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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 178.


(s) Marking of UN non-refillable pres- valid for the entire series. The design
sure receptacles. Unless otherwise speci- approval certificate must refer to the
fied in this paragraph, each UN non-re- prototype test report, the materials of
fillable pressure receptacle must be construction of the manifold, the
clearly and legibly marked as pre- standards to which the pressure recep-
scribed in paragraph (p) of this section. tacles are made and an approval num-
In addition, permanent stenciling is ber. The compliance requirements or
authorized. Except when stenciled, the test methods applicable to MEGCs as
marks must be on the shoulder, top end specified in this subpart may be varied
or neck of the pressure receptacle or on when the level of safety is determined
a permanently affixed component of to be equivalent to or exceed the re-
the pressure receptacle (e.g., a welded quirements of this subchapter and is
collar). approved in writing by the Associate
(1) The marking requirements and se- Administrator. A design approval may
quence listed in paragraphs (p)(1) serve for the approval of smaller
through (19) of this section are re- MEGCs made of materials of the same
quired, except the markings in para- type and thickness, by the same fab-
graphs (p)(8), (9), (12) and (18) are not rication techniques and with identical
applicable. The required serial number supports, equivalent closures and other
marking in paragraph (p)(14) may be appurtenances.
replaced by the batch number. (2) Each application for design ap-
(2) Each receptacle must be marked proval must be in English and contain
with the words ‘‘DO NOT REFILL’’ in the following information:
letters of at least 5 mm in height. (i) Two complete copies of all engi-
(3) A non-refillable pressure recep- neering drawings, calculations, and
tacle, because of its size, may sub- test data necessary to ensure that the
stitute the marking required by this design meets the relevant specifica-
paragraph with a label. Reduction in tion.
marking size is authorized only as pre- (ii) The manufacturer’s serial number
scribed in ISO 7225, Gas cylinders—Pre- that will be assigned to each MEGC.
cautionary labels. (IBR, see § 171.7 of (iii) A statement as to whether the
this subchapter). design type has been examined by any
(4) Each non-refillable pressure re- approval agency previously and judged
ceptacle must also be legibly marked unacceptable. Affirmative statements
by stenciling the following statement: must be documented with the name of
‘‘Federal law forbids transportation if the approval agency, reason for non-ac-
refilled-penalty up to $500,000 fine and 5 ceptance, and the nature of modifica-
years in imprisonment (49 U.S.C. tions made to the design type.
5124).’’ (b) Actions by the approval agency. The
(5) No person may mark a non-refill- approval agency must review the appli-
able pressure receptacle as meeting the cation for design type approval, includ-
requirements of this section unless it ing all drawings and calculations, to
was manufactured in conformance with ensure that the design of the MEGC
this section. meets all requirements of the relevant
[76 FR 3385, Jan. 19, 2011, as amended at 76 specification and to determine whether
FR 43532, July 20, 2011] it is complete and conforms to the re-
quirements of this section. An incom-
§ 178.74 Approval of MEGCs. plete application will be returned to
(a) Application for design type ap- the applicant with the reasons why the
proval. (1) Each new MEGC design type application was returned. If the appli-
must have a design approval certifi- cation is complete and all applicable
cate. An owner or manufacturer must requirements of this section are met,
apply to an approval agency that is ap- the approval agency must prepare a
proved by the Associate Administrator MEGC design approval certificate con-
in accordance with subpart E of part taining the manufacturer’s name and
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107 of this chapter +to obtain approval address, results and conclusions of the
of a new design. When a series of examination and necessary data for
MEGCs is manufactured without identification of the design type. If the
change in the design, the certificate is Associate Administrator approves the


