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Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207

Design of multistable composites for application in

adaptive structures
W. Hufenbach, M. Gude*, L. Kroll
Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik (ILK), Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany

Received 20 September 2001; received in revised form 31 July 2002; accepted 1 August 2002

During the manufacturing process and operating conditions of multilayered fibre-reinforced composites with variable fibre
orientations, residual stresses build up due to the directional expansion of the unidirectionally reinforced single layers. Dependent
on the laminate lay-up, these inhomogeneous residual stresses, which are primarily caused by thermal effects, moisture absorption
and chemical shrinkage, can lead to large multistable out-of-plane deformations in the case of unsymmetric laminates. Instead of
avoiding these laminate’s curvatures, they can be advantageously used for technical applications such as novel adaptive structures.
In order to adjust the laminate deformations to technical requirements, a dimensioning tool based on a modified stability analysis in
combination with a novel optimisation procedure has been developed and experimentally verified. Based on the theoretical inves-
tigations, an adaptive prototype of a multistable composite with integrated smart alloys has been designed and manufactured.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: C. Residual stresses; Multistable composites

1. Introduction of multistable laminates for adaptive structure were

given in [7,8]. Furthermore, the important influence of
In multilayered fibre-reinforced composites with vari- the chemical shrinkage and moisture absorption on the
able fibre orientations, the directional expansion of the laminate deformation is not considered, although its
unidirectional reinforced (UD) single layers due to ther- contribution to residual stresses can be higher than the
mal effects, moisture absorption and chemical shrinkage thermal contribution. Therefore the influence of shrink-
leads to a discontinuous residual stress field over the age and moisture cannot be neglected in advanced
laminate thickness. In the case of unsymmetric laminate design processes [8–11].
plates, these residual stresses generally cause different Considering extended stress–displacement rela-
multistable out-of-plane deformations. This paper tions, the principle of minimising the elastic
focuses on the purposeful adjustment of the residual potential in combination with the Rayleigh–Ritz
stresses dependent on the laminate lay-up and manu- method results in a system of non-linear equations
facturing process in order to design novel adaptive for the calculation of the multistable laminate
structures. deformations. Dependent on the size and lay-up of
Some earlier papers deal with the analytical calcula- the unsymmetric laminate, the equation system leads to
tion of the purely thermal out-of-plane deformations different solutions of stable, indifferent and unstable
with the help of extended non-linear displacement-strain deformation states like saddle shapes or cylindrical
relations as well as by the finite element analysis (FEA) shapes [2–5].
(e.g. [1–6]), however without taking advantage of the The new laminate design method has successfully
existence of different stable equilibrium states for tech- been verified by experiments and numerical calculations
nical applications. Basic ideas of technical applications on unsymmetric glass-(GFRP) and carbon-(CFRP)-
fibre reinforced plastics and was successfully applied to
* Corresponding author: Fax: +49-351-463-38143. the design of novel adaptive multistable composites with
E-mail address: (M. Gude). integrated smart alloys.
0266-3538/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0266-3538(02)00159-8
2202 W. Hufenbach et al. / Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207

2. Non-linear deformation theory of unsymmetric 1 2 

composites wðx; yÞ ¼ a0 x þ b0 y2 ; ð3Þ

For unsymmetric laminates, the hygro-thermally where the coefficients a0 and b0 define the laminate cur-
and chemically caused directional deformations of the vatures along the x and y axes [2–4]. For the description
UD single layers result in large out-of-plane defor- of the in-plane deformations, several approximations
mations. To take into account the large multistable can be found in the literature [1,3–5]. Based on geome-
deformations, which are often many times over the trical assumptions, polynomials odd in x and even in y
laminate thickness, the linear strain–displacement rela- for u0(x, y) and polynomials even in x and odd in y for
tions must be extended by non-linear terms (see e.g. v0(x, y) are used. Further assumptions that "0x is inde-
[2,3,5]): pendent on x, "0y is independent on y and the con-
  sideration of especially the non-linear terms in (1)
@2 w @u0 1 @w 2 @2 w
"x ¼ "0x  z 2 ¼ þ z 2 ; reduce the amount of coefficients and finally lead to the
@x @x 2 @x @x approaches
2 0
@ w @v 1 @w @2 w 1
"y ¼ "0y  z 2 ¼ þ z 2 ; u0 ðx; yÞ ¼ a1 x  a20 x3 þ a3 xy2 ;
@y @y 2 @y @y 6
 0 0

