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SECTION A (20 marks)
Q1. Select the correct option:

1. The Strait of Magellan separates the mainland of South America from the island of

a. Trinidad and Tobago. b. Tierra del Fuego c. Falkland d. South Georgia

2. When we stand facing the sun in the evening, our left hand points to the

a. East b. North. c. West d. South

3. The best quality of coal

a. Lignite b. Bituminous. c. Anthracite d. Peat

4. The lightest wood

a. Ebony b. Balsa c. Palm d. Cane

5. The Angel Falls lie in (1)

a. Venezuela b. Chile c. Ecuador d. Brazil

6. It has universal application in map making

a. Linear scale b.Statement c. R.F. d. Graphic scale

7. Assertion: Minerals are mined only in those regions where they occur as ores.

Reason: An ore contains a large concentration of a particular mineral.

a. A is true and R is false

b. R is true and A is false
c. Both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
d. Both are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

8. Assertion: Two-thirds of the total area of South America lies in the tropical region.

Reason: The equator passes through the middle of the continent.

a. A is true and R is false

b. R is true and A is false
c. Both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
d. Both are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

9. The largest producer of silver in the world

a. China b. Mexico. c. USA d. Australia

10. These maps show a very large area with less detail

a. Large- scale maps b. Cadastral maps c. Small-scale maps d. Topographical maps

11. Assertion: The life of the people in the Amazon river basin is changing.

Reasoning: The Seringueiros collect latex from the rubber trees and convert it into usable rubber cakes.
a. A is true and R is false
b. R is true and A is false
c. Both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
d. Both are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

12. Pick the INCORRECT statement:

a. Uranium is a radioactive mineral.

b. Manganese is composed of shells and skeletons of dead animals.

c. Mica is a bad conductor of electricity.

d. Coal and petroleum are known as fossil fuels.

13. Picture study: Name the water body marked as A

a.Pacific Ocean b. Caribbean Sea c. Atlantic Ocean d.Strait of Magellan

14. It is NOT a metallic mineral

a. Manganese. b. Mica c. Uranium d.Silver

15. Identify the method of mining

a.Drilling. b.Quarrying c.Open-pit mining d.Shaft mining

16.It is always measured in clockwise direction

a.direction. b.scale c.bearing d.grid

17. The USA is the largest producer and consumer of

a.coal b.limestone. c.iron-ore. d.natural gas

18. South America has ………. independent countries

a.12 b. 10 c. 22 d.20
19. The Amazon river flows into this Ocean

a.Pacific Ocean b.Atlantic Ocean c. Antarctic Ocean d.Arctic Ocean

20. It is an important rubber collecting centre

a.Manuas b. Lima. c. Belem. d.Brasilia

SECTION B (45 marks)

PART I (20 marks) (Compulsory)
Question 2

Mark, shade and name the following on the map of South America: (20)

a) The largest lake of South America

b) The Southern most tip of South America
c) An intermontane plateau
d) The largest desert of South America
e) The highest peak in the Southern Hemisphere
f) The driest desert in the world
g) The Strait of Magellan
h) The capital of Peru
i) The capital of Argentina
j) River Orinoco
k) River Parana
l) Grande Bay
m) Lake Patos
n) Gulf of Venezuela
o) Andes Mountains
p) Falkland Island

Question 3
Mark and name the following on the political map of India (5)

a. The western most state of India and its capital

b. Ladakh and its capital
c. The Union Territory lying in the Bay of Bengal and its capital
d. Rajasthan and its capital
e. Karnataka and its capital

PART II ( 25 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question 4

(a)Differentiate between sketch and plan. (2)

(b) Mention three ways of finding direction (3)

Question 5

(a) Write two uses of uranium (2)

(b) Name three alloys of copper and write their composition. (3)

Question 6

(a) Define the following terms: (2)

(1) Delta
(2) Meander

(b) Differentiate between mouth and source of a river. (1)

(c ) Calculate the R.F. when statement of the scale is 2cm: 5 km. (2)

Question 7

(a) What is Latin America (2)

(b) Give reason for the following statements:

(i) There are frequent earthquakes in the western coastal strip. (1)
(ii) The high peaks in the Andes are snow covered although they are situated near the equator.. (1)
(iii) The coastline of South America is very smooth except in the extreme south-western part. (1)

Question 8

a) Identify the vegetation. What is its other name? (1)

b)Name four wild animals found here. (2)

c) Name four forest products obtained from this vegetation. (2)

SECTION C (15 marks)

Answer any five questions
Question 9

a)Petroleum is called black gold. Comment.

b) Do you think shifting cultivation is good for the environment? Justify your answer.
c) The Amazon is known as the lifeline of South America. Justify the statement.
d) It is necessary to conserve mineral. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not.
e) Iron ore is considered as the backbone of modern civilization. Comment
f) A map overcomes the limitations of globe. Justify the statement

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