Outline Group 4_ The importance of Mekong river in Laos

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Outline : The importance of Mekong river in Laos

Group 4
Group members:
1. Trần Thị Loan Anh - 20041391
2. Nguyễn Quỳnh Anh - 20041747
3. Lê Vi Dân - 21041397
4. Trần Bùi Vân Anh - 18040868
5. Phạm Khánh Linh - 19040915

I. Overview of Mekong river in Laos

1. Origin

- History :
+ The earliest recorded civilization on the Mekong is the 1st century
Indian-Khmer culture of Funan in the Delta area.

- Geographical border:
+ Country: Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia Laos Chinese
+ From Tibet to Vietnam
+ Higher Mekong river basin and Lower Mekong river basin are segregated by
the nation border of Laos PDR, China and Myanmar

2. Names

- Lancang Jiang, The Mae Nam Khing in Thailand, Myanmar and Laos, Tonle Than
(Great Waters) in Cambodia, Cuu Long (Nine Dragons) in Vietnam.

3. Length

- The Mekong is the longest river in Southeast Asia

- Mekong flows for 4,620 kilometers (2,870 miles), including 1898 km in Laos

4.Water flow

- Tributaries follow dendritic pattern

- Main catchment areas remain in the East of Laos, supplying to main river course in
drainage basin near Laos’ border
- Major tributary systems develop in the Lower Basin.
+ Tributaries that contribute to the major wet season flow, and
+ tributaries that drain low relief regions of lower rainfall.
- Left-bank tributaries in Vientiane – Nakhon Phanom and PakseStung Treng together
contribute more than 40% of the flow

5.Seasonal variations (climate)

- The Southwest Monsoon, which generates wet and dry seasons of more or less
equal length, dominates the climate of the Mekong Basin.
- Tropical typhoons in the Pacific Ocean also make a significant contribution to rainfall
during the later parts of the wet season (August to early October).

II.The importance and practice of the Mekong river to Laos PDR Economy
a.Primary sector
- Poor households depend on home-grown rice production for 94 percent of their rice
consumption, and even those in
- Urban centers grow 50 percent of the rice they consume.

Practice: Sand mining leads to river slump and delta sinking, subsequently adding salt
intrusion and decline in freshwater reservoirs used in agriculture.

- More than 70 percent of rural households depend on fishing to varying degrees for
subsistence and additional cash income.
- 40 percent of households get some income from fish.

Practice: hydropower and dams construction pose threats on livelihoods and food security,
reduce fish quality and quantity

- Mining exports, the biggest contributors to Laos’ gross domestic product (GDP),
accounts for nearly 1/3 its GDP (2016).

Practice: the Delta is sinking and shrinking, putting its productivity at risk.

b.Transport and trade

- Major trade route between western China and Southeast Asia, through water-borne
trade through inland waterways
- Volumes of trade being shipped decrease by more than 50%, due low water season
Practice: Mining and hydropower degenerate navigation and transport

- Hydropower is a major revenue generator for Laos
- 90 percent of the hydropower production will be exported to Thailand and Viet Nam.

Practice: With environmental impacts and irreversible results in Fisheries and environmental
III. The important of Mekong River with Laos’ custom and tradition
a. Religion
- The dominant religion is Theravada Buddhism
→ animistic
→ The Mekong River is an important cultural and spiritual symbol for the Lao people
b. Belief :
- Many folktales are related to the Mekong River: It is believed that strong spirits live in
rivers and at other special places
- Naga: a deity taking the form of a snake
- The fight between the two Nagas which ends with one Naga receiving a giant fish as
a reward → the river has a “life” and “mind”

c. Festivals

- In April, the Lao New Year, people celebrate along the riverbanks by building sand
towers in the shape of Buddhist stupas
- Boat Racing Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of each lunar month, usually in
- Lai rue fai (decorating the boats with lanterns) to worship the Buddha.
d. Residential architecture
- Traditional Lao houses are made of wood or bamboo and are built on stilts above the
ground. People live on the first floor; Under the house: animals, craft equipment
- Lao Loum houses are built on wooden piles

→ avoiding the high water rise in the rainy season of the Mekong River

e. Norms in riparian areas

- People who come to fish in the waterfalls have to cross with cables
- People depend much on fisheries and agriculture to earn livelihoods

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