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Microsoft Customer Solution

Financial Services Industry Case Study

Aegon Launches Facebook-Based Insurance

to Reduce Administration, Costs, and Fraud

Overview “Kroodle gives younger people the freedom they crave.

Country or Region: Netherlands
Industry: Insurance It allows them to do their business when and where
they want, not be constricted by office hours or by the
Customer Profile
Launched in 2013, Kroodle is a subsidiary fact that they are nowhere near a computer.”
of Aegon, an insurance company based
Marnix Zwart, Cofounder, Kroodle
in Netherlands which conducts business
in more than 20 countries.

Business Situation
Social media and mobile devices have the potential to reshape
Aegon wanted to use new companies’ relationship with consumers, in particular with
communication channels to attract
customers from the 18–35 generation.
technologically savvy generations. In early 2012, the strategy
and innovation team at Netherlands-based international
The company launched Kroodle, an
insurance company Aegon responded to this changing
insurance company primarily designed environment by asking itself a fundamental question: “How do
for mobile users, to sell products that are
only accessible through Facebook.
we, as a traditional insurer, use today’s technology to become
more relevant to the 18–35 age group?” A year and a half later,
 More customer convenience
Aegon launched Kroodle, a paperless insurance company
 Less administration primarily designed for mobile users, selling products that can
 Lower marketing costs
 Fewer claims
only be purchased via Facebook. Aegon believes that this
 Less fraud venture will not only appeal to a generation which values speed
and convenience; it will also reduce marketing expenditure and
fraudulent claims.
“The fact that Kroodle Situation international insurer, sat down with its
The very purpose of insurance is to reduce Microsoft partners in early 2012 to
was specifically designed risk. Once purchased, contracts usually last formulate a creative approach to an
for at least a year; and for life and critical environment that was almost
for mobile devices is illness insurance policies, the contracts last unrecognizable from just a few years
unique within the a whole lot longer. Put these two elements before.
together, and it is no wonder that the
international insurance insurance industry has a widespread “We had already witnessed an enormous
popular image as conservative and old- change in the way that consumers transact
market…. The second fashioned, as safe and secure but slow to insurance, with many fewer people going
main innovation is the embrace change. through a broker to get coverage for their
car or house,” says Luc Schamhart,
deep integration with All things considered, insurers were unlikely European Finance Industry Lead at
to act as eager pioneers at the forefront of Microsoft. “In addition, the 18–35 age
Facebook.” the general corporate response to the group, in particular, had started to spend
Marnix Zwart, Cofounder, Kroodle recent influx of new communication much of their time on mobile devices and
channels between companies and social networks. The challenge was clear:
consumers. Research by The Economist how does Aegon, as a very traditional
Intelligence Unit from 2012 reveals that insurer, capitalize on this changing
only around one in three companies in the consumer behavior?”
overall financial services industry use
company-branded mobile applications or Indeed, Aegon is hardly a new player in this
social networking sites to communicate industry. It is a long-established leader in
with customers. What’s more, these the insurance market, employing around
channels are predominantly used for 24,000 people and serving millions of
marketing purposes only. For example, just customers in more than 20 markets
6 percent of financial services companies throughout the world.
single out sales as the current primary
purpose of their participation in social As such, any solution had to be rigorously
media.1 thought through in order to overcome all
the inevitable internal checks and balances
This relatively low penetration of new of a large, established company, and obtain
digital media should, however, not be the vital commitment of its senior
confused with blasé indifference. Only 3 management team. With regulatory bodies
percent of financial services respondents in naturally protective of consumers within an
the same survey regard new industry focused on risk avoidance, and
communication channels as a “passing fad,” ever more vigilant in the wake of a severe
and almost two-thirds predict that they will financial crisis, the team also anticipated
be viewed as a “crucial development” in five substantial legal obstacles to any creative
years’ time, with the benefit of hindsight. new venture.
“Microsoft provided This is very much an industry which is still
in the process of organizing its strategic Solution
invaluable expertise in response to a new phenomenon, whose Assisted by Microsoft’s experience and
two main areas— commercial significance it readily knowledge of related activity within the
acknowledges. financial services sector, the team set about
business strategy and scanning the market to identify
It was against this backdrop that the newly opportunities appropriate for the
technical requirements.” formed strategy and innovation team of Netherlands, where any new operation
Marnix Zwart, Cofounder, Kroodle Aegon, the Netherlands-based would first be launched. According to
Marnix Zwart, Kroodle’s Cofounder, the signatures, are anathema to Kroodle—the
“Our way of doing things idea they eventually came up with was goal is to be able to complete a purchase
gives much more original on two main counts. within one minute. The home insurance
application process highlights this
flexibility to the “To the best of our knowledge, the fact that efficiency. With relevant personal
Kroodle was specifically designed for information already registered with
consumer. Our mobile devices is unique within the Facebook and specific property details
customers have all the international insurance market,” he accessible via public and paid-for
explains. “Only after we had achieved that databases, prospective customers only
latest information about goal did we also design it for other screen need to submit their zip code and house
sizes, such as tablets and laptops. The number to obtain a quote.
their policy at their second main innovation is the deep
fingertips, and they can integration with Facebook.” Another key feature of Kroodle is its
transparency, with the standard operating
cancel at any time.” Aegon selected Facebook as the ideal mode allowing for all customer
platform for Kroodle because of its communication with the company, even
Perry Koorevaar, Cofounder, Kroodle
powerful dominance within the Dutch notification of insurance claims, to be
market. In 2013, 10.8 million people in the posted on the individual’s Facebook page
Netherlands will access their Facebook for their “friends” to view. To reciprocate
account at least once a month, this openness, the company plans to make
representing the highest proportion of an active effort to communicate its loss
internet users doing so within any leading ratios (total claims incurred as a proportion
country in either Europe or North America.2 of total premiums) to customers.

