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Predictions in KP Astrology : Relationship

and Remedies
Table of Contents

 Predictions in KP Astrology: Solutions with Self Efforts

 Case study
 Predictions in KP Astrology: Remedies
o 1st House Script: Attitude and Approach
 Keep in Mind
o The 10th House script: Relationship with Higher Authorities
o Predictions in KP Astrology:Self Empowerment
o Predictions in KP Astrology: Self-efforts and Remedies
 Predictions in KP Astrology: Relationship and Remedies
o How to Empower Your Self
o 5th House
o 9th House
o Remember
o Predictions in KP Astrology: Relationship and Remedies
 Case study: Give suggestions like this
 Conclusion

Predictions in KP Astrology: Life is a continuous journey, where you come across different
types of associations. And each association comes to you as per the stage of your life. The
journey begins with the most beautiful and pure connection and that is a relationship with your

The relationship can be of any type it can be with your Boss, neighbors, sibling, or spouse. Each
house in the horoscope gives you a very special relationship. If you have to check your
relationship with your spouse, check the 7th house script. This will tell the quality of marriage
and in that particular script lies the remedial part as well. This is the hidden code in

If you have to check your relationship with your mother, then the 4th house script needs to be
analyzed. Each house in the horoscope has a very special relationship.

Predictions in KP Astrology: Solutions with Self Efforts

Relationship with your Own Self is Most Important

Each house in the horoscope signifies an important relationship, and this forms your World.

Now how to check the status of your relationship in the horoscope. What freewill you have?
What you need to do to have a good relationship.

So first let’s understand all the connections one has to deal with in life.

Now in a horoscope, we have 12 houses, so we have 12 types of associations.

1. 1st house: Self

2. 2nd house – Family, it is called Kutumba bhav,
3. 3rd house – Younger Sibling, Your Team
4. 4th house – Mother, Teacher and comfort.
5. 5th house – Children, Strong likings, and your intelligence
6. 6th house – Employees, servants, and colleagues
7. 7th house – Spouse, business partner, customer, or client.
8. 8th house – Spouse family, In-laws, and illegal relationship
9. 9th house – Mentor, Guru, and father
10. 10th house – Employer, higher authorities.
11. 11th house – Friends, Advisors, Supporters
12. 12th house – Foreigners, and Sellers – House of Expenses.

The 12 Houses and Clans signified by Each House form your World.

About Self: The most important point that is generally missed is to check the relationship with
yourself because if the self is in conflict, then you either get into the wrong relationship, or
you are not able to maintain a good relationship.

If the self is weak, then you will make mistakes, and this is the reason why relationships have
become challenging. If you are balanced, then you know how to take care of your sentiments.
And even if life throws a curveball, you can handle it well. Because a balanced person can see
and understand things wisely and maturely.

One can distinguish between wrong and right. Never gets agitated on petty matters but rather
puts his energy on solutions than problems. A balanced person has the art to see the brighter side
of any situation.

Now how to make a good and healthy relationship with your world. And how to understand the
KP Astrology script.

I will explain this concept with this

Case study

Read KP script: Same KP rules will be followed. Most importantly star-lord gives the main
results, and the 12th to every house negates the event.

In the above-shown chart, the 1st house cusp sub-lord is Mercury, which is in Rahu nakshatra. In
this birth chart, Mercury is a self-significator. Here Mercury coordinators will work as star-lord
plus sub-lords both.

The 1st House script – Cancer Mercury Mercury


 Mercury 3 4 12
 Rahu 7 8 9
 Venus 3 4 11

Predictions in KP Astrology: Remedies

1st House Script: Attitude and Approach

Case study – The 1st House script – Cancer Mercury Mercury

This describes the basic nature and attitude of the person towards his own life as well as his

In the above horoscope, we see a Cancer sign, which is the 4th lord of the natural zodiac, and a
water element. This signifies relationships, emotions, and feelings. In my view, when 1st script
involves 7 8 12, it gives strange behavior. As the 8th and 12th association with the personality
makes it very weak.

But if one is deeply passionate about technology and research work, then one can make the best
of his energy. And 4th house involvement states homely, comfort, and even luxury seeker. The
3rd house states communication, short travel, commission, and siblings.

But Rahu at Star lord states, insecurities, confusion, and greed. So this person has a weak mind
and body plus strange behavior. This can make him behave strangely and unexpectedly. One
can go out of control if things are not as per him. When Rahu associates with the 1st house, one
can lie, cheat, and take shortcuts in life to fulfill desires.

Here I will add that if self or 1st house script shows afflictions then the person faces health
issues. And 8th house association shows Nij Dosha, which means self-generated issues. Either
one will take the wrong food that will ruin his health or attitude towards life needs
transformation. And transformation comes only when unnecessary links are removed. But this
delink is always painful. This is the reason that the 8th house signifies pain and disappointment,
but also transformation.

Keep in Mind
We analysed that the self is helpless in the above chart, but since the sub lord states 3 4 11, this
shows there is good hope of overpowering weaknesses.

When the 2nd and 10th cusp sub-lord is also Mercury, this means that family and the
relationship will give issues. Here lies the secret, the relationship with family and employer
will disturb this person. And this will suffocate and when the mind will be low or depressed
then the best option is if one takes the help of higher learnings and Guru – this is the 9th house.

The 10th House script: Relationship with Higher Authorities


Case study: The 10th house cusp script – Aries Ketu Mercury

A fiery sign states that the Boss will be very aggressive. Ketu here states Government
authorities, and again Mercury in Rahu star represents doubts in the association. Therefore the
boss will always suspect this person’s work.

