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Philippine Journal of Science

151 (5): 1829-1844, October 2022

ISSN 0031 - 7683
Date Received: 09 Feb 2022

Understanding Rabies Transmission Dynamics

and Control in the Three Administrative Districts
of Davao City Using a Modified SEIV Model

El Veena Grace A. Rosero1§, Xyza Mae F. Arandela1§, Dejell Anne M. Satur1,

Zython Paul T. Lachica1,3, Arlene Lagare2, Ma. Noreen J. Eng2,
Gloria N. Marquez2, Maria Corazon B. Sepulveda2, Giovanna Fae R. Oguis1,
Eliezer O. Diamante1*, and May Anne E. Mata1,3

1Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science,

University of the Philippines Mindanao, Davao City 8000 Philippines
2City Veterinarian’s Office, 2nd Floor City Hall Annex Building,
Pichon St., Davao City 8000 Philippines
3Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics,
and Bioinformatics for Decision Support System in Health,
University of the Philippines Mindanao 8000 Philippines

Despite the control programs of the City Veterinarian’s Office (CVO), rabies is still
geographically widespread across Davao City. Hence, a modified SEIV model incorporating
different control strategies and adding population compartments focusing on reported rabies
cases was formulated to understand dog rabies transmission dynamics. The model was fitted to
the datasets of CVO from 2006–2020, such as the cumulative monthly positive rabies cases and
the number of examined positive rabies samples in Talomo, Buhangin, and Poblacion districts.
Results showed that the Talomo district had the highest rabies transmission rate but the lowest
castration rate. On the other hand, the Poblacion district had the highest impounding rate and
castration rate but the lowest birth and vaccination rate. Finally, the Buhangin district had
the highest birth rate and vaccination rate but the lowest impounding rate and transmission
rate. Sensitivity analysis (SA) was performed on over 10,000 samples of parameter space by
the LHS method to obtain PRCC values. Results of the SA revealed that dog vaccination had
a significantly strong influence among many interventions in mitigating rabies transmission –
consistently in Talomo, Poblacion, and Buhangin districts. The results obtained in this study
support the CVO’s ongoing mass canine rabies vaccination campaign in the city as a method of
rabies control. Despite this, dog population control strategies (i.e. castration and impounding)
must still be implemented in addition to intensifying vaccination strategy, as the birth rate also
strongly contributes to increasing rabies transmission. Through the model and data fitting
approaches, this study has provided information on the level of control measures implemented
in three districts and can also be utilized to develop future rabies epidemiological models in
Davao City and other locations.

Keywords: control interventions, model fitting, rabies, SEIV model, sensitivity analysis

*Corresponding author:

§Both authors contributed equally to this work

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

INTRODUCTION not yet contagious), removing it will limit its ability to

spread the virus. Although this may not be feasible in
Rabies infection is a deadly disease caused by the rabies terms of resources, less resource-demanding and humane
virus (WHO 2021; Brunker and Mollentze 2018). It is alternatives such as adoption programs, castration (CVO
considered one of the neglected diseases that mainly 2020), and vaccination of dogs can be considered (Lachica
affect the poor and vulnerable populations; however, there et al. 2019). On the other hand, vaccination, castration,
have been rarely reported cases of deaths and infections and IEC sessions did not have a significant impact
in those populations (WHO 2021). In the Philippines, on decreasing the reported rabies cases in the city. As
rabies remains to be endemic wherein every year, 200–300 documented by Diamante et al. (2021) – in their study
Filipinos die of rabies, which made the Philippines one of minimizing IRCP operational cost while satisfying
of the top 10 countries in rabies incidence worldwide the different targets set by the CVO for each of the IRCP
(WHO 2018a; DOH 2020; Evangelio et al. 2020) where components, as well as its allocated budget – one factor
dog-related injuries such as bites and scratches account being considered could be that rabies control intervention
for nearly all cases of human rabies (Dimaano et al. 2011). targets in Davao City’s districts have not been attained
Several initiatives are administered locally such as mass due to the random spatio-temporal distribution of the
vaccination of dogs (Estrada et al. 2001); the establishment rabies cases and the uneven local government program
of a central base system for registered and vaccinated dogs distribution in the city (Montajes et al. 2021).
(Lapiz et al. 2012); impounding (Tenzin et al. 2010); Thus, in this regard, a modified SEIV (susceptible-
field control and disposition of unregistered, stray, and exposed-infectious-vaccinated) model was formulated
unvaccinated dogs (Amurao et al. 2017); and conduct of to understand the transmission dynamics of rabies and to
information and education campaigns on the prevention determine how much effort for each control strategy (e.g.
and control of rabies (Tenzin et al. 2010). These programs mass vaccination of dogs, impounding, and castration)
are mandated by the Republic Act No. 9482, also known should be done in the selected three administrative districts
as the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 (DOH 2007), to ensure of Davao City, in support to the local government’s goal
that a system for the control and prevention of the spread to obtain a zero-rabies incidence.
of rabies virus is provided for its eventual eradication.
The SEIV model as a baseline framework in this study
Locally, the City Veterinarian’s Office (CVO) in Davao City is represented by population compartments – namely,
has been conducting its intensified rabies control program susceptible dogs (𝑆), exposed dogs (𝐸), infectious dogs
(IRCP) (CVO 2021) across 11 administrative districts that (𝐼), and vaccinated dogs (𝑉). Additionally, this study added
are composed of mass dog vaccination; population control compartments specifically for examined dog samples that
through castration; dog impounding; and conducting are negative for rabies (�₀), reported dog samples suspected
information, education, and communication (IEC) sessions to be infectious that are subject to examination by CVO
(Lachica et al. 2020, 2021; Diamante et al. 2021; Montajes (�₁), and examined dog samples that are positive for rabies
et al. 2021) to control the spread of rabies infection with (�₂). The model was formulated as a system of ordinary
a goal of making Davao City rabies-free sooner than differential equations (ODEs) to capture the rates of change
the national goal of a Rabies-Free Philippines by 2030 in each population with respect to time �. Through this, the
(Mananggit et al. 2021). Despite the local implementation model will give us an understanding of how each control
of the IRCP, animal rabies reportedly remained endemic strategy is being implemented in each district and which
in Davao City since 2010. Considering a progressive drop control strategy to intensify.
in reported cases from 2011–2015 – with variations across
months – there was an increase from 2016–2017, which Among the 11 administrative districts of Davao City,
could be related to increased disease reporting awareness this paper focused only on the three districts with the
and practices (Lachica et al. 2019; Montajes et al. 2021). highest number of positive rabies cases in Davao City –
A study by Montajes et al. (2021) in understanding the namely, Talomo, Buhangin, and Poblacion districts – from
dynamics of rabies and its control in Davao City through 2006–2020. Furthermore, the study focused on the three
hotspot analysis, reported that impounding of dogs has control strategies that were conducted by CVO: [1] mass
been found to significantly contribute to controlling rabies vaccination of dogs, which has been demonstrated to be
spread in Davao City by capturing street dogs that could the most effective and inexpensive approach for rabies
potentially increase the transmission. Further documented control (Lachica et al. 2019), and that which Davao City
by Lachica et al. (2019), who studied the trends of canine has been been implementing for a long time, wherein
rabies and the impact of the IRCP in Davao City through vaccines are distributed through a central station such
count regression modeling, stated that impounding is a as barangay center or through house-to-house visitation
method of removing dogs in the population; hence, when (Lachica et al. 2019); [2] castration of dogs, which is a
a stray dog is exposed to the virus (contains the virus but humane approach for dog population control and reducing

