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The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 37


INDIA, 2000–1


Anupam B. Rastogi

In the year 2001, infrastructure sector grew less than Bill seeks to replace the Indian Electricity Act 1910, the
expected. There was much discussion about the failures and Electricity (Supply) Act 1948 and the Electricity Regulatory
‘half achievements’, but there were some successes, too. Commission Act 1998. The government’s own Draft Bill
2001 is slated to be introduced soon in Parliament. The
objective is to bring about comprehensive reforms in the
HIGHLIGHTS power sector.
The Deepak Parekh Committee Report on Escrow Cover
(Government of Karnataka, 2000) unequivocally raised the Whither Convergence
question of unsustainability of escrow accounts and brought The only sector that seems to be attracting private capital
out the importance of privatization of distribution in power is telecommunications, where large projects are being
sector. One could hardly disagree with the prognosis of Jack implemented. However, there are problems here, as well.
Welch that India cannot be a ‘software superpower’ if she The government continues to drag its feet on the issue of
does not produce enough power. ‘Everyone thinks the internet convergence. It has taken too long to draft the convergence
shows up here, on the computer, and it doesn’t use power. bill and its passage.
It’s a wonderful new industry. But the fact is every basis bit The continuous changes in technology further challenge
of information uses electronics. And if you don’t have power, the boundaries of many departments. This hindered the
nothing happen.’ (Singhal et al. 2000). The Enron saga provision of a legal framework for the development of the
came to full boil and has spurred many tumultuous changes telecom sector in India. Industry, however, is going ahead
in the sector which will bear fruit in the years to come. with consolidation through mergers and acquisitions. It is
Villages continue to suffer incessant power cuts. The failure entirely possible that basic operators will formally join hands
of the northern grid which plunged a large part of northern with cellular operators to fight the government!
India into darkness for a couple of days, brought home the
importance of the transmission business. NHDP Goes Ahead
The transportation sector has a few successes in its bag and
Draft Bill
a few failures too. Ports witnessed the beginnings of
Undoubtedly, the precarious financial health of the state corporatization and serious efforts at privatization of port-
electricity boards (SEBs) can hardly be conducive for any related services.
investment. Promoters and investors have shied away from In Roads, the National Highways Development Plan
the sector. Policy risks continue to be high. The Electricity (NHDP) is progressing on schedule and many states are
Bill drafted by the NCAER (National Council of Applied spending fair sums of money to improve their state highways
Economic Research) had gone through eight drafts. The and district roads. But the battle against ‘short-termism’
38 India Infrastructure Report 2002

needs to continue. The focus is on construction rather than Much has occurred in the approach of most state
providing good road service to people on a sustainable basis. governments. The competition to attract private capital to
Cratered surfaces of newly refurbished roads and highways provide all types of economic infrastructure is discernible.
are expensive witnesses of this folly. The government has However, the bureaucracy in many ways continues to be
further emphatically reiterated that road building in rural suspicious of the ‘profit motive’ and finds it difficult to
India would be a fully sponsored by the Central government. accept that there are risks involved in private provision of
However, there are no visible developments on the ground. services, which need to priced.
Cross nodal connectivity is the new mantra, but other than
the Planning Commission’s Draft Integrated Transport Policy Investments in Infrastructure
(GOI, 2000b), there is no big blue print to make it happen.
Reflecting the general slowdown in the economy, the
infrastructure index of the Ministry of Industry and
Railways and NHAI
Commerce registered a dismal one per cent growth during
The much awaited Rakesh Mohan Committee Report on April-June 2001, compared to 9.3 per cent during the
Railways (GOI, 2001d) was submitted to the Railway corresponding period of the previous year. The growth rate
Minister. The major reorganization of the Railways suggested of infrastructure-related industries—electricity, coal, steel,
in the report is being studied by an internal committee of crude petroleum, petroleum refinery products, and cement—
the Railways! Severely strapped for resources, the Railways accounting for a weight of 26.68 per cent in the index of
have started courting state governments and private sector industrial production (IIP), was much lower at 5.3 per cent
organizations to get resources for developing inter- during 2001–1 compared to 9.1 per cent in the previous
connectivity with ports and other bulk cargo facilities. The year. The slowdown was particularly pronounced for
NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) too has a electricity, steel and cement, reflecting basically the paucity
ground plan ready to connect major ports with the Golden of investment demand. Obviously the severe recession in the
Quadrilateral. industrial sector has had its effect on the infrastructure
sector. The cumulative industrial growth for July 2000 to
Some Southern Cities Move Ahead June 2001 was also much lower at 1.5 per cent against 5.9
per cent in the previous period.
Urban infrastructure remained in doldrums. But there is
much talk about providing better services—drinking water,
Sanctions and Disbursement
sewerage system, district roads—in cities. Finances of urban
local bodies have been stretched to their limits and user The sluggishness in investment demand from the private
charges are so low that they cannot even support operation sector is reflected in the performance of domestic financial
and maintenance costs of these services. However, some institutions (DFIs) in a major way. The total sanctions of
metropolitan cities such as Bangalore, Chennai and the three top ranking DFIs—IDBI, ICICI and IDFC—
Hyderabad, have taken certain steps in the right direction. grew only at a rate of 21 per cent during 2000–1 as against
Some states such as Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have been a robust 44 per cent last year.
encouraging the private sector in providing civic services in More disturbingly, the total disbursements of the three
‘new’ cities such as Gurgaon and the NOIDA area. Rajasthan DFIs had slided to 15 per cent growth compared to 42 per
has introduced a comprehensive bill which aims to promote cent growth during the previous year.
private-public partnership in providing many civic amenities Power and Telecom continued to rely on traditional project
in all its cities. financing methods. The Transport sector witnessed new

Table 3.1.1
Sanctions and Disbursement of Major DFIs
(in Rs. crore)
Disbursements Sanctions
1998–9 1999–2000 2000–1 1998–9 1999–2000 2000–1

IDFC 374 642 762 1682 1866 2467

ICICI 15807 25092 31965 24717 43523 56092
IDBI 14470 17059 17500 23745 26966 28711
Total 30651 43537 50225 50144 72349 87270
Percentage growth over previous year 42 15 44 21
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 39

initiatives. Work on the Golden Quadrilateral is almost on operation and maintenance of infrastructure projects. The
schedule. Success achieved in execution of the Moradabad- basic reason for this is that contracts can be specified, and
by-pass using an SPV (special purpose vehicle) has the profit motive used to create incentives for its delivery.
emboldened NHAI to try some more projects using the The government is preparing a comprehensive legislation
same method. It was rail-port interconnectivity that saw for reducing administrative and procedural delays, identifying
long-term concession awarded to the private sector by the generic project risks, detailing various incentives, detailing
Railways. The Railways would construct the fixed the project delivery process and procedures for reconciliation
infrastructure and maintain and operate it, the private sector of disputes.
would assure a certain fixed amount of traffic and raise
funds to build the facilities. Andhra Pradesh
The urban infrastructure witnessed the use of many The state enacted the Infrastructure Development Enabling
forms of financial initiatives. Despite all the jugglery, if the Act 2001 (Draft Bill) to provide for the rapid development
urban bodies cannot pay, these initiatives are likely to remain of physical and social infrastructure in the state and to
non-starters. attract private sector participation. The bill provides
Fiscal Incentives for Infrastructure: The Union Budget of comprehensive legislation. It also lays down procedures for
2001–2 proposed certain measures to provide a boost to reconciliation of disputes and provides for other ancillary
infrastructure investments and industrial growth. But the and incidental matters with a view to present bankable
decision-making process and governance of the country projects to the private sector and improve the level of
came to a standstill because of the series of unexpected infrastructure in the state.
political developments.
PM’s Task Force on Infrastructure: This Committee after
designing detailed framework and implementation of the NHDP To attract private investment in urban infrastructure,
and the North-South and East-West corridors considered issues Rajasthan is introducing freer, market-friendly policies and
related to ports, aviation and integrated transport policy. legislations. Policy changes and legislative amendments
include the New Rajasthan Town and Country Planning
PM’s Economic Advisory Council: It was probably the first
Act, nearly three hundred amendments to the Rajasthan
time that the report of the Council was forthright in detailing
Municipal Act 1959, abolition of the Urban Land Ceiling
all that ails in the sector. It pointed out that inadequate user
and Regulation Act, and amendments to the Rajasthan
charges (and the states’ inability to compensate the private
Urban Improvement Act 1959, Jaipur Development Act
sector), and regulatory uncertainty, are the two main causes
1982 and Urban Land Allotment Rules 1974.
for the poor response of the private sector’s participation in
Rajasthan is the third state, after Haryana and Uttar
the sector. There are enormous risks in the current scenario
Pradesh to invite private sector to liberally invest in joint
which have held back the private sector from enthusiastic
sector townships on BOT basis. While the latter offered
participation. The main recommendations of the Council
townships (such as Gurgaon, Greater NOIDA) on stand-
are delineated in Box 3.1.1.
alone basis, Rajasthan is offering majority of its urban centres
to prospective developers.
The West Bengal government is in the process of framing True reform is awaited in the power sector. The single buyer
a policy for allowing private participation in infrastructure model of private generation of electricity could never have
like roads, flyovers and water distribution. The policy is taken off with the SEBs in near bankrupt conditions. The
going to be introduced through a government resolution process was started with the Deepak Parekh Committee Report
rather than through legislation—a weak initiative since the which questioned the suitability of escrow account of SEB
government of the day can change the rule of the game later. receivable and escrow capacity of KSEB (Karnataka State
Private parties will be allowed to exploit adjoining lands for Electricity Board). The Committee also suggested that funding
commercial exploitation. Open bidding is to be the basis should be done on the strength and viability of the project
of private participation. itself. Important suggestions were made in the expert group
reports (GOI, 2001a and 2001b), the energy review committee
reports (GOM, 2001a and 2001b) popularly known as the
The government has recognized the importance of private Godbole Committee Report. Finally, the Electricity Act 2001
sector participation in the designing, financing, construction, is ready. If passed by Parliament and implemented, it will be
40 India Infrastructure Report 2002

Box 3.1.1
Infrastructure Sector in the Report of the PM’s Economic Advisory Council

The council’s report on economy laid emphasis on investments in economic infrastructure if India is to achieve a growth target
of 8 per cent during the Tenth Five Year Plan. Private sector investments were muted because the pre-conditions for successful
large scale entry of the private sector were not yet met. Two main reasons provided in the report were inadequate user charges
and regulatory uncertainty.
While infrastructure remains an exclusive public sector monopoly, the rationalization of user charges in infrastructure is abso lutely
vital. A regulatory regime that is seen to be fair to consumers and also sensitive to the legitimate needs of investors, is abs olutely

‘The flaw in the policy with regard to electricity was the failure to recognize that the root of the problem lies in the financial
unviability of the state electricity boards. This has made independent power projects (IPPs) look for temporary solutions such as
escrow arrangements and central government guarantees which simply do not address the core problem.’
It suggested that the huge transmission and distribution losses could be brought down through privatization of distribution as
the privatized areas would help achieve better efficiency from the distribution system.
The central government should play a pivotal role in the reform of SEBs (State Electricity Boards) as large parts of these dues
are to the central government organizations, such as NTPC, Coal India, Railways, and NHPC.
In view of the rapid convergence of telecom, IT and media, a new comprehensive statute, which creates the framework of single
license for multiple services, needs to replace the Indian Telegraph Act of 1885.
The government must levy fees to meet administration and regulatory costs, along with universal service obligation charges,
through revenue sharing, and not as an avenue to raise resources for the government. Increasing competition within the sector will
ensure benefits of reduction in license fees is passed on to consumers. The only area where government should collect rent is in
the allocation of spectrum, which is a scarce resource.

