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$$ 1 The random variable Z has a standard ® normal distribution. Find P(0 < Z < 1.47). 2 The random variable Z has a standard normal distribiition, Find the probability... that: a Zisiessthan 1.2 b. Zis greater than 1.2. ® 3. The random varjable Z is normally © distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Use tables to find P(Z > ~2.08). 10S 4 Ifthe random variable Z has a standard. © normal distribution, use tables to find the | probability that Z is greater than 0.584, 5. Match each diagram (A) to (I) with one of the probabilities (i) to (ix). “ ®) a7 0 «168 @ 05-P0-1054) ~ i |b PZ <0.483) f P(L4290.938) g PC125) ee ~PQO k,) in order fom smallest to largest. Write down two different inequalities comparing the mean of C to the mean of D; and the standard deviation of Cto the standard deviation of D. A scientific instruments manufacturer makes thermometers. They are tested for accuracy by immersing in freezing water, and are ther recalibrated if they are not sufficiently accurate. The measurements when a thermometer is first tested turn out to be modelled by a normal distribution with a mean of 0°C and a standard deviation of 1°C. ‘The life of an alkaline battery in constant use is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of 18 hours and a standard deviation of 2 hours. a Whatis the probability that a battery tested at random lasts longer than 15 hours? D Ifa toy manufacturer purchases 600 of these batteries, how many could be expected to last longer than 20 hours? ¢ Estimate, to the nearest 10, the number of batteries that should be purchased to have 1000 that last at least 16 hours. Dear Abby my husband serves in the Navy. He was Last oiv shore leave 08 days ago. | have Just halo eile What should tell aivar ‘The length of a human pregnancy can be modelled by a normal distribution with a mean of 268 days and a standard deviation of 15 days. probability distribution to comment on the likelihood of her husband being the father of her child. \ 10 Amanufacturing firm produces ball- bearings for export. A ball-bearing is rejected ifits diameters greater than 4.15 nim, The diameters of ball-bearings are normally distributed with a mean of 4.10 mm anda standard deviation of 0.02 mm. a How many ball-bearings ina tobe rejected? bb Aconsignment has 15 ball-bearings rejected. Estimate the number of ball- bearings in the consignment, to the nearest 100. ‘telephone service provider advertises | ‘We guarantee to repair your faulty phone month's phone bill is on us’, Assume that the time taken to repair a phone line is normally distributed. The phone provider contracts out its repair work to two companies, A and B. | 13 Apotice officer has a concealed radar unit | ~ Which she uses to measure the speed of trafic erossing a bridge. She finds thatthe mean speed is 84 kan/h and the standard | deviation is 5 km/h. The speed limit on the bridge is 90 km/h, and the speeds of the cars are normally distributed a Estimate how many out of 200 cars could be expecied to be exceeding the speed limit, Ifthe police officer finds one day that 40 Cars have exceetied the speed limit, estimate, to the nearest 50, how many ‘measurements of speed she made. consignment of 1000 could be expected line within 12 hours. If we don’t, your next } Standard Company | Mean deviation A Shous | 25 hours B hows |~ 15 hours Lo PO hours | 1 n 4 1B 1 6 ‘Which company (A or B) should be chosen tominimise the number of People who receive a free month's ental? Explain, Produce a graph that shows both, normal distributions with the given parameters Would it be better for company B to decrease the niean from 10 hours to 9.5 hours, or to reduce the standard deviation from 1.5 hours to 1 hour? A marine scientist has taken a sample of shellfish weights. The data has a mean of 30g anda standard deviation of 17 ¢ a. Usea graphics calculator or software package to draw a normal curve with this mean and standard deviation, b What feature of the curve implies that the shellfish weights cannot be modelled by a normal distribution? A garden centre puchases potting mix from two suppliers, A and B. The percentage moisture content in the potting mix from each supplier follows a normal distribution with the means and standard deviations shown in the table, pee Standard Supplier | Mean deviation A 24.6% 4% B 3% 49% ‘The garden centre wants to purchase potting mix with a