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

animal rabies transmission (Taylor et al. 2017; Lachica Model Formulation

et al. 2019); and [3] impounding of dogs, wherein free- The epidemiological model that was formulated in this
roaming dogs are captured and euthanized when not paper was an extended version of the SEIV compartmental
claimed within the specific time (Lachica et al. 2019), model. The model is composed of seven population
specifically targets to reduce the stray dog population compartments – namely, susceptible dogs (𝑆), exposed
(Taylor et al. 2017), and a program that was launched in dogs (𝐸), examined dog samples that are negative of rabies
the city in December 2012 (Lachica et al. 2019). (�₀), reported dog samples suspected to be infectious that
are subject to examination by CVO (�₁), examined dog
samples that are rabies positive (�₂), infectious dogs (𝐼),
and vaccinated dogs (𝑉). The schematic diagram of the
MATERIALS AND METHODS model is shown in Figure 1 and formulated by a system
of ODEs in Equations 1–7.
Data In formulating the model, it has been observed that the
The first set of data is the cumulative monthly positive reported dogs to CVO may either be positive or negative
rabies samples in Davao City from 2006–2020. It was for rabies, and that exposed dogs can either recover or
used to test if the model would fit the larger population. become infectious. The total host population size is 𝑁(�)
If the model fits the larger population, then it would mean = 𝑆(�) + 𝐸(�) + 𝐼(�) + 𝑉(�). The model was based on
that the model can be an accurate representation of the the following assumptions:
smaller population. With this, the same fitting procedure
was used to fit the model to the second set of data, which 1. The populations are well-mixed.
was the cumulative monthly positive rabies samples of the 2. All the members of the dog population interact with
three major districts with the highest number of positive each other, and all susceptible dogs interact with
rabies cases among all the administrative districts in infectious dogs the same number of times.
Davao City – namely, Talomo, Buhangin, and Poblacion 3. Vaccinated dogs become susceptible to rabies again
districts – from 2006–2020 collected from CVO, as shown when they lose immunity against the rabies virus at
in Figure 2. a rate 𝜆.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the rabies transmission in Davao City. The circles represent the population
compartments of susceptible, exposed, infected, vaccinated, reported to CVO, as well as rabies-
negative and positive individuals. The bold pointed solid lines represent the transfer of individuals
to another compartment due to infection, report, and examination or vaccination. The shorter pointed
solid lines represent birth, deaths (natural and disease-related), and loss of immunity of vaccinated

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

Figure 2. Graph of yearly positive dog rabies cases in the three administrative districts of Davao City from 2006–2021.

4. Susceptible and exposed dogs become vaccinated considered disposed since tests can only be performed
when they receive anti-rabies vaccines at a rate 𝑐₁. after euthanizing the dog and removing its head for
5. Susceptible, exposed, infectious, and vaccinated dogs the examination of the brain.
are reported (�₁) to CVO at reporting rates �𝑆,�𝐸, �𝐼
, and �𝑉, respectively. The rate of transfer from one population compartment to
6. The examination rate of dogs reported to CVO is 𝑝, another and the interactions of the dynamic variables with
and the proportion of total samples that are examined the parameters are described in the schematic diagram
to be positive for rabies is 𝑎. Thus, 𝑝𝑎�₁ represents shown in Figure 1.
the rate of examining reported dogs that are positive The model, which explains the dynamics of the
for rabies (�₂), whereas (1 − 𝑎)𝑝�₁ denotes the population compartments over time, is derived from
rate of examining reported dogs that are negative for the schematic diagram in Figure 1 by adding the inflow
rabies �₀. rate and subtracting the outflow rate connected to each
7. Exposed dogs can develop clinical rabies at a specific compartment. The rate of change for each compartment
time since they go through an incubation period of − 1
�. is specified by a system of ODEs:
8. The dog birth rate (𝛬) and natural and disease-induced
death rates (𝑚 and �, respectively) are constants.
Susceptible, exposed, and vaccinated dogs die at a (1)
rate 𝑚, and some of these dogs are impounded at a
rate 𝑐₃. Infectious dogs, on the other hand, die at a (2)
rate � and some of these dogs are impounded at a rate
𝑐₃. Additionally, the population growth rate is logistic
since the growth rate of the dog population is assumed (3)
to be suppressed by the castration of susceptible dogs
at a rate 𝑐₂. (4)
9. Susceptible dogs become exposed dogs via the
transmission of the rabies virus, which is assumed (5)
to take place through interaction via direct contact
between susceptible and infectious dogs with a (6)
transmission rate 𝛽.
10. Reported dogs (�₁) that are determined to be either
negative of rabies �₀ or positive for rabies (�₂) are

