Animal Kingdom MOCK.

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Animal Kingdom MOCK

1. Which one of the following is a matching set of a phylum

and its three examples?

(a) Platyhelminthes – Planaria, Schistosoma, Enterobius

(b) Mollusca – Loligo, Teredo, Octopus

(c) Porifera – Spongilla, Euplectella, Pennatula

(d) Cnidaria – Bonellia, Physalia, Aurelia

2. In which one of the following sets of animals do all the four

give birth to young ones?

(a) Platypus, Penguin, Bat, Hippopotamus

(b) Shrew, Bat, Cat, Kiwi

(c) Kangaroo, Hedgehog, Dolphin, Loris

(d) Lion, Bat, Whale, Ostrich

3. Which of the following statement (s) is/ are correct

regarding phylum Aschelminthes?
A. The body is circular in cross-section hence the name
B. Alimentary canal is complete with a well-developed
muscular pharynx.
C. Sexes are separate (dioecious), i.e., males and females are
D. Nephridia help in osmoregulation and excretion.

a. A and B b. C and D c. A, B and C d. All of these

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4. Identify the figures A, B, C and D given below and select the
correct option.
a. Locust Scorpion Prawn Pila
b. Locust Prawn Scorpion Pila
c. Liver fluke Scorpion Prawn Snail
d. Liver fluke Scorpion Prawn Pila

5. Radial symmetry is NOT found in adults of phylum

(a) Ctenophora

(b) Hemichordata

(c) Coelenterata

(d) Echinodermata

6. Bilaterally symmetrical and acoelomate animals are

exemplified by

(a) Platyhelminthes

(b) Aschelminthes

(c) Annelida

(d) Ctenophora

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7. Fertilisation is internal in

a. Aschelminathes

b. Ctenophora

c. Echinodermata

d. Hemichordata

8. Common name of Ancylostoma is

a. Roundworm

b. Filaria worm

c. Hookworme

d. Liver fluke

9. Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm?

(a) Macropus

(b) Chelone

(c) Psittacula

(d) Camelus

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10. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with
flagellated cells called:

(a) oscula

(b) choanocytes

(c) mesenchymal cells

(d) ostia

11. Match list I with list II

List I List II A B C D
A. Metamerism I. Coelenterata a. IV I II III
B. Canal system II. Ctenophora b. IV III I II
C. Comb plates III. Annelida c. III IV I II
D. Cnidoblasts IV. Porifera d. III IV II I

12. Match list I with list II List I List II

(a) (A)-(III), (B)-(II), (c)-(I), (D)-(IV) A. Contractile I. Asteria
(b) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (c)-(III), (D)-(IV) B. Water II. Amoeba
(c) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (c)-(I), (D)-(III) system
C. Canal III. Spongilla
(d) (A)-(I), (B)-(III), (c)-(II), (D)-(IV) system
D. Flame cells IV. Taenia

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13. Which one of the following statements is totally wrong
about the occurrence of notochord, while the other three are

(a) It is present only in larval tail in Ascidians

(b) It is replaced by a vertebral column in adult frog

(c) It is absent throughout life in humans from the very beginning

(d) It is present throughout life in Amphioxus

14. The figure shows four animals (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv). Select
the correct answer with respect to a common characteristics
of two of these animals.

(a) (i) and (iv) respire mainly through body wall

(b) (ii) and (iii) show radial symmetry

(c) (i) and (ii) have cnidoblasts for self-defense

(d) (iii) and (iv) have a true coelom

15. In the given organism, body is covered by __ exoskeleton

and circulatory system is __ type.

a. Non-chitinous, open

b. Non-chitinous, close

c. Chitinous, open

d. Chitinous, close
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16. Assertion: All vertebrates are chordates.
Reason: In vertebrates, notochord is replaced by a
cartilagenous or bony vertebral column.

A. If both Assertion and Reason are True and the Reason is a

correct explanation of the Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a
correct explanation of the Assertion.
C. If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
D. Assertion is False but Reason is True.

17. Assertion: The body of arthropods is covered by chitinous

Reason: Arthropods have jointed appendages.

A. If both Assertion and Reason are True and the Reason is a

correct explanation of the Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a
correct explanation of the Assertion.
C. If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
D. Assertion is False but Reason is True.

18. Statement-I: Ctenophores are exclusively marine, radially

symmetrical, diploblastic organisms.
Statement-II: Bioluminescence is well marked in them

A. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct.

B. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect.

C. Statement-I is correct & Statement-II is incorrect.

D. Statement-I is incorrect & Statement-II is correct.

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19. Statement-I: Sponge has a distinct mouth and digestive
Statement-II: Sponges obtain food from mouth.

A. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct.

B. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect.

C. Statement-I is correct & Statement-II is incorrect.

D. Statement-I is incorrect & Statement-II is correct.

20. Which of the following characteristics is mainly

responsible for diversification of insects on land?

(A) bilateral symmetry

(B) exoskeleton

(C) eyes

(D) segmentation

21. Body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities lined with

food filtering flagellated cells and indirect developments are
the characteristics of phylum.

(A) protozoa

(B) coelenterata

(C) porifera

(D) mollusca
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22. Metagenesis refers to

(A) occurrence of a drastic change in form during post embryonic


(B) presence of segmented body and parthenogenetic mode of


(C) presence of different morphic forms

(D) alteration of generation between asexual and sexual phases of

an organism

23. Which of the following features in NOT present in the

phylum Arthropoda?

(A) parapodia

(B) jointed appendages

(C) chitinous exoskeleton

(D) metameric segmentation

24. Which among these is the CORRECT combination of

aquatic mammals?

