Plant Kingdom MOCK.

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Plant Kingdom MOCK

1. Examine the figure given below and select the right option
giving all the four parts I, ii, iii and iv) correctly identified

(a) (i) Archegoniophore (ii) Female thallus (iii) Gemma cup

(iv) Rhizoids
(b) (i) Archegoniophore (ii) Female thallus (iii) Bud (iv) Foot
(c) (i) Seta (ii) Sporophyte (iii) Protonema (iv) Rhizoids
(d) (i) Antheridiophore (ii) Male thallus (iii) Globule (iv) Roots

2. Assertion A: The first stage of gametophyte in the life cycle of

moss is protonema stage.
Reason R: Protonema develops directly from spores produced
in capsule.

A. A is not correct but R is correct.

B. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

C.Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation ofA.

D. A is correct but R is not correct.

3. The pyrenoids are made up of: (1995)

a. Proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath

b. Core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath

c. Core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath

d. Core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein

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4. Examine the figure A, B, C and D and identify them.

a. Laminaria Dictyota Chara Polytrichum
b. Fucus Dictyota Chara Funaria
c. Laminaria Fucus Polysiphonia Sphagnum
d. Fucus Laminaria Sphagnum Polysiphonia

5. Select the option which represents labeled parts (A, B, C

and D) correctly.
a. Strobilus Node Branch Internode
b. Node Branch Internode Strobilus
c. Branch Node Strobilus Internode
d. Branch Internode Node Strobilus

6. Asexual reproduction in most brown algae is by zoospores,

these zoospores are

a. Biflagellate; Pear – shaped; Unequal flagella

b. Triflagellate; Pear – shaped; Equal flagella

c. Biflagellate; Spiral – shaped; Unequal flagella

d. Biflagellate; Oval – shaped; Equal flagella

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7. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:

a. A-4 B-2 C-1 D-3

A. Pteris 1. Gymnosperm
b. A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3
c. A-2 B-3 C-4 D-1 B. Cycas 2. Bryophyta
d. A-1 B-4 C-3 D-2 C. Sphagnum 3. Algae
D. Sargassum 4. Pteridophyta

8. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:

A. A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4 A. Polytrichum 1. Lycopsida

B. A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
B. Selaginella 2. Sphenopsida
C. A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2
D. A-2 B-1 C-4 D-3 C. Equisetum 3. Moss
D. Adiantum 4. Pteropsida

9. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:

a. A-1 B-3 C-2

b. A-1 B-3 C-2 A. Chlorophyll a and d 1. Dictyota
c. A-2 B-1 C-3 B. Chlorophyll a and c 2. Polysiphonia
d. A-2 B-3 C-1 C. Chlorophyll a and b 3. Ulothrix

10. Branched rhizoids and leafy gametophyes are

characteristic of:

a. All bryophytes

b. Some pteriodophytes

c. All pteridophytes

d. Some bryophytes
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11. Natural system of classification is based on

a. External and internal features

b. Ultrastructure and anatomy

c. Embryology and phytochemistry

d. All of the above

12. Cyanobacteria is referred to as blue green algae due to

presence of

a. Chlorophylla

b. Xanthophyll

c. Chlorophyll b

d. Phycocyanin

13. Which are true about numerical taxonomy?

A. Equal importance given to each character
B.Based on all observable characters
C. Easily carried out using computers
D. At the same time, only few characters can be considered

a. A, B and D

b. B, C and D

c. A, C and D

d. A, B and C
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14. Classification which is based on relationships of various
organisms is evolutionary

a. Artificial

b. Natural

c. Phylogenetic

d. Two kingdom classification

15. Cytotaxonomy is based on

a. Chemical constituents

b. Morphological characters

c. Structure and behaviour of chromosomes

d. Both (a) and (b)

16. Isogamy involves

a. Fusion of two morphologically similar gametes

b. Fusion of two morphologically similar but physiologically different


c. Fusion of two gametes produced by same gametangium

d. Fusion of two dissimilar motile gametes.