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

Model Parameterization Table 2. Initial values of the variables.

The parameters used in the model along with their
Variable Description Values
corresponding values are presented in Table 1. In the table,
𝛬, 𝛽, 𝑎, 𝑐₁, 𝑐₂, 𝑐₃, 𝑝, �𝑆, �𝐸, �𝐼, and �𝑉 have no known Initial population of susceptible
𝑆(�0) 11,700
values, so their values were estimated using cumulative
monthly rabies-positive cases from 2006–2020. For 𝐸(�0) Initial population of exposed dogs 6,700
the initial conditions, pre-determined values of other �₀(�0)
Initial population of examined
parameters 𝑚, �, and � were based from the study of Zhang dogs that are negative of rabies
et al. (2011), and the values of the variables were estimated �₁(�0)
Initial population of dogs reported
to CVO
based on CVO data as summarized in Table 2.
Initial population of examined
�₂(�0) 3
In January 2006, 10 samples of suspected cases were dogs that are rabies positive
submitted to CVO, and three dogs were positive for Initial population of infectious
𝐼(�0) 3
rabies. So, at t0 = January2006, the variables �₀, �₁, and dogs
�₂ are initially set as the following: �₀(�0) = 7, �₁(�0) Initial population of recovered
𝑉(�0) 5,000
= 10, and �₂(�0) = 3. Since the initial population of dogs
infectious dogs has no known value, we assumed that it
is at least equal to the positive cases examined in CVO
(�₂) because, as assumed, the majority of the infectious
dogs reported to CVO at a rate �𝐼 are tested to be rabies dogs 𝑆(�0). The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
positive. Consequently, we used 𝐼(�0) = �₂(�0) = 3. recorded that Davao City had a population of 1,449,000
in 2010 (PSA 2016). With this, the population in Davao
On the other hand, the initial population of susceptible City was projected to be at 1,300,000 in 2006, whereby
dogs is unknown. Hence, the human population of Davao the population grew by 2.37% annually during the period
City was used to estimate the initial number of susceptible from 2000–2010 (PSA 2018). Since the average observed

Table 1. Definition of the parameters in the modeling framework.

Parameter Value Unit Description Source
𝛬 0.12500 − 0.177 mo⁻1 Average monthly dog birth rate To be estimated

𝑚 1 mo⁻1 Zhang et al. (2011)

Per capita natural mortality rate

𝛽 0.16 x 10⁻⁸ − 1.8 x 10⁻⁸ mo⁻1 Direct transmission rate To be estimated

�𝑆 0.10000 − 0.500 mo⁻1 Reporting rate of susceptible dogs To be estimated

�𝐸 0.10000 − 0.500 mo⁻1 Reporting rate of exposed dogs To be estimated

�𝐼 0.10000 − 0.500 mo⁻1 Reporting rate of infectious dogs To be estimated

�𝑉 0.10000 − 0.500 mo⁻1 Reporting rate of vaccinated dogs To be estimated

𝑎 0−1 Proportion of total examined sam-

To be estimated
ples that are positive of rabies
𝑝 0−1 mo⁻1 Average examination rate To be estimated

� 1 mo⁻1 Zhang et al. (2011)

Disease-induced mortality rate

1 2 mo Reciprocal of incubation period Zhang et al. (2011)


𝑐₁ 0.005 − 0.250 mo⁻1 Average vaccination rate To be estimated

𝑐₂ 0.005 − 0.1 mo⁻1 Average castration rate To be estimated

𝑐₃ 0.00025 − 0.05 mo⁻1 Average impounding rate To be estimated

� 1 mo⁻1 Rate of loss of immunity Zhang et al. (2011)


Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

dog-to-human ratio is 1:10 (Gsell et al. 2012; Otolorin et quantitatively evaluate the impact of input uncertainty
al. 2014) and the time scale is in the order of months, it on model outcomes (Marino et al. 2008).
implies that the dog population is around 130,000. The
study performed a trial-and-error simulation to find the The SA was performed to examine the response of the
initial values of the variables that would represent the state variable �₂, i.e. the reported number of positive
actual trend of dog rabies cases in Davao City (Zhang rabies cases, to parameter variation – as recommended
et al. 2011). The dog population in Davao City was by Turner et al. (2021) and Marino et al. (2008). Since
used to estimate the district’s dog population, assuming the dynamic system (1–7) is nonlinear with unknown
that the districts have an equal dog population number monotonic relationships between outputs and parameters,
and that dogs are heavily distributed among districts. this study utilized the Latin hypercube sampling–partial
Among the obtained sets of initial values, the initial rank correlation coefficient (LHS-PRCC) SA (Marino et
value of susceptible dogs was estimated to be 𝑆(�0) = al. 2008; Turner et al. 2021).
11,700. Furthermore, approximately 40% was assumed Due to its accuracy and adaptability, LHS is a preferred
for the number of vaccinated dogs 𝑉(�0), which is 5,000, choice among sampling techniques used for uncertainty
following the official record of CVO on the number of analysis in systems biology. LHS ensures that the entire
vaccinated dogs that started in 2011. The remaining 60% parameter space is represented, i.e. that the range of
of the susceptible dog population becomes exposed dogs each parameter is fully stratified (Marino et al. 2008;
𝐸(�0) – accumulating for 6,700. Renardy et al. 2021). On the other hand, PRCC is a robust
sensitivity measure for nonlinear including monotonic
Model Fitting relationships between parameters and output(s), so long
This study was implemented using MATLAB. For model as there is little to no correlation between the parameters
fitting, the least squares approach was used where solution (Renardy et al. 2021). By the combination of LHS and
curves were fitted through the data such that the sum of PRCC techniques, this study can quantitatively assess the
squared errors (SSE) is as small as possible. In this paper, sensitivity of our outcome variable to parameter variation.
the MATLAB routine ode15s, which is an ODE solver The parameter values used for the SA were either derived
that simultaneously implements an explicit fourth and as means of parameter ranges obtained from parameter
fifth order Runge-Kutta, was used to solve the ODEs. estimation or were taken from literature. Parameter ranges
The fminsearch() function specified by 𝑓(𝑥), where 𝑓(𝑥) were constructed to reflect a 10% variation in the data
is a function that returns a scalar, and 𝑥 is a vector or a (Turner et al. 2021), and the parameters were assumed
matrix, is a minimization routine that finds a value that to be random variables with uniform distributions. The
minimizes the function and is used to get the minimum SA was run against �₂ in order to highlight the effect
SSE between the fitted model and the dataset from various of parameter values on the reported number of rabies-
initializations. positive cases in Davao City. The analysis was performed
In this study, the model was fitted to the first set of data by using the Matlab R2022a solver ode15s over 10,000
first estimating the 11 parameters – namely, 𝛬, 𝛽, 𝑎, 𝑐₁, 𝑐₂, runs following the approach by Renardy et al. (2021) in
𝑐₃, 𝑝, �𝑆, �𝐸, �𝐼, and �𝑉 – while holding other parameters reducing variability in dealing with stochastic data.
𝑚, �, and � plus the initial conditions fixed as displayed The parameters with a large magnitude of PRCC values
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Initial settings for unknown (|PRCC| > 0.5) that have corresponding small p-values
parameters that were used to fit the data sets were done (0.05) were considered statistically significant (Turner et
by considering realistic values (or educated guesses). al. 2021; Gomero 2012). The closer the magnitude of the
The fitting procedure is done for 30 runs, wherein each PRCC value is to 1 , the more strongly the LHS parameter
run should yield positive parameter estimates. This influences the outcome measure. The sign of the PRCC
procedure is more like trial and error, wherein the best value indicates the qualitative relationship between the
fit is identified by some criteria, i.e. the graph of the fit input variable and the output variables. A negative sign
should be relatively close to the data points and the SSE indicates that the LHS parameter is inversely proportional
should be as small as possible. After testing the model on to the outcome measure. Criteria were set in identifying the
the first set of data, the same fitting procedure was used influence and correlation of the parameters to the output
for each of the chosen districts with their respective data. specified in Table 3 (Chan et al. 2003; Gomero 2012).

Sensitivity Analysis (SA) Model Validation

SA is a technique for quantifying uncertainty in any form In order to validate the model, we simulated the model
of a complex model. The goal of SA is to identify critical beyond the aforementioned fitting period. Specifically,
model inputs (parameters and initial conditions) and the model solution that was fitted using January 2006–

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

Table 3. Classifications on PRCC values [lifted from Chan et al. (2003) and Gomero (2012)].
PRCC values Level of contribution Strength of correlation
0.5 to 0.69 or -0.5 to -0.69 Possible contributors Weak correlation

0.7 to 0.79 or -0.7 to -0.79 Very likely contributors to uncertainty Moderate correlation

0.8 to 0.99 or -0.8 to -0.99 Highly likely contributors to uncertainty Strong correlation

December 2020 cumulative monthly rabies positive dog vaccination, which is considered the most feasible and
samples was extended until December 2021 using the cost-effective strategy in controlling the disease spread
monthly dog rabies-positive samples. Goodness-of-fit (Collinson et al. 2020), covering a minimum threshold of
measures were then done by computing the SSE, sum of 70% across dog population (Lachica et al. 2019).
absolute errors (SAE), signed error, and the root mean
squared error (RMSE) between the actual data and the It was found that – on average, among the three districts –
predicted data. We conclude that the model is valid when Buhangin district had the highest vaccination rate, wherein
the RMSE is low (Ligue and Ligue 2022). Furthermore, the CVO has vaccinated approximately 25% of the dog
an error variation of 10% of RMSE was considered to population per month. This is followed by the Talomo
validate the model (Anderson et al. 2015). district (13% of the dog population are being vaccinated
per month) and then by the Poblacion district (10% of the
To deal with parameter uncertainty, the bootstrapping dog population are being vaccinated per month).
method was done by resampling the model solution 1,000
times following Poisson distribution to generate new A study by Montajes et al. (2021) mentioned that the
datasets, with which parameter estimation was applied. Buhangin district consistently had the highest number
The new model solutions were then extended, plotting of rabies cases, which prompted the CVO to focus on
the region within a 95% confidence interval. MATLAB administering vaccines in this region almost every year.
routine ode45 was used to solve resampled datasets. The study also reported that, although vaccination is
consistently being implemented in the Buhangin district,
Scenario analysis was done by adjusting the significantly there are still areas in the district that remain to have a
sensitive model parameters according to the results from high number of rabies cases.
the SA to see how a set of control interventions affect the
monthly rabies cases. Castration rate (𝑐₂). Castration of dogs theoretically
stabilizes dog populations by reducing birth rates and can
be a supplementary measure to vaccination (Collinson et
al. 2020), allowing vaccination coverage to be maintained
easily (Taylor et al. 2017).
In this study, we aimed to describe the transmission Observe that – on average, among the three districts –
dynamics of rabies in three major districts in Davao City the Poblacion district had the highest castration rate,
– namely, Talomo, Buhangin, and Poblacion districts – wherein approximately 1.3% of the dog population
by formulating an epidemiological model with control are being castrated every month. It is followed by the
strategies implemented by the CVO following an SEIV Buhangin district, where approximately 0.8% of the
framework. First, we observed the trends of the cumulative dog population is being castrated every month; and the
monthly rabies cases between 2006–2020 from the said Talomo district with the lowest castration rate, wherein
districts in Davao City. Based on the collected data from approximately 0.6% of the dog population is being
CVO, these districts displayed the highest rabies incidence castrated every month.
among the 11 administrative districts in the city, as shown Observe that the castration rates among the three districts
in Figure 2. are relatively close to each other given the small differences.
We now present the estimated values for the extent of This supports the results from the study by Montajes et
rabies control strategies and other parameters applied in al. (2021) that the castration program in Davao City was
each of the three major districts in Table 4. randomly distributed throughout the years, focusing on the
districts with the highest rabies incidence.