moisture content under 30%, Which supplier should they choose, and why? A manufacturer of digital watches finds that the watches do not always keep time accurately. On average they keep the exact time, but the standard deviation of the error in time is 2.65 seconds per day. The manufacturer requires the error to be within 5 seconds per day, Ifthe error in time of each watch is normally distributed, estimate, to the nearest 10, the number of watches in a production run of 600 that would not be acceptable. ‘The time that people take to complete a simple jigsaw puzzle is normally distributed, with a mean of 18 minutes and a standard deviation of 5 minutes. A large group of people are given the puzzle to do. If 40 of them complete it in under 10 minutes, estimate how many take longer than 10 minutes. 1 Each of these diagrams shows a standard normal curve with a given probability. Use tables to find the values of a-f. 2 Zis.a standard normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Use tables to determine the valtie of a if PO 0.490 b 0240 © 0.495, Zisa standard normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Use tables to determine the value of b if PZ %)=036. 1 Each of these diagrams shows a standard normal curve (mean Oand standard deviation 1) with a given probability. Use appropriate technology or stalistical tables to find the values of af a 2. Zisa standard norital randoih variable ‘with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Determine the value of bf P(Z <2) is a 0.950 © 0.006. b 0.460 3. Zisa standard normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 Determine the value of k if P(Z > X) is: a 076 “0.08. b 033 4 Zisa standard normal random variable ‘with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 Determine the value of a if P(0 < Z b) and. Pa 43) = 0.68, calculate the mean. mean 71.3. Calculate the standard deviation if the probability that X is Xhas a normal distribution with standard Tess than 80 is 0.75 deviation 5. Given that P(X < 50) = 0.01, calculate the mean. ‘The weights of bags of cement packed by a machine 6 Asmall-goods manufacturer havea standard deviation of 4 kg. Ifthe weights are makes biersticks (salami sticks), normally distributed and 5% of them are under 34 kg, that are cut up into suitable calculate the mean weight. lengths by a machine. The lengths are normally distributed with a mean of 150 mm. 10% of the biersticks are longer than 185 mrn. What is the standard deviation of the lengths? An office has installed a coffee machine, which can be adjusted so that the average amount of coffee dispensed per cup can be set at any level. The amount of coffee dispensed is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 5 mL. What filling level, in millilitres, should be set to ensure that at least 95% of 7-The operating temperatures of a the cups contain 180 mL or more? model of freezer set to maximum, cooling can be modelled by a normal distribution. 7.5% of the refrigerators were running colder than “15.6 °C. How many standard deviations is a temperature of 15.6 °C below the mean operating temperature? produced the data in the table for the distance travelled before a tyre is rejected dle to lack of fread. Both sets of data are normally distributed. Standard Mean | _ deviation Radial @0000km | _3000km Cross-ply | 55000km | 2000km a Whatis the probability that a radial tyre lasts for a shorter distance than the mean of the cross-ply tyres? b _ Ifone of each type of tyre is selected at random, what is the probability that they both last at least 57 000 kin? ‘Suppose that the time spent each month ona mobile-phone by'a subscriber with a particular profile is normally distributed ‘with a mean of 175 minutes and a standard deviation of 45 minutes. ‘Amobile-phone operator offers the subscriber a monthly flat rate plan: + 90minutes’ use or less costs $35 + between 90 minutes’ and 240 minutes’ use costs $60 + more than 240 minutes’ use costs $75. a Assuming that the subscriber's use of the phone does not change, calculate the mean and standard deviation of the subscriber's monthly charges. b Whyis the assumption that the use will not change unrealistic? ‘Xis anormal random variable with mean 9 and standaid deviation 4, whereas Y is a normal random variable with mean 8 and standard deviation 5. a Which of X and Yis more likely tobe greater than 10? b Which of X and Y is more likely to be less than 14? es 1705 1 Tests of radial and cross-ply tyres have © Calculate the value of aif PK >a) =P >a). 