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§ 178.74 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Design Type Approval Certificate ap- ance with the procedures in this sec-
plication, the approval agency and the tion and that the MEGC is suitable for
manufacturer must each maintain a its intended purpose and meets the re-
copy of the approved drawings, calcula- quirements of this subchapter. When a
tions, and test data for at least 20 series of MEGCs is manufactured with-
years. out change in the design type, the cer-
(c) Approval agency’s responsibilities. tificate may be valid for the entire se-
The approval agency is responsible for ries of MEGCs representing a single de-
ensuring that the MEGC conforms to sign type. The approval number must
the design type approval. The approval consist of the distinguishing sign or
agency must: mark of the country (‘‘USA’’ for the
(1) Witness all tests required for the United States of America) where the
approval of the MEGC specified in this approval was granted and a registra-
section and § 178.75. tion number.
(2) Ensure, through appropriate in- (6) Retain on file a copy of each ap-
spection, that each MEGC is fabricated proval certificate for at least 20 years.
in all respects in conformance with the (d) Manufacturers’ responsibilities. The
approved drawings, calculations, and manufacturer is responsible for compli-
test data. ance with the applicable specifications
(3) Determine and ensure that the for the design and construction of
MEGC is suitable for its intended use MEGCs. The manufacturer of a MEGC
and that it conforms to the require- must:
ments of this subchapter. (1) Comply with all the requirements
(4) Apply its name, identifying mark of the applicable ISO standard specified
or identifying number, and the date the in § 178.71;
approval was issued, to the metal iden- (2) Obtain and use an approval agen-
tification marking plate attached to cy to review the design, construction
the MEGC upon successful completion and certification of the MEGC;
of all requirements of this subpart. (3) Provide a statement in the manu-
Any approvals by the Associate Admin- facturers’ data report certifying that
istrator authorizing design or con- each MEGC manufactured complies
struction alternatives (Alternate Ar- with the relevant specification and all
rangements) of the MEGC (see para- the applicable requirements of this
graph (a) of this section) must be indi- subchapter; and
cated on the metal identification plate (4) Retain records for the MEGCs for
as specified in § 178.75(j). at least 20 years. When required by the
(5) Prepare an approval certificate specification, the manufacturer must
for each MEGC or, in the case of a se- provide copies of the records to the ap-
ries of identical MEGCs manufactured proval agency, the owner or lessee of
to a single design type, for each series the MEGC, and to a representative of
of MEGCs. The approval certificate DOT, upon request.
must include all of the following infor- (e) Denial of application for approval.
mation: If the Associate Administrator finds
(i) The information displayed on the that the MEGC will not be approved for
metal identification plate required by any reason, the Associate Adminis-
§ 178.75(j); trator will notify the applicant in writ-
(ii) The results of the applicable ing and provide the reason for the de-
framework test specified in ISO 1496–3 nial. The manufacturer may request
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter); that the Associate Administrator re-
(iii) The results of the initial inspec- consider the decision. The application
tion and test specified in paragraph (h) request must—
of this section; (1) Be written in English and filed
(iv) The results of the impact test within 90 days of receipt of the deci-
specified in § 178.75(i)(4); sion;
(v) Certification documents verifying (2) State in detail any alleged errors
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

that the cylinders and tubes conform of fact and law; and
to the applicable standards; and (3) Enclose any additional informa-
(vi) A statement that the approval tion needed to support the request to
agency certifies the MEGC in accord- reconsider.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 178.74

(f) Appeal. (1) A manufacturer whose pare a new approval certificate for the
reconsideration request is denied may modified MEGC and submit the certifi-
appeal to the PHMSA Administrator. cate to the Associate Administrator for
The appeal must— approval. After receiving approval
(i) Be in writing and filed within 90 from the Associate Administrator, the
days of receipt of the Associate Admin- approval agency must ensure that any
istrator s decision on reconsideration; necessary changes are made to the
(ii) State in detail any alleged errors metal identification plate. A copy of
of fact and law; each newly issued approval certificate
(iii) Enclose any additional informa- must be retained by the approval agen-
tion needed to support the appeal; and cy and the MEGC’s owner for at least
(iv) State in detail the modification 20 years. The approval agency must
of the final decision sought. perform the following activities:
(2) The Administrator will grant or (i) Retain a set of the approved re-
deny the relief and inform the appel- vised drawings, calculations, and data
lant in writing of the decision. The Ad- as specified in § 178.69(b)(4) for at least
ministrator’s decision is the final ad- 20 years;
ministrative action. (ii) Ensure through appropriate in-
(g) Modifications to approved MEGCs. spection that all modifications con-
(1) Prior to modification of any ap- form to the revised drawings, calcula-
proved MEGC that may affect conform- tions, and test data; and
ance and safe use, and that may in- (iii) Determine the extent to which
volve a change to the design type or af- retesting of the modified MEGC is nec-
fect its ability to retain the hazardous essary based on the nature of the pro-
material in transportation, the posed modification, and ensure that all
MEGC’s owner must inform the ap- required retests are satisfactorily per-
proval agency that prepared the initial formed.
approval certificate for the MEGC or, if (h) Termination of Approval Certificate.
the initial approval agency is unavail- (1) The Associate Administrator may
able, another approval agency, of the terminate an approval issued under
nature of the modification and request this section if he or she determines
certification of the modification. The that—
owner must supply the approval agency (i) Because of a change in cir-
with all revised drawings, calculations, cumstances, the approval no longer is
and test data relative to the intended needed or no longer would be granted if
modification. The MEGC’s owner must applied for;
also provide a statement as to whether (ii) Information upon which the ap-
the intended modification has been ex- proval was based is fraudulent or sub-
amined and determined to be unaccept- stantially erroneous;
able by any approval agency. The writ- (iii) Termination of the approval is
ten statement must include the name necessary to adequately protect
of the approval agency, the reason for against risks to life and property; or
non-acceptance, and the nature of (iv) The MEGC does not meet the
changes made to the modification since specification.
its original rejection. (2) Before an approval is terminated,
(2) The approval agency must review the Associate Administrator will pro-
the request for modification. If the ap- vide the person—
proval agency determines that the pro- (i) Written notice of the facts or con-
posed modification does not conform to duct believed to warrant the termi-
the relevant specification, the approval nation;
agency must reject the request in ac- (ii) An opportunity to submit oral
cordance with paragraph (d) of this sec- and written evidence; and
tion. If the approval agency determines (3) An opportunity to demonstrate or
that the proposed modification con- achieve compliance with the applicable
forms fully with the relevant specifica- requirements.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion, the request is accepted. If modi- (i) Imminent Danger. If the Associate
fication to an approved MEGC alters Administrator determines that a cer-
any information on the approval cer- tificate of approval must be terminated
tificate, the approval agency must pre- to preclude a significant and imminent


