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Step 1 :

Login as sysadmin

And create subscription for the event.

Navigation : Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Administrator Workflow > Business Events.

Query the event (Example : oracle.apps.po.autocreate.pocreated) & Click on Subscription

First time click on “Create Subscription” Button.

Once created, for further modifications, click on the pencil icon for editing the subscription.
Enter the subscription details (like Phase, Action type) as shown below.

Click on Next.

Enter the Package.Function name which has the custom logic in “PL/SQL Rule Function” column.
Step 2:

Here is the Sample custom hook package with custom logic. Please compile the same in the
corresponding database instance. This will create the Package.Function mentioned in the above
subscription in the database.

This above custom logic inserts a value to “attribute1” in po_headers_all (SUVASUDE_HOOK) and
po_lines_all (SUVASUDE_HOOK_lines) table. Also it doubles the requisition price in PO.

Step 3:

Here is the example to verify the custom logic. Check the requisition price and autocreate the requisition
to PO. And check whether the PO price is doubled the requisition price. Also check whether the
attribute1 in PO headers and PO lines are populated with the custom values mentioned in the function.

1. Purchasing Responsibility
Requisition Summary > Query the requisition. Check the Requisition Price : 490.

2. Autocreate this requisition line to PO using Autocreate Form.

Purchasing Responsibility > Autocreate > Query the requisition 9518 line #1. Autocreate to PO.
3. After autocreate this requisition 9518 line #1 to a PO 6760,

4. Check the PO line Price. PO Price is doubled.

5. Check the PO headers Attribute1 value.

Navigation : Help > Diagnostics > Examine.
PO headers > Attribute1 has the value inserted (SUVASUDE_HOOK).

6. Check the PO lines Attribute1 value.

Navigation : Help > Diagnostics > Examine
PO LINES > Attribute1 has the value inserted (SUVASUDE_HOOK_lines).

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