The council suggested that the private sector be encouraged to participate in road projects through the BOT (build, operate, transfer)/
Annuity system as ‘EPC (engineering, procurement and construction), and O&M (operations and maintenance) contracts be merged
and given to the same contractor who would be responsible for construction and maintenance of the road during the concession
According to the committee, private sector made little progress for so long because the government found it more attractive
to raise money cheaply through riskless gilt-edged debt, rather than paying the private sector’s capital costs with their risk-premium.

The existing port trusts should be corporatized and turned into landlord ports that would then invite different operators, both public
and private, to invest in cargo handling and port infrastructure services. The ports as such should concentrate on the development
of common user general cargo facilities. Rather than fresh ports it suggested existing ports be optimally utilized through efficiency
enhancing investments. Tariff fixing is no longer necessary as intra-port and inter-port competition will ensure competitive pricing
of services.

The council strongly recommended depoliticization of Railways, rationalization of user charges and corporatization of production
units. Railways have a key role in initiating development of the key inter- and trans-modal facilities.

The council recommended leasing the major airports (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta), and inviting private sector management
of airports. An independent regulatory framework for ensuring economic regulation in the sector was suggested as there are many
The inland air travel tax and foreign travel tax should be converted into a common ‘civil aviation cess’ to ensure sufficient flow
of funds to develop civil aviation facilities in other parts of the country.

the harbinger of a new market structure for the power sector Little progress has been made in bringing new investment
in the country (see a review of the Draft Bill 2001 in Section to the power sector. During the past year no major IPP has
10.3). achieved financial closure. The main reason for this is the
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 41

non-resolution of a bankable security package for lenders; Settlement of SEB Dues

finalization of the escrow agreement and its operation-
alization1. The chief ministers’ conference, held on 3 March 2001
The power ministry has firmed up an action plan to under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister deliberated
double the electricity generation capacity in the country to on the Power sector. They agreed to meet the challenge of
over 2 lakh MW by the end of the Eleventh Five Year Plan restructuring head-on. The Union Minister of Power
(2008–12). Projects aggregating 1,07,000 MW generation constituted an expert group under the chairmanship of
capacity had been identified by the ministry for completion Montek Singh Ahluwalia to recommend measures for one-
during the Tenth and the Eleventh Five Year Plans. While time settlement of outstanding dues of SEBs to the central
43,000 MW additional power generation capacity has been public sector undertaking (CPSUs) and the dues from CPSUs
planned for the Tenth Plan, 64,000 MW target has been to SEBs. The group was also entrusted to suggest a strategy
fixed for the Eleventh Plan. The institutional and policy for capital restructuring of SEBs to make them operationally
changes to realize even half of these are challenging. We are viable.
doubtful, about the achievement of these targets, but need The expert group’s recommendation includes a package
not presume failure that would be inevitable. of incentives and disincentives linked to commercial discipline
Under the action plan, the power ministry has envisaged and initiation of a process of reforms. The group emphasized
large-sized thermal units such as 3 × 660 MW Sipat (NTPC) that the recommendations have to be accepted in toto. For
and 6 × 660 Hirma (IPP) to reap economies of scale. The the states participating in the scheme, the group
Plan would target 35,000 MW additional generation capacity recommended 50 percent waiver of the surcharge/interest
in the hydel sector as against the existing capacity of 25,000 on delayed payments. The rest of the dues, including the
MW! The likely problems in land acquisition and in full principal payment amounting to Rs 33,600 crore was
management of environmental problems, and rehabilitation to be securitized through tax-free bonds bearing an interest
and resettlement, do not find adequate mention. rate of 8.5 per cent and issued by the respective state
Under the Tenth Five Year Plan, the Power Ministry governments. The group recommended that if a state defaults
hopes to operationalize the mega power policy with a set in current payments for power/fuel, there should be a graded
of fiscal and other incentives (such as customs duty exemption reduction in the supply of power from central power stations
and ten year tax holiday) extended to large-sized inter-state and coal supplies to the state. Further, SEBs should accept
projects of over 1,000 MW for thermal, and 750 MW for reform-based performance milestones such as setting up of
hydro. The ministry hopes that these steps would ensure SERCs (State Electricity Regulatory Commissions), metering
offtake of power from identified mega projects to beneficiary of distribution feeders and improvement in revenue
states and bulk consumers on the basis of long-term power realization. Several states including MP, Orissa and West
purchase agreements. Bengal have objected to the severe penalties proposed by the
It has proposed a five-point strategy to convert loss- panel against defaults. The government has accepted the
making SEBs into viable profit-making concerns. The first part of the report.
strategy was chalked out after taking into account the
recommendations of the Ahluwalia Committee (GOI SEB Restructuring
2001b), established to suggest remedial measures on sick In the second part of the report (GOI, 2001b), the group
power utilities. The strategy includes working out state- has proposed a comprehensive restructuring of the sector
specific revival packages as part of the SEBs’ restructuring to make it viable. The causes of failures are in line with other
exercise, preparation of district-wise distribution plan across reports. The committee has suggested that market borrowings
the country, converting all distribution feeders into proper and private investments should be tapped to finance
profit-centres, ensuring metering of all consumer expansion and modernization plans in the sector. It has also
connections, and bringing the accounting procedures of all recommended waiver of loans provided by the states to the
SEBs in line with the international standards for greater SEBs and central assistance for bridging the revenue gap,
transparency2. meeting the costs of the work force rationalization and
adjustment costs for shifting to open access. The group has
1 [To continue viewing the problems of the power sector as
recommended that the adjustment costs of the transition
arising out of escrow is itself a fallacy. The source of disease is thereby would have to be funded out of the budgetary support.
not addressed (see Chapter 2).]
2 These are really operational decisions of any electricity company. Further, it has recommended central assistance equal to 5
That at a policy level the government has to lay down 100 per cent per cent of the total sale revenue of an SEB in 2000–1,
metering is indicative of the deepseated problems to SEBs, wherein, subject to a ceiling of Rs 100 crore per year for allowing
even operational decisions have to be taken by the government. ‘open access’ of electricity. It has also suggested that the
42 India Infrastructure Report 2002

assistance should be provided to the SEB or its successor collect charges to entities as close as possible to each user
entities for a period of three years after ‘open access’ is group possible.
guaranteed. It has suggested trifurcation of the MSEB. There is to
The group has recommended that during the first year be a set of independent generation companies formed by
of direct sale by any private generator to bulk consumers, clubbing the existing facilities into sets of six. Some are to
the SEB or the transmission company should receive central be open to privatization, others not. Likewise, there will be
assistance of 50 paise per unit of power wheeled, subject to a set of independent distribution companies which may be
a ceiling of Rs 250 crore. The panel has recommended that offered for private ownership. In keeping with the natural
‘this assistance should be reduced to 25 paise per unit during monopoly characteristics of this activity, the transmission
the second and third years, the ceiling remaining unchanged’. company will continue to be under a single operator. The
It has estimated that the central assistance on this count company will be kept under public ownership, with wheeling
would not exceed Rs 10,000 crore during the Tenth Plan. charges to be determined by the state’s power regulator.
The second part of the report has not yet been accepted by Over time, it may be handed over to a private operator, but
the government. private ownership of the transmission company is not
envisaged by the report.
The Electricity Bill 20013 The committee has rationalized that the overriding aim
of power sector reforms is getting people to pay for the
The salient features of the bill are:
power they use at the rates which are set for that particular
• No techno-economic clearance for generating stations category. If the provision of power at below cost to specific
and no state licencing categories of users, for example farmers, is deemed socially
• Non-discriminatory and open access to the desirable, then it is incumbent on the government to
transmission system reimburse the distribution company the difference between
• Major role for the regulators, SERCs and CERC the price charged and the cost incurred. So far, this
(Central Electricity Regulatory Commission) in licencing, subsidization has been done by underwriting the losses of
tariff, grid rules, and access rules the SEBs, but under the reform blueprint, it now needs to
• Provides for power trading, and the eventual creation be done by an overt transfer from the government to the
of a spot market private distributor who will then buy power at the regulated
• Graduated reduction of subsidies; and rate from the generators5. For the system as a whole to be
• Mandate for the regulator to cover tariff in all segments. viable, the distributor needs to know precisely who is to be
thus favoured and how much this group collectively
DPC Report4 consumes. Without an accurate estimate of consumption,
rates cannot be set with any degree of precision. Distribution
The Energy Review Committee headed by Madhav Godbole companies making plans based on erroneous estimates of
found a complete failure of governance of various governments paid-for consumption run grave risks of financial non-
at the state as well as the central government level in their viability. Interestingly, the committee has recommended
dealings with DPC (GOM, 2001a). In the report (part I) that the proceeds of privatization be deposited in the Power
the committee found that the Enron power purchase Sector Reform Fund, a state level fund.
agreement (PPA) had built in excessive payments to Enron According to the report, ‘the essential feature of the
from the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) as a model (defined as the Maharashtra model) is to avoid the
result of undue burden of the regasification facility, high problems of persisting with government ownership, mixed
recovery charges of shipping and harbour and O&M, and zones, the single buyer approach and an annual regulatory
inflated claims of fuel consumption. Based on these findings process, while at the same time phasing in the transition to
the committee recommended a reduction in tariff. a full-fledged market system, as envisaged in the proposed
The committee drew up a blueprint for restructuring the Electricity Bill, in an orderly manner’. (GOM 2001b, p. 88)
Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB). The committee
emphasized two elements essential to the success of the
reforms: a reliable estimate of how much power is consumed POWER SECTOR REFORMS AND STATES
by each user group; and an organizational structure, which Reforms at the state level have been moving slowly.
devolves the responsibility to measure consumption and Administrative changes have not been easy to bring about.
3 See a critical review of the Bill in Section 9.4. 5 Even this would not work, since the incentives to over report
4 Section 6.6 draws the governance implications from the findings consumption by the subsidized sector would remain. Only direct
of the Godbole Committee Report. subsidization would work. See Chapter 1.
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 43