4 Concrete blocks are manufactured to be 5 kg in weight, but are accepted if they are between 4.96 and 5.04 kg, In the long ‘run, 1% of the blocks are rejected as over- weight and 1% are rejected as under-weight. Calculate the standard deviation of the weight of the blocks if the weights are normally distributed. 5 Acar factory purchases halogen lamps from two manufacturers (M, and M,). The ‘time that each lamp lasts (lifetime) can be modelled by a normal distribution. The lifetimes for lamps made by M, have a meen of 850 hours and a standard deviation of 65 hours, and the lifetimes for lamps made by M, have a mean of 910 hours and a standard deviation of 14 hours. a The car factory decides to offer a ‘warranty on the lamps so that each type of lamp has the same probability of, feilure. i Determine the time that each lamp thas the same probability of lasting before it fails. ‘What warranty should the factory offer in months, assuming that ‘typical use of the lamps is 2 hours per day? bb Whatis the probability that a lamp lasts Jonger than the lifetime in part a? 6 Alocal authority has installed speed ‘cameras, These operate 30% of the time. A driver feifiembets that there are speed cameras and slows down to 2 legal speed 80% of the time. Otherwise, her speed when passing the camefa is a normally distributed raridom Variable witht a méan of 65km/H afid a statidantt deviation of 3 km/h. Irshie’ is fedorded as travelling over 70 km/h, she! is sent a traffic offence notice. What is the probability of this happening? 7 The lengths of pine needles are normally distributed with a mean of 110 mm and a standard deviation of 18 mm. Calculate the conditional probability that a pine needle selected at random is over 100 mm in length, given that it is less than the mean length. 8 Abus company timetable on a certain service allows for 45 minutes to complete the journey. If this time is exceeded, the company loses some of a daily subsidy for the route. At present the actual time for the journey is normally distributed with a mean of 41.6 minutes and a standard deviation of 2.9 minutes. The company has investigated making the service more reliable by changing the route to one with fewer traffic lights. This reduces the standard deviation {02.3 minutes*By how much could the ‘mean increase, for the probability of losing ‘the subsidy to remain unchanged? Give the answer to the nearest second. 12 The daily power use for a household can be modelled by a normal distribution with unknown mean and standard deviation 0. Readings of the use show that 8% of days have use less than 367 units and 15% have ‘use more than 519 units. a Draw anormal curve and show the | information on it, b Determine the values ofwande. | n 13 {A firm produces string which has amean breaking strength of 32 kg with a standard deviation of L8 kg. A competitor decides to develop a string with a better breaking strength. Assuming that the bresking strength is normally distributed’and that the standard deviation remains constant, what, mean breaking strength should the second firm aim for in ordér that 99% of its string is stronger than the average of the frst firm? Eterna brand batteries have a lifetime that is normally distributed with a mean of 600 days and a standard deviation of 60 days. Batteries that last less than 500 days are unsatisfactory andl can be returned for replacement. What percentage of returned batteries last longer than 450 days? ‘A bakery makes bread loaves which it usually sells for $2 each. However, if loaf is too sinall itis given away to charity, and if a loaf is too large it is sold to the staff of the bakery ata 40% discount. The weights of the loaves are normally distributed with a mean of 1410 g and a standard deviation of 50 g. Aloaf between the limits of 1300 and 1500 g can be sold normally. Calculate the expected amount received for a loaé, ‘The weights of eggs are normally distributed, Calculate the mean and standard deviation if 20% of the eggs weigh less than 41 g and 40% weigh more than 48. 14 Anormal random variable X has its mean ‘equal to its variance. Ifthe probability that X is negative is 0.158 655, find the mean, 17 The normal distribution Exercise 17.01 { (page S58) rise 17. 