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§ 178.75 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

adverse effect on public safety, the As- ble of being loaded and discharged
sociate Administrator may terminate without the removal of its structural
the certificate immediately. In such equipment. It must possess stabilizing
circumstances, the opportunities of members external to the pressure re-
paragraphs (h)(2) and (3) of this section ceptacles to provide structural integ-
need not be provided prior to termi- rity for handling and transport. MEGCs
nation of the approval, but must be must be designed and constructed with
provided as soon as practicable there- supports to provide a secure base dur-
after. ing transport and with lifting and tie-
[71 FR 33890, June 12, 2006] down attachments that are adequate
for lifting the MEGC including when
§ 178.75 Specifications for MEGCs. loaded to its maximum permissible
(a) General. Each MEGC must meet gross mass. The MEGC must be de-
the requirements of this section. In a signed to be loaded onto a transport ve-
MEGC that meets the definition of a hicle or vessel and equipped with skids,
‘‘container’’ within the terms of the mountings or accessories to facilitate
International Convention for Safe Con- mechanical handling.
tainers (CSC) must meet the require- (2) MEGCs must be designed, manu-
ments of the CSC as amended and 49 factured and equipped to withstand,
CFR parts 450 through 453, and must without loss of contents, all normal
have a CSC approval plate. handling and transportation condi-
(b) Alternate Arrangements. The tech- tions. The design must take into ac-
nical requirements applicable to count the effects of dynamic loading
MEGCs may be varied when the level of and fatigue.
safety is determined to be equivalent (3) Each pressure receptacle of a
to or exceed the requirements of this MEGC must be of the same design type,
subchapter. Such an alternate arrange- seamless steel, and constructed and
ment must be approved in writing by tested according to one of the following
the Associate Administrator. MEGCs ISO standards:
approved to an Alternate Arrangement (i) ISO 9809–1: Gas cylinders—Refill-
must be marked as required by para- able seamless steel gas cylinders—De-
graph (j) of this section. sign, construction and testing—Part 1:
(c) Definitions. The following defini- Quenched and tempered steel cylinders
tions apply: with tensile strength less than 1 100
Leakproofness test means a test using MPa. (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub-
gas subjecting the pressure receptacles chapter);
and the service equipment of the MEGC (ii) ISO 9809–2: Gas cylinders—Refill-
to an effective internal pressure of not able seamless steel gas cylinders—De-
less than 20% of the test pressure. sign, construction and testing—Part 2:
Manifold means an assembly of piping Quenched and tempered steel cylinders
and valves connecting the filling and/or with tensile strength greater than or
discharge openings of the pressure re- equal to 1 100 MPa. (IBR, see § 171.7 of
ceptacles. this subchapter);
Maximum permissible gross mass or (iii) ISO 9809–3: Gas cylinders—Refill-
MPGM means the heaviest load author- able seamless steel gas cylinders—De-
ized for transport (sum of the tare sign, construction and testing—Part 3:
mass of the MEGC, service equipment Normalized steel cylinders. (IBR, see
and pressure receptacle). § 171.7 of this subchapter); or
Service equipment means manifold sys- (iv) ISO 11120: Gas cylinders—Refill-
tem (measuring instruments, piping able seamless steel tubes of water ca-
and safety devices). pacity between 150 L and 3000 L—De-
Shut-off valve means a valve that sign, construction and testing. (IBR,
stops the flow of gas. see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
Structural equipment means the rein- (4) Pressure receptacles of MEGCs,
forcing, fastening, protective and stabi- fittings, and pipework must be con-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

lizing members external to the pres- structed of a material that is compat-

sure receptacles. ible with the hazardous materials in-
(d) General design and construction re- tended to be transported, as specified
quirements. (1) The MEGC must be capa- in this subchapter.


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