Parameters Estimates of the Intervention Efforts However, these estimates showed that the implementation
Vaccination rate (𝑐₁). As the number of rabies cases of this intervention strategy is not prioritized in the three
increases, one of the recommendations is to focus on mass districts. In a study by Lachica et al. (2019), the castration

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

program appears to be challenging due to identified Dog birth rate (𝛬). According to Rattanavipapong
factors such as poor public awareness or the technical and et al. (2019), dog birth rate was one of the identified
financial demands expected in executing this program. critical factors influencing the effectiveness of rabies
control interventions. Hence, the study assessed the
Impounding rate (𝑐₃). When free-roaming dogs are not dog birth rate of the three districts shown in Table 4.
claimed within a specific time, they are captured and Buhangin district had the highest per capita dog birth rate
euthanized (Lachica et al. 2019). This control method being compared to Talomo and Poblacion districts. On average,
implemented by CVO is called impounding. approximately 47% of the population will be added to the
Results showed that – on average, among the three districts Buhangin district every month, approximately 35% of
– Poblacion district had the highest impounding rate, the population will be added to the Talomo district every
wherein approximately 1.3% of the dog population are month, and 19% of the population will be added to the
being impounded every month. It is followed by Talomo Poblacion district every month.
district, where approximately 1.27% of the dog population Buhangin district, as one of the districts with the low
are being impounded every month; and Buhangin district implementation of the castration program, explains having
with the lowest impounding rate, wherein approximately the highest number of entering the population. Although
0.02% of the dog population are being impounded every castration was not found to have an impact on rabies cases
month. in Davao City (Lachica et al. 2019), this control program
With a disparity of approximately 65 times, the should still be implemented accordingly with respect to its
implementation of dog impounding in Talomo and population size to minimize the close dog interaction that
Poblacion districts is incomparable to that of the Buhangin could potentially increase the spread of rabies.
district. As documented by Lachica et al. (2019), The quantification of the birth rate in this study showed
impounding of dogs was found to have significantly the strength of the SEIV model. The model was able to
contributed to reducing the number of reported rabies give us an idea of the dog population dynamics in each
cases. district, as there was no recorded data available.
Other parameters. The model also considered other Transmission rate (𝛽). The dog population is one of
parameters that contributed to the spread of rabies in the key factors that drive rabies transmission (Morters
Davao City such as the dog birth rate (𝛬), transmission et al. 2013), which prompted this study to measure
rate (𝛽), positivity rate of rabies (𝑝𝑎), and reporting rate the transmission rate in the three districts. On average,
(𝛾). As indicated in Table 4, the following sections will transmission rates in the three districts have a relatively
discuss the estimated parameter values and its implication minimal difference of 10⁻⁸ in magnitude, in which
for rabies transmission. approximately 1–2 dogs will be infectious per one

Table 4. Initial and estimated parameter values to the fits of the rabies-positive cases in the three districts.
Buhangin District Poblacion District Talomo District
Initial values Estimated values Initial values Estimated values Initial values Estimated values