@ w 1 @u @v @w @w @2 w 1
"xy ¼ "0xy  z ¼ þ þ z ; ð1Þ v0 ðx; yÞ ¼ b1 y  b20 y3 þ b3 yx2 : ð4Þ
@x@y 2 @y @x @x @y @x@y 6

where the index 0 refers to the laminate reference plane. Using the displacement approximations (3) and (4) in
The applied theory is based on the principle of mini- the strain displacement relations (1) and substituting the
mising the total potential energy, which is given here by resulting expressions into (2), the total potential energy
ð   of the laminate becomes a function dependent on the
¼ Qij "i "j  Ti "i T  Mi "i M  Si "i dV coefficients ak, bk (k=0, 1, 3).
V 2
The principle of the minimum total potential
ð2Þ energy requires the first variation to be zero, which
with (i, j=1, 2, 6), where the Q ij are the reduced trans- @ @
formed stiffnesses, T and M are the differences in ¼ ak þ bk  0: ð5Þ
@ak @bk
temperature and relative media concentration with
respect to the reference state and Ti , Mi , Si are related
to the elastic constants and to the thermal expansion To satisfy this condition, every summand in (5) must
coefficients j (Ti ¼ Q ij j ), the swelling coefficients j be zero, which results in a coupled non-linear algebraic
(Mi ¼ Q ij j ) and the shrinkage sj (Si ¼ Q ij sj ), respec- equation system in ak, bk. Dependent on the laminate
tively [9]. lay-up and the laminate size, more than one solution
Based on the total potential energy, the Rayleigh–Ritz can be obtained. These solutions have to be checked for
method is applied to obtain approximate solutions for their stability by means of 2 , which has to be positive
the displacement fields. Therefore, general approaches for a stable deformation state.
in the form of polynomials are used dependent on the
laminate lay-up. 2.2. Angle-ply laminates

2.1. Cross-ply laminates The achieved semi-analytical solutions for cross-ply

laminates can be extended for general angle-ply [ n/
For a square cross-ply [0n/90n] laminate the occurring m] laminates. In contrast to cross-ply laminates, the
basic shapes are illustrated in Fig. 1. Starting from the directions of the main curvatures of angle-ply compo-
plane shape, which is considered as the reference state sites generally do not coincide with the global axes of
(Fig. 1a), the residual stresses lead—dependent on the the laminate. Thus, also twisted shapes occur in addi-
laminate dimensions and non-mechanical loads—to a tion to the above mentioned shapes (Fig. 2).
saddle shape (b) or to either of the two stable cylindrical The angle between the direction of the principal
shapes (c, d) (see also [2]). For [0n/90m] laminates with curvatures and the global coordinate system is strongly
n < < m or n > > m however only one stable cylindrical dependent on the fibre orientations of the single layers
shape occurs. [5] and not constant 45 as assumed by [4]. Thus it is
Geometrical assumptions for the out-of-plane dis- advantageous for the stability analysis to formulate the
placements of cross-ply laminates lead to the general displacement approaches in the principal curvature sys-
second order approach tem ðx~; y~; z~Þ according to Eqs. (3) and (4) at first and
W. Hufenbach et al. / Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207 2203

Fig. 1. Basic shapes of square [0n/90n] laminates; (a) reference state at elevated curing temperature, (b–d) saddle and cylinder shapes at room tem-

Fig. 2. Basic shapes of angle-ply laminates: (a) reference state at elevated curing temperature, (b–d) twisted saddle and twisted cylindrical shapes at
room temperature; (x,y,z: global coordinate system; x~; y~; z~: principal curvature coordinate system).

to carry out a transformation into the global coordinate becomes unstable, which defines the bifurcation point
system (x, y, z) according to the transformations (B). After this bifurcation point, the saddle shape occurs
0 01 0 1 0 01 only theoretically as an unstable equilibrium state but
u cos sin 0 u~
@ v0 A ¼ @ sin not in reality, which is indicated by the dashed line BC.
cos 0 A @ v~0 A: ð6Þ
Instead of the stable saddle shape, now two equivalent
w 0 0 1 w~
stable solutions are calculated (BD and BE). Branch BD
represents the curvature a0 of the cylindrical shape in
Fig. 1d and the curvature b0 of the cylindrical shape in
Fig. 1c. Branch BE represents the secondary curvature
With the resulting approaches in the global coordi- b0 of the cylindrical shape in Fig. 1d and the second-
nate system [8] ary curvature a0 of the cylindrical shape in Fig. 1c,
which asymptotically approach zero with an increasing
u0 ðx; yÞ ¼ a1 x þ a2 y þ a3 x3 þ a4 y3 þ a5 x2 y þ a6 xy2 ;
edge length L.
v0 ðx; yÞ ¼ b1 x þ b2 y þ b3 x3 þ b4 y3 þ b5 x2 y þ b6 xy2 ; In Fig. 4 the curvatures of GFRP and CFRP [02/902]
1  laminates cured at 125  C are compared dependent on
wðx; yÞ ¼ a0 x2 þ b0 y2 þ c0 xy ð7Þ the laminate’s edge length. It can clearly be seen, that
for this special stacking sequence the GFRP composite
the minimising of the total potential energy can be car- has a higher curvature than the CFRP laminate. How-
ried out and the angle can be calculated from ever, several theoretical and experimental investigations
c0 on different unsymmetric composites have shown, that a
tan2 ¼ : ð8Þ
a0  b0

