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Student Worksheet: Preparing to Watch a Video on

Analytical Exposition Texts


Understand the structure and key features of an analytical exposition text.


Complete the activities below to prepare for watching the video on analytical exposition
texts. This will help you understand the video content better and make it easier for you
to apply what you learn.

Part 1: Vocabulary Preview

Match the vocabulary words with their correct definitions to better understand key
terms related to analytical exposition texts.

Vocabulary Word Definition

Claim A. A statement used as the primary point to support or prove an argument
Evidence B. Facts, quotations, or reasoning used to support a claim
Counterargument C. An argument made to oppose another argument
Thesis D. The central idea or argument of a text, often found in the introduction





Part 2: Background Knowledge

Answer the following questions to activate your prior knowledge about writing and text
analysis. Discuss your answers with a partner.

1. What do you think is the purpose of writing an analytical exposition text?

2. Can you recall a time when you wrote an argument? What was it about?
3. What makes an argument persuasive?

Part 3: Setting a Purpose for Watching

Read the following objectives for watching the video. Think about why each one is
important and how it might help you in understanding and writing your own texts.

 To identify the structure of an analytical exposition text.

 To recognize the elements that make up a strong argument within these texts.
 To understand how evidence supports claims in analytical writing.


1. Which of these objectives do you think will be most challenging for you? Why?
2. How do you think understanding these elements can help you in your other

Part 4: Expectations

Write down two questions you have about analytical exposition texts that you hope the
video will answer.



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