𝛬 3.600 x 10⁻¹ 4.729 x 10⁻¹ 3.600 x 10⁻¹ 1.859 x 10⁻¹ 3.600 x 10⁻¹ 3.456 x 10⁻¹

𝛽 1.150 x 10⁻⁸ 1.173 x 10⁻⁸ 1.621 x 10⁻⁸ 1.847 x 10⁻⁸ 1.621 x 10⁻⁸ 2.450 x 10⁻⁸

𝑎 4.018 x 10⁻⁵ 2.392 x 10⁻⁶ 4.018 x 10⁻⁵ 4.316 x 10⁻⁶ 4.018 x 10⁻⁵ 3.134 x 10⁻⁶

𝑐₁ 1.460 x 10⁻1 2.492 x 10⁻1 1.460 x 10⁻1 1.016 x 10⁻1 1.500 x 10⁻1 1.348 x 10⁻1

𝑐₂ 1.000 x 10⁻² 8.469 x 10⁻³ 1.000 x 10⁻² 1.276 x 10⁻² 1.000 x 10⁻² 6.251 x 10⁻³

𝑐₃ 1.500 x 10⁻² 2.131 x 10⁻⁴ 1.500 x 10⁻² 1.296 x 10⁻² 1.500 x 10⁻² 1.264 x 10⁻²

𝑝 5.100 x 10⁻² 4.253 x 10⁻² 5.100 x 10⁻² 7.322 x 10⁻² 5.100 x 10⁻² 7.637 x 10⁻²

�𝑆 1.750 x 10⁻1 2.133 x 10⁻1 1.650 x 10⁻1 5.930 x 10⁻² 1.650 x 10⁻1 1.904 x 10⁻1

�𝐸 5.740 x 10⁻1 6.359 x 10⁻1 5.740 x 10⁻1 7.455 x 10⁻1 5.740 x 10⁻1 8.894 x 10⁻1

�𝐼 6.820 x 10⁻1 7.721 x 10⁻1 6.820 x 10⁻1 7.363 x 10⁻1 6.820 x 10⁻1 6.966 x 10⁻1

�𝑉 1.131 x 10⁻⁰ 1.914 x 10⁻⁰ 1.131 x 10⁻⁰ 2.088 x 10⁻⁰ 1.131 x 10⁻⁰ 8.554 x 10⁻1

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

hundred million susceptible dogs every month. From the dogs’ potential to pose a threat to other dogs they come
transmission scenario observed, rabies in three districts into contact with (Stull et al. 2016), regardless of whether
was still less likely to impose a public health threat, they have rabies symptoms or are vaccinated.
revealing that rabies remains endemic (Amparo et al.
2018) in Davao City. However, it is still important to note In reporting infectious dogs on a monthly basis, the
that rabies is 100% fatal once an individual is infected Buhangin district had the highest reporting rate where
(Evangelio et al. 2020). Furthermore, observe that the very it is expected to report one infectious dog at CVO
small magnitude of the difference among the transmission approximately every 1 mo and 9 d. Followed by Poblacion
rates implies similar dynamics of rabies transmission district, where one infectious dog will be reported at
in the three districts. Note, however, that the extent CVO approximately every 1 mo and 11 d. Lastly, with
to which control interventions are being implemented a relatively small difference, the Talomo district had the
varies by district, as observed in the difference in the lowest reporting rate where one infectious dog will be
reported positive rabies cases among the three districts. reported at CVO approximately every 1 mo and 13 d. The
This suggests the CVO to revisit the implementation of rates of reporting infectious dogs in three districts show
interventions and re-strategize its system to achieve its a faster rate compared to the rates of reporting exposed
goal of a rabies-free city by 2030. dogs, which is consistent with how there is an urgency
for humans to report infected dogs since rabid dogs show
Positivity rate of rabies (𝑝𝑎). It was found that the symptoms and could also infect the other dogs (Stull et
Poblacion district had the highest positivity rate, wherein al. 2016), as well as to receive appropriate medication.
3 dogs tested positive for every 100,000 examined dogs
from this district. This is followed by Talomo district (2 In reporting vaccinated dogs, the Poblacion district
dogs tested positive per 100,000 examined dogs) and had the highest reporting rate, wherein it is expected
then Buhangin district (1 dog tested positive per 100,000 to report 1 vaccinated dog at CVO approximately
examined dogs). every 14 d. This was followed by the Buhangin district
with a relatively small-time difference, wherein in
Reporting rate (𝛾). In the model, the reporting rate was approximately every 15 d, 1 vaccinated dog will be
categorized according to four dog states. Reporting rate reported at CVO. Lastly, Talomo district had the
of susceptible dogs was denoted as �𝑆, reporting rate lowest reporting rate, wherein it is expected that in
of exposed dogs was denoted as �𝐸, reporting rate of approximately every 1 mo and 5 d, 1 vaccinated dog
infectious dogs was denoted as �𝐼, and reporting rate of will be reported at CVO. Dogs in contact with other
vaccinated dogs was denoted as �𝑉. dogs are being isolated for 14 d to prevent their ability
to infect others if found positive for rabies. Reporting
In reporting susceptible dogs, the Buhangin district had of vaccinated dogs might be due to staying healthy
the highest reporting rate, wherein it is expected to report in a 10-d observation (WHO 2018b); however, these
one susceptible dog at CVO approximately every 4 mo dogs exhibit rabies symptoms after being released, or
and 20 d. It is followed by the Talomo district, where one vaccinated dogs have lost immunity from vaccination.
susceptible dog is reported at CVO approximately every
5 mo and 8 d. The Poblacion district, with the lowest Considering exposed and infectious dogs are more likely to
reporting rate, is expected to have 1 susceptible dog at infect other dogs, the urgency to examine reported exposed
CVO approximately every 16 mo and 26 d. The slow rate and infectious dogs is higher among other state conditions,
of reporting susceptible dogs might be affected by some which corresponds to the highest examination rate in the
factors such as the misleading combination of signs or Talomo district followed by the Poblacion district that was
behavioral abnormalities exhibited by susceptible dogs reported to have the highest number of examined rabies-
that avert the suspicion of being infected by rabies, positive cases. The conduct of examination is crucial
unknown exposure to rabid dogs, and sudden death for this instance, in order to determine the appropriate
(White et al. 2007). intervention that should be administered by CVO to the
affected dogs in order to reduce the risk of infection. The
In reporting exposed dogs, Talomo district had the highest implementation of an IRCP in a form of vaccination by
reporting rate where it is expected to report 1 exposed dog CVO had led to the Buhangin district having the lowest
at CVO approximately every 1 mo and 4 d. A relatively rabies cases in the three districts. Moreover, despite the
small difference, Poblacion district expected to report low risk of infection from the susceptible and vaccinated
1 exposed dog at CVO in approximately every 1 mo dogs, they should still be reported and examined because
and 10 d. Lastly, the Buhangin district had the lowest they are likely to acquire rabies, even without experiencing
reporting rate, wherein in approximately 1 mo and 17 d, early symptoms (incubation period), which led to the
1 exposed dog will be reported at CVO. The high rate of Talomo and Poblacion districts recording higher numbers
reporting exposed dogs could be attributed to exposed of rabies cases compared to Buhangin district.