Table 3.1.2
Power Sector ‘Reforms’: A ‘Score Card’ for Statesa
Parameter SEB Constitution Commercialization MoU with Central
Restructuring of SERC of Distribution Government

Andhra Pradesh ü ü Strategy being –

Assam – – – –
Bihar – – – –
Chattisgarh – – – –
Delhi ü ü Committed—proposal to –
be done during 2001
Goa – – – –
Gujarat Reform law approved ü Strategy being ü
by GOI finalized
Haryana ü ü Strategy being ü
Himachal Pradesh – ü – –
J&K – – – –
Jharkhand – – – –
Karnataka ü * To be completed *
by Dec 2002
Kerala The state has proposed to reorganize SEB into three profit centres
Madhya Pradesh Reform Law passed ü – ü
in the Assembly
Maharashtra – ü ü –
Orissa ü ü ü –
Punjab – Notified; yet to – –
be constituted
Rajasthan ü ü Committed –
Tamil Nadu – ü – –
Uttar Pradesh ü ü Strategy being ü
Uttaranchal – – – –
West Bengal – ü ü –
North East States Willing to constitute joint Electricity Regulatory Commission
a These constitute reforms in a formal sense. In content restructuring is not uniform across SEBs. Gujarat has trifurcated on paper,
the GEB, purely to meet certain targets set by the ADB (Asian Development Bank) while the sector continues as before. It is hoped
that the Reform Law would make a difference.
Source: CII (2001), Press Release.

Some state regulatory authorities have also passed tariff to be met by the state government and KPTCL such as
orders but restructuring and corporatization of the SEBs is privatization of distribution within a specified period,
proving difficult. Internal changes due to corporatization commitment to financial discipline and creation of a
has been even more difficult. Table 3.1.2 succinctly captures dedicated power fund. Encouraged by this development,
the progress of reforms in various states. the Union Finance Minister has suggested a conditional
lending programme for IPPs by financial institutions, in line
Karnataka with the multipartite agreement in Karnataka, as an
The expansion of the generation capacity at the Raichur alternative to escrow based lending.
Thermal Power Station (RTPS, Unit 7) by the Karnataka
Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) became the first project
where financial closure is subject to reforms. The government Power sector reforms initiated in Orissa six years ago have
of Karnataka, KPCL, Karnataka Power Transmission come to a halt (a detailed analysis is given in Section 9.3).
Corporation Limited (KPTCL) and IDFC signed a AES Corporation, the US power major has a 49 per cent
multipartite agreement which specifies milestones for reforms stake in the Orissa Power Generation Company (OPGC)
44 India Infrastructure Report 2002

and a 51 per cent stake in Central Electricity Supply has received bids for divesting 51 per cent stake from private
Company (CESCO), distribution company for central companies and final financial bids are to be called soon.
Orissa. The AES has initiated arbitration proceedings against Under the scheme, the balance 49 per cent would be held
GRIDCO for non-payment of dues and has threatened to by the government but the strategic partner would be given
pull out of CESCO if tariffs are not increased. CESCO is complete freedom in running the distribution companies.
losing several crores every month in high costs and low
tariffs. The power corporation is in red after six years of Tamil Nadu
operation. The public, too, is not appreciative of slow and
US based power major CMS Energy has threatened to pull
halting manner of the reforms process. From being a model
out of the US $ 1.4 billion Ennore power project if the
in power sector reforms, Orissa’s experience is now a lesson
Union government does not agree to provide a counter
on how not to go about privatizing the power sector.
guarantee on payments. The state government has strongly
advised the Centre not to agree to a counter guarantee. The
Andhra Pradesh
corporation has demanded that the government modify the
Andhra Pradesh (AP) has provided major boost to the power payment security mechanisms for the Ennore project. CMS
sector reforms. The Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) Energy holds 26 per cent of the equity in Dakshin Bharat
has almost doubled the disbursement amount to the state Energy Consortium (DBEC), which is executing the 1,850
to undertake rural electrification programmes last year. Under MW project. The central government is working to provide
its lending programme for AP, the corporation has decided a type of counter guarantee under a new terminology called
to disburse Rs 800 crore to the Transmission Corporation ‘termination guarantee’. Serious doubts are being raised as
of Andhra Pradesh (APTransco) in 2001, which is substantially to whether the multi-million dollar integrated liquefied
higher than Rs 420 crore during the previous year. natural gas (LNG) import terminal-cum-power project
proposed in Tamil Nadu will take off.
Rajasthan The DBEC was willing to sell the entire power generated
The Rajasthan government has decided to spend Rs 2,000 from the Ennore project to the PTC. Tamil Nadu Electricity
crore on power sector reforms in the next two years in an Board (TNEB), however, decided that it will buy only 750
attempt to make the energy sector self-reliant by 2005. MW of power on long-term basis. The MoU stipulates this
Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Alwar and Jalore districts of the state and states that PTC will buy the power generated from
have been identified under the Accelerated Power Ennore as per the PPA terms agreed to between PTC and
Development Project of the central government. the developer, namely, DBEC and in consultation between
Rajasthan, facing power shortage, has decided to work TNEB and other beneficiary states. The company has drawn
more on non-conventional resources like solar and wind the Prime Minister’s attention to the signing of the Joint
energy. The first wind power project has been set up by an Development Agreement on 14 September 2000 in
IPP in the border district of Jaisalmer. The state has already Washington, giving the Ennore project special status by
achieved a record by setting up 9,900 domestic light both the American and Indian governments. The agreement
connections based on solar energy. According to the Renewable sought completion of the Payment Security Mechanism
Energy Development Authority (REDA), three demonstration (PSM) concept by 15 December and full PSM
wind power stations are already functioning in Jaisalmer, documentation by 31 March 2000.
Phalodi and Devgarh. All the three wind units have generated The government is targeting to generate 10 per cent of
more than 7 million units of electricity so far. the power requirement from renewable energy sources and
plans to set up additional generation capacity of 10,000
Jharkhand MW and a target for electrifying 18,000 remote unelectrified
villages by 2012.
Recognizing the need to open up the power sector to private Andhra Pradesh leads in power generation from bio-mass
investment, Jharkhand has decided to privatize electricity such as bagasse, rice husk and agricultural waste. Fifty
supply in the state. Power supply as well as revenue collection plants of 6 MW range each had been sanctioned, of which
will be first privatized in the state capital, Ranchi, on an five had been commissioned and 25 had been sanctioned
experimental basis. If successful, it will be implemented in loans. All the plants are expected to be fully operational in
Jamshedpur, Bokaro, Dhanbad and other towns. two years, accounting for a total of 300 MW of additional
Private entrepreneurs now produce wind electricity in
The Delhi Vidyut Board (DVB) has invited financial bids nine states. Together, they have a total installed capacity of
for privatization of three distribution companies. The Board over 1100 MW — Karnataka has 40 MW, Andhra Pradesh
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 45

over 90 MW and Tamil Nadu over 800 MW. During the only one bid. Moradabad bypass, implemented by a wholly-
2000–1 fiscal year, the 40 MW installed capacity in the state owned subsidiary of NHAI, started functioning in 2001.
produced 71.1 MW electricity, 8 per cent of the 882.6 The recently commissioned first phase of the Moradabad
million units from renewables sources (solar, bi-product bypass has received enthusiastic response from users, with
steam from sugar companies, biomass and small hydel). toll collections over Rs 1 lakh per day in less than a month
since the road was opened to the public. A few more BOT
projects which became operational during the year were the
OTHER SECTORS Delhi-NOIDA toll bridge, Wainganga bridge project near
Upstream Hydrocarbon Regulatory Authority Nagpur, and Baroda-Halol four laning project.
Several state governments, such as Maharashtra,
The Union government has almost reached a consensus to Karnataka, Kerala and Punjab, are pursuing initiatives for
constitute a separate regulatory authority for the upstream road development, some of them through dedicated road
hydrocarbon sector. This has become all the more important development or infrastructure development corporations.
in view of the recent round of bidding under the new Motorists will now have to pay for driving on newly-
exploration licencing policy. The upstream hydrocarbon upgraded Indian highways. The government plans to toll
regulatory authority (UHRA) would be set up once the the entire NHDP in perpetuity. This means that BOT roads
operational framework is finalized. A bill to this effect is are likely to be tolled even after the end of the concession
expected to be introduced in Parliament. period. The government has fixed a rate of 40 paise per
It is mooted that UHRA should not be subservient to kilometer for cars and an upper limit of Rs 1.40 for heavy
the government in its daily functioning and that government vehicles. NHAI is to finalize the toll for different stretches,
interference should be minimal, along the same lines as the including bridges. It is estimated that NHAI will mop up
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). UHRA annual revenues worth Rs 20 lakh per km through tolling
should have full operational and functional autonomy within of every completed kilometre of highway along the Golden
a framework of set rules and regulations laid down by the Quadrilateral linking the four metros of Delhi, Mumbai,
government. Public overseeing of the institution could be Kolkata and Chennai. Taking into account a construction
ensured through annual review by the government and cost of Rs 4 crore per km, this works out to an average
auditing by CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General of recovery of about 5 per cent of the total funds invested for
India). developing the Golden Quadrilateral.
The SPV route appears to be the new buzzword fuelling
Roads India’s great highway dream. This new financing route is fast
Besides telecom, construction activity of arterial roads has catching the fancy of the NHAI. The authority is considering
been the most visible sign of the ‘new’ infrastructure. the option of taking up projects through the SPV route on
The road widening (four lane) projects on the Golden the Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway and plans to connect
Quadrilateral are being expeditiously implemented by NHAI 12 ports including Kandla, Cochin, Paradip, Tuticorin,
with funds being raised from a variety of sources—budgetary Haldia, JNPT, Vizag and Marmugao. In future SPV projects,
resources, multi lateral borrowings (World Bank/ADB), NHAI proposes to invest 30 per cent of the equity of the
market borrowings by NHAI and private participation. project with the EPC contractor contributing a minor 5–
The first major BOT project on national highways using 10 per cent so that there is a sense of ownership towards
the annuity approach, four laning of the Panagarh Palsit the project. However, the success of the SPV route, would
stretch on NH 2 received better response. Six other four depend upon identification of commercially viable projects.
laning projects have been offered to the private sector on NHAI hopes to take up projects worth Rs 2,500 crore via
the annuity format. Several applicants have qualified to bid the SPV route.
for these projects. IDFC has been involved in this initiative
as an advisor to NHAI from the onset, defining the concept, The Central Road Fund
finalization of the evaluation parameters for qualification It is hoped that the Central Road Fund will ensure funds
and final selection, procuring documentation, managing raised through the cess will be used for road development.
the procurement process, finalizing the BOT concession The act, however, does not provide for complete ring fencing
structure and concession agreement, and negotiating with of the cess fund. Establishment of a road board to manage
bidders. funds professionally is not mandatory in the act. The
The first major BOT project on National Highways government has lost the opportunity to ensure that ‘users’
using direct tolling approach—six laning of the Jaipur get the quality of roads they pay for. A critical assessment
Kisangarh stretch on NH 8 received poor response with of the act is given in Box 3.1.2.
46 India Infrastructure Report 2002

