 - - -
Garlic............................... 18,679.24 4,328.66 23.17 1,164,851.19 285,932.26 24.55
Taro/'Godere'................... 6,709.68 913.61 13.62 1,534,919.23 302,150.24 19.69
Sweet potatoes.................. 21,455.86 2,522.04 11.75 5,045,612.24 1,016,918.08 20.15
Fruit Crops........................ 67,635.63 19,443.06 28.75 10,298,830.53 1,272,102.68 12.36
Avocados............................ 10,742.57 1,699.69 15.82 799,474.30 167,884.04 21.00
Bananas.............................. 41,026.51 19,138.07 46.65 8,475,364.86 1,229,024.56 14.50
Guavas............................... 756.13 146.01 19.31 16,998.33 8,982.43 52.84
Lemons............................... 200.48 47.04 23.46 5,780.91 2,010.40 34.78
Mangoes............................. 10,240.90 1,712.02 16.72 619,888.07 115,907.64 18.70
Oranges.............................. 1,723.74 381.76 22.15 102,067.98 27,441.76 26.89
Papayas.............................. 2,899.53 1,019.57 35.16 279,174.87 87,041.85 31.50
Pineapples.......................... 45.78 14.61 31.91 81.21 81.11 99.88
Chat.................................... 215,944.25 14,381.28 6.66 1,857,737.30 138,131.16 7.44
Coffee................................. 583,298.01 48,553.49 8.32 3,850,686.12 335,046.70 8.70
Hops................................... 5,903.69 925.43 15.68 84,893.16 16,589.27 19.54
Sugar Cane....................... 7,533.36 1,344.34 17.85 2,879,923.21 622,947.09 21.63

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Somale Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 30,956.50 11,066.73 5.75 246,485.12 42,053.71 17.06
Cereals.......................... 30,659.92 11,050.08 6.04 246,485.12 42,053.71 17.06
Teff................................ - - - - - -
Barley............................ 7.60 7.53 9.19 - - -
Wheat............................ 716.75 542.59 5.70 - - -
Maize............................. 10,419.21 2,030.32 9.49 102,511.34 19,589.15 19.11
Sorghum......................... 19,516.37 10,860.13 5.65 143,973.78 37,874.84 26.31
Finger millet................... - - - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - - - -
Rice................................. - - - - - -
Pulses.............................. 279.81 235.80 4.27 - - -
Faba beans..................... - - - - - -
Field peas....................... 4.36 4.33 9.28 - - -
White haricot beans..... . 114.27 113.99 9.76 - - -
Red Haricot beans.......... 161.19 123.29 6.49 - - -
Red Chick-peas................ - - - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 16.76 16.59 8.99 - - -
Neug.................................. - - - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 16.76 16.59 8.99 - - -
Safflower........................... - - - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - - - -
Rape seed.......................... - - - - - -
Vegetables......................... 195.12 100.31 1.41 380.76 293.59 77.1
Lettuce............................... - - - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 192.29 100.25 2.13 379.03 293.61 77.46
Green peppers.................... 2.83 1.60 6.67 1.74 1.35 77.52
Red peppers........................ - - - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - - - -
Root Crops......................... 485.56 227.07 6.76 18,980.44 13,658.37 71.96
Beetroot............................ 2.31 2.28 9.09 - - -
Carrot............................... 2.73 2.71 9.09 - - -
Onion................................ 464.55 225.72 8.59 18,979.69 13,658.37 71.96
Potatoes............................ 13.00 12.88 9.09 0.34 0.34 99.09
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 2.98 2.00 7.11 0.41 0.39 95.03
Fruit Crops........................ 818.14 381.77 6.66 49,628.09 32,498.27 65.48
Avocados............................ 0.84 0.83 9.14 - - -
Bananas.............................. 203.69 110.39 4.19 3,047.69 3,025.43 99.27
Guavas............................... 17.24 16.35 4.84 316.36 314.32 99.35
Lemons............................... 157.75 140.96 9.35 - - -
Mangoes............................. 35.80 18.73 2.31 19.47 18.99 97.55
Oranges.............................. 398.56 257.93 4.71 46,240.51 30,728.97 66.45
Papayas.............................. 4.25 2.78 5.40 4.06 3.86 95.17
Pineapples.......................... - - - - - -
Chat.................................... 192.37 89.67 6.62 1,007.46 488.40 48.48
Coffee................................. 8.33 8.10 7.29 - - -
Hops................................... - - - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 10.57 7.15 7.65 - - -