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

Figure 3. (a) Fit of the cumulative monthly dog rabies-positive cases in three districts using the monthly reported dog rabies-positive cases
from January 2006–December 2020. Red dots indicate the actual data, whereas the dark-blue line indicates the model fit. (b) 2021
projection on the new reported dog rabies-positive cases in three districts indicated in the solid blue line, with a 95% confidence
interval indicated in broken blue lines.

Figure 3a shows the model fit (dark-blue line curve) with could potentially decrease the number of reported dog-
respect to the cumulative monthly positive rabies cases rabies positives in the city.
(red dots) of the Talomo, Buhangin, and Poblacion districts
using the estimated parameters in Table 4. The PRCC results in each district are consistent with the
biological scenario of rabies transmission and control in
Davao City. For instance, the increase in birth rate would
Sensitivity Analysis (SA) be more likely to increase the rabies cases where more
We performed LHS-PRCC SA to examine how the interaction is expected among dogs due to its increasing
parameter values affect the dynamics observed in the population; the increase in vaccination would be more
system. In this analysis, we identified the set of sensitive likely to decrease the rabies cases, as vaccines are capable
parameters in each district with respect to the number of protecting susceptible dogs from getting infected; and
of reported dog rabies-positive cases that could help the increase in reporting susceptible dogs to CVO would
effectively control rabies transmission by implementing be more likely to decrease the rabies cases, which acts
interventions and policies that affect these parameters. Table as a preventive measure against rabies infection through
5 and the bar graphs in Figure 4 show the list of the model an early consultation or examination. The high influence
parameters and the corresponding PRCC and p-values for of the vaccination rate in the model in mitigating rabies
each parameter related to the outcome variable, �₂. transmission also aligns with the CVO’s ongoing mass
canine rabies vaccination campaign in the city as a method
The results showed that for all three districts, the parameters
of rabies control.
𝛬 (birth rate), 𝑐₁ (vaccination rate), and �𝑆 (reporting rate
of susceptible dogs) are consistently significant and are
the most sensitive contributors to �₂ (|PRCCvalues|> Model Validation
0.5, p-values < 0. 0 5). The strong positive influence of 𝛬 Figure 3b shows the extended graph of the model fit
implies that the increase in dog birth rate in the city would into 2021 with respect to monthly positive rabies cases
most likely increase the reported dog rabies-positive cases, in the Talomo, Buhangin, and Poblacion districts. The
whereas the negative strong influence of 𝑐₁ and �𝑆 imply goodness-of-fit metrics are also shown in Table 6.
that the increase in the number of dogs being vaccinated and From the metrics, the model fit of the three districts
susceptible dogs being reported to CVO for examination underestimated the monthly rabies samples in 2021.
While this is an indication that interventions being

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

Figure 4. Bar graphs showing the PRCC values for Y2 over the 10% parameter ranges with their corresponding p-values in three districts.

Table 5. PRCC ranks for parameter ranges in three districts.

Buhangin District Poblacion District Talomo District
PRCC p-value PRCC p-value PRCC p-value
𝛬 0.9861 0.0000a 0.9883 0.0000a 0.9872 0.0000a
𝛽 0.0111 0.2663 0.0059 0.5534 0.0127 0.2061
𝑎 0.1258 0.0000a 0.1441 0.0000a 0.1311 0.0000a
𝑐₁ –0.9435 0.0000a –0.9554 0.0000a –0.9035 0.0000a
𝑐₂ –0.0417 0.0000a –0.0724 0.0000a –0.0304 0.0024
𝑐₃ 0.0156 0.1187 –0.3796 0.0000a –0.1941 0.0000a
𝑝 0.0027 0.7863 0.0009 0.9246 0.0009 0.9283
�𝑆 –0.9279 0.0000a –0.8847 0.0000a –0.9540 0.0000a
�𝐸 0.0032 0.7460 0.0033 0.7385 0.0057 0.5686
�𝐼 0.0080 0.4251 0.0054 0.5871 0.0121 0.2266
�𝑉 –0.0508 0.0000a –0.0526 0.0000a –0.0828 0.0000a
𝑚 0.0229 0.0218a 0.0242 0.0156 a 0.0229 0.0220a
� 0.0023 0.8191 0.0025 0.8028 –0.0041 0.6785
𝜎 0.0213 0.0330a 0.0186 0.0627 0.0196 0.0506
� 0.0053 0.5984 0.0031 0.7582 0.0083 0.4055
dummy 0.0063 0.5314 0.0018 0.8567 0.0078 0.4337
ap-value < 0.05 is significant at 5%

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

Table 6. Measures on goodness-of-fit in three districts.

Types of Buhangin District Poblacion District Talomo District
error Train dataa Test datab Train data Test data Train data Test data
SSE 1805.8786 142.2410 646.2241 289.8563 10829.781 1137.2944
SAE 467.5433 41.5948 269.9813 61.2706 1224.3383 120.1739
SE 141.6201 41.5948 48.8739 61.2706 287.3022 120.1739
RMSE 3.1674 3.4429 1.8948 4.9147 7.7566 9.7352
aData from January 2006–December 2020; bdata from January 2021–December 2021.