Box 3.1.2
The Central Road Fund

The Central Road Fund Act 2000 gives statutory power to establish a Central Road Fund for development and maintenance of
national highways and state roads, development of rural roads, construction of under- or over-head railway bridges, erection of
safety works at unmanned rail-road crossings and other prescribed.
The cess on petrol and high-speed diesel (HSD) will be levied and collected at the rate of rupee one per litre. The proceeds
of the cess shall first be credited to the Consolidated Fund of India; the central government may credit proceeds to the fund e xtend
grants and loans. Any fund provided by the central government for the development and maintenance of state roads is also to
be credited to the fund. The balance to the credit of the fund is not to lapse at the end of the financial year.
The fund is to be administered by the central government and is to allocate and disburse money to concerned departments.
Projects of state roads, approved by the central government using set criteria to be financed out of the share for state roads shall
be monitored by the central government.
Fifty per cent of the cess on HSD is to be allocated for the development of rural roadsand the balance as follows: 7.5 per cent
shall go for the development and maintenance of national highways; 12.5 per cent for the construction of under- or over-head
railway bridges; 27 per cent on development and maintenance of state roads; and 3 per cent on central government approved speci fic
state road projects.
The salient features of the Act are:
• Cess collected from users shall be spent on development and maintenance of roads.
• All the central government funds earmarked for road sector shall be channelized through the fund. State road projects financed
from the fund shall follow established criteria.
• Regulation and control of motor vehicles throughout the country come within the jurisdiction of the central government.
• There is no provision for a cess drawback for off-road usage of HSD which will keep the administration of the fund simple.
• Money from the fund cannot be allocated for the maintenance of an expressway.


• The administration of the fund remains with the central government and there is no statutory provision for an oversight
board having user groups representation.
• The proceeds of the cess are not completely ring-fenced; the central government is required to credit the proceeds to the
fund from time to time after deducting the expenses of collection.
• The fund has no budget constraint as the government may credit money by way of grants or loans. The government has
powers to disburse funds to any prescribed project.
• The fund remains under political control except that proportion of money to be spent on development and maintenance
of national highways is fixed.
• The act provides a weak legal basis to the fund but it will have published financial rules and regulations. The fund shall
not be subject to independent, technical and financial audits.

Annuity vs EPC considered the most risk-free variant of BOT highway

projects with private sector participation. However, analysts
In public-private partnership for infrastructure financing,
objected to annuity concept on the following grounds
received wisdom is that the contract should be such that
(Haldia, 2000):
risk ought to be borne by the party that is best able to
mitigate it. Annuity is one such instrument. Soon after • Annuity payments essentially entail budgetary funding
NHAI received the bid for the first annuity project, it on a deferred basis. Tight budget constraint, implies that
received extremely sharp criticism from financial circles only a fraction of the development programme can be
and analysts. Criticism of the popular press was based on sustained.
prices quoted by the Gaumuda–WCT combine of Malaysia • Price at which a private company can raise funds
for Rs 69.8 crore (half yearly payments) for the Panagarh- from the market will be higher than that of the government.
Palsit pilot project. This was for a stretch of only 65 kms. • Dichotomy arises when user pays toll only on some
They compared the annuity to the cost of four-laning a roads. Political justification for a toll road at one place and
two lane highway at approximately Rs 4 crore per kilometer. annuity payment at another place will be difficult to
However, one needs to consider the price to be paid for sustain.
implementing a pilot project. It was expected that the • To support annuity payments by the state government
prices would be lower once private entrepreneurs gain for state roads, it is not easy to impose another cess to
confidence in the concept. The annuity method is support a state road fund.
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 47

• The developer demands a traffic guarantee or even expected to connect 1.4 lakh habitations with the highway
a revenue guarantee which goes against the philosophy of network, has a total outlay of Rs 58,200 crore over the seven
private enterprise6. year period.
The annuity programme is a logical way of getting better Approval from the Planning Commission has been waived
management control into the public sector. The government for this scheme. The programme would be fully funded by
still manages virtually the entire road sector and has the the Centre on the basis of state government project reports.
option to collect toll on these roads7. Under the programme, unconnected habitations in rural
Subsequent bids for annuity based projects have countered areas with a population of 1,000 or more is planned to be
criticism from the popular press. connected with all-weather roads in three years. In the
The annuity prices quoted by the Hyderabad based G. second stage all habitations with a population of over 500
Mallikarjun Rao (GMR) group for three projects has again persons are to be covered by the end of Tenth Plan. The
suggested that this is a viable alternative. The GMR group third stage extends to northern-eastern states, Sikkim,
has quoted Rs 29.48 crore for the Tuni-Ankapalle project, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttaranchal and
Rs 37.59 crore for the Dharwad-Belgaum project and Rs the desert areas. The objective is to connect habitations with
41.85 crore for the Tindivanam-Tambaram project. The a population of 250 persons and above.
internal rate of return (IRR) works out at about seven per The roads constructed under this programme would be
cent. maintained by panchayati raj institutions. The ministry of
In conclusion, whereas the BOT route tilts the burden rural development will be the nodal implementation agency
of project risks and responsibilities towards the private to raise additional financial resources from the World Bank
developer, the annuity route provides for a more balanced and the Asian Development Bank to complete the
approach to risk and responsibility allocation between the programme by 2007. The ministry of rural development
project participants. The government has been able to strike has been asked to set up a Rural Road Development Agency
the right balance so far by adopting the annuity scheme on to provide advice on technical, quality control, and
seven stretches totaling nearly 450 kms. management aspects of the projects. The present source of
funds comes from the 50 per cent share of cess on high-
Toll Roads speed diesel totaling over Rs 17,500 crores during the seven-
year period.
The first BOT project (Rs 673 crore six lane highway
project between Jaipur and Kishangarh on NH 8 in Ports
Rajasthan) under the direct tolling method is likely to be
awarded to Larsen & Toubro and Joannou & Paraskevaides Following the issue of guidelines in June 1988 for the
(Overseas) Ltd of Cyprus. The bare construction cost of the formation of joint ventures by major ports with foreign
project is estimated at around Rs 493 crores. However, the ports, minor ports and private operators, necessary
total project cost is expected to rise to Rs 673 crore after amendments to the Major Port Trusts Act 1963 have been
factoring interest during construction (IDC). effected and enforced. The government has also decided to
The successful bidder will develop the highway and recover initiate the process of phased corporatization of major ports
costs by collecting tolls from the users directly during a to enable them to operate in a market-oriented economy
concession period spanning 15 years. The agreement provides with adequate flexibility. Steps have been initiated for the
for a 100 per cent indexation to the wholesale price index corporatization of the Jawaharlal Nehru Port at Navi Mumbai,
(WPI) while revising the toll fees annually. Accordingly, New Mangalore Port, Mormugao Port and Tuticorin Port.
increase in inflation will be passed on to the users fully at The government has also planned to develop hub ports,
the time of annual revision in toll. one in the east at Chennai Port and one on the west coast
at Navi Mumbai. With the globalization of the Indian
Rural Roads economy, creation and upgradation of port and shipping
services to international standards is essential. By allowing
The Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojna was launched in
joint ventures, the government intends to attract new
August 2000. The Prime Minister has reiterated the
technology, introduce better managerial practices, expedite
government’s commitment to this programme. The scheme,
implementation of schemes and foster strategic alliances
6 For the argument that the larger gains from involving the
with minor ports.
private sector are in allocative efficiency, see section 6.1.
The Peninsular and Oriental (P&O) Steam Navigation
7 Annuities though may not lead to better allocative efficiency, Ltd of Australia has taken over the Rs 400 crore container
because governments still decide the road location. They still do have terminal project at Chennai port. P&O was selected as the
the benefit of private construction, maintenance and management. preferred bidder in 2000, but took control of the facility
48 India Infrastructure Report 2002

only in 2001. The terminal will be constructed on BOT arrangement continues, the prescription of an accounts
basis. The mandate includes developing and managing the format and CAG audit are necessary.
terminal for a 30-year period, with construction scheduled TAMP has also urged the government to hold prior
to be completed in two years. P&O Ports anticipates consultations with the tariff regulator before making
investments to the tune of $130 million in the first five years investments and awarding BOT concessions to the private
of the concession period for promoting Chennai as India’s sector, as the royalties paid to major ports and the revenues
leading east coast box port. shared with them will affect the tariffs of BOT operators.
First major corporatized port at Ennore (Phase 1, Coal Besides, the creation of assets will have significant tariff
handling berth) was completed this year. Tamil Nadu implications.
Electricity Board (TNEB) is installing coal handling
equipment. The Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), which Inland Waterways
has attained super-port status because of its efficiency and
India has 14,500 km of navigable waterways of which 5,700
productivity, is now focussing on marketing internationally.
km are navigable by mechanized vessels. There are three
It was handling around 1.2 million containers annually and
national waterways. These include Allahabad-Haldia,
is expected to touch 1.4 million containers by December
Dhubri-Sadiya over Brahmaputra and Kottapurram-Kollam
2001. The efficiency and productivity of the port has visibly
on the west coast canal.
improved over the past three years. International shippers
The cabinet has approved the Inland Waterways Authority
earlier preferred Colombo or other parts in west Asia.
of India (IWAI) Amendment Bill 2001 to enable it to
However, JNPT is now receiving cargo from Karachi to be
constitute the IWAI. The policy package for the sector will
further dispatched. The port has also attracted cargo from
allow the authority to form joint ventures with private sector
the gulf countries, which were earlier going to Dubai. JNPT
companies. The new policy also allows equity participation
is further augmenting its facilities to cater to international
for joint ventures upto 40 per cent for BOT projects and
shippers. The port has a linear quay length of 680 metre,
grants tax exemption as offered in the infrastructure sector.
six rail-mounted quay cranes, two super post panamax,
Major private and public sector companies, including
rubber-tyred and rail-mounted gantry cranes, and will be
Hindustan Lever Ltd, Indo Gulf Corporation, NTPC,
adding additional container berths. The port handles around
Numaligarh Refineries and Concor, have evinced interest in
70 per cent of the inland container depot products of the
developing inland water transport facilities in the country.
Concor at Nagpur. A study is underway to convert JNPT’s
four bulk berths into container berths.
The Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT) failed to receive bids
for licencing of the five terminals at Victoria Dock as The Railway ministry has opposed the idea of corporatization
multipurpose berths for cargo operations. Bids were invited of the organization as proposed by the Planning Commission’s
for licencing of the five terminals with 13 berths for five approach paper to the Tenth Plan. However, a beginning
years, extendable as may be mutually agreed. at restructuring seems to be in sight with the Railways
agreeing to corporatize some of its non-core activities. The
Transport Policy ministry feels that corporatization of the entire organization
would not bring significant benefits.
The 52nd Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on
The Khanna Committee Report released in February 2001
Transport has recommended that there is no need for a
sharply criticized the role of the Railway ministry, especially
regulatory authority for ports such as the Tariff Authority
in not maintaining correct data on accidents and the action
for Major Ports (TAMP). In the present scenario of
taken on the reports of the enquiry committees. Its
modernization and corporatization, major ports should have
recommendations included merger of departments, closer
the liberty to fix port tariff. Major ports also face competition
interaction with overseas research agencies to improve crash-
from minor and state ports.
worthiness of coaches, closure of railway lines where state
The proposal to convert TAMP into an appellate tribunal,
governments are unwilling to bear losses, dropping projects
as suggested by the C. Babu Rajeev Committee, has evoked
for which only token allocation of funds has been made,
stiff resistance from none other that the TAMP Chairman
total freeze on gauge conversion projects and reduction of
himself. TAMP has also sought legislative powers from the
staff strength by 25 per cent over the next ten years.
union government to levy fees for services provided. It has
urged the government to formalize the arrangement of
The Rakesh Mohan Committee Report
audit of its accounts by the Comptroller and Auditor General
of India (CAG). At present, TAMP is totally dependent on The Rakesh Mohan Committee comprising 17 members,
the government for budgetary support. As long as this was constituted on 31 December 1998. It submitted its
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 49

