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ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal Quotation

This quote has been prepared for Haoyi Yang and Weijing Dong.

This quote summarises the way in which the ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal will work according to the
premium level and protection benefits you have selected. The ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal is
underwritten by AIA New Zealand Limited (AIA).

Life/Lives to be Assured Monthly Premium
Haoyi Yang $146.55
Weijing Dong $142.12
Total Benefit Cost $288.67

Monthly Policy Fee $7.54

Total Monthly Premium (Including Policy Fee) $296.21

Personal Information Haoyi Yang

Age 39
Sex Male
Smoker No
Occupation Class 2
Occupation Description Teacher - Classroom

Premium Discount Summary Premium Discount %

Multi-Benefit Discount
Term Life 10%
Critical Conditions (Standalone) 10%
AIA Vitality Premium Discount
AIA Vitality Premium 10%

ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal Cover/Option Monthly Premium

(Monthly Premium Shown are after any
applicable Multi-Benefit or AIA Vitality Premium
Term Life $500,000 $28.79
Benefit Indexation Type Level
Premium Type Rate for Age
Critical Conditions (Standalone) $500,000 $111.29
Benefit Indexation Type Level
Premium Type Rate for Age
Critical Conditions (Buyback) $500,000 $6.47

Personal Information Weijing Dong

Age 39
Sex Female
Smoker No
Occupation Class 2
Occupation Description Teacher - Classroom

March 18, 2024 AIA New Zealand Limited Page 1 of 4

ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal Quotation
Premium Discount Summary Premium Discount %
Multi-Benefit Discount
Term Life 10%
Critical Conditions (Standalone) 10%
AIA Vitality Premium Discount
AIA Vitality Premium 10%

ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal Cover/Option Monthly Premium

(Monthly Premium Shown are after any
applicable Multi-Benefit or AIA Vitality Premium
Term Life $500,000 $24.03
Benefit Indexation Type Level
Premium Type Rate for Age
Critical Conditions (Standalone) $500,000 $111.65
Benefit Indexation Type Level
Premium Type Rate for Age
Critical Conditions (Buyback) $500,000 $6.44

* AIA calculates the premium for each of your benefits based on the Premium Type chosen and whether the
benefits are Level or CPI Linked. Premiums can be structured in the following ways - Rate for Age, 10 years, To
age 65 or To age 80.

* In addition to the premium type chosen, there are two premium discounts that can change the premium you pay -
Multi-Benefit Discount and AIA Vitality Premium Discount.

* If your Term Life premiums have been structured To age 80, the premium of any Accelerated benefits added will
be structured over 10 years.

* Where a premium type of 10 years, To age 65, or To age 80 has been selected and all benefits are level, your
premium has been calculated over the selected period and AIA will only change your premiums over the selected
period to apply any eligible premoium discounts applicable to life or lives assured, or if the underlying premium
rates change. If the underlying premium rates change, then at the next anniversary date AIA will recalculate the
premium to apply for the remainder of the selected period (subject to any further underlying premium rate
changes). At the end of the selected period, the premium type will convert to Rate for Age.

* Notwithstanding the above, for Term Life, Family Protection and Accidental Death benefits, AIA guarantees the
underlying premium rates (subject to relevant changes in taxation or leglislation).

* Where Rate for Age has been selected the premiums will be recalculated at each policy anniversary based on
age of the lives assured, the amount of cover for each benefit, any eligible premium discounts applicable to the life
or life assured and AIA's underlying premium rates at the time.

* AIA guarantees the 10 year, To age 65 and To age 80 premium options for Term Life and Family Protection. For
other benefits the premium may change at any anniversary date if AIA changes its underlying premium rates.

* Where Level 10 years, Level to age 65, or Level to age 80 premium options have been selected for those benefits
not guaranteed, the premium remains the same over the selected period, unless AIA changes its underlying
premium rates.

* Where CPI 10 years, CPI to age 65, or CPI to age 80 premium options have been selected for those benefits not
guaranteed, the premium has been calculated over the selected period and will increase annually in line with the
increase in the CPI and the age of the life or lives assured.

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ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal Quotation

* AIA reserve the right, at any time and at their sole discretion, to vary or restrict the qualifying benefits or products
eligible for either of the above named premium discounts, vary of withdraw any of the above named premium
discounts based on business rules, or cease offering any of the above named premium discounts by giving at least
90 days' notice in writing to the policy owner(s) (in which case they will cease across all AIA policies).

* The projected value of benefits are shown in the table below. The benefit amount may change where you have
selected benefits with indexation (according to the actual CPI rate per annum).
Table of projected benefit values for Haoyi Yang

Year Term Life Critical Conditions (Standalone)

1 $500,000 $500,000
2 $500,000 $500,000
3 $500,000 $500,000
4 $500,000 $500,000
5 $500,000 $500,000
6 $500,000 $500,000
7 $500,000 $500,000
8 $500,000 $500,000
9 $500,000 $500,000
10 $500,000 $500,000

Table of projected benefit values for Weijing Dong

Year Term Life Critical Conditions (Standalone)

1 $500,000 $500,000
2 $500,000 $500,000
3 $500,000 $500,000
4 $500,000 $500,000
5 $500,000 $500,000
6 $500,000 $500,000
7 $500,000 $500,000
8 $500,000 $500,000
9 $500,000 $500,000
10 $500,000 $500,000

To enable you to consider the policy in detail you will have a free look period of 15 days after you receive your
policy document. During this period, if you decide that the policy does not suit your needs then you may return it
to AIA and receive a full refund of all premiums paid and the policy will be cancelled.

Existing Cover
If in your application you have identified that you have existing cover that is to be replaced, it is a condition of
this offer of insurance that you cancel the cover upon receipt and acceptance by you of your policy document.
AIA will not be liable under your policy until you have cancelled that Existing Cover.

The commencement date of this policy is 18/03/2024.

The CPI rate is assumed to be 3.00% p.a.
This ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal policy has no cash value.
Life cover is paid on all deaths.

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ASB Lifestyle Security Plan - Personal Quotation

Financial Strength Rating

AIA New Zealand Limited has been given an AA (Very Strong) insurer financial strength rating by Fitch Ratings,
an approved ratings agency. A rating of AA means AIA New Zealand Limited has a very strong capacity to meet
policyholder and contractual obligations.

Secure Vulnerable
AAA (Exceptionally Strong) BB (Moderately Weak)
AA (Very Strong) B (Weak)
A (Strong) CCC (Very Weak)
BBB (Good) CC (Extremely Weak)
C (Distressed)

Note: "+" or "-" may be appended to a rating to indicate the relative position of a credit within the rating category.
Such suffixes are not added to ratings in the AAA category or to ratings below the CCC category.

Prepared By: Vincent Wu Phone: 64-9-377 8930

From: ASB Bank Limited Fax: 64-9-337-2424
Address: ASB North Wharf, 12 Jellicoe Street, Auckland 1010

March 18, 2024 AIA New Zealand Limited Page 4 of 4

Office Use Only

Ref: 11.6-0-100.00-0.00-0.00
Policy Number: 2144265-01

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