When Zwart talks about “deep integration,” Cash rewards for current customers that
he doesn’t mean that Facebook acts purely recommend Kroodle to others who then go
as a mechanism for marketing or publicity, to purchase a policy represent a further
as it does for so many companies. Without innovation, at least within the financial
logging on to a Facebook account, services sector. These rewards, which are
purchasing any Kroodle product, such as paid to both the existing and the new
travel or home insurance, is simply not customer, are stored in a virtual wallet and
“Increased claims ratios possible. paid out over a period of 12 months.
lead to higher premiums
Although telephone support is available in The technology for this member-get-
—that is the basic the event of customer concerns over an member system, and most of the other
insurance claim, all other dealings— user-facing processes and supporting
mechanism of insurance. transactions, policy amendments, and development and infrastructure, were built
By clearly cancellations—will be conducted digitally, by Verne, a software provider
and all documents can be viewed online. recommended by Microsoft, which had also
communicating our Right at the start of the sales process, initially proposed that Kroodle be built on a
potential customers are asked whether they Microsoft .NET environment, with a
results, people will be are happy to do all business with Kroodle in Microsoft SQL Server database. “Microsoft
able to see this logic this way. If they answer in the negative, provided invaluable expertise in two main
they cannot become a customer. “The only areas—business strategy and technical
playing out right in front paper you get from Kroodle is our business requirements,” explains Zwart. “Their
cards,” jokes Zwart. insight on developments in the financial
of them.” services industry enabled us to develop our
Perry Koorevaar, Cofounder, Kroodle Time-consuming policy applications, thought process, and eventually decide on
together with policy numbers and the concept. And their knowledge of the
“Countries like Indonesia technical side allowed us to find the right philosophy is the belief that the very
software partner and recommend suitable openness and collective ethos of social
and Brazil…could well solutions for the site construction.” media will reduce claims and fraud. After
offer opportunities for us all, someone is less likely to make a false
Meanwhile, after a great deal of discussion, claim if friends and family can see the claim
[in the future]. For many any objections from regulators were notification on Facebook, potentially
people in these successfully overcome. “We explained over leading to embarrassing questions on the
time that our way of doing things gives same page.
countries, a mobile much more flexibility to the consumer,”
says Perry Koorevaar, another Kroodle Kroodle’s planned declaration of its own
device is their only Cofounder. “Our customers have all the financial performance will, the company
means to connect to the latest information about their policy at their believes, also help to curb claims.
fingertips, and they can cancel at any time. “Increased claims ratios lead to higher
internet.” There were no explicit legal barriers to what premiums—that is the basic mechanism of
Marnix Zwart, Cofounder, Kroodle we were creating, but it had never been insurance,” explains Koorevaar. “By clearly
done before. Change is always painful.” communicating our results, people will be
able to see this logic playing out right in
Benefits front of them, providing another incentive
“The world’s information infrastructure to reduce the number of claims they make.”
should resemble the social graph,” wrote With detected and undetected fraud
Facebook Founder and CEO Mark estimated to represent up to 10 percent of
Zuckerberg in a letter to prospective all claims expenditure in Europe,5 Kroodle
investors in 2012,”a network built from the considers its open approach to be a
bottom up or peer-to-peer, rather than the potentially significant competitive
monolithic, top-down structure that has advantage.
existed to date.”3 Kroodle aims to use these
fundamental changes in the way Customer Convenience, Reduced
information is distributed for its own Administration
commercial benefit. The speed and accessibility of Kroodle
works to provide a further edge over rivals
Lower Marketing Costs in two separate ways. First, the company’s
Along with counterparts in other sectors, way of doing business is likely to appeal to
traditional insurers typically spend vast a 18–35 generation increasingly unwilling
amounts on the acquisition of new to wade through the form-filling
customers, with financial services bureaucracy that still characterizes
companies in the United States, for traditional insurance. “Kroodle gives
example, devoting more than 10 percent of younger people the freedom they crave,”
their revenue to marketing.4 However, the says Zwart. “It allows them to do their
member-get-member system spurred by business when and where they want, not be
cash rewards, and the fact that transactions constricted by office hours or by the fact
with Kroodle can be openly viewed by that they are nowhere near a computer.”
Facebook “friends,” will, the company Second, online transactions should also
hopes, serve to bring down this marketing substantially reduce the cost of labor-
outlay. intensive back-office administration.