3. Analysis of exemplary unsymmetric composites

3.1. Analytical analysis

Applying the above mentioned theory, the solutions

expressed in terms of the curvatures of an exemplary
[02/902] CFRP laminate are shown in Fig. 3 dependent
on the laminate edge length L. Branch AB shows the
curvature of the stable saddle shape (a0=b0), which
occurs in the case of small laminates. The critical edge Fig. 3. Curvatures of a [02/902] CFRP-laminate dependent on lami-
length for the saddle shape is where the saddle shape nate edge length L.
2204 W. Hufenbach et al. / Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207

Fig. 4. Curvatures of different cross-ply laminates dependent on the

laminate edge length L.

general statement about the comparison of curvature

magnitudes of laminates made of different materials
cannot be made because of the significant influence of
many different material parameters like Ejj, E?, jj?,
Fig. 5. Principal curvatures and curvature orientation of different
Gjj?, jj, ? and lay-up parameters like the number of angle-ply laminates.
layers, layer thickness and layer arrangement [9].
Instead, it has to be distinguished in each single case the fibres of 20% of the thermal expansion ? T came
dependent on the lay-up, whether for example the along [8]. After manufacture and during the experi-
GFRP or the CFRP laminate shows a higher curvature mental investigations, the laminates have been stored in
(see Section 4). Moreover, the comparison of Figs. 2 and dry conditions, so that moisture effects are not expected.
3 illustrate that in general thinner laminates show a The measuring of the laminate defomations has been
higher curvature than thicker laminates of the same carried out with the help of a digital pattern projection
material. system.
Further investigations on angle-ply [ n/ n] laminates Besides the experimental verification of the developed
have shown a deformation behaviour analogous to semi-analytical calculation method, numerical calcula-
cross-ply laminates. The course of the curvature curves tions of multistable composites with the help of FEA
of CFRP-T3.6 laminates given in the principal curva- have been performed using the FEA-program ANSYS.
ture co-ordinate system dependent on the edge length L Different to earlier calculations by Schlecht and Schulte
are similar to the cross-ply laminates (Fig. 5). The [6], who calculated the room temperature shapes by
highest laminate principal curvatures result for ortho- internal correction of residual forces and the snap-
tropic laminates ( =45 ) and they reduce with decreas- through effect by temporary forces here the calculation
ing fibre orientations =30 and =15 . of the correct deformation state itself has been done by
Furthermore the orientations of the principal cur- applying imperfections such as small initial, temporary
vature coordinate system with respect to the global forces or deformations, which initiate the correct defor-
coordinate system is shown in Fig. 5. For the saddle mation during the non-linear computation [8]. As
shape this orientation is independent of the edge length examples, the numerically calculated shapes of square
and stacking sequence constant 45 . For the [452/452] CFRP-T3.6 laminates with different laminate edge
laminate remains constant for increasing edge lengths, lengths can be seen in Fig. 6. For a [02/902] laminate
whereas decreases for the [302/302] and the [152/ with an edge length of 30 mm, a saddle shape (Fig. 6a)
152] laminates for the resulting cylindrical shapes. can be calculated without artificial imperfections,
whereas for the calculation of the mixed shape (Fig. 6b)
3.2. Experimental and numerical verification and the cylindrical shape (Fig. 6c) of [02/902] laminates
with the dimensions 60 mm 60 mm and 150 mm
Within the current research, several experimental 150 mm the correct deformation state had to be initi-
investigations have been carried out on laminates made ated by temporary forces.
of CFRP and GFRP. As an example, the deformation The semi-analytically and numerically (FEA) calcu-
states of CFRP-T3.6 [02/902] laminates due to thermal lated results and the measured curvatures for [02/902]
loads and shrinkage effects are discussed here. The laminates are shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the
laminates have been processed at a curing temperature calculated curvatures of the laminates and the
CT=125  C and slowly cooled down to room tempera- experimentally determined curvatures are in good
ture RT=20  C, whereby a shrinkage perpendicular to agreement.
W. Hufenbach et al. / Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207 2205

Fig. 6. Deformation states of cross-ply [02/902] laminates with different laminate edge lengths; (a) saddle shape, (b) mixed shape, (c) cylindrical