The job is linked with govt authorities as Mercury is conjoined with the Sun Ketu is at star lord
in the cuspal chart and Mercury represents communication and documentation.

Mercury is in the Rahu star again involving the 8th and 12th. So these issues will be there as
Rahu represents sudden events, the 8th house includes allegations, unknown fears, and most imp
nij dosha and the 12th is the house of losses, defects, and weakness.

Now here you need to understand that this is the promise, if unfavorable dasha and transit
comes, then one will face dispute and humiliation.

To fight with this, you can work on what empowers you, and then be careful with the timeline
that involves 8 and 12 houses.

Predictions in KP Astrology:Self Empowerment

The best part of learning Astrology is that one understands the secret message of the nine
planets. So considering the script, one reads the fixed as well as freewill concept. It is called
Dridha/Adridha Karmas.

In the chart shared we noticed that the self is weak so it needed attention. There are three ways
to empower oneself

 Vastu Dosha Balancing in Home

 Donations
 Self Efforts – Understand the possibilities in life

Vastu Balancing: Start with the balancing of elements in the house. Check the Water zone in
your house. This starts from 330 to 45 degrees and Zones include NNW N NNE NE

These zones are really important. There should be no clutter, no anti-element, activity, or object.
And if there is an imbalance in this zone, you will be affected physically or emotionally.

Remember if your Lagna is on the cusp like if you see within 2 – 3 minutes, the Lagna is
changing its sign. Like here you see the Cancer sign, after 2 minutes, it will change to Leo. And
this happens when the Lagna degree is either 0 or 29 degrees. Then you should check both the
cusps and whichever resonates with your personality, read the coordinators.

Predictions in KP Astrology: Self-efforts and Remedies


Read the script and understand what empowers and weakens your energy. So self-analysis is
required because you will deal with the world and other relations.

And if you are weak, then your approach and attitude need awareness.

And remember as you are, you will attract and get associated with similar kind of people. If
you are unhappy and weak then all incomplete, or negative people will be associated.

Or even if the other person is fine, you don’t want to associate because you have self-created
issues, so this will cause relationship issues. Therefore the first important step is to work on
yourself check your elements – and the zodiac sign as they will tell about the exterior part.

The Lagna script is perfect because this shows unique road, for each one of us. If you have
problems, probably you have taken the wrong Direction.

Predictions in KP Astrology: Relationship and Remedies

How to Empower Your Self

Every horoscope script involves certain coordinators. Now a powerful finance script is good
for the money but bad for health. If health is great, then it gives instability in career and

In the example chart, we see the Cancer sign – Moon and mercury involve the 8th and 12th
house, so self has certain issues. Because the 12th house link shows weaknesses, the mind and
body are weak. The 8th house represents pain, disappointment, depression, and even health

If self is linked with 5 9 houses then you are blessed, and in such case, you
should motivate others and show the right path. Help others giving solutions
and guidance and this attitude will empower you.

Just positively follow your unique script. Use 1st, 5th, and 9th house script-related work in
everyday life. Take the help of these coordinators to work for the higher self. And forcefully
ignore the negative side of the script or planet. These are the distractions to divert us from the
beautiful journey to eternal peace.

5th House

The planets posited in the 5th house or in the cusp script tell about your likings. This is the house
of attraction and entertainment, and this house activity actually rejuvenates you.

And 5th house is Purva Punya bhav, so when you activate the 5th house, by understanding the
significance of planets getting involved, then your passion and creativity also become visual.
Because by doing the 5th house activities, you have activated the good effects of the 5th

9th House

The 9th house signifies your ideologies and moral values. If one follows the 9th house script
and understands the message of the planet and its significance then the 9th house becomes active.
These are ancestors’ blessings and is also called luck or fate.


The 5th and 9th house from any house will support the results of the primary house if one
involves the hidden message in his approach.

And 6 8 12 houses from any house, in fact, weaken the results. Here one can involve donations
and balance Vastu dosha. These energies create blockage in the progress of an individual.

Predictions in KP Astrology: Relationship and Remedies

Case study: Give suggestions like this

In this chart, the 5th house script includes Scorpio Saturn Jupiter

Scorpio is a sign of mysticism, secrecy, and hidden knowledge. Saturn signifies traditional
knowledge, a very structured and disciplined approach, and one who is a good advisor.

Jupiter – higher knowledge, so wise and mature people. Here as discussed before, the good
aspects of the horoscope need to be analyzed.

To empower yourself, focus on the planets influencing your Maha Dasha (MD), Antardasha
(AD), and Pratyantar dasha (PD). Currently, Saturn, Moon, and Jupiter are active in your
timeline. Saturn’s influence requires activation of the 5th and 9th houses. The 9th house
represents spiritual practices like traditional prayers and mantra sadhana, while the 5th house
pertains to hobbies and entertainment. By engaging in activities related to these houses, you can
find comfort (4th house) and support (11th house), while alleviating weaknesses associated with
the 12th house.

In KP Astrology, moving as per the coordinators is more beneficial. Check the houses involved
in that cusp script, where discomfort arises. It’s essential to align with the flow and not resist it.

If the cusp house script shows improvement houses at sub lord, this indicates a hope to empower
oneself. This means if a person puts his energy into improving houses, then the health and
mental conflicts will not cause severe ailments.

In the given chart, Saturn rules the Maha Dasha (MD). The initial remedy involves balancing the
Karma planet. Saturn signifies discipline, responsibility, limitations, and adherence to

regulations. It embodies the principles of Vedic knowledge, disciplined conduct, and navigating
life within defined boundaries.

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