final report, outlining among other things, a financing plan here even though it is inherently a monopolistic sector.
to make the Railways a commercially viable organization. However, no big player wants to be left out even though
The committee has recommended major restructuring a regulatory framework is not in place.
followed by eventual corporatization of the Railways. This An interesting tussle has brewed between Gujarat, which
includes disbanding of the present Railway Board, forming has passed an act and Gas Authority of India Limited—a
an Indian Railways Corporation to be governed by the central government PSU—is disinclined to be regulated by
Indian Railways Executive Board, and constituting an Indian a state regulator. Gujarat enacted the Gujarat Gas (Regulation
Rail Regulatory Authority. The group has challenged the of Transmission, Supply, and Distribution) Act in March,
monopoly of railway officials over the transportation 20008. This has enabled the state to start a Rs 3,000 crore
monolith by recommending lateral induction of experts gas grid project of the Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation
other than railway officials into the executive board. It does (GSPC). The project involves setting up a 2,500 km grid
not appear that this measure will be implemented. Broad for the transportation of indigenous gas and imported
suggestions made in the report are given in Box 3.1.3. liquefied natural gas (LNG) throughout the state. For this
purpose GSPC, in which the state government has an 80
Pipelines per cent stake, acts as the nodal agency. A special purpose
The pipeline sector has been creating new capacity away vehicle, the Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL), has
from the public gaze. The private sector is willing to invest been floated to own the assets. The grid will connect the

Box 3.1.3
The Rakesh Mohan Committee Report

Within the Indian Railways (IR), there is no controversy on rationalization of passenger fare and making it immune from political
interference. However, the high growth targets set by the committee do not seem to be palatable. The committee has emphasized
that competition has been increasing in the transportation business. In the 1980s, road transportation grew rapidly, eroding the
share of the Railways, including the area of commodities where the Railways had traditional stronghold. The annual growth rate,
measured in ‘net tonne kilometres’, averaged 5.33 per cent between 1984 to 1991 and dropped to 1.86 per cent during the next
eight years (1992–9). Road dominance is likely to increase even further after the four-laning of the ‘Golden Quadrilateral’ and
the development of new expressways in the country. The increasing use of pipelines for the transportation of POL products is likely
to further reduce demand for their transportation. These developments call for a basic change in IR’s approach to freight transportation.
Total passenger kilometers (pkm) had been growing at a trend rate of about 4.5 per cent over the last 15 year period, and the
last five years have seen an acceleration to about 5.8 per cent. The patterns for physical volumes show a significant increase in
the share of the upper classes, particularly after the 1980s, but the overwhelming share remains in the lower classes. The ratio of
average passenger fare to the average freight tariff is amongst the lowest in the world.
The railways, therefore, has to invest and reorganize in a significant fashion over the next few years in order to meet the rising
demand of passenger business and, growing, but intensely, competitive freight business. Wrong pricing policies, inefficient public
enterprise operations and other difficulties have all contributed to this situation. But the solution does not lie in borrowing funds,
without improvements in returns.
Expansion of traffic on high density routes to raise the speed of freight trains significantly requires both managerial action and
investments in new technology. The existing managerial, financial and accounting systems are inadequate to meet the challenges
ahead. IR also has to undergo major structural change in its organization if it is to serve the emerging needs of the country; this
is the considered view of the expert group. The group has estimated that if there are no significant changes in performance, it
would have an operating deficit of Rs 3700 crore by 2003.
The challenges and concerns that lie ahead are:
• Growing customer needs and rising expectations
• Lack of goal and task clarity
• Outdated organizational structure
• Lack of autonomy
• Undue political influence at all levels of decision making
The expert committee particularly stressed the need for organizational change. The overwhelming sentiment is that action is
overdue and ‘business as usual’ would be disastrous.
The view of the expert group is that the potential exists to double the underlying rate of growth of IR. The stage of development
favours the growth of rail especially freight. Accepting anything less would be a loss to the nation. The rail system is too important
to permit its withering away.

8 On salient features of the Act and on its hopefully not ‘still’ birth pangs see Section 6.2.
50 India Infrastructure Report 2002

state’s gas-supplying centres with users, chiefly power plants. underway. There still needs to be the requisite amendment
The act also envisages setting up of a regulatory authority. to the Airports Authority Act 1994. The aviation
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has taken up establishment has broadly come to an understanding that
cudgels on GAIL’s behalf and has asked the state to re- it would adopt a dual-component scheme of leasing. The
examine the act on the grounds that would not only make first would be a one-time, fixed payment for the entire
the hitherto unanswerable GAIL comply with more than one duration; and the second, a variable annual payment. It is
regulatory authority but would also conflict with its interests. estimated that the revenue from the leases of the four major
The central government is taking a myopic view of the airports would be sufficient to sustain the development and
real import of the Gujarat Gas Act. The main purpose of maintenance of the remaining 119 airports across the country.
the act is to ensure the growth of the gas industry in the The Airport Authority of India (AAI) presently earns an
state. But since most of the LNG terminals are being annual revenue of approximately Rs 1,800 crore; of which
conceived and built in Gujarat, the act would ensure the nearly Rs 1,000 crore is generated by the airports at Delhi,
growth of the gas industry of the country as well. It also Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
lays down a well-defined structure for the evolution of the The AAI has been privatizing other airport services as
gas industry, as well as the principles of regulation. And well. The operation, maintenance and management of the
contrary to GAIL’s misplaced fears, the regulatory framework centre for perishable cargo for exports at the Indira Gandhi
being introduced in the state is a light-handed one and does International Airport has been given to a private operator
not regulate the price of gas. This has been rightly left to last year.
the market to decide as there is already a competition
among gas sellers, and between gas and other fuels. The Integrated Transport
regulator would only regulate gas transmission charges. NHAI is now looking at linking the high-density Golden
With regard to GAIL’s apprehensions that its existing Quadrilateral to points of high economic potential. To start
infrastructure would become available to third parties, GAIL with, the authority is interested in connecting 12 major ports
ought to realize that gas pipelines are a natural monopoly to the highway network in a bid to attract more traffic. NHAI
and hence should be regulated on the basis of the common is in the process of establishing SPVs for the Haldia, JNPT
carrier principle where all the companies should have open and Vizag ports. The other ports that have been identified
access at a fair price. Accordingly, the Gujarat Gas Act has for connectivity are Kandla, Cochin, Paradip, Tuticorin and
been formulated to provide for regulation of gas transmission Marmugoa. NHAI is keen on the SPV route after it successfully
and distribution on an equitable basis. implemented its first SPV project in the Moradabad bypass
last year. It plans to invest 30 per cent in each project and
Airports raise the balance from the market. In the future, NHAI
The government is planning to introduce an integrated civil proposes to offload its stake in the SPV Company and generate
aviation policy which will incorporate guidelines on transport earnings. The idea is to create a ‘rolling stock’ of earnings via
and tourism. It has been decided to club transport and disinvestment. The proceeds would be reinvested in future
tourism with aviation policy as good road and rail projects where NHAI proposes to take equity.
connectivity with airports would help both tourism and The Container Corporation of India (Concor) is planning
trade. The centre is also considering the appointment of an to launch dedicated freight trains with fixed time schedules
independent economic regulator for airports to fix airport for arrivals and departures between Shalimar (Howrah) and
tariff and safeguard public interest. An autonomous statutory Mumbai, and Shalimar and Nagpur. The launching dates
Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) has been are yet to be finalized as demand estimates are being worked
proposed as a long-term measure for the limited economic out. Concor has already launched similar dedicated freight
regulation of airports in view of the inherent monopoly trains with fixed time schedules between Shalimar and
characteristics of airport services. The regulator will be Chennai (July 2000), Shalimar and Hyderabad (November
delinked from government control. 2000) and Cossipore (Kolkata) and New Delhi (March
The issue of setting up a regulatory authority has come 2000), for domestic traffic; and Cossipore and Haldia dock
in the wake of the government initiative of permitting (May 2001) for international traffic. All services, but for the
complete foreign investment in airports. The government last, are doing well.
has approved the construction of new airports at Devenhally
in Bangalore, Shamshabad in Hyderabad and Mopa in Goa, Urban Infrastructure
with majority private sector participation. Urban infrastructure is particularly neglected. The dete-
The government decided to give major airports on long- riorating infrastructure for drinking water compelled the
term lease to private operators. The bidding process is well Eleventh Finance Commission to sound a cautionary note
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 51

on the inadequate maintenance of civic services and the had raised money earlier has come under cloud as ULBs lack
need for rationalization in pricing of urban services. It has financial management skills. Their accounting is not in line
called for increase of tax revenue and user charges to cover with generally accepted practices. For example, the Nashik
operation and maintenance expenses. The commission also Municipal Corporation failed to open an escrow account (a
mentioned the need for speeding up devolution of funds key bond issue condition) even two years after the bond
and a concomitant transfer of staff from state governments issue, setting back the nascent market.
to local bodies in line with the 74th Amendment. The deliberations on National Water Policy and Report
Progress along better quality private participation and of the Sukthankar Committee were two important policy
investments has been slow due to inadequate revenue streams. initiatives last year. Whereas the first raised the important
However, a few states have been attempting innovative ways issue of sharing of water resources—mainly surface water—
of construction and financing. among different states for different usage, the second one
The progress in municipal bond markets has been very detailed the complexity of drinking water in urban and rural
little. The credibility of urban local bodies (ULBs) which areas. The latter also highlighted complex institutional