Less Fraud, Fewer Claims An inventive component of Kroodle’s travel

Transparency may not simply act as a policy offers an illustration of the
means to attract customers and increase company’s emphasis on convenience.
revenue. At the core of Kroodle’s Customers can simply turn the insurance on
from their mobile device before departing
on vacation, and switch it off on their
return, meaning that premium is only paid
for the time they actually need coverage.
Memorable and fun-sounding product
names such as “Boodle Kroodle” or
“Trouble Kroodle” symbolize the company’s
departure from the norm.

Future Plans
One of the great commercial benefits of
online communication channels is that they
allow closer tracking and analysis of
customer attitudes, opinions, and needs.
Kroodle is considering using Microsoft
Dynamics CRM to register and break down
this mass of data. The company is also
planning to use Windows Azure, the cloud
computing platform and infrastructure, to
deploy new applications.

Having officially launched Kroodle in the

Netherlands in June 2013, Aegon has
ambitious plans for the new venture.
“Countries like Indonesia and Brazil, where
Aegon already has a presence, could well
offer opportunities for us,” says Zwart. “For
many people in these countries, a mobile
device is their only means to connect to the
internet. Besides, these markets are huge
and their Facebook usage is also very high.”

1. “Getting Closer to the Customer,” Economist
Intelligence Unit, 2012
2. eMarketer, April 2013
3. Letter by Mark Zuckerberg contained in
Facebook’s flotation registration document filed with
the United States Securities and Exchange
4. Gartner, March 2013
5. “The Impact of Insurance Fraud,” Insurance
Europe, 2013
For More Information Microsoft Solutions for the Financial
For more information about Microsoft Services Industry
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2495. Customers in the United States and innovation. Microsoft and its ever-growing
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For more information about Kroodle

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Software and Services Partner

 Microsoft Server Product Portfolio  Verne
 Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition

This case study is for informational purposes only.


Document published July 2013

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