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p rl : g t .A N A 6 € M E N 'l'
' Revision 2.0
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Never hesitate to caff m" Cn t er6;r,"* (always in ampie time) whenever you have any
doubt or when en@untering a(lsral rEchinery problems (failure of pumps: generators,
compressors, steering g,ear, €tc.) rfiidr co{jld affecl the safe operation of the vessel.

2. Strictly no unauthorized entry b tE engin€ room.

Always use Personal ProteciirG E$riprnent before entering and carrying out work in the
engtne room.

+. Smofing strictly-nol permitted h tle engine room except in designated area.

5. Discharge of oily bilge w*f b s$afly a@rding td.regulations.

6. Do not starl cargo pumps witlput informing the Chief Engineer.

7. Do nol transfier oil iniemally trom tank to tank without the consent of the Chief Engineer.

8. Always keep ergine room d@rs, shy'iJhl and hatches closed during cargo work-

9. Vvhen doing STS op€ratioirs, impless cunent system to be shut down, ifitted.

'l Always ensure air-conditioning is on intemal citGJlation when at terminals or at berlh.

11. Ensure all garbage, oil, oiy rags in the engine room are disposed !o refuse barge.

12- Ensure wo*shops, bilge6, allengine room flooring, ladder steps, steedng gsar ffat clean
and oil frde

13. Do ndt carry out hot work, elecirical wor-k or enter enclosed space without Chiel
Enginee/s pemission.

Ensure self-closing valves of sounding pipes or tevel gaiges NOT LOCKED in open position.

15. Ensure precautions are.taken when handling ch€micals and Material Safely Oata Sheets
(MSDS) are posied for:iny clEmical (if carded)

tb. Ensure all valves, operating machinery, vents-are clearly marked & all safety signs posted &
Safety Equipment and Life Saving Appliances are ready for immediate usg.'

Ensure Engine room rounds are done hourly & engine room log filled every end of watch-

't8. - Second Engineer shatl maintain the records of all equipmenfs in the Testing Log.

19. Moming meetings wtlh engine staff, prior commencing work, shall be held by the
Second Engineer. Work to be canied out shan indude safety precaulions as required and
Recorded in the Semnd Engineeis Daily Vvork Book.

20. Ship s Engineers are to monitor E/R feeder panel insulation meter at every watch. liany faulverror
occrrB, ii is to be traced to the source and rectified immediately.

Read and understood,

Chief Engineer:
(signature &

ftnha.,ri. 14'

Joined Date: za 4v qvg LOLN

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