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Benishangul-Gumuz Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 255,589.87 31,605.71 12.37 7,097,770.88 1,177,652.10 16.59
Cereals.......................... 178,857.41 23,192.05 12.97 5,698,681.84 1,053,598.89 18.49
Teff................................ 22,021.32 6,370.93 28.93 334,445.20 103,555.26 30.96
Barley............................ 879.56 552.85 62.86 17,438.31 10,382.66 59.54
Wheat............................ 1,903.19 1,139.67 59.88 53,292.67 29,119.86 54.64
Maize............................. 71,802.87 15,258.87 21.25 3,089,091.88 683,546.14 22.13
Sorghum......................... 39,742.10 6,746.67 16.98 1,161,738.52 699,192.44 60.19
Finger millet................... 23,553.74 4,997.27 21.22 525,376.30 117,512.35 22.37
Oats/'Aja'........................ 0.69 0.67 97.31 - - -
Rice................................. 18,953.94 13,023.27 68.71 517,298.96 358,709.24 69.34
Pulses.............................. 30,703.30 5,519.78 17.98 702,510.61 139,774.68 19.9
Faba beans..................... 733.64 301.36 41.08 13,271.73 5,738.92 43.24
Field peas....................... 812.44 370.33 45.58 12,211.37 5,663.06 46.38
White haricot beans..... . 774.73 317.13 40.93 14,799.40 9,904.45 66.92
Red Haricot beans.......... 1,556.01 366.83 23.58 25,602.34 8,912.58 34.81
Red Chick-peas................ 127.28 98.07 77.05 1,850.76 1,243.84 67.21
White Chick-peas 296.94 259.05 87.24 3,506.94 3,056.80 87.16
Lentils.............................. 18.83 18.7 99.3 105.47 104.73 99.3
Grass peas....................... - - - - - -
Soya beans....................... 26,305.20 5,697.99 21.66 630,257.26 142,172.08 22.56
Fenugreek........................ 10.8 8.18 75.68 - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 18.65 9.44 50.61 188.29 102.01 54.18
Gibto................................ 48.78 48.36 99.14 717.06 710.9 99.14
Oilseeds........................... 46,029.15 7,944.25 17.26 696,578.43 119,707.93 17.19
Neug.................................. 9,326.01 4,478.72 48.02 89,769.64 38,730.07 43.14
Linseed.............................. 380.36 94.75 24.91 2,452.82 643.97 26.25
Groundnuts....................... 28,898.73 5,692.55 19.7 554,054.95 110,842.62 20.01
Safflower........................... 137.67 136.11 98.87 729.64 721.39 98.87
Sesame.............................. 7,246.38 1,834.96 25.32 48,931.88 12,092.95 24.71
Rape seed.......................... 40 23.83 59.58 639.51 381.94 59.72
Vegetables......................... 2,523.69 895.20 35.47 32,165.28 10,578.67 32.89
Lettuce............................... - - - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 22.42 12.94 57.72 1,648.97 947.87 57.48
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 73.46 23.73 32.31 3,070.29 1,030.74 33.57
Tomatoes............................ 6.28 5.3 84.47 230.31 197.8 85.89
Green peppers.................... 11.36 5.09 44.79 257 97.5 37.94
Red peppers........................ 2,410.09 888.63 36.87 26,958.72 10,138.01 37.61
Swiss chard........................ 0.08 0.08 99.41 - - -
Root Crops......................... 1,372.72 516.52 37.63 349,799.97 94,623.99 27.05
Beetroot............................ 31.34 19.72 62.91 2,266.41 1,428.78 63.04
Carrot............................... 6.77 6.5 95.95 26.79 26 97.03
Onion................................ 131.47 83.58 63.57 6,975.42 4,031.82 57.8
Potatoes............................ 717.44 460.6 64.2 134,356.22 75,875.62 56.47
Yam/'Boye'........................ 0.14 0.14 98 - - -
Garlic............................... 21.36 13.3 62.27 690.09 438.75 63.58
Taro/'Godere'................... 27.02 7.2 26.66 29,933.27 7,019.94 23.45
Sweet potatoes.................. 437.17 179.81 41.13 175,551.76 58,926.02 33.57
Fruit Crops........................ 2,376.28 579.41 24.38 379,728.21 107,758.99 28.38
Avocados............................ 53.01 39.37 74.27 - - -
Bananas.............................. 557.75 267.75 48 280,978.34 92,463.53 32.91
Guavas............................... 57.83 35.2 60.87 - - -
Lemons............................... 28.74 8.83 30.72 923.04 286.14 31
Mangoes............................. 1,440.27 334.92 23.25 86,389.95 21,808.14 25.24
Oranges.............................. 162.43 79.15 48.73 5,495.99 2,444.77 44.48
Papayas.............................. 76.25 19.33 25.35 5,940.89 1,494.15 25.15
Pineapples.......................... - - 99.61 - - -
Chat.................................... 723.6 205.39 28.38 4,813.81 1,365.05 28.36
Coffee................................. 729.51 225.76 30.95 3,909.48 1,295.17 33.13
Hops................................... 73.61 61.18 83.12 - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 18.8 8.78 46.71 3,550.21 1,657.22 46.68