4. Mono- and multistable deformation behaviour The different states of stability due to residual stresses
are exemplified by a quadratic cross-ply laminate
It has been shown that the deformation behaviour of 0h1 =90h2 made of CFRP-T3,6 (300 mm 300 mm 1
unsymmetric composites of large dimensions due to mm). The thickness ratio of the single layers is varied,
residual stresses is characterized by multistable states of while the total laminate thickness h is constant. Starting
equilibrium. These states need not be equivalent. In the from a purely 0 UD laminate (ratio h1/h=0), which is
case of cross-ply laminates, the equivalence of bi-stable plane, firstly a monostable cylindrical shape occurs as
cylindrical shapes depends on the ratio of the 0 and 90 soon as the thickness of the 90 layer increases (Fig. 8,
plies. For a highly uneven ratio, only one single continuous line). Further increasing the 90 layer thick-
(monostable) cylindrical shape is observed. ness leads to a higher curvature b0 until a maximum

Fig. 7. Theoretical and experimental results of cross-ply CFRP lami-

nates. Fig. 8. Curvatures of a CFRP laminate with variable layer ratio.
2206 W. Hufenbach et al. / Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207

value is achieved for a ratio of about 0.2. For small 5. Adaptive multistable structures
ratios, also a second unstable solution (cylindrical shape
2, dashed line) is calculated. The associated unstable The combination of the described multistable compo-
equilibrium state turns into a stable equilibrium state sites with actuators enables the design of novel adaptive
for a thickness ratio h1/h=0.3. For a ratio between 0.3 structures. By advantageously using the existence of
and 0.7, two stable cylindrical shapes with generally different stable deformation states, large adaptive
different curvatures (a0 and b0) exist. Only for a ratio deformations and forces can be realised by a short elec-
of 0.5, these shapes are equivalent with a0=b0 other- trical impulse in contrast to conventional adaptive
wise either of the two cylindrical shapes preferably structures, which need a continuous adaptive support to
appears. realise only small deflections [7,8]. Thus, the different
For a ratio of 0.7, the first cylindrical shape becomes stable deformation states of a cross-ply laminate for
unstable and the theoretical curvature tends to zero for instance can be changed by snap-through from cylind-
higher ratios. The second cylindrical shape reaches its rical shape 1 to cylindrical shape 2 (Fig. 10).
maximum value for a ratio of 0.8 and tends to zero for a The novel adaptive structures consist of passive com-
purely 90 composite. posite layers which are arranged in that way that a bi-
A comparison of the states of stability of crossply stable laminate results due to residual stresses. The sec-
0h1 =90h2 composites made of CFRP-T3,6, CFRP- ond components are smart materials, which are embed-
M400 and GFRP dependent on the layer thickness ratio ded in the laminate as it is shown for cross-ply laminates
is shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that the maximum in Fig. 11.
curvature of each laminate material occurs for different The necessary mechanical and adaptive properties of
layer thickness ratios. From the single values of layer the composite and the adaptive components can be cal-
thickness ratio (CFRP-M400: h1/h=0.15; CFRP-T3.6: culated based on the developed semi-analytical method.
h1/h=0.2; GFRP: h1/h=0.3) it can be concluded that a To initiate the snap-through, an adaptive stress state
higher degree of anisotropy Ek =E? of the single layer has to be superposed to the residual stress state accord-
leads to a smaller layer thickness ratio, which results in ing to the relations
the maximum curvature. Furthermore, the change from
a unstable cylindrical shape (dashed line) to a stable
NiSnap ¼ NiT þ NiM þ NiS ;
cylindrical shape (continuous line) occur for each lami-
nate material at a different layer ratio and is dependent MiSnap ¼ MiT þ MiM þ MiS : ð9Þ
on the material anisotropy.
The investigations of unsymmetric cross-ply laminates
demonstrate that different stability states as well with Based on the theoretical investigations, a smart pro-
equivalent as with non-equivalent shapes can be realized totype of a multistable composite made of GFRP has
dependent on the laminate lay-up, which will purpose- been designed and manufactured. Load adapted smart
fully be used in the following. A similar stability beha- alloys (NiTi wires) were fixed on the top and the bottom
viour can be observed for [ n/ m] laminates. of the cylindrical curved structure (Fig. 12).

Fig. 10. Snap-through between stable deformation states.

Fig. 9. Curvatures of different laminate material with variable layer

ratio. Fig. 11. Integration of smart alloys in multistable composite.
W. Hufenbach et al. / Composites Science and Technology 2201–2207 2207

6. Conclusions

The residual stress field, which builds up during the

manufacturing process of multilayered fibre-reinforced
composites with variable fibre orientations can be pur-
posefully used to design unsymmetric composites with
defined deformation states and curvatures. Therefore, a
modified stability analysis has been developed, which
enables the prediction of the resulting monostable and
multistable deformation states due to thermal effects,
moisture absorption and chemical shrinkage. It has
been shown that the new calculation method enables a
detailed assessment of the design parameters and serves
for the efficient construction of multilayered composites
Fig. 12. Prototype of an adaptive multistable composite.
and novel adaptive structures.


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