Box 3.1.4
The Sukthankar Committee Report

The Government of Maharashtra (GOM) established a committee to prepare a roadmap for improved provision of water and sewerage
in rural and urban areas under the chairmanship of Mr. D.M. Sukthankar, former chief secretary of Maharashtra (GOM 2001c).
The committee was to suggest future strategy for O&M for existing and new schemes, the framework of an institution for tariff
setting, feasibility and means of private sector participation in the water sector and to suggest effective implementation of the Ground
Water Act 1993.
The government had perceived the problems as the non-collection of water tariff, funds not being allocated for O&M, and
lack of trained manpower with ULBs. The committee however, found that allocation of funds for O&M through budgetary process
had completely failed and local government accounts are not maintained properly. There was lack of accountability within ULBs.
Water leakages are as high as 50 per cent, new water schemes do not meet local needs. There was an emphasis on construction
rather than O&M, and at best they supplied ‘some’ water rather than good quality water in adequate quantities.
The Committee made many suggestions, of which the important ones are:
• Villages should have self-sustainable single village schemes. In smaller rural areas, community driven approaches need to
be initiated. The government should empower local institutions (zilla parishads and gram panchayats) and user groups (village water
committees) to assume the lead role in decision making and operations. Village schemes should be integrated water resources
management (90 per cent of rural water schemes depend on ground water) ensuring source sustainability at local level. The funds
from the state government must be directly transferred to village water and sanitation committees, who should have freedom to
procure the services from the community and market. Multi-village schemes should be constructed where sustainable source of
water is not locally available.
• Larger urban areas generally require larger piped water supply schemes. There need to be a commercial orientation. City water
and sewage establishments (CWSEs) should be set up independently (as a municipal undertaking, company under the Companies
Act, or co-operative societies under the Co-operative Society Act). The CWSEs should enter into long-term concessions (25–30
years) with private firms, selected on a competitive basis. CWSEs should mobilize their own investment resources from the market
on a commercial basis (through capital market, domestic financial institutions or the proposed state revolving fund or bond bank).
• Maharashtra had enacted the Ground Water Act 1993, which gave priority to ground water for drinking use. The Act primarily
relates to drinking water, but the state lacked political will to enforce it. Hence, the state needs to set up a Maharashtra Gr ound
Water Regulatory Authority (MGRA) with provision for regulation of all uses of groundwater including irrigation, establishment
of independent local watershed management units, and community management.
• The report points out that over extraction of ground water is a direct result of free electricity provided to villagers. The
government should change the economic price of electricity for pumpsets so as to prevent over-drawing of ground water. As
groundwater rights are chattel to land ownership, it would be useful to explore the introduction of a community rights framewor k
for water resources, including ground water.
• The committee strongly recommended the establishment of an independent Maharashtra Water and Wastewater Regulatory
Commission so that abuse of the local monopoly of the CWSEs does not take place. The Commission could also regulate the
existing local bodies (both urban and rural) to create incentives for restructuring at the local level.
• The Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP), a state parasatal body responsible for design and construction of water and wastewater
schemes in urban and rural areas and mobilization of resources on behalf of local bodies, must be restructured. MJP needs to establish
independent corporate entities. The main (future) role for MJP should be limited to project design and construction supervision.
The committee recommended incentive based disbursement of state funds to urban, local and village bodies.
52 India Infrastructure Report 2002

arrangement in Maharashtra, which is similar to many economics of the village community. The strategy of water
other states. harvesting and surface water development was through a
series of check weirs and earthen dams, soil conservation
Draft National Water Policy 1998: The National Water
through series of gully plugs, afforestation and agro-forestry
Resources Council did not accept the Draft National Water
to meet the requirement of fodder, fuel and fruit as well as
Policy in its meeting held in July 2000. The working group,
for soil conservation. There are many other successful
set up to study the draft, consisted of water resources ministers
examples of water harvesting in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra
from all states. It discussed the draft and guidelines for
Pradesh and Maharashtra at village/community level.
water allocation among states. The states were vertically
A few state governments have extended the concept of
divided with regard to River Basin Organizations (RBOs).
water harvesting to a city level and have passed resolutions
The issues remained unresolved for the following reasons:
that all new dwellings should have water harvesting devices
• Participants did not want RBOs with statutory powers on their roof. These are simple devices. The seasonal
as they did not find them in consonance with the availability of water limits its use but this will help in
constitutional provisions and the spirit of the federal recharging the groundwater table.
Development at state level: The chosen method adopted by
• Some states felt that the priorities with regard to
states to build urban infrastructure is ‘partnership’ with the
water allocation should be drinking water, irrigation, hydel
private sector. State governments short of funds have taken
power, aquaculture, agro-industries, non-agricultural
initiatives to establish infrastructure fund/project develop-
industries and navigation and other uses. They felt that the
ment companies in partnership with private sector financial
Inter-state Water Disputes Act 1956 could be suitably
institutions. The role of these institutions is to bridge the
reviewed and amended to provide for conciliatory powers
gap of risk perceived by a private promoter and the risk
in Section 4 (1), timeframe for constitution of tribunal,
perceived by the present provider of the service. These are
completion and adjudication by the tribunal and for
developments in the right direction. Not all the institutions
publication of award by the union government.
are of the same genre, nor is it proposed that they have
• A few states are of the opinion that the policy and
similar functions. Table 3.1.3 captures succinctly different
guidelines appeared to have been drafted to accommodate
types of institutions. Generally, these institutions are referred
the narrow interests of a few privileged states.
to as Infrastructure Initiative Funds (IIF).
• Some states felt that the centre was trying to take
control over the rivers and other water resources through
this policy. Infrastructure for the Agriculture Sector

The working group eventually decided to constitute a The government has finally realized that the value addition
core group of ministers under the chairmanship of the in agriculture sector is constrained by poor infrastructure.
Union Minister of State for Water Resources to go into the To mitigate this constraint, it announced the first ever
details of water allocation and the setting up of an RBO. National Agricultural Policy and set a target of more than
The final definition of provisions coined by the core group 4 per cent per annum growth over the next two decades. A
relating to water sharing is: significant development has been the announcement of a
The water sharing/distribution amongst the states should National Policy on Handling, Storage and Transportation of
be guided by a national perspective with due regard to water Food Grains with the objective to harness efforts and resources
resources availability and needs within the river basin. of public and private sectors, both domestic and foreign, to
This statement is open to several interpretations. The develop the requisite infrastructure. The government accorded
group also decided not to empower the proposed RBOs ‘infrastructure status’ for bulk grain handling and
with statutory powers. transportation, and incentives have been extended. Further,
the government guarantees utilization of this infrastructure.
Water conservation, its importance and limitations: One of Twenty locations have been identified in grain producing
the main proponent of water conservation, Rajendra Singh, centres, consuming centres and port towns for integrated
who strongly believes in community rights of water, water bulk handling and storage along with testing facilities and
harvesting and water conservation received the Magsaysay quality control. Punjab’s agro marketing co-operative
Award in 2001 for his work in Alwar, Rajathan. His work Markfed, has prepared a blueprint to provide adequate storage
is a good example of integrated water system at village/ for 10 million tons of wheat by setting up hi-tech modern
community level which is also an economically efficient silos. Private sector participation is also envisaged.
solution for drinking water. It has proved that systematic India is the world’s second largest producer of fruits and
development of village level watershed can change the vegetables. However, more than 30 per cent of the produce
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 53

Table 3.1.3
Some Examples of Infrastructure Initiative Funds (IIFs)
Model (Main Pupose) Examples and Applicability and Implications
Partner Agency

Dedicated IIF Pure APIIF (in partnership with

• Necessary where project definition processes of
Project Development IL&FS) UPIIF PIIF
departments are inadequate
• IIF can take proactive role in identifying projects
and developing them on its own initiative
• State government should be willing to allocate funds
to IIF without seeking significant returns
• Mechanism must exist for IIF recommendations to
be implemented by respective state government
• Viable developed projects to be supported by purely
private funds. Non viable projects will devolve on the
state government
Integrated IIF Project I-DECK
• Fund may be useful for credit enhancement of
Development & Funding TNUDF
developed, support worthy projects
• Funding support to projects independent of project
development. Development of a project by IIF does not
automatically entitle it to funding support by IIF
• Required in situations where even beyond
development, availability of funding for developed
projects is a constraint
State Owned Project I-KIN
• Impetus and motivation to initiate project
Development Company I-WIN
development exercise must come from departments
• State departments to reimburse PDC for expenses
with suitable profits
• PDC recommendations may be adopted by
departments at their own discretion
Other Forms FFUIDC (Feedback Finance
• Identify projects and develop them
Urban Infrastructure
• Secure concessions from government
Development Company)
• Implement projects through JV and invest in the
equity of the JV

is apparently ‘wasted’ in the absence of proper storage and CONCLUSION

processing facilities. A subsidy of Rs 78 crore for setting up
cold storages for perishable commodities was provided during During the past year, many beginnings have been made.
2000–1. It is now proposed to extend the coverage of the The transport sector—roads, ports, airports, and connectivity
scheme to cover rural godowns. The subsidy to be provided with ports—witnessed a flurry of activity which will improve
by the government would be suitably enhanced to take care infrastructure and reduce transport time. This could have
of this. major positive feed back effect on the economy. Railways
The 2001 Budget proposed a number of initiatives. have been provided a robust framework for change but have
Important among them was: total exemption of excise duty yet to respond positively—it is clearly caught in the cross-
on processed fruits and vegetables, credit linked subsidy connections of vested interests. Power remained in the
schemes for construction of cold storage in villages and limelight, but without any physical improvement in the
establishment of agri-business centres and agri-clinics. sector. Some cobwebs have hopefully been cleared and it is
Notwithstanding the new government initiatives, the generally accepted that adequate user charges have to be
sector remained moribund by wide ranging restrictions that levied, billed and collected if the sector is to see any
have been imposed on inter-state movement, storage and improvement: the role of the government has to diminish.
stocking of food grains and agriculture products. The telecom sector has demonstrated that competition can
54 India Infrastructure Report 2002

do what regulation and state control cannot. Deregulation ‘institutional competition’. As states compete, and some do
brought cellular tariffs to nearly a tenth of what they were visibly better than others, rulers and administrators would
two years ago. Urban infrastructure remained long on have to mend their ways to move forward. All state
promises and short on delivery. governments have come to realize that there is no alternative
We are seeing emergence of new realism at the state to competition and public-private partnership in infra-
level. What we are witnessing among the states is structure.