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
S.N.N.P Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 1,102,915.09 49,263.09 4.47 29,172,249.97 1,587,837.88 5.44
Cereals.......................... 867,313.53 43,825.86 5.05 25,265,262.69 1,531,448.94 6.06
Teff................................ 211,639.30 15,475.40 7.31 3,288,402.28 263,717.73 8.02
Barley............................ 70,837.95 8,083.09 11.41 1,664,421.65 197,774.92 11.88
Wheat............................ 142,738.62 15,759.53 11.04 4,092,661.09 471,218.70 11.51
Maize............................. 348,216.59 26,364.94 7.57 13,893,621.56 1,184,982.11 8.53
Sorghum......................... 79,129.69 6,627.99 8.38 1,976,169.57 167,383.42 8.47
Finger millet................... 9,157.31 2,770.12 30.25 215,679.19 65,757.43 30.49
Oats/'Aja'........................ 98.41 43.36 44.06 1,437.26 657.21 45.73
Rice................................. 5,495.66 1,691.13 30.77 132,870.09 43,500.68 32.74
Pulses.............................. 231,597.34 13,825.19 5.97 3,869,797.81 225,896.87 5.84
Faba beans..................... 77,818.06 5,423.18 6.97 1,548,091.48 115,469.72 7.46
Field peas....................... 51,926.74 7,322.78 14.1 834,497.79 116,258.88 13.93
White haricot beans..... . 2,865.34 950.96 33.19 42,118.95 12,245.06 29.07
Red Haricot beans.......... 94,801.31 8,481.33 8.95 1,389,920.24 116,298.83 8.37
Red Chick-peas................ 936.47 369.83 39.49 19,180.18 7,907.72 41.23
White Chick-peas 747.27 282.8 37.84 9,100.18 4,068.83 44.71
Lentils.............................. 437.5 118.65 27.12 3,159.26 845.74 26.77
Grass peas....................... 6.43 6.42 99.88 - - -
Soya beans....................... 631.02 274.24 43.46 10,086.05 4,457.41 44.19
Fenugreek........................ 247.47 81.78 33.05 1,838.64 765.1 41.61
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 1,179.53 402.46 34.12 11,805.04 3,547.61 30.05
Gibto................................ 0.2 0.2 98.86 - - -
Oilseeds........................... 4,004.21 966.04 24.13 37,189.47 9,391.10 25.25
Neug.................................. 450.79 420.64 93.31 2,698.65 2,518.62 93.33
Linseed.............................. 665.79 185.42 27.85 4,830.84 1,425.13 29.5
Groundnuts....................... 1,155.47 402.86 34.87 16,763.48 7,506.34 44.78
Safflower........................... 505.46 226.96 44.9 6,912.54 3,085.35 44.63
Sesame.............................. 970.99 525.08 54.08 4,472.02 2,395.67 53.57
Rape seed.......................... 255.71 81.14 31.73 1,511.94 503.88 33.33
Vegetables......................... 42,117.23 3,915.70 9.3 2,656,488.95 179,262.29 6.75
Lettuce............................... 26.2 18.41 70.26 - - -
Head Cabbage................... 2,173.08 979.70 45.08 63,961.64 15,496.75 24.23
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 23,128.83 2,172.57 9.39 2,239,314.69 168,265.18 7.51
Tomatoes............................ 342.52 129.36 37.77 7,913.50 4,608.71 58.24
Green peppers.................... 1,539.20 248.24 16.13 91,039.51 15,865.09 17.43
Red peppers........................ 14,804.46 3,063.15 20.69 254,259.61 52,845.89 20.78
Swiss chard........................ 102.94 43.14 41.9 - - -
Root Crops......................... 85,992.57 5,767.73 6.71 21,172,459.65 1,166,829.21 5.51
Beetroot............................ 502.71 100.41 19.97 26,410.38 8,224.73 31.14
Carrot............................... 681.68 159.89 23.46 15,869.28 9,239.91 58.23
Onion................................ 1,490.67 363.97 24.42 131,178.95 41,451.13 31.6
Potatoes............................ 18,362.88 3,965.01 21.59 4,219,644.83 970,171.51 22.99
Yam/'Boye'........................ 3,377.70 649.47 19.23 291,016.24 56,125.79 19.29
Garlic............................... 947.61 255.46 26.96 64,928.22 21,304.45 32.81
Taro/'Godere'................... 45,332.33 3,292.47 7.26 12,701,174.46 631,460.21 4.97
Sweet potatoes.................. 15,296.99 1,566.96 10.24 3,722,237.30 329,718.95 8.86
Fruit Crops........................ 62,814.20 5,440.39 8.66 5,944,542.60 348,635.95 5.86
Avocados............................ 14,790.07 963.32 6.51 1,005,797.64 70,128.35 6.97
Bananas.............................. 37,087.83 4,182.11 11.28 4,043,268.99 257,947.70 6.38
Guavas............................... 252.37 103.49 41.01 172.48 56.2 32.59
Lemons............................... 374.33 82.51 22.04 15,193.97 5,617.03 36.97
Mangoes............................. 7,520.90 1,078.72 14.34 557,527.62 82,434.02 14.79
Oranges.............................. 930.85 145.91 15.67 56,372.69 13,384.11 23.74
Papayas.............................. 1,684.96 288.16 17.1 264,830.80 52,542.50 19.84
Pineapples.......................... 172.87 56.9 32.91 1,378.41 894.55 64.9
Chat.................................... 22,213.18 2,116.38 9.53 208,437.07 20,108.43 9.65
Coffee................................. 145,769.77 12,245.80 8.4 1,327,721.21 120,486.76 9.07
Hops................................... 3,478.63 841.25 24.18 8,373.47 5,975.73 71.37
Sugar Cane....................... 8,242.27 970.06 11.77 3,763,641.29 448,345.50 11.91