(A) seals, dolphins, sharks

(B) dolphins, seals, trygon

(C) whales, dolphins, seals

(D) trygon, whales, seals

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25. An important characteristic that hemichordates share with
chordates is

(A) absence of notochord

(B) ventral tubular nerve cord

(C) pharynx with gill slits

(D) pharynx without gill slits

26. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with

flagellated cells called

(A) ostia

(B) oscula

(C) choanocytes

(D) mesenchymal cells

27. Mark the wrong statement:

A. Sponges are radially symmetrical

B. Endoderm is an embryonic layer

C. Fasciola have Dorso-ventrally flattened body

D. Polyp is a sessile form of Cnidarians

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28. Assertion: Periplaneta Americana is nocturnal,
omnivorous, household pest.
Reason: It is because it acts as scavenger.

A. A is true but R is false

B. A is false but R is true

C. Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A

D. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A

29. Mark the correct statement:

A. Trygon is warm blooded organism

B. Air bladder regulates Buoyancy in Fishes

C. In Amphibians, Eyes do no have eyelids

D. Class Osteichtyes has Placoid Scales

30. St. 1- Statocysts are present in Phylum Arthropoda.

St. 2- Statocysts are balancing organs.

A. Both St. 1 and St. 2 are correct

B. St. 1 is correct but St. 2 is incorrect

C. St. 1 is incorrect but St. 2 is correct

D. Both St. 1 and St. 2 are incorrect

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31. Which of the following statement is not true about

A. Different types of teeth are present in jaw

B. They have four pairs of limbs

C. Homoiothermus

D. Internal fertilization

32. Mark the correct statement about Aschelminthes:

A. They are Pseudocoelomates

B. Include both parasitic and non-parasitic forms

C. Internal fertilization

D. All of the above

33. Which of the following statement is correct about


A. Notochord Absent

B. Notochord is replaced by vertebral column

C. Notochord present only in larval tail

D. Notochord extends from head to tail

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34. Which of the following is False about Spongilla:

A. Also called as Fresh Water Sponge

B. Fertilisation is internal

C. Presence of central cavity called Coelom

D. Body supported by Spicules

35. The following organism has all the given features except

A. 3 Chambered Heart

B. Shed its skin

C. Poikilotherm

D. Sexes are separate

36. Statement I-Ornithorhynchus is egg-laying vulture.

Statement II-Mammals have pinnae/external ear.
Statement III-Development in mammals is indirect.
Statement IV-Pteropus is Flying Fish.

Identify the above statements as True(T) and False(F):-




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37. Match the Following

A. A-I b-ii c-iii

B. a-I b-iii c-ii a. Pavo i. Flightless

b. Struthio ii. Crow
C. a-ii b-I c-iii c. Neophron iii. Vulture

D. a-ii b-iii c-I

38. Choose the correct option

A. Tree Lizard:Hemidactylus :: Calotes:Garden lizard

B. Calotes:Garden Lizard :: Bangarus:Cobra

C. Chameleon:Tree lizard :: Testudo:Turtle

D. None

39. How many of the following are Poikilotherms?






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40. Read the following and Identify the organism which has
these features –
I.) Crop & Gizzard in digestive system
ii.)Dry skin
iii.)Fully Ossified Endoskeleton

A. Testudo

B. Balaenoptera

C. Psittacula

D. Vipera

41. Which of the following is Correct w.r.t. Aves?

A. Fertilisation is internal & development is direct or indirect

B. Fertilisation is internal & development is Direct

C. Fertilisation is internal & larvae is not same as adult

D. Fertilisation is external & development is direct or indirect

42. Difference between Chordates & Non-Chordates is that the


A. Lacks Notochord

B. Has gill slits

C. Has dorsal heart

D. Post Anal tail is absent

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43. Which among these is not a homeotherm? (kerala PMT)

a) Aptenodytes

b) Testudo

c) Delphinus

d) Neophron

e) Ornithorhynchus

44. Functional systems for specific physiological functions are

not seen in (Kerala PMT)

a) Annelids

b) Molluscs

c) Arthropods

d) Echinoderms

e) Coelenterates.

45. Correct Statement, Regarding A & B is:

a) A is having radula while larva of B is having radial symmetry.

b) A and B both are eucoelomate.
c) A and B both show indirect development
d) Two to the above are correct

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46. The figures given below show the types of coelom, identify
them and select the correct group of organisms which
possess them

a. Annelids Aschelminthes Platyhelminthes

b. Molluscs Arthropods Platyhelminthes

c. Echinoderms Aschelminthes Annelids

d. Echinoderms Arthropods Platyhelminthes

47. Identify the given figures A, B and C and select the correct

a) sycon Euspongia Spongilla

b) euspongia Spongilla Sycon

c) spongilla Sycon Euspongia

d) Euspongia Sycon Spongilla

48. Bilaterally symmetrical and acoelomate animals are

exemplified by (NEET 2020)

a) Platyhelminthes

b) Aschelminthes

c) Annelida

d) Ctenophora.

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49. Which of the following features is not present in the
PhylumArthropoda? (2016)

a) Chitinous exoskeleton

b) Metameric segmentation

c) Parapodia

d) Jointed appendages

50. In case of poriferans, the spongocoal is lined with

flagellated cells called: (2017)

a) Ostia

b) Oscula

c) Choanocytes

d) Mesenchymal cells

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1)B 25)C 49)C

2)C 26)C 50)C
3)C 27)A
4)A 28)C
5)B 29)B
6)A 30)A
7)A 31)B
8)C 32)D
9)B 33)C
10)B 34)C
11)D 35)B
12)B 36)D
13)C 37)C
14)D 38)D
15)C 39)B
16)A 40)C
17)B 41)B
18)A 42)B
19)B 43)B
20)B 44)E
21)C 45)D
22)D 46)A
23)A 47)A
24)C 48)A
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