Rekha Jain

The telecom sector witnessed several developments over the In the creation of various departments (DTS and DTO)
year. The government decided to allow ‘limited’ mobility in from the DoT), the department had attempted to separate
the wireless local loop (WLL). This brought the jurisdictional the policy functions from the operations9. Amalgamation
boundaries of various fixed service providers (FSPs); agencies of DTS and DTO and the subsequent corporatization led
such as the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), to the creation of BSNL and the DoT, the erstwhile Telecom
Department of Telecom (DoT), and the Prime Minister’s Commission. This streamlined the structure by a separation
Office (PMO) over the issues of policy, pricing and allocation of the policy and regulatory function (responsibility of DoT)
of spectrum (a scarce resource) into sharp focus. and the actual operations (BSNL).
The Department of Telecom Services (DTS) and Thus there is still much overlap between TRAI’s and
Department of Telecom Operations (DTO) were merged to DoT’s defining rules. Currently DoT is responsible for
form into a public sector company called Bharat Sanchar policy formulation, licensing, spectrum management,
Nigam Limited (BSNL) with effect from 1 October 2000. administrative monitoring of public sector undertakings,
The process of corporatization highlighted the need for research and development, and standardization/validation
prior ground work in evolving a road map and a blueprint of equipment.
of the strategy. Spectrum management and equipment standards are areas
The draft of the Convergence Bill which had been that are usually under the regulator’s purview in many
announced last year was made available to the public. The countries. While the TRAI Act 1997 had precluded it from
bill proposed setting up of the Communications Commission spectrum management, the TRAI Amendment Ordinance
that was to be responsible for regulating both telecom and 2000 gave it only a recommendatory role for spectrum
broadcast sectors. The bill did not specify the regulation of management and standards. The overlapping jurisdictions
competition issues, and role and scope of the appellate of TRAI and DoT has led to delays in the past as in the
board, a gap that could result in delays in resolving disputes. formulation of guidelines for opening up the domestic long
Other practical issues in implementing the Convergence distance market or resolution of issues arising out of the
Bill also arise. WLL (with limited mobility) case.
Several state governments—Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
West Bengal and Rajasthan—have gone for stateswide area
Political Interventions
networks (SWANS). Others are likely to follow suit. In order to give the telecom sector a boost, the Prime
Dedicated physical facilities especially cable links for SWANS Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee set up a high powered group
need a re-examination, given the growth of the internet, the on telecom (GOT) in 1999 to evolve a policy framework
networking of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and the for the sector. This was possibly done outside the DoT as
resulting possibility of virtual networks. it was felt that it may not be able to conceive radically
Even after the setting up of TRAI in 1997, the policy different roadmap, or it may even thwart involvement of
and part of the regulatory function continued to be with
9 This was not done as a part of any overall sector restructuring
the Telecom Commission. The creation of TRAI should
have also led to redefinition of the role of Telecom plan but under pressure from both Indian Telecom Service and
Indian Administrative Service cadres to head DoT. The government’s
Commission and DoT, but this was not done satis-
inability to handle this issue effectively had resulted in the creation
factorily. of these departments. (3iNetwork 2001, Section 8.1).
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 55

private sector or deregulation in its own limited vested since the inception of the bill. The lack of progress has been
interest. The GOT drafted the National Telecom Policy due to pressures from the opposition parties on the
1999. government’s handling of the situation arising out of the
Another example of political interference was in a recent disclosures of the Tehelka tapes.
case when BSNL billed advance rental to its customers. The
Telecom and competition regulation: The key issue in telecom
telecom minister intervened to say that it was a mistake and
regulation is to design appropriate interventions that achieve
that these would not be charged. Such political interference
both static and dynamic efficiency. Under the current
in organizational issues would create impediments to an
regulatory framework, static efficiency is achieved through
independent functioning and the fixing of responsibility for
ex ante sector specific regulation (such as those related to
decisions. On its part BSNL did not inform the customers
licensing) and dynamic efficiency is aimed through ex post
in advance and/or suggest alternative payment methods. For
competition policies.
example, it could have suggested staggered payments or
While the ex ante regulation regarding licensing is in
provided incentives to those who paid the entire amount at
place and significant experience exists in this domain, the
one go, thus smoothening the interaction with the customers.
ex post regulation regarding competitive processes has yet
Role of regulatory agencies in the convergence bill: Even as to evolve. In the current multi-service provider regime,
the debate regarding the functioning of TRAI continues, there are likely to be several mergers and acquisitions and
the draft of the Convergence Bill provides for significant scope for vertical integration in service provision. For
reorganization of the existing policy and regulatory example, Zee Networks and Siti Cable are business entities
institutions. The setting up of the Communications that provide various elements of what may become a vertically
Commission would necessitate requisite review and redesign integrated service provider covering both telecom and
of the existing institutions such as TRAI and Prasar Bharti10. broadcast service as well as content. This could lead to anti-
The Bill also envisages important changes in the powers of competitive practices by their bundling of set top boxes,
the existing bodies in areas such as licensing. For example, network and content to subscribers, effectively eliminating
currently, while Ministry of Information and Broadcasting choice.
(I&B) is the licensor for broadcast licenses, DoT under the Technological convergence also has implications for
Ministry of Communications is the licensor for telecom regulatory institution design. While on one hand convergent
licences. The Convergence Bill gives such powers to the services require that boundaries of sector specific regulatory
Commission, thus significantly enhancing the scope of the agencies be expanded, on the other it implies that general
proposed regulatory institution. competition policy would play a greater role in the regulation.
In comparison, under the existing TRAI Amendment The other issue is the trade off between regulatory capture
Ordinance (2000), TRAI has a recommendatory role in and sector specific skills (IIR, 2000, p. 69). A ‘convergent/
licensing with respect to the following: (a) need and timing competition’ regulator is less prone to capture by players in
for introduction of new service provider (b) terms and a specific sector, due to the diversity of interests across
conditions of licence to a service provider; and (c) revocation sectors that is represented, although it may lack the technical
of license for non-compliance of terms and conditions of expertise for managing the sector specific issues.
license. Further TRAI’s function is to ‘ensure compliance of Under the current regulatory regime issues related to
terms and conditions of license’. From this it is obvious that monopolistic, restrictive, and unfair trade practices are to
it has been hard for the government and the incumbent to be handled by Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
give significant authority to TRAI despite its reorganization. Commission (MRTPC) established under subsection 1 of
It remains to be seen how the provision in the bill that gives Section 5 of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
even greater powers to new institutions than those currently Act 1969. While the MRTPC itself has little teeth and is
existing would be accepted by the government. The bill to be replaced by a Competition Commission, this framework
itself has not been actively pursued for passage in parliament, recognizes the importance of managing competition. On
as there has not been significant legislative activity in general the other hand, while the Convergence Bill provides for an
Appellate Tribunal, it does not specify its scope. On this
10 Prasar Bharati is a statutory autonomous body established
aspect the bill’s focus is procedure oriented as for example,
under the Prasar Bharati Act. The Board came into existence from in specifying the details of the procedures for handling cases
23 November 1997. The Prasar Bharati is envisaged to be the public
that come before the Appellate Board.
service broadcaster of the country. The objective of public service
broadcasting is to be achieved through All India Radio and While appropriate regulatory institutional design is one
Doordarshan which earlier were working as independent media units possible way of dealing with competition and anti-
under the Ministry of I and B. http://mib.nic.in/information&b/ competitive practices, the other could be through designing
AUTONOMUS/frames.htm. of licensing conditions. Such conditions could be ‘effects
56 India Infrastructure Report 2002

based’ general competition related conditions so that the Besides overlooking the provision of financial autonomy,
onus of not indulging in anti-competitive practices is with the bill also provides for the central government to issue all
the licensee. sorts of specific directives relating to licensing that will be
There are several examples of how competition related binding on the Commission, thus further compromising
issues are handled in different countries. There are instances the independence of the Commission. The role of the
of sector specific regulation handling these issues (as in government ought to have been limited only to the issue
Canada) or sector specific regulator handling it along with of general policies and the Commission should have been
competition specific agencies (as in UK, where Office of able to determine the implementation.
Telecommunications (Oftel) and Monopolies and Mergers Spectrum management: TRAI and DoT have to work out
Commissions as well as the Department of Trade and an equitable method of allocation of spectrum between
Industry, the policy making body for telecom have a clear fixed and cellular services. In addition, there is a need to
role and authority in competition related issues). (3iNetwork put in place a mechanism for spectrum allocation that is
2001, pp. 63–5) applicable to different types of sectors such as telecom,
Independence of regulators: Currently both TRAI and Prasar broadcast and Information Technology (IT).
Bharati have budgets allocated from the Consolidated Funds Traditionally most regulators have different allocative
of India. This requires them to follow the employment, mechanisms for telecom and broadcasting sectors. Spectrum
promotion and other rules and regulations as applicable to for broadcast in the United States was allocated freely owing
government departments, reducing their autonomy and to the ‘public interest’ component embedded in such services.
restricting choices for appointments. TRAI has been perceived This had enabled a certain kind of regulatory oversight over
as following the government’s perspective rather than having television, which may not have been possible otherwise. The
an independent view. This has led to weakening of the advent of the internet and new models of service provision,
such as bundling of telecom, cable, and internet services,
regulatory process.
requires an examination of these regulatory policies. The
Despite this lack of independence in TRAI the
lower levels of content regulation on the internet are likely
Convergence Bill has proposed that the Commission be
to put pressures on regulatory agencies to lower content
dependent on government funding. The funds generated by
supervision over television. As a consequence it may become
the Commission by way of fees are to go to the Consolidated
necessary for the government to review its broadcast spectrum
Fund of India and its budget is to be passed by Parliament.
allocation processes. This need becomes more critical in a
Further, the employees of the Commission and the Appellate
fast changing technological scenario in which broadcast
Tribunal are to be appointed, as well as their salaries and
services turn digital and internet becomes the delivery channel
other conditions of service are to be determined, by the
for different types of services including telecom. By treating
central government. In addition, the Secretary General,
spectrum for these services differentially, the government in
who will play a very important role in the functioning of effect dictates the technology for services thus preventing
the Commission will be only on deputation from the central the market from making those choices.
government. These points seem to compromise the The issue of service specific licenses can be dealt with by
independence and autonomy of these two bodies. The Bill having two level licensing––infrastructure license and
needs to specify the creation of a ‘Convergence Fund’ that spectrum license. The idea is to delink particular bands of
would have contributions from the service providers for spectrum from specific types of service.
financing the Commission’s operations. For efficient management of spectrum, the Wireless
In USA, Canada and UK, regulatory agencies do not have Planning and Coordination Wing should evolve a time table
independent sources of income. In USA, the FCC (Federal for moving government agencies currently using spectrum
Communications Commission), which is funded by the in the commercial bands to other bands. Further, all agencies
Congress, has traditionally been sensitive to its wishes. whether government or private, should pay for the spectrum.
However Commissioners have been known to take decisions The governments’ payment of such charges will make explicit
contrary to Congress when they have felt that the President the subsidies inherent in the provision of those services that
or the courts would support them. Independence in views use spectrum. It will also tend to allow for more efficient
is also brought about by requiring that not more than three use of spectrum and help find alternative technologies for
out of five Commissioners be from a single political party. services that do not necessarily find wireless to be cost effective.
In UK Oftel’s budget is approved by the Parliament, whereas
running costs are met from license fee which are roughly
proportional to the operators turnover. Despite dependence
on the Parliament, Oftel has shown considerable Although SWANs were designed with the objective of
independence in decision-making. providing e-governance, the slow pace of development of
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 57