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Sidama Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 79,525.70 19,809.58 24.91 2,643,012.56 775,868.89 29.36
Cereals.......................... 47,570.57 11,844.53 24.9 1,979,022.44 576,282.26 29.12
Teff................................ 654.73 380.01 58.04 12,582.79 8,180.97 65.02
Barley............................ 5,852.22 2,345.66 40.08 171,942.58 66,386.60 38.61
Wheat............................ 1,161.73 744.21 64.06 34,227.99 21,751.16 63.55
Maize............................. 39,874.02 11,738.60 29.44 1,759,578.47 579,204.16 32.92
Sorghum......................... 12.3 12.12 98.54 301.98 297.55 98.53
Finger millet................... 15.57 14.75 94.74 388.63 368.19 94.74
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - - - -
Rice................................. - - - - - -
Pulses.............................. 31,937.92 8,533.92 26.72 663,990.12 208,001.08 31.33
Faba beans..................... 2,259.50 681.28 30.15 55,339.61 15,741.30 28.44
Field peas....................... 1,226.29 392.79 32.03 25,814.05 8,642.17 33.48
White haricot beans..... . 2,999.78 1,604.29 53.48 65,295.65 35,394.62 54.21
Red Haricot beans.......... 25,407.66 7,892.86 31.06 516,999.35 190,700.85 36.89
Red Chick-peas................ - - - - - -
White Chick-peas 39.84 39.83 99.96 509.97 509.76 99.96
Lentils.............................. - - - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 4.84 4.84 99.95 31.48 31.46 99.95
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 17.21 13.15 76.45 - - -
Neug.................................. - - - - - -
Linseed.............................. 4.41 3.38 76.6 - - -
Groundnuts....................... - - - - - -
Safflower........................... - - - - - -
Sesame.............................. - - - - - -
Rape seed.......................... 12.79 12.79 99.95 - - -
Vegetables......................... 4,179.48 974.06 23.31 443,710.03 114,216.64 25.74
Lettuce............................... - - - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 138.69 65.58 47.29 - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 3,228.56 765.61 23.71 385,930.17 96,095.76 24.9
Tomatoes............................ - - - - - -
Green peppers.................... 778.88 342.02 43.91 57,315.46 27,590.10 48.14
Red peppers........................ 33.26 23.22 69.81 464.4 410.53 88.4
Swiss chard........................ 0.09 0.09 99.96 - - -
Root Crops......................... 3,393.69 699.39 20.61 640,297.23 149,550.35 23.36
Beetroot............................ 11.25 8.69 77.2 - - -
Carrot............................... 99.68 57.14 57.33 - - -
Onion................................ 1.76 1.76 99.96 - - -
Potatoes............................ 709.06 278.28 39.25 279,387.06 126,474.94 45.27
Yam/'Boye'........................ 306.27 152.99 49.95 29,820.95 22,003.18 73.78
Garlic............................... 90.91 56 61.59 6,121.23 4,109.12 67.13
Taro/'Godere'................... 122.42 73.74 60.24 24,149.46 14,972.21 62
Sweet potatoes.................. 2,052.34 618.80 30.15 300,818.52 82,028.61 27.27
Fruit Crops........................ 8,381.98 2,416.26 28.83 907,802.43 271,258.30 29.88
Avocados............................ 1,418.16 289.02 20.38 128,353.13 43,320.32 33.75
Bananas.............................. 6,704.45 2,345.96 34.99 766,948.63 271,814.13 35.44
Guavas............................... 56.4 30.59 54.23 - - -
Lemons............................... - - - - - -
Mangoes............................. 107.48 39.32 36.58 5,208.77 2,959.97 56.83
Oranges.............................. 0.16 0.16 99.96 - - -
Papayas.............................. 43.81 18.78 42.87 5,882.56 5,330.21 90.61
Pineapples.......................... 51.52 36.15 70.17 1,409.33 1,266.22 89.85
Chat.................................... 19,509.15 4,173.02 21.39 199,518.09 44,774.86 22.44
Coffee................................. 35,802.05 6,651.42 18.58 204,067.61 38,973.28 19.1
Hops................................... 35.61 20.54 57.67 - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 2,049.35 472.56 23.06 1,054,694.09 332,682.48 31.54

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Gambella Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 9,993.15 1,190.34 1.91 292,220.46 30,303.60 10.37
Cereals.......................... 9,936.77 1,193.03 2.01 291,765.64 30,313.84 10.39
Teff................................ 8.11 7.17 8.47 68.11 60.26 88.47
Barley............................ - - - - - -
Wheat............................ 6.83 6.49 5.00 - - -
Maize............................. 5,158.34 658.08 2.76 233,545.02 27,852.17 11.93
Sorghum......................... 4,706.76 1,033.31 1.95 56,813.29 12,632.14 22.23
Finger millet................... 2.53 1.72 7.80 21.01 14.24 67.8
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - - - -
Rice................................. 54.19 37.67 9.51 1,318.22 1,070.76 81.23
Pulses.............................. 43.09 25.42 8.99 375.93 214.56 57.08
Faba beans..................... 17.51 16.19 2.49 225.84 208.87 92.49
Field peas....................... 9.36 8.80 3.99 - - -
White haricot beans..... . 7.18 3.26 5.34 55.32 25.08 45.34
Red Haricot beans.......... 8.62 4.81 5.78 94.78 52.87 55.78
Red Chick-peas................ - - - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - - - -
Soya beans....................... 0.16 0.11 9.50 - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. 0.27 0.25 3.58 - - -
Gibto................................ - - - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 13.29 9.10 8.50 78.89 67.93 86.11
Neug.................................. - - - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 2.02 1.52 5.07 - - -
Safflower........................... - - - - - -
Sesame.............................. 10.55 9.06 5.86 78.89 67.93 86.11
Rape seed.......................... 0.72 0.45 2.09 - - -
Vegetables......................... 132.71 38.35 8.90 - - -
Lettuce............................... - - - - - -
Head Cabbage................... 6.51 6.45 9.11 - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 49.25 15.46 1.39 - - -
Tomatoes............................ 34.23 22.93 6.97 - - -
Green peppers.................... 3.98 2.50 2.76 - - -
Red peppers........................ 38.74 16.02 1.35 - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - - - -
Root Crops......................... 246.95 82.25 3.31 10.44 1.82 17.45
Beetroot............................ - - - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - - - -
Onion................................ 0.35 0.31 8.83 - - -
Potatoes............................ 0.34 0.34 9.02 0.03 0.03 99.02
Yam/'Boye'........................ 1.85 1.52 2.24 - - -
Garlic............................... 0.51 0.48 3.88 - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... 185.32 67.28 6.30 8.74 1.54 17.64
Sweet potatoes.................. 58.58 30.09 1.37 1.67 0.46 27.26
Fruit Crops........................ 2,615.41 1,765.10 7.49 - - -
Avocados............................ 233.28 56.25 4.11 - - -
Bananas.............................. 445.28 123.30 7.69 - - -
Guavas............................... 0.73 0.27 6.37 - - -
Lemons............................... 6.41 4.28 6.74 - - -
Mangoes............................. 1,873.25 1,768.63 4.42 - - -
Oranges.............................. 10.80 4.63 2.84 - - -
Papayas.............................. 45.64 10.93 3.95 - - -
Pineapples.......................... 10.13 7.12 0.32 - - -
Chat.................................... 118.38 67.31 6.86 - - -
Coffee................................. 11,204.31 3,052.18 7.24 - - -
Hops................................... 29.07 8.99 0.92 - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 93.91 18.19 9.37 - - -