4 T ogile T © 0072780 2 a : 5 a PD>k), PMD 308 days) = 0.009 830. itis ‘P(B éan repair within 12 hours) ighy unliely her htsband isthe father of her cil IRwouldbe better for cofppany B to reduce the bout not out ofthe question. sandard deviation. oa Ske ma a P(A.cansepeir within 12houss) = 0.894930, (B can repair within 2 hours) = 0908 789 Company B has the beter repair record, 20 ‘choosing company B will minimise the number of u as Dip ww TTA bb Some points on the curve have negative values; but weights must aways be postive quantities. 348 (350) ‘Supplier B, because it has the higher probability ofa ‘moisture content being under 30% For supplier B the probability is 0.997 19, wheteas for supplier A itis ‘0.550 140, 36 (40) 680 2B b (page 440) Exercise A.02 tsotoms tobe compensated by . A Tae bee we ee Exercise A.O1 — oaaee 6.) coms a 0.8849 b ®) 0.4585 © 0555 bea () 0.8827 arse © ome 4), Gi i.) 7a 04772 ao "Ge |b ste ‘ «078 Ow eons we (D), (o), Ow ®t) 09070 _Altanswers in thi exercise have been calulated (@) 00465 using the special inverse normal table on p. 453, 0s 1 a os a 1ars @ ons b 1s e555 +. tom ft 1m “¢ 0850 2 2 295 bh 06m «2576 © 008s 3a < ee 165 0108 2576 h oss 8 1960 bets essa Sa a7 b tase Exercise 17.03 1a an1959% = d d=067490 10 56941 529,62, 6705867. ba 556774 see Lee0 78s ‘TL 159 cc (to the nearest whole number) | © c= 1174987 £ f=-3.090253 \ 12 a 70%(tothenearest whole number) 2 a 1esssss y " -oamouse © “2575801 es ey 070s a co os Ree oa me Aa 25637) mses 25758 ag gees an eect) 5 a 155956 betes 0954165 1b Sixdays1¢houis (tothe nearest hot) | 6 cansrrsaors a d=tosaes5s0 15 mets ead ee ee ecinae 16 652.418 638 mm (7 652 mem) © 6=1092.995552 wa oases : 7 a wsroe b aneasi2 b hn5t5.a775 8 185215em (~ 183 an) ves © +B months. fou year) | 3 oma Exercise 17.04 (age 369) 1 1535598 3 mL 2 81691735 6 39mm | seme 7 ddstandard deviations | 4 s0s8ig | Exercise 17.05 (page 372) 1 = 0047790 10 7.006% oxsaeee sis 2 a Mean $6038 standard deviation = $5.91 a Because thi subbeber may ty to iit use to | ander 40 minutes to savesls. | Sa XxX box © 4 vor a96Kg 0. a 3 i 756hous 18 months boa Sn oe a ott a bw 7 : 13 Mean= 464g standard deviation: 9 rn 10.999 630 (= 7) rr. 1.0) 1 Xand Y have independent normal distributions with means 6 and 9, and standard deviations 1 and 2, respectively. IfW=X+Y, calculate: a themean of W 1b the standard deviation of W © PW> 13). 2 Xand Yare as given in question 1. V=X-Y. Calculate: a themeanof V b the standard deviation of V © PWV <0) 3. A commuter airline charges passengers an extra fee if the passenger's weight and the weight of their checked luggage together exceed 110 kg. The airline knows from experience that passenger weights are normally distributed with a mean of 78 kg and a standard deviation of 7 kg, and that the weights of checked luggage are also normally distributed with a mean of 19 kg and a standard deviation of 5 kg. The weights of a person and his/her luggage are independent, Calculate the probability that a passenger will have to pay extra. 4 When an empty canis filled with pet-food, the difference between the weight of the filled can and the weight of the empty can must be the weight of the contents. The weight of a full can has a distribution with a mean of 500 g and a standard deviation of 12g, and an empty can has weight distributed with a mean of 50 g and standard deviation of 4g, a Calculate the inean and the standard deviation for the weight of the contents. b Ifboth distributions are normal, and the weight of the filled can and empty canare independent, calculate the probability that the contents exceed the labelled quantity of 454 g. 5. Toget to work, a woman drives to a car- park in town and then walks to her office. ‘Assuming that the times spent driving and walking are independent, and are noymnally distributed with means of 40 minute} and 10 minutes, and standard deviations of 5 minutes and 1 minute, respectively, calculate: athe probability that she gets to work in under an hour the length of time above which 90% of her journeys will last. 6 The amount of CNG dispensed to each ofa fleet of vans is normally distributed with a mean of 100 m? and a standard deviation of 5 m° (at constant pressure). However, a certain amount of CNG is lost independently through leaking connections ~ this is normally distributed with a mean of 6 m} and a standard deviation of 2 m’. Calculate the probability that a van is filled with at least 100 m? of CNG. 7 Two golfers have been playing at the same club for a long time and therefore have a good idea of how their scozes are