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17. Identify the filamentous form of alga

a. Chlamydomonas

b. Spirogyra

c. Ulothrix

d. (b) & (c)

18. Agar is an important commercial product which is

produced by two Red Algae, These algae are

a. Algin

b. Gelidium

c. Gracilaria

d. (b) & (c)

19. What are the chlorophyll pigments present in

chlorophyceae (Green Algae)?

A. Chlorophyll a and d

b. Chlorophyll a and c

c. Chlorophyll a and b

d. Chlorophyll a and e

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20. Which of the following is not a pteridophyte?

a. Ginkgo

b. Selaginella

c. Polypodium

d. Azolla

21. In the prothallus of vascular cryptogram, the antherozoid

and eggs mature at different times. As a result,

a. There is no change in success rate of fertilisation

b. There is a high degree of sterility

c. One can conclude that the plant is apomictic

d. Self-fertilisation is prevented

22. Assertion: Mosses reduce the impact of falling rain and

prevent soil erosion.
Reason: Mosses forms dense mat on the soil.

A. Both Assertion and Reason are True and the Reason is a

correct explanation of the Assertion.

B. Both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a correct
explanation of the Assertion.

C. Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

D. Assertion is False but Reason is True.

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23. Protonema-

(a) Is a stage of gametophytic generation

(b) Is a creeping, green, branched stages and developes directly

from a spore

(c) Produces lateral bud which forms leafy plant body

(d) All

24. The heterosporous pteridophytes are –

(a) Lycopodium and Pteris

(b) Selaginella and Psilotum

(c) Selaginella and Salvinia

(d) Dryopteris and Adiantum

25. An example of colonial and filamentous form of algae

respectively is:

a. Laminaria and Chlorella

b. Volvox and Spirogyra

c. Ulothrix and Chlamydomonas

d. Spirogyra and Ulothrix

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26. Which set contains non-flagellated male gametes with
oogamous reproduction?

a. Spirogyra and Funaria

b. Ulothrix and Spirogyra

c. Fucus and Volvox

d. Dryopteris and Cycas

27. Assertion: Sphagnum is slowly carbonised, compressed

and fossilised over thousands of years to produce a dark
spongy mass called peat.
Reason: Peat helps to keep soil porous and it also improves
water holding capacity of the soil.

A. Both Assertion and Reason are True and the Reason is a

correct explanation of the Assertion.

B. Both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a correct
explanation of the Assertion.

C. Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

D. Assertion is False but Reason is True.

28. Strobili or cones are found in

a. Pteris

b. Marchantia

c. Equisetum

d. Salvinia
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29. Male and female gametophytes do not have an
independent free living existence in

a. Algae

b. Angiosperms

c. Bryophytes

d. Pteridophytes

30. Phycoerythrin is the major pigment in

a. Blue green algae

b. Green algae

c. Brown algae

d. Red algae

31. Coralloid roots of Cycas possess a symbiotic alga:

a. Anabaena

b. Spirogyra

c. Ulothrix

d. Aulosira

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32. A plant having seeds but lacking flowers and fruits
belongs to:

a. Gymnosperms

b. Mosses

c. Ferns

d. Pteridophytes

33. Seeds are developed during

a. Pre-fertilisation events

b. Fertilisation event

c. Post-fertilisation events

d. Either (a) or (b)

34. Archegonium is

a. Female sex organ

b. Aggregation of sporophylls

c. Vegetatively reproducing structure

d. Male sex organ

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35. Which of the following play an important role in plant
succession on bare rocks or soil?