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Harari Region
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 10,131.54 1,458.96 6.94 221,225.28 18,297.10 12.09
Cereals.......................... 8,898.70 1,449.67 6.14 210,755.12 18,236.32 11.56
Teff................................ 0.12 - 0.20 -
Barley............................ 21.01 6.28 3.35 119.70 -
Wheat............................ 246.50 15.32 16.09 3,767.66 95.60 39.41
Maize............................. 1,802.81 313.04 5.76 56,103.11 5,995.22 9.36
Sorghum......................... 6,828.26 1,396.37 4.89 150,764.46 16,638.84 9.06
Finger millet................... - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - -
Rice................................. - - - -
Pulses.............................. 42.86 41.62 1.03 390.74 316.80 1.23
Faba beans..................... 3.36 - - -
Field peas....................... 3.96 0.07 56.57 48.06 -
White haricot beans..... . 0.68 36.50 0.02 1.01 277.48 0.00
Red Haricot beans.......... 22.95 20.36 1.13 260.85 151.28 1.72
Red Chick-peas................ 4.17 - 4.17 -
White Chick-peas - - - -
Lentils.............................. 6.38 - 61.25 -
Grass peas....................... - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - -
Fenugreek........................ 1.37 - 15.40 -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 1,189.98 106.63 11.16 10,079.43 848.14 11.88
Neug.................................. - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 1,185.20 106.74 11.10 10,050.47 848.89 11.84
Safflower........................... - - - -
Sesame.............................. 4.79 3.77 1.27 28.96 28.65 1.01
Rape seed.......................... - - - -
Vegetables......................... 12.26 25.69 0.48 - 183.27
Lettuce............................... - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... 1.36 - - -
Tomatoes............................ 10.23 23.58 0.43 - 183.27
Green peppers.................... 0.33 4.03 0.08 - -
Red peppers........................ 0.33 - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - -
Root Crops......................... 190.10 60.11 3.16 0.22 1.66 0.13
Beetroot............................ 0.03 - - -
Carrot............................... - - - -
Onion................................ 1.49 15.57 0.10 - -
Potatoes............................ 0.90 43.38 0.02 0.22 0.29 0.76
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 187.69 19.90 9.43 - 1.64
Fruit Crops........................ 833.36 65.71 12.68 79,027.36 -
Avocados............................ 5.28 - - -
Bananas.............................. 146.65 2.72 53.92 32,998.01 -
Guavas............................... 48.05 2.51 19.14 - -
Lemons............................... 47.96 1.83 26.21 - -
Mangoes............................. 553.98 42.92 12.91 42,028.10 -
Oranges.............................. 0.15 28.25 0.01 - -
Papayas.............................. 31.30 17.93 1.75 4,001.26 -
Pineapples.......................... - - - -
Chat.................................... 8,159.99 238.42 34.23 62,624.36 1,171.67 53.45
Coffee................................. 89.11 33.87 2.63 330.36 53.95 6.12
Hops................................... - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... 0.78 - - -

Estimate of Holders, Area, Production, Standard Errors and Coefficient of Variations
For Crops 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Dire Dawa
Standard CV Standard CV
Crop Area Production
Error (%) Error (%)
Grain Crops. . . . . .. …. 10,180.34 1,458.96 4.33 109,821.58 18,297.10 16.66
Cereals.......................... 9,872.36 1,449.67 4.68 107,487.33 18,236.32 16.97
Teff................................ - - - - - -
Barley............................ 7.76 6.28 1.01 - - -
Wheat............................ 20.84 15.32 3.53 130.01 95.60 73.53
Maize............................. 725.99 313.04 3.12 13,537.33 5,995.22 44.29
Sorghum......................... 9,117.78 1,396.37 5.31 93,819.99 16,638.84 17.73
Finger millet................... - - - - - -
Oats/'Aja'........................ - - - - - -
Rice................................. - - - - - -
Pulses.............................. 130.07 41.62 2.00 1,002.96 316.80 31.59
Faba beans..................... - - - - - -
Field peas....................... 0.07 0.07 9.31 - - -
White haricot beans..... . 79.25 36.50 6.05 602.87 277.48 46.03
Red Haricot beans.......... 50.75 20.36 0.12 400.08 151.28 37.81
Red Chick-peas................ - - - - - -
White Chick-peas - - - - - -
Lentils.............................. - - - - - -
Grass peas....................... - - - - - -
Soya beans....................... - - - - - -
Fenugreek........................ - - - - - -
Mung bean /"Masho"….. - - - - - -
Gibto................................ - - - - - -
Oilseeds........................... 177.90 106.63 9.94 1,331.30 848.14 63.71
Neug.................................. - - - - - -
Linseed.............................. - - - - - -
Groundnuts....................... 173.88 106.74 1.39 1,300.75 848.89 65.26
Safflower........................... - - - - - -
Sesame.............................. 4.02 3.77 3.80 30.54 28.65 93.8
Rape seed.......................... - - - - - -
Vegetables......................... 55.49 25.69 6.30 407.24 183.27 45
Lettuce............................... - - - - - -
Head Cabbage................... - - - - - -
Ethiopian Cabbage.......... - - - - - -
Tomatoes............................ 51.36 23.58 5.90 407.24 183.27 45
Green peppers.................... 4.12 4.03 7.71 - - -
Red peppers........................ - - - - - -
Swiss chard........................ - - - - - -
Root Crops......................... 127.59 60.11 7.11 1.30 0.83 63.66
Beetroot............................ - - - - - -
Carrot............................... - - - - - -
Onion................................ 34.29 15.57 5.42 - - -
Potatoes............................ 47.96 43.38 0.46 0.18 0.14 79.61
Yam/'Boye'........................ - - - - - -
Garlic............................... - - - - - -
Taro/'Godere'................... - - - - - -
Sweet potatoes.................. 45.34 19.90 3.89 1.12 0.82 73.07
Fruit Crops........................ 160.73 65.71 0.88 - - -
Avocados............................ - - - - - -
Bananas.............................. 5.15 2.72 2.75 - - -
Guavas............................... 5.63 2.51 4.50 - - -
Lemons............................... 2.72 1.83 7.08 - - -
Mangoes............................. 59.10 42.92 2.63 - - -
Oranges.............................. 35.89 28.25 8.70 - - -
Papayas.............................. 52.23 17.93 4.34 - - -
Pineapples.......................... - - - - - -
Chat.................................... 814.07 238.42 9.29 3,584.11 1,171.67 32.69
Coffee................................. 88.07 33.87 8.46 144.20 53.95 37.41
Hops................................... - - - - - -
Sugar Cane....................... - - - - - -