applications had led to its limited use predominantly for In several countries, corporatization has been brought
voice and video conferencing. about after enactment of law/s that created the organization,
While the build operate transfer framework is useful for specified the functions and defined the corresponding
infrastructure development, the basic issue of developing regulatory framework. Often this has required concurrent
dedicated infrastructure to serve the objectives of a SWAN changes to other Acts so as to bring about a smooth
need to be questioned. With the proliferation of internet transition11. The corporatization of BSNL was affected
usage and internet service providers, achieving the same without legislative changes. The employees concerns
objectives through internet would be possible. However, the regarding the provision of provident fund led to prolonged
need for appropriate application interfacing and last mile strikes.
access would still remain. The organizational structure of BSNL consists of a
The current application development process that drives Chairman and Managing Director, supported by a board
the e-governance initiatives should include more citizens’ consisting of five members—finance, planning, operation,
participation and be more citizen centric. It should also human resources, commercial and network services.
span across departments. Data validation and maintenance Additional external members are yet to be inducted. The
are critical tasks that need to be undertaken in a systematic full time board members are from within the erstwhile
manner. A usability review could be helpful in evolving a DTS/DTO/DoT. It is well recognized that external ( to the
portfolio of applications for maintenance. Currently very government and the company) board members can bring
few applications are available on SWANs. in the required differences in perspective necessary for growth.
Given the current status of application development, The requirement of external directors is mandatory as per
project structures that include stringent service level SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) guidelines
agreements drive the cost of implementation high. Currently for large companies. However, no time frame has been
state governments bear all the revenue risk. By explicitly stipulated by the government for this induction on the
sharing such risks, the focus would turn towards those BSNL board.
applications that citizens are most willing to pay for. The The corporatization process had little immediate impact
government may also be required to provide applications as few changes had been made in the existing administrative
that do not generate revenue (access by poor people). By structures. The many levels of hierarchical structures need
explicitly stating such requirements, the costs and subsequent to be reviewed, and a flatter structure that could be more
subsidies can be better targeted. responsive needs to be devised. The consultant’s task is to
A realistic demand assessment for bandwidth for such suggest the appropriate organizational form and process12.
networked applications, based on the nature of applications After corporatization BSNL has been structured as a
(several types of applications do not necessarily need a single organization. For administrative ease, it has been
network e.g. land record applications) needs to drive the divided into circles, roughly corresponding to state
requirements. boundaries. However, if privatization is to take place
BSNL would need to be divided either along business lines
or along geographical regions, as otherwise it would be
CREATION OF BSNL difficult to find investors with the requisite financing. The
Although Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. and Videsh separation could create problems as some of the resulting
Sanchar Nigam Ltd. were corporatized in 1986 and there units (such as the local business when divided along business
had been talk of corporatization of DoT since the submission
of Athreya Committee report in March 1991, the process 11 For example, in Malaysia legislation was enacted in 1987 to
of corporatization of BSNL was done in a hurry. The separate the Jabatan Telekom Malaysia (JTM), the government
consultants were given a very short time to prepare a report. department responsible for telecommunications into two parts—the
They have been subsequently retained to help in the regulatory unit called JTM and an operating company called Syarikat
Telekom Malaysia (STM), a government owned company. STM was
restructuring. The corporatization process was not smooth. later privatized into Telekom Malaysia by selling off its stake to
Prior to the corporatization, the employees, both in the private and institutional investors. Suitable amendments were also
workers and officers categories went on strike, paralysing made to the Employees Provident Fund Act and Pension Act to
the service provision and managed to get their demands protect employees’ interests and enable them to continue with
met. The demands included salary increases, a ‘no provident fund facility in the new organization.
12 In contrast, in UK, the corporatization and the subsequent
retrenchment policy’ and the requirement to pay their
privatization were preceded by changes in the board composition.
pensions from the Consolidated Fund of India and not a Several other changes were made to BT’s structure within the
general fund set up for this process as is normally done for framework of a white paper that outlined the roadmap for the
other public sector organizations. privatization. This plan was reviewed periodically.
58 India Infrastructure Report 2002

lines or the eastern region when divided geographically) project team that would have to have the requisite financial
may not be attractive to investors. As the road map of powers and technical understanding of the management
privatization has not been spelt out, it is difficult for the issues in computerization.
organization to prepare itself for the future. This uncertainty Corporatization thus far has not changed the earlier
has led to a low morale of the employees. decision making structures and processes. There is a need
BSNL plans to get into cellular service provision. But to train managers to have a business perspective and build
its roll-out seems hesitant. In this segment, private operators accountability for performance, an aspect that is lacking
have had a head start and have developed the marketing in most government departments. For example, it will
expertise, customer databases and infrastructure. For example, have to develop performance norms as per the new
MTNL’s cellular services have been able to register only technology inducted and move away from an earlier culture
10,000 customers in New Delhi and around 8,000 in Mumbai where employees demanded to be evaluated on performance
compared to Bharti’s nearly 33,000 in Delhi for Bharti and as per the norms of older technology, causing low
BPL’s 27,000 in Mumbai (as of April 2001), the dominant productivity and additional costs for the network. For
operators in the two cities (see the COAI website). Therefore, example, the number of DELs (Direct Exchange Lines) per
to make a success of the cellular operations, BSNL may employee in BSNL (Table 3.2.1) is low, not only in
need to create a separate entity that could be staffed by comparison to developed countries but also in comparison
people with a greater market orientation than that available to countries such as Indonesia and Philippines.
in BSNL. Such an entity would need to work on a From a monopoly mind set where BSNL was used to
commercially-oriented manner with management having treating customers as though doing them a favour by
the autonomy to give commissions to sales staff; flexible providing services, it will have to change to being more
payment structures; ability to price competitively; give sensitive to customer needs. This change is very critical and
discretion and responsibility to staff; salaries linked to is going to determine whether BSNL continues to be a
performance or targets––attributes that are absent in BSNL’s profit making entity. Appropriate systems need to be
operations today. designed for facilitating customer interactions. For example,
International long distance could be an area of expansion instead of expecting customers to come to its premises to
for BSNL. Exploiting value added services would require pick up forms, these could be widely distributed through
cultural, overhaul in the organization. retail channels and the web. While it has started distribution
As BSNL changes towards becoming a corporate entity of some forms through the web, it needs to do so for all
in practice, a key requirement would be the implementation its services. Similarly, a variety of options for payment of
of commercially oriented accounting systems including bills could be offered. Such systems need to be designed
management control systems. Such a system would require for the different elements of service.
not only basic changes to the existing accounting systems With corporatization costs are being treated and reported
right down to the field level, but also training and significant more appropriately. The costs of its inefficient operations
computerization to implement the system. Given the long were hidden and paid for by the tax payers are now revealed
decision cycles in the government, and the massive in its lower profits.
investments required, such a system will require a dedicated BSNL does have tremendous strengths vis-à-vis

Table 3.2.1
Comparison of Telecom Indicators in Different Countries
Country Year No. of Lines No of Employees Number of Lines Source
per Employee

Denmark 2000 3735000 18363 203.40 www.teledammark.dk

TDC Tele Denmark 2000 3400000 10900 311.93 www.telkom.co .id
Indonesia 2000 6662065 37705 176.69 www.pldt.com.ph
Philippines 2000 1999922 13285 150.54 ww.francetelecom.com.fr
France Telecom(10 countries) 2000 3.9E+07 188866 207.55 ww.francetelecom.com.fr
France (France Telecom) 2000 3.4E+07 148846 229.19 www.telkom.co.za
South Africa 2000 5075417 60613 83.73 www.telecom.com.ar
Argentina 2000 3723936 10259 362.99 www.sinftel.com
Singapore (Singtel) 2000 NA NA NA www.ntt.co.jp
Japan(NTT) 2000 224000
India(BSNL) 1999 2.2E+07 431874 50.00 ww.dotindia.com
The Infrastructure Sector in India, 2000–1 59

competition, in terms of its reach and trained personnel. • Determination of tariffs

But to build upon it would need full autonomy. That could • Formulation and determination of conditions of fair
prove difficult. and equitable access
• Promotion of competition
• Protection of consumer interests
• Promotion and enforcement of universal service
Key highlights of the Convergence Bill drafted by a obligations
committee under Fali Nariman: • Formulation of advertising codes for content
• Formation of a single commission that would address application services
both content and carriage regulation. • Formulation of commercial codes in respect of
• The enactment of this Act would lead to a repeal of communication services and network infrastructure facilities
the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, Indian Wireless Telegraphy • Taking steps to regulate or curtail the harmful and
Act 1933, Telegraph Unlawful Possession Act 1950 and the illegal content on the internet and other communication
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act 1997. services
• Licensing as a key function: (The Ministry of • Formulation of codes and technical standards and
Communications for telecom; and the Ministry of norms to ensure quality and interoperability of services and
Information and Broadcasting for FM Radio. network infrastructure facilities (including equipment)
• Carrying out any study and publishing findings on
matters of importance to the consumers, service providers
MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF THE REGULATORY and the communications industry
COMMISSION • Institutionalizing appropriate mechanisms and
interaction on a continual basis with all sectors of industry
• Licensing and consumers so as to facilitate and promote the basic
objectives of the Act.


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