distributed in the long run. The players’ scores are independent and can be modelled by normal distributions. Player A has a mean score of 89 with a standard deviation of 4 shots, and Player B has a mean score of 87 with a standard deviation of 5 shots. Calculate the probability that Player A has a higher score than Player B, 8 A triathlon is made up of a 4-km swim,a 10 100-Km cycle course and a 20-km run. There is a compulsory rest of 5 minutes between each stage. For an athlete selected at random, the time for each stage is normally distributed with means and standard deviations as given in the table. Siri Ta | tan fem] ofn [onsen] Standard deviation | 4min | armin | s3min_| 1B Assuming that the times for each stage are independent, calculate the probability that the elapsed time, including rest periods, from start to finish is less than 10 hours, An electrician has tested two brands of battery in continuous use. The results show that the lifetimes are normally distributed and independent. ‘Longlife’ batteries have a mean of 63 hours, with a standard deviation of 0.15 hours; and ‘Millenium’ batteries havea mean of 59 hours, with a standard deviation of 0.35 hours. If one of each type of battery is chosen at random, what is the probability that the ‘Longlife’ battery lasts longer than the Mbilleniur: battery? 4 Thgheight of ablade on a motor:mower is altéred by inserting two aluminium washers between the drive shaft and the blade. The cottect desired separation is 22.5 mm, but 2.5 mm on either side of this is acceptable. ‘Two washers are selected at random from anormally distributed population with a mean thickness of 11.8 mm and a standard deviation of 1.3 min, What is the probability that a satisfactory separation is achieved? 1 ‘The assembly of a particular scientific instrument requires a close tolerance between nuts and bolts. The assembly will be acceptable if there is less than 0.1 mm difference in diameter between a nut and a bolt. The diameters of both nuts and bolts are normally distributed with means of 154mm and 15.3 mm and standard deviations of 0.2 mm and 0.1 mm, respectively. Ifthe nuts and bolts are selected independently, what proportion of assemblies will be accepted? A top-dressing aircraft is licensed to carry a maximum weight of 750 kg. Itis loaded with two barrels of fertiliser. When empty, each barrel weighs exactly 30 kg. The amount of fertiliser in each barrel is normally distributed with a mean weight of 390 kg and a standard deviation of 15 kg. Calculate the probability that the aircraft is overloaded. A joiner makes cupboards and doors by independent processes. The mean height of the doors is 200 cm with a standard deviation of 0.5 cm, and the mean height of the cupboard openings is 201 cm with a standard deviation of 05 em. A dooris a poor ft if there is a gap of more than 0.5 cm between the door and cupboard opening, or if the door is larger than the cupboard ‘opening, What percentage of door/ cupboard opening combinations are poor fits? ‘Arandom sample of size 40 is taken from population A which has a mean of 102 and a standard deviation of 18 Another random sample of size 36 is taken from population B which has a mean of 105 and a standard deviation of 25. a Calculate the probability that the sample mean from Bis greater than the sample mean from A. b Whats the probability that the sample mean of B differs from the sample mean of Aby at least 4? TT 1 Xhas a normal distribution with mean 40 and standard deviation 3 a Calculate the mean and standard deviation of W, where W = 6X + 15. Calculate PW > 250). 2. Xhasa normal distribution with mean 18 and standard deviation 2.4, and Y has a normal distribution with mean 22 and standard deviation 15, W=3X + 5Y. 4. Xisa random variable. The random variable Y = 4X. The random variable WeX, + X,+X,+X, where X;, XX and X, are four independent random variables with the same distribution as X. Which of the following desctibes Y and W (multichoice)? (A) They have the same mean and same standard deviation. (B) They have the same mean and different standard deviations. (©) They have different means and different standard deviations. (D) They have different means and the same standard deviation. 