APPENDIX III - Number of EAs and Households Planned and
Actually Covered
Stratum Enumeration Areas Households
Zone/Sp.Woreda Planned Covered Planned Covered
North-Western Tigray - - - -
Central Tigray - - - -
Tigray Eastern Tigray - - - -
Southern Tigray - - - -
Western Tigray - - - -
South -East Tigray - - - -
Region Total 206 - 4,120 -
Zone_ 1 (Awsi Resu) 26 16 520 321
Zone_ 2 (Kelbet Resu) 28 0 560 0
Afar Zone_ 3 (Gebi Resu) 25 19 500 364
Zone_ 4 (Fenti Resu) 25 0 500 0
Zone_ 5 (Hari Resu) 26 0 520 0
Region Total 130 35 2,600 685
North Gondar 36 27 720 546
South Gondar 46 46 920 920
North Wollo 42 0 840 0
Amhara South Wollo 53 0 1,060 0
North Shewa 44 44 880 880
East Gojam 46 46 920 920
West Gojam 51 51 1,020 1,020
Waghimra 34 0 680 0
Awi 38 33 760 673
Oromo Nationality zone 33 0 660 0
Central Gondar 49 48 980 960
Western Gonder 31 30 620 600
Region Total 503 325 10,040 6,519
West Wellega 38 5 760 109
East Wellega 37 19 740 402
Ilu Ababora 34 33 680 660
Jimma 44 44 880 880
West Shewa 40 21 800 438
North Shewa 38 30 760 639
East Shewa 37 37 740 740
Arsi 42 41 840 820
Oromia West Hararghe 41 41 820 820
East Hararghe 44 43 880 860
Bale 38 36 760 720
East Bale 28 28 560 560
Borena 30 27 600 511
South-West Shewa 36 34 720 680
Guji 37 29 740 572
Western Guji 36 21 720 440
Finfinne Zuria Special Zone 29 29 580 580
West Arsi 41 41 820 820
Kellem Wellega 34 6 680 126
Horo Guduru Wellega 32 15 640 307
Buno Bedele 33 33 660 660
Region Total 769 613 15,380 12,344

APPENDIX III …. Continued
Stratum Enumeration Areas Households
Region Zone/Sp.Woreda Planned Covered Planned Covered
Siti 27 24 540 480
Fafan 33 29 660 580
Jerer 31 31 620 620
Erer 29 29 580 580
Somali Korahe 27 22 540 440
Shebele 31 28 620 560
Dollo 31 26 620 520
Afder 31 31 620 620
Liben 29 29 580 580
Nogob 22 21 440 420
Dawa 25 23 500 460
Region Total 316 293 6,320 5,860
Metekel 30 2 600 41
Asosa 29 22 580 464
Kamashi 24 0 480 0
Mao-Komo Special Woreda 20 0 400 0
Region Total 103 24 2,060 505
Guraghe 39 39 780 780
Hadiya 37 37 740 740
Kembata-Tembaro 32 32 640 640
Gedio 35 35 700 700
Wolayita 39 39 780 780
South Omo 35 32 700 639
Shaka 27 26 540 524
Kaffa 37 37 740 740
Gamo 36 36 720 720
Bench-Maji 35 32 700 647
Yem Special Woreda 22 22 440 440
Dawro 32 32 640 640
Basketo Special Woreda 20 20 400 400
Konta Special Woreda 24 24 480 480
Siltie 35 35 700 699
Halaba 28 28 560 578
Segen People’s Zone 28 25 560 486
Konso 25 22 500 440
Gofa 32 32 640 640
Region Total 598 553 11,520 11,073
Agnuak 21 17 420 340
Nuer 20 15 400 299
Gambella Mejenger 23 23 460 449
Itang Special Woreda 20 16 400 317
Region Total 84 71 1,680 1,405
Harari Harari 30 30 600 589
Dire Dawa Dire Dawa 30 30 600 575
Sidama Sidama 46 46 920 920
Country Total (Excluding Tigray Region) 2,609 2,052 52,180 41,115


Form Ag.S.S. 2014/0
Ethiopan statistics Service
National Integrated Household Survey
Agricultural Sample Survey, 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)

Part I - Identification Particulars

1 2 3 4 5
Region Zone Wereda Farmers’ Association

Part II – List of Households, Agricultural and non – agricultural Holders and order of selection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Is there
Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural
Household Holder in Holder Household Selection
ID Name of Household The ID Holder’s Name ID Order
Head Household? (Within the (If code 1 is (For
Yes = 1 Household) filled in col. 3) sampled
No = 2 HHs)

Name Signature Date 1.Total Number of Agricultural Households_____

Enumerator’s 2. Random Interval _______
Supervisor’s 3. Random Start _____
Branch Office Head
____ page(s) of _____ pages
Form Ag.S.S 2014/1
Ethiopan statistics Service
National Integrated Household Survey
Agricultural Sample Survey, 2021/22 (2014 E.C.)

