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ƒ +91 7780557576 # § Github

Indian Institute Of Technology, Patna 2022 - 2026
B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data science 7.97/10 CGPA
Sri Chaitanya, Hyderabad 2021
Senior Secondary, Telangana State Board Percentage :98%
Velocity High School, Hyderabad 2019
Secondary, Telangana State Board 10/10 CGPA
Work Experience
AlgoUniversity (backed by Y-Combinator) May 2024 – July 2024
Software Development Extern (Remote) Github
• Developed a Level 4 project(Online Judge) for coding problems, deployed in a production setting on a AWS cloud

platform using docker containers .

• MERN stack used: React.js for UI, Node.js/Express.js for backend, MongoDB for storage.

• Integrated custom test options for user input testing and created a secure sandbox environment for running user

submissions and custom tests.

• Enabled only admins to perform CRUD operations, ensuring a controlled and manageable platform.

• Users can review their past submissions and track their progress effectively.

• Implemented strong authentication and role-based access control to maintain security.

• Got mentorship of senior engineers from Google London, Apple, Bytedance Singapore and Alphagrep

Singapore, I learned real word software development and learned about scalability.
Checkers-AI Github
Implemented under the guidance of Chandranath Adak, Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at
IIT Patna, Play checkers against a smart computer opponent using the MIN-MAX algorithm. The game adjusts to
your skill level and gives hints on moves.
Snake-DQL Github
Developed an AI-driven Snake game using PyTorch, Pygame, and reinforcement learning. Implemented Deep Q-
Learning (DQL) Algorithm to train the agent for optimal gameplay strategies. Enhanced agent performance through
reward-based learning and iterative training. Utilized Pygame for a dynamic graphical interface and real-time inter-
Technical Skills
Languages: Python, C++, JavaScript
Backend: Node.js, Express.js
Frontend: React, TailwindCSS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Clouds & Databases: AWS, MongoDB
Libraries: : Pandas, Numpy, scikit-learn
Developer Tools: Postman, Docker, VS Code, GitHub
Positions of Responsibility
• Sub-coordinator,OptiMatx(Math club), IIT Patna
• Class Representative Ai and Ds, B-tech-22 Batch.
• Got selected in Algo University Camp among top 1.4% out of 40,000 students who applied, got mentorship under the
senior engineers of Apple, Google, Grab Singapore and Alphagrep Singapore.
• JEE-Advance Rank - 3679 among 1.5L students
• JEE-Main 99.44 Percentile among of 11L students
• 1291 rating in codeforces
• Machine Learning Specialization certification in coursera(Link)
• Kaggle Python Programming certification (Link)

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