Figure 5. The fit of the cumulative monthly dog rabies-positive cases in three districts using the monthly reported dog rabies-positive cases
from January 2006–December 2021 in three districts with sensitive parameter variation. (a) Red dots indicate the actual data, the
blue line indicates the model fit, and the broken red line indicates the model fit with the increased birth rate. (b) Red dots indicate
the actual data, the blue line indicates the model fit, and the broken yellow line indicates model fit with increased vaccination
rate. (c) Red dots indicate the actual data, the blue line indicates the model fit, and the broken green line indicates the model fit
with an increased reporting rate of susceptible dogs.

implemented by the local government prior to this Scenarios of the model fit were generated through
year were not likely sufficient to control the spread of parameter variation (Turner et al. 2021) of birth rate (𝛬),
rabies in Davao City, the difference between the actual vaccination rate (𝑐₁), and reporting rate of susceptible
cumulative rabies cases and the predicted rabies cases dogs to CVO (�𝑆) – parameters that were found to most
is small (i.e. the magnitude of the difference is less likely influence the variable outcomes of the model across
than 10¹), implying that our model is still capable of the three districts of Davao City, as shown in Figure
predicting rabies-positive cases in the three districts. 5. Observe how the increase in birth rate (𝛬) (0.002%
Even more so, the predicted fit of the model will serve for Buhangin, 0.035% for Poblacion, and 0.009% for
as a baseline reference for the local government officials Talomo), as well as a decrease in both vaccination rate
in re-strategizing their current rabies control programs, (𝑐₁) (0.004% for Buhangin, 0.007% for Poblacion, and
considering the results obtained in the SA that highlights 0.0015% for Talomo) and reporting rate of susceptible
the sensitive model parameters in minimizing the number dogs to CVO (�𝑆) (0.0025% for Buhangin, 0.0001%
of dog rabies-positive cases in Davao City. for Poblacion and Talomo), resulted in a closer and
increased prediction of cumulative rabies cases in 2021

Philippine Journal of Science Rosero et al.: Rabies Transmission Dynamics
Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

with respect to the actual cumulative cases as compared CONCLUSION

to the model fit. The graphical visualization of the model
with parameter variations confirms the strong influence Rabies remains to be endemic in the Philippines, and the
of sensitive model parameters, which will help support Davao CVO has been conducting an IRCP composed of
the decision-makers in crafting policies toward the fight vaccination, castration, and impounding of dogs and IEC
against the persisting rabies disease in the city. sessions, following the national goal, to make Davao City
rabies-free by 2030.

Intervention Efforts in Three Districts A modified SEIV model was formulated to capture rabies
From the findings, the Talomo district had the highest transmission dynamics in the three districts of Davao City.
transmission rate and lowest castration rate. A high The model contained a set of parameters and was fitted
transmission rate depicted in the Talomo district suggests to monthly rabies incidence in Davao City from 2006–
that CVO should intensify the implementation of control 2020 to know the values of the parameters that would
strategies in this district, specifically in prioritizing approximate the data. The parameter estimates per district
vaccination and impounding of dogs, as vaccination rate allowed us to determine the rate at which control strategies
showed to be a significantly strong contributor based on were administered for each district, as well as the monthly
SA, and that impounding has showed to be significant birth rate and transmission rate. Such parameter estimates
(Montajes et al. 2021; Lachica et al. 2019) in mitigating would aid in understanding the factors that contributed to
rabies transmission in the district (Montajes et al. 2021; the varying number of rabies cases among the districts.
Lachica et al. 2020). Moreover, CVO should also SA was also performed to examine how the parameter
intensify the implementation of the castration program values affect the dynamics of the system, which helps in
in the area to slow down the birth rate, as rabies has identifying important control interventions that should be
been documented to re-emerge in areas where the dog prioritized in different districts.
population increases in urban areas (Knobel et al. 2005; As observed from the results, implementation of control
Montajes et al. 2021). strategies varied across the districts due to the spatio-
On the other hand, Poblacion had the lowest dog birth rate, temporal distribution of rabies cases in Davao City, as
which is consistent with its castration and impounding supported by the study of Montajes et al. (2021). However,
rates being the highest among the three districts. However, while the intervention efforts administered by the local
the vaccination rate is the lowest in this district, which government of Davao City, particularly in the three
is also consistent with its high transmission rate and its districts with the highest rabies cases, have resulted in a
positivity rate being the highest among the districts. manageable number of infections in the city, the disease
Hence, intensification of vaccination campaigns should be still sustained its endemic status.
highly prioritized in addition to its good implementation of Through the model and data fitting approaches, this study
castration and impounding efforts to further reduce rabies has provided information on the level of control measures
transmission (Taylor et al. 2017) in the district. implemented in three districts given only time-series
Finally, Buhangin had the highest vaccination rate and data and can also be utilized to develop future rabies
the lowest transmission rate of rabies. The vaccination epidemiological models in Davao City.
campaigns implemented in this district satisfactorily It has been observed that while the transmission rates
mitigate the transmission of rabies among other districts. of the three districts are low and relatively similar, the
However, the district had the highest birth rate, which level of intervention efforts differs among the districts. In
could be due to the low castration rate and impounding rate Buhangin District, where the vaccination rate is highest,
being the lowest among the three districts. This implies the birth rate is also high as well, which shows that other
that CVO should also intensify the implementation of intervention efforts (i.e. castration and impounding)
the castration and impounding programs (Taylor et al. should be also taken into consideration to decrease the
2017) because leaving these two unattended could be a dog population in the district and, thus, help mitigate
potential factor for the possible increase in the number of canine rabies transmission. In both Poblacion and
rabies cases in the district (Knobel et al. 2005; Montajes Talomo districts, dog vaccination should be intensified to
et al. 2021). further decrease the reported canine rabies cases. These
observations have been also recommended by a study by
Lachica et al. (2019), in which vaccination showed to be
a crucial contributor to mitigating rabies transmission in
Davao City.

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Vol. 151 No. 5, October 2022 and Control in Davao City

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