Part I - Identification Particulars

1 2 3 4 5
Region Zone Wereda Farmers’ Association Enumeration

Part II – List of Selected (Sampeled) Agricultural Households and Holders

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Type of
Househol Holder Crop = 1
Name of Holder’s phone
d ID Name of Holder Livestock = 2 Selection Remark
Household Head number
ID Both = 3 order


Name Signature Date

Branch Office Head

------- page(s) of --- pages

Form Ag.S.S 2014/2A
Ethiopan statistics Service
Annual agricultural sample survey
2021/22 (2014 E.C)
SECTION 1: Area Identification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Kebele Holder’s Type of
Region Zone Woreda Sex of
Holder Name Level of Househ agriculture
EA HH head Sex
HH ID ID Age education old size Crop = 1
M=1 M=1
completed Livestock = 2
F=2 F=2
Code Both = 3

SECTION 2:- Field /Other land use details

15 16 17
Parcel No. Plot/field No.
The field is covered by: Single crop = 1
Mixed crops = 2 Other land use = 3
S. Crop/other land use Crop name Crop name
Questions for the holder
No. name

Code Code Code

1 Type of holding: Own = 1 Rented in = 2 Sharecrop in = 3 Other (specify) = 4
For how much did you rent this plot? If it is your own, how much would you pay if you
1.1 rent it? (If it is share cropped in, estimate the share of the production that you will
share to the owner of the plot in birr).
2 Is the field under extension program/ Service? Yes = 1 No = 2
3 Was this field /plot Irrigated? Yes = 1 No = 2  Q4
If it was irrigated, source of water: River = 1 Lake = 2 Pond = 3
Harvested water = 4 Well/ground water = 5 Dam = 6 other (specify) = 7
3.2 Type of irrigation: Full/conventional irrigation = 1 Supplemental irrigation = 2
How many times was the field tilled in this production season? Zero tillage (direct
4 drill/seedling) = 1 Tilled once = 2 Tilled two times = 3 Tilled three or more times = 4
Not at all(not cultivated) = 5
4.1 Slope of the field/plot: Plain = 1 partially slopy = 2 slopy = 3
Did you use prevention methods against soil erosion on this field?
Yes = 1 No = 2  Q6
If the answer to Q5 is Yes, main soil erosion preventive method used: Terracing = 1
5.1 Bund = 2 Planting trees = 3 Plough across the contour = 4 Rotational grazing = 5
avoiding grazing = 6 Creating grassed waterways = 7 Other (specify) = 8
Do you apply any method to maintain /improve soil organic matters on this
field/plot? Yes = 1 No = 2  Q7
(If the response to Q6 is YES, what method do you mainly used?
Growing annual crops in rows between perennial crops = 1 maintaining continuous
soil cover (residues) = 2 Maximizing the use of organic matter sources =3 Using
appropriate placement of nitrogen fertilizers = 4 Avoiding grazing = 5 Increasing the
complexity of the crop rotations = 6 intercropping the complexity crop rotations with
leguminous crops = 7 other = 8
How were seeds planted/ sowed? (For only Temporary crops)
Broadcasting = 1 Row planting = 2
If more than one crop grown or if crops were intercropped, give the percentage of
land devoted to each crop (the total percentage should equals 100).
Number of Plants or trees on the field (for permanent crops only). (exclude
chat, pineapple and sugarcane)
Number of matured plants or trees (in full production) on the field (exclude chat,
pineapple and sugarcane)
Of the total area of this field, what percent of it is devoted to trees in full production
(for each crop type)?
(For “enset” trees only) Number of trees harvested/to be harvested in the production
13 Type of seed/seedling sowed/planted: Improved seed = 1 local seed = 2  Q16
If code 1 for Q13, the seed used was: (For only Temporary crops)
New improved seed for this production season = 1 Improved seed left over from last
year production season = 2 Improved seed saved from previous harvest = 3 (if Code 2
or 3 for Q13.1, Q16)
If code 1 for Q13.1, From whom/or institution did you obtain/purchase the seed?
Code (a)፡ (codes are available in enumerators manual).
(For Cereals, Pulses and Oil seeds only: ) If improved seeds are used, (If code 1 for Kg Gm Kg Gm Kg Gm
Q13, quantity of seed used (in Kg)
Birr Cents Birr Cent Birr Cent
(For Cereals, Pulses and Oil seeds only): If improved seeds are used, (If code 1 in s
15 s
Q13), Total cost of seed(Birr)

Form Ag.S.S. 2014/2A .. cont’d

(For Cereals, Pulses and Oil seeds only: ) If local seeds are used, (If code 2 in Q13), Kg Gm Kg Gm Kg Gm
quantity (in Kg)
Birr Cents Birr Cent Birr Cent
16.1 s s
(for only cereals, pulses and oil seeds)፡ cost of local seed used (in Birr).