5 Abakery produces cheese rolls and ‘ministicks. Cheese rolls sell for 60 cents each and ministicks for 70 cents each. The daily demand for cheese rolls has a mean of 10 000 and a standard deviation of 300. The daily demand for ministicks has a mean of 5000 and a standard deviation of 200. Both demands have a normal distribution. a How many cheese rolls should the bakery produce each day to meet the demand on at Idast 94% of days? b Ifthe bakery prédiices the number of cheese rolls obfained in part a, on what percentage of days will it have an excess (of 500 or more cheese rolls? © i Assuining that demands for cheese rolls and ministicks are independent, find the distribution | of the total dollar value of the combined demand. ii Find the probability that the combined dollar demand exceeds $10 000. iii What is the expected total number of cheese rolls and ministicks demanded on any day? Do you need to assume independence (as in parti) to calculate this? a Calculate the mean and standard deviation of W. b Calculate PW < 160). 3. A building contractor charges $1800 per m? floor area plus an ‘administration fee’ of $22 000 for building residential properties. ‘Analysis of projects in the past shows that the floor area has been normally distributed with ‘a mean of 136 m? and a standard deviation of 15 m2, Calculate the probability that a ‘particular project costs more than $275 000. Suppose the bakery observed that, in the long run, on 3; of days demand for cheese rolls exceeded 10 000 and also demand for ministicks exceeded 5000. What can you deduce? 6 ‘The controls on an electric oven are matked in both degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit A setting of ‘Moderate’ corresponds to 160 °C or 320°E Testing of several of these electric ovens has shown that when the thermostat is set to ‘Moderate’ the actual temperature is normally distributed with the intended ‘mean of 160 °C, and a standard deviation of 7 °C. The rule for converting from the Celsius temperature scale to Fahrenheit is F=18C +32. a Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the temperature at this setting using degrees Fahrenheit as the units 1b Hence calculate the probability that cone of these ovens is within 10 °F of the intended temperature when set to ‘Moderate’ 7 Axubbish skip outside a factory holds ‘12.m} of waste. It is emptied weekly. Bach day, including weekends, the volume of rubbish brought to the skip can be modelled by anormal distribution with a mean of 1.5m} and a standard deviation of 0.9 m®. ‘What is the probability that the volume of rubbish brought to the skip exceeds its capacity in any particular week? 8 Amechanical assembly is made up of 4 There is no service on Christmas Day titanium rod with a rubber bearing at each The parameters for the 10 days of end. The lengths of each component are public holidays falling on weekdays independent and normally distributed. The are the same as for weekend days. specifications allow for some variation, Determine, to the nearest thousand with completed assemblies required to dollars, the level of annual income that have lengths in the range 38 + 0.1 mm. The the company can expect to exceed, with means and standard deviations are shown in.’ a probability of 75%. the tle 10 A farmer is using a ute to carry sheep and (To Red] Beating] —_fence-posts from one part of the farm to [Men Tbe | Lémm | sole Afillloed on thety ofthese = \Standanddeviadon 16005 canT Oram consists of four shee} fence-posts, [Standard deviation [0,009 mun| 0.07 nun ‘The weights of the sheep ae normally distributed with a mean of 63 kg and a 4 standard deviation of 8 kg. The weights of the fence-posts are normally distributed Calculate the probability that the with a mean of 16 kg anda standard completed assembly is longer than deviation of 1 kg. The weights of sheep and 38.1 mm. fence-posts are independent. b What percentage of completed a Calculate the mean and standard | assemblies meet the requirements? deviation of the total weight of a full ¢ How should the specifications be load. changed so that only 1% of completed b Estimate the number of trips out of 50 | assemblies are rejected? ‘with a full load for which a total weight | 9. The Fly-Drive’ company operates an ees ee eee: airport shuttle service. The income each ¢ Ifa total weight of 750 kg is only to be day is normally distributed with different exceeded with a probability of 0.02, parameters depending on whether itis a determine the maximum number of weekday (Monday to Friday) or a weekend fence-posts that can be carried on the (Saturday and Sunday). These parameters tray of the ute, still assuming four sheep are given in