A. Pteridophytes

b. Bryophytes

c. Gymnosperms

d. Angiosperms

36. Mosses are attached to substratum by

a. Roots

b. Capsule

c. Rhizoids

d. Main axis

37. Mosses occur in moist places because they

a. Cannot grow on land

b. Do not need sunlight for photosynthesis

c. Lack vascular tissue

d. Lack root and stomata

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38. Agelatinous coating outside the cellulosic cell wall is
observed in the members belonging to brown algae. This
gelatinous coating is called as:

A. Algin

B. Polyalginate

C. Glycoalgin

D. Mannitol

39. Arigid cell wall is usually seen in members of

chlorophyceae. This cell wall is constituted of :

A. Cellulose (outer layer) & algin (inner layer)

B. Chitin (outer layer) & algin (inner layer)

C. Cellulose (inner layer) & pectose (outer layer)

D. Pectose (inner layer) & peptidoglycan (outer layer)

40. Assertion: Chlorella could be utilised to keep the air pure

in space vehicles
Reason:the space travellers feed on Chlorella soup

A. If bothA&R are correct & the R is a correct explanation ofA

B. If bothA&R are correct but R is not correct explanation ofA

C. If A is correct but R is incorrect

D. If bothA & R are incorrect

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41. Bryophytes resemble algae in the following aspects

A. Filamentous body, presence of vascular tissues and autotrophic


B. Differentiation of plant body into root, stem & leaves &

autotrophic nutrition

C. Thallus like plant body, presence of root and autotrophic


D. Thallus like plant body, lack of vascular tissues and autotrophic


42. Algin, Carrageen and proteins are obtained from

A. Red algae, brown algae, green algae respectively

B. Brown algae, red algae, green algae respectively

C. Red algae, green algae, brown algae respectively

D. Green algae, brown algae, red algae respectively

43. Refer to the statement and answer the question. “They

usually reproduce vegetatively by Fragmentation and
asexually by non motile spores and sexually by non motile
gametes “
Identify the group of plants & it’s example.

A. Mosses, Funaria

B. Red algae, Polysiphonia

C. Brown algae, Laminaria

D. Pteridophytes, Selaginella
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44. Which one is wrongly matched? [2018]

A. Uniflagellate gametes – Polysiphonia

B. Biflagellate zoospores – Brown algae

C. Gemma cups – Marchantia

D. Unicellular organism – Chlorella

45. Which is True?

A. Giant Redwood Tree has naked anthers.

B. Sequoia is the largest of all angiosperms.

C. Ovules are not covered by any ovary wall in Gingko.

D. None of the above.

46. Roots found in gymnosperms are generally

A. Fibrous Roots

B. Tap Roots

C. Adventitious Roots

D. BothA & C

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47. Coralloid Roots are

A. FungalAssociation with roots of higher plants.

B. FungalAssociation with N2 Fixing Bacteria.

C. Association of N2 Fixing archaebacteria with Roots of Plants.

D. N2 fixing Cyanobacteria associated with Roots

48. Statement I-Roots are unbranched in Cycas.

Statement II-Pinus has Branched & Mycorrhizal roots.
Which of the following is Correct?

A. Statement I is False & II is True

B. Statement I & II are False

C. Statement I is True & II is False

D. None.

49. Statement I-Gymnosperms have naked seeds.

Statement II-Seeds are naked both before & after fertilisation.
Which of the following is Correct?

A. Statement I is False & II is True

B. Statement I & II are False

C. Statement I & II are True

D. None.

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50. Which is correct?

A. Fucus:Haplontic :: Kelps:Haplodiplontic

B. Fucus:Haplontic :: Kelps:Diplohaplontic

C. Fucus:Diplontic :: Kelps:Haplodiplontic

D. Fucus:Diplontic :: Kelps:Haplontic

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1)A 25)B 49)C

2)B 26)C 50)C
3)A 27)B
4)C 28)C
5)C 29)B
6)A 30)D
7)B 31)A
8)A 32)A
9)C 33)C
10)D 34)A
11)D 35)B
12)A 36)C
13)D 37)C
14)C 38)A
15)C 39)C
16)B 40)D
17)D 41)D
18)D 42)B
19)C 43)B
20)A 44)A
21)D 45)C
22)A 46)B
23)D 47)D
24)C 48)B
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