17 Was there any crop damage on this field? Yes = 1 No = 2 (if the answer is no to Q17,
 Q20)
If there was crop damage, (if code 1 for Q17)፡
18 Main cause of damage፡
Code for main cause፡
19 Percent damaged (if code 1 for Q17)፡
Have you applied any preventive methods against crop damage?
Yes = 1 No = 2 (if the answer to Q20 is no,  Q23)
Type of preventive methods (if code 1 to Q20):
Chemical = 1 Natural/traditional/ = 2 Both = 3
22 If chemical was used, type of chemical: Pesticide = 1 Herbicide = 2
fungicides = 3 1 &2= 4 1 & 3 = 5 2 &3 = 6 All = 7

23 Have you applied/used natural/chemical fertilizers on this field? Yes =

1 No = 2 (if the answer to Q23 is no Q27)
24 If fertilizer was applied, type of fertilizer:
Natural = 1 Chemical = 2 Both = 3
If chemical fertilizer was applied, (if code 2 or 3 to Q24):
25.1 Type of chemical fertilizer: UREA = 1 DAP =2 UREA & DAP = 3
NPS = 4 NPS & UREA = 5 Blended = 6 UREA & Blended = 7
25.2. Quantity of chemical fertilizer applied to the field (by fertilizer DAP UREA NPS Kg Blended
type): Kg Gm Kg Gm Gm Kg Gm


25.3. Total Cost of chemical fertilizer applied, by fertilizer type, (in Birr) Kg Gm Kg Gm Kg Gm Kg Gm

If natural fertilizer was used, (if code 1 or 3 to Q24), type of natural

fertilizer: Animal waste/manure = 1 compost = 2 Orga = 3 1 & 2 = 4 1
& 3 = 5 2 & 3 = 6 all = 7 other(specify) = 8
27 Number of times you harvest from this field/plot in this season?

If you harvest twice or more from this plot in this production season, Crop name Code Crop name Code Crop name Code
name of crop harvested: (more than one crop possible).

What was the field before this production season? Left fallow = 1
29 own cropped/caltivated land = 2 gvernment forest/ tef/swamp = 3
comunal grazing/forest/tef land = 4 grazing/forest/tef land under
other holder = 5 Cropped/caltivated land under other owner = 6
other (specify) = 7
30 Number of oxen/other animals used during land clearing, land
preparation and planting. M F C

30.1 Total cost paid for animal services (oxens/other animals) during land
clearing, land preparation and planting (if own animals used, estimated
31 Number of days family members spent on this field during land clearing,
land preparation and planting (in perso-days).
Estimated cost for family members participated on this field during land
clearing, land preparation and planting.(in Birr)
Number of days hired persons spent during land clearing, land
preparation and planting.(in person-days)
Total cost for hired persons during land clearing, land preparation and
planting.(in Birr)
Labour sharing (debo, wenfel,….): number of days persons in the work
33 party spent during land clearing, land preparation and planting.(in
Total cost paid for persons participated in the work party, (including
spent in the form of foods, drinks, … ) (in Birr)
Total cost spent for mantionary service (if own mationary used,
estimate in monetary value)
Total cost spent for animal service for transport during land clearing,
land preparation and planting.
M = Male, F = Female , C = Children (under 15 years of age)

FORM 2A: SECTION 3: Area of field/plot measured by (GPS, Compass Rope, or Measurer) (Meher 2014 E.C)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Was area
of the field
If field is measured
measured If field is not
using GPS,
Closure using GPS or
measured, measurer software,
Compass- If field is error (for
reason: field obstruction
Rope or measure fields
Difficult to Not protected/bare
Sex of Measurer? d using measure How large is
Holder Parce Plot Area of field/Plot measure =1 Date of
HH Id HH Crop name GPS = 1 GPS or d using the plot in
Id l No. No. (in sq.m.) with Covered with measurement
head Compass Measure compass Local Units?
compass/me trees/perennial
Rope = 2 r, and
asurer/GPS = crops =2
accuracy meter In compound = 3
=3 1
only) Partially covered = 4
Not Other = 2 Other (specify) = 5
Name Code (Measured
(Measured Mont
Anti Day Area in [Name]
Clockwise) h
Area Area

Name Signature Date

Data collector’s
Field Supervisor’s

Form AgSS 2014/3/1A
Ethiopan statistics Service
Agricultural sample survey (2014 E.C)
Meher season Pre-harvest crop production forecasting
Section 1: Area Identification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Farmers’ Sex of HH
Region Zone Wereda Holder name
Association Enumeration head
HH Id Holder Id
Area Male = 1
Female = 2

Section 2: Pre-Harvest Crop production forecasting (only for Permanent crops, Vegetables and root crops) – Main season
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
What is your view of your productivity in this crop relative to last year’s production season (subjective measure of productivity)
Will increase =1 If it will increase If it will decrease Expected
No. of productivity
Crop name No change = 2 Amount of One main reason for Amount of decrease One main reason for the
S.No fields change in
Will decrease = 3 increment in increament in percent decrease
percent percent
Code Code Code Code
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
0 6
0 7
0 8
0 9
1 0
Note: Data will be collected from October 11-25/2021 (15 days)

Name Sinature Date

Field Supervisor’s

Form AgSS. 2014/4
Ethiopan statistics Service
Ethiopian agricultural sample survey
2021/22 (2014 E.C.)

Part I – Identification Particular

1 2 3 4 5
Region Zone Wereda Farmers’ Association EA

Part II – List of fields under temporary crops from which to select sample fields for crop cutting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Production Harvested/ to be harvested in Crop Name
Household ID

local/standard units
Field No.
Holder ID

Parcel No.

Local/standard unit Selecte

Name Field Selected Field Selected Field Selected Field Selected Field d
Code Name Code No. Field No. No. Field No. No. Field No. No. Field No. No. Field

Name Signature Date

Field Supervisor’s

Form AgSS. 2014/5
Ethiopan statistics Service
Ethiopian agricultural sample SURVEY
2021/22 (2014 E.C.)
Part I – Identification Particular
1 2 3 4 5
Region Zone Wereda Farmers’ Association E.A

Part II – Crop Cutting Results for temporary crops

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Was there any If yes, one main cause Percent
Parcel No.

Field No.


Holder ID Date of dray crop damage? of damage of crop

Date of crop Fresh Weight Dry weight damaged
Yes = 1

Crop Name weighting

No = 2
Code Day Month Kilo Gram Day Month Kilo Gram Code Cause Code

Name Signature Date

Field Supervisor’s


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