the table. areon the tray. IL Each season a horticulture farm on the pelea [Standen deride Canterbury Plains buys water from the Weekdays | $3550 $230 local iigation Weekend | $2700 $375 scheme, and bulk fertiliser from a a Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the income over a full pie eae wesk agent. There are also other costs, b Determine the probability that the Such as labour income for a full week exceeds $25 000. ‘After analysing © Assuming that a°30-day month has the costs, the 21 weekdays and nine weekend days, farm manager calculate the probability that the will seta target monthly income is $100 000 at most. price for selling the crop, ‘This table gives information about the parameters of the different random variables involved, each of which are:independent and normally distributed. Mean use | Standard deviation Comma] Water, W (megalitres) | 605 megalitres | 112 megelitres $70 /megalitre Fertiliser, F (tonnes) | 29 tonnes 2.6 tonnes $449/tonne . [Other costs, C $79 000) $2000 2 i a Calculate the mean and standard deviation of T, the total cost. } b Determine the probability that the total cost exceeds $130 000. ¢ The manager wants to seta target price so that there is a profit of at least $70 000 in hine years out of 10. Determine the lowest target price that meets these requirements. Mi ya Desder budem s rg 1 Atan athletics meeting, the highest successful attempt at the high-jump by different athletes is known to be normally distributed with a mean of 14m and a standard deviation of 10 em. a Whatis the probability that an athlete chosen at random can jump 1.5m? b Calculate the probability that two consecutive athletes chosen at random both fail to jump 1.3 m. © lithree athletes are chosen at random, calculate the probability that all three of them have a highest successful jump between 1.2 and 1.6 m. What is the probability that only one ut of three athletes chosen at random can jump over 16 m? 2 Steel reinforcing rods are delivered toa buileling site. The lengths are normally distributed. The rods are acceptable if their length is between 5.09 m and 5.26 m. 6% are too short and 3% are too long. a Calculate: i the mean of the lengths of the rods the standard deviation. Given thata rod selected at random is, not too short, calculate the probability that iis too long, € If four rods are chosen at random, what is the probability that at least one is rejected? 5 The number of fleas on a cat follows a 3 Poisson distribution, with a mean of 18 fleas per cat. Ifa cat has more than 25 fleas itis considered to be ‘flea-infested’, and will be given a special flea shampoo. Calculate the probability that a randomly chosen cat will be given the special shampoo. b Aman owns five cats. Assuming that the number of fleas on each cat is independent, use the binomial probability formula to estimate the probability that two of the cats need the shampoo. Trucks are loaded with six bucketsful of shingle per truckload by a bucket loader. They are then weighed, giving records showing that a truckload has a mean weight of 5 tonnes and a standard deviation of 0.25 tonnes. What is the mean and standard deviation of the weight of shingle in a single bucket? ‘What assumption must be made to calculate this? A.customer requiring 19 tonnes is sent four truckloads. What is the probability he does not get enough? ‘What proportion of trucks will be carrying ‘more than 5.1 tonnes? Ifa traffic officer stopped four trucks and found them all carrying over 5.1 tonnes, could he reasonably be expected to belieive that the mean weight was 5.0 tonnes? Explain. b Blood donors are required to be tested for the haemoglobin level in the blood before making, adonation. The haemoglobin level in new donors is normally distributed with mean ht= M44 Hb and standard deviation o = 7 Hb. What haemoglobin level is exceeded by 70% of new blood donors? Ifthe mean haemoglobin level of four independent consecutive tests is less than 135 Hb, then the measuring device is immediately recalibrated. Calculate the probability that this occurs, assuming that the device isin fact working correctly. 