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Lec W4

IELTS Writing (4)

Instructor: Shishir Banik
IELTS 8.5 (L 9,R 9,W 7.5,S 8.5)
MIE English Academy, Uttara, Dhaka
IELTS Writing Task 2

Question Type
Academic & General training

You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of

view, argument or problem. For the GT candidates, the essay can
be slightly more personal in style than the Academic Writing
Task 2 essay.
• Task response Task 2 (Address all parts of the task.
Presenting a fully developed position with relevant, fully
extended and well supported ideas and evidence)
• Cohesion and coherence Logical progression of
information or arguments. How well are ideas organised
and connected? Skilful management of paragraphing.
• Lexical resource The different words used, Suitable for the
task, How well they are used.
▪ Grammar range and accuracy Error free structured
sentences. Grammatical accuracy. Appropriate use of
complex form of sentences.
Task 2 Carries Twice Marks than Task 1
Types of Essays
❖Argumentative (Agree Or Disagree)
❖Cause & Effect (Problem/Solution)
❖Two Part Question
Argumentative (Agree Or Disagree)
Governments should spend money on railways
rather than roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
Research indicates that the characteristics we are born
with have much more influence on our personality and
development than other experiences we may have in life.
Which do you consider to be the major influence ?
Cause & Effect (Problem/Solution)
Global warming is one of the biggest threats, humans
face in 21st century and sea levels are continuing to rise
at alarming rates.
What problems are associated with this and what are
some possible solutions?
Two Part Question
In some countries , owning a home rather than renting
one is very important for people.
• Why might this be the case ?
• Do you think this is a positive or Negative situation ?

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