6 The emergency locator beacon on a ship uses batteries which are installed when needed, from a packet of 12. The packet is labelled “Average life = 12 hours’. The life of these batteries is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.7 hours, a Calculate the probability that a battery Will last more than 13 hours, b Calculate the minimum length of time, in hours and minutes, that you would expect 95% of these batteries to last for. © Anemergency occurs, and all 12 of the batteries are used, one after the other. Calculate the standard deviation of the total length of time that the batteries last. 4 Calculate the probability that exactly four of the batteries from the packet last more than 13 hours, 7 Awhitegoods manufacturer makes refrigerators. Each refrigerator is inspected for surface blemishes and if there are two or fewer, itis fixed immediately and cleared for sale at full price. Ifa refrigerator has more than two surface blemishes it is not worth repairing and is sold as a ‘second’. The mean number of surface blemishes for an individual refrigerator is 0.45, a Outofa production run of 800 refrigerators, estimate the number that will end up being sold as ‘seconds’. b Calculate the probability that at least five out of a production run of 60 refrigerators have to be sold as seconds, 8 Acourier firm has two employee drivers ~ Aand B. The table shows their hourly wage rates, and the mean and standard deviation of the number of hours each driver works per week. These are independent and normally distributed Hourly [ Mean wage | hours | Standard rate__| worked _| deviation 4S hours | ah $22__| S0howrs |" 2hours_| Calculate the probability that the total wages paid to A and B are less than $2100, b Aweek is chosen at random. Calculate the probability that A is paid more than B. © Calculate the probability that Ais paid ‘more than B in any two weeks out of a five-week period and Bis paid more than A in the other three weeks A:milk packaging plant has a machine that is set to fill 600 mL net’ plastic containers of milk with 615 mL, on average. 2 Assuming that the distribution of F = ‘volume of a fill of milk’ is normal, with a mean of 615 mL and a standard deviation of 9 mL, how many of a production lot of 15 000 containers may bbe expected to contain less than the required 600 mL net? Give your answer to the nearest 100. b The density of milk is 1.03. That is, its ‘mass in grams is 1.03 x its volume in millilitres. Write down the mean and standard deviation of W, the weight (mass) of a fill of milk dispensed by the machine. © Let C = "weight of a plastic container’ used in this process and let T= C+ W, so that T = total weight of a filled container. Determine the mean and standard deviation of T, given that W and Cate independent random variables and Cis normally distributed with a mean of 10 g and a standard deviation of 0.5 g, Suppose that the filled containers of milk ate packed in crates, each crate holding 24 containers. Find the expected (i.e. mean) number of filled containers per carton which have total ‘weight of more than 650 g. Exercise 18.03 1s 0158655 © 0869616 2 WO3Mb —b a005 064 eee a aene a noses = o.m73: 2a 5 Sim — h 00K5m eee ee este 1b 10hours 30 minutes © 0314250 © 2425howrs 3 2 Mean =08335 tonnes, standard deviation = 01021, 4.098995 tonnes. Need to assume tat all bucketiuls have 7 independent weights withthe same mean and a Nine 0000506 variance ce) 0022750 Becca © 0344578 250.444 4d. No, the probability of all four tricks carrying more than 1 tonnes is (0.344 578)'~ 014, and is 700 therefore unlikely to occur by chance, ‘Mean = 65345 g, standard devistion = 927 g ‘Mean = 64345 , standard deviation = 92835 g 5.7656 18 Combinations of random variables Exercise 18.01 ta 6 b Bc ostass za 3 b WB =223 «© opo1e | 3 0015366 4a Mean=4505, | standard deviation = VTS = 12.6491 & osra15 5 a 0975070 43 minutes 28 seconds | 6 ore 70622 612 with no contin comecton) 0136268 (with consist coceton) 539525 oss3265, 10 o7si7 ui oars 12 ooma6s0 2 mam% Moa 0725995 & o504182 Exercise 18.02 1 Mean=25,suandard deviation 6 & Mean=320°H standard deviation = 126° 0609408 » osn6n 2 a Mean=16, standard deviation = 10.966 7 0764367 b ossoais sa oasr20r 3 0380677 68.56% é a6 € Lengths should be nthe range38 0286 mm, sa tse 9. Mean $25 180 stared devinton = $7387 peas » 0006136 ¢ i Normal, with mean $9500 and standard Gy deviation 32808 4 sti00 Hh 0014 166. 10 a Mean =732 kg standard deviation = 1691 kg. fi 1500.n0 b 7 d_ Demand foreach ype ofbresdisnetindependent —¢28 ~ they are supplementary goods. To be TL a Mean = $134 371, standard deviation = $8174.87 independent, this combined demand wouldhave ——b_703567 Lx denote. < s7